Natasha Martin Naturopath in Ashmore, Queensland | Naturopath
Natasha Martin Naturopath
Locality: Ashmore, Queensland
Phone: 55645164
Address: 13 Kurrambee Ave, Ashmore 4214 Ashmore, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 HMMM. maybe this should be the new kind of food labelling.... If only!!! I will show this to my kids who are always perstering me for Nutella at the supermarket.:) One of my patients is using 'That sugar app" and has told me that it has been a complete eye opener. She is amazed at how much sugar is in brought supermarket items. A great idea for those wanting to track their sugar intake!! An average person often has over 35 teaspoons of sugar a day without even comprehending ...the amount they have consumed as it is 'hidden'. Horrendous. Get it down to no more than 6 teaspoons a day and see how you feel. Less is better when it come to this white poison.
25.01.2022 Good tip from Dr Mercola about one of our SUPERFOODS!!! Broccoli has been shown to reduce your risk of many common diseases, including arthritis, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, fatty liver disease and diabetes. Sulforaphane, a naturally occurring organic sulfur compound found in broccoli has potent anti-cancer activity and helps protect your blood vessels. It’s both an immune stimulant and an anti-inflammatory .... Steaming your broccoli spears for three to four minutes will optimize the sulforaphane content. The sulforaphane content can be further maximized by adding a myrosinase-rich food to it, such as mustard seed, Daikon radish, wasabi, arugula or cole slaw.
23.01.2022 Great video passed onto me about the effect of resistant starch in our gut. About 4 minutes long so have a look.
21.01.2022 Just another example of why we have to be so vigilant of what we put into our mouth. It is amazing that China is using PLASTIC RICE substitution in it's rice products in order to increase profits. There is no concern as to what this does to the digestive systems of the people consumng the rice!!
19.01.2022 LOOKS LIKE A GOOD READ......... The misguided food pyramid - another example of why we are getting fatter everyday (if one should follow it!) ...... Death by Food Pyramid by Denise Minger: A Review ... By Dr. Ronald Hoffman The Food Pyramid, created by the USDA in 1992, has now been conclusively demonstrated to have undermined Americans’ health. While it has held sway, diabetes and obesity rates have soared in America. Food manufacturers have capitalized on the Food Pyramid’s recommendations to add token amounts of whole grains to foods like bagels and breakfast cereals to confer a false aura of health upon their caloric, processed, high-glycemic index products. I recently had the opportunity to interview Denise Minger, author of Death by Food Pyramid: How Shoddy Science, Sketchy Politics and Shady Special Interests Ruined Your Health. The book provides background and historical context for how we took a huge wrong turn in our public policy toward nutrition. As Minger relates, the public implicitly trusts health authorities, particularly from the government, who wrongly assert: Saturated fat clogs your arteries Whole grains are heart-healthy Low-fat dairy makes your bones strong White meat is better than red Vegetable oils are healthier than butter High-cholesterol foods cause heart disease Death by Food Pyramid chronicles how well-meaning but myopic scientists found their recommendations subverted by agribusiness interest groups. The key problem: the USDA has conflicted missions. On the one-hand, we look to the USDA to encourage a healthy diet; on the other, its primary purpose is to encourage U.S. agriculture, inextricably intertwined with profit motive and consumption. The two agendas are often irreconcilable. If you want the dish on how corruption permeates the food policy process in America, this book is for you. Minger capably joins the top-tier of sensible food critics like Gary Taubes who have challenged the Diet Orthodoxy.
18.01.2022 COPPER- THE TWO FACED MINERAL The imbalance affecting many and quite possibly YOU!!! Most people who use natural supplements know that zinc is an important mineral. Zinc is an essential mineral involved in most of the major biochemical pathways in the body including detoxification, hormone and neurotransmitter balance.... If zinc were a person she/he would be cool, calm, organised, protective and nurturing. If zinc had a sister, it would be copper. Copper and zinc as minerals are antagonistic but need to maintain a good working balance with each other as well. If copper goes up, zinc will tend to go down and vice-versa. If a person had too much copper they may be anxious, depressed, moody, hot- headed and find it hard to relax. A copper person is likely to be liverish with a decreasing ability to lose weight and detoxify well, especially as they progress in age. Menstrual problems, food intolerances, bloating, headaches, fungal infections (example is stubborn candida overgrowth), are just a few common issues that tend to correspond with too much copper. Why is copper becoming a problem these days? We are exposed to many conditions over a lifetime that predispose us to copper issues. The soils just aren’t high in mineral content anymore- especially with zinc or selenium and there are a lot of chemicals such as those in plastics and pesticides that tend to build up in our bodies and favour a higher copper balance. Unfortunately, our environment is not geared to support us anymore. Being proactive in your health is never more important than it is today. Yours in health, Natasha
17.01.2022 The old beliefs are often right.
17.01.2022 DRUGS BEING GIVEN TO BABIES TO TREAT MOOD DISORDERS?? What is the world coming to? How about investigating the CAUSES as to why this is? Unheard of 20 years ago. These kids are too young to know they have a behavioural disorder but treating them with an anti-psychotic won't help their brains to develop like they should and they will become dependent upon medication. There is heaps of research on cancer, MS and all other types of diseases that tend to affect us more as we age.... Just as important, actually even more so, is researching why kids are allergic to foods even before they start eating, why they are depressed or violent for no good reason and what we can do to make our kids healthy and happy which will in turn lead to a lot less disease later on in their lives. Why can't we start at the bottom of ladder and work up from there as well? Why is it always disease management instead of looking at the reasons why disease starts to begin with? HEALTHY KIDS = HEALTHY ADULTS What an upside down society.
16.01.2022 URGENT AUSTRALIA- LESS THAN 24 HOURS LEFT (please share)... The federal Government are trying sneak this through. If you don't want to be at the mercy of FOREIGN FORCES next "emergency" you must demand this component in the amendments of the Bill be stopped by tomorrow 5pm (Thursday 15th October 2020) FOREIGN FORCES (armies, police, storm troopers) can be brought onto Australian soil at the direction of the ‘minister’ with complete IMMUNITY from CRIMINAL or CIVIL LIABILITY in certain cases while performing duties to support civil emergency and disaster preparedness, recovery and response. What could possibly go wrong??? Why would we be ok with giving Foreign Forces, any forces for that matter, full immunity??? This is what I was sent to challenge it - includes link to the bill on the Australian govt website The Australian Defence Force is trying to give itself unlimited, without time restrictions or sunset clauses, access to call an Emergency and to bring FOREIGN ARMED MILITARY ONTO THE STREETS OF AUSTRALIA. SUBMISSIONS CLOSE 5PM OCT 15 PLEASE COPY AND PASTE the following onto a Word document; name and sign it; and email it off the the Committee Secretariat Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020 On 8 October 2020, the Senate referred the provisions of the Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020 to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 4 November 2020 Committee Secretariat contact: Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee Department of the Senate PO Box 6100, Parliament House Canberra, ACT 2600 Phone: +61 2 62773535 Fax: +61 2 62775818 Email [email protected] To: The Committee Secretariat Bill Details: Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies Bill 2020) From: _________________________(Name) please state do you want your name public or private Subject: NO! Approval of this Bill is Denied! The Australian Defence Force is not given any further powers! To the Committee Secretariat, The People of Australia can no longer trust the Parliament of Australia; the Judiciary System; The Police of any State or Territory and The Federal Police, nor the Department of Defence to act in our best interests. We will NOT provide the Australia Defence wForce members, other Defence personnel nor any other members of foreign forces, with any immunity of criminal or civil liability in any cases, whether certain cases or not, whilst performing any of your duties. We do not support this Bill to Amend the Defence Act 1903, Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001, Australian Defence Force Cover Act 2015, Australian Defence Force Superannuation Act 2015 and Military Superannuation and Benefits Act 1991, and we will not condone any legislation which takes away the Rights of We the People of Australia. Further, we also say NO to you allowing any foreign countries armed Militia or United Nations armed Militia occupying power over We the People of Australia, and will consider this a further Act of Treason. We are fully aware of the well documented Australian Defence Force’s 2009 and 2013 War Crime breaches of the Geneva Convention in both Timor and Afghanistan, including the killing of children, and how you covered them up. We are aware that when asked to face these crimes in the International Criminal Court in the Hague, that you avoided accepting ANY responsibility and ignored your Human Rights obligations and then stated that You do not recognise the International Criminal Court! In addition to the vital matters herein previously described, there are very worrying implications in this Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force response to Emergencies) Bill, 2020 being considered in Federal Parliament, including. Hidden in the finer print of this otherwise unremarkable Bill giving legal protection to the ADF personnel, following lawful instructions while on service, is this extraordinary extension of emergency Commonwealth powers Item 4: subsection 123AA2 provides for a general emergency power for the Defence Minister to deploy the AFF. Such directions do not need to be published, they are not time limited, and the Minister does not need to consult with the states and territories on the Nature of the emergency the emergency does not need to be defined. These declarations are not disallowable by the parliament! This is tantamount to full Dictatorship Powers and We the People of Australia will not condone any legislation which restricts our God Given Freedom and Powers. The word Emergencies are undefined. Could they include industrial actions or large-scale peoples protest actions or any other people’s protest you label an Emergency in order to quell the peoples voice? This is clearly wide open to abuse. Clause 123AA: (4) The Chief of the Defence Force, or the Secretary, may, in writing, authorise a person, or each person in a class of persons, to perform duties in respect of the provision of assistance mentioned in subsection (1), if the person, or each person in the class of persons, is any of the following: (a) an APS employee or other employee of the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority or agency; (b) a member of the naval, military or air force of a foreign country, or a member of a foreign police force (however described). Assistance is described as follows in clause (1) of 123AA: (b) the assistance is provided to prepare for a natural disaster or other emergency that is imminent, or to respond to one that is occurring or recover from one that occurred recently; and (c) the assistance is provided at the direction of the Minister under subsection (2). It enables the ADF and Reserves to be used in emergencies but emergencies is undefined. Bush fire assistance is one emergency which might be justified but so could certain so-called disruptive industrial actions or disruptive mass freedom protests or any protests of any size be considered emergencies? These are legitimate actions in our democracy but being confronted or suppressed by the Defence Forces or Reserves would not be a legitimate use of these Forces in a healthy democracy. One wonders whether the government is preparing for a militarised response to ANY matter they choose, including the people’s lawful refusal of any government unlawful dictate, such as our refusal on-mass to mandatory vaccinations, and this being declared an emergency, despite the fact that full informed consent is required for any vaccine. Medical experimentation and torture by vaccination breaches all Human Rights and Australian Constitutional Laws! Further the legislation includes the use of foreign military forces and foreign police to assist in emergencies, which is of MAJOR concern to our Australian Democracy. Surely we Australians are, with appropriate resources and organisation, capable of addressing emergencies without the need for foreign troops or foreign police, and we will not condone any legislation which takes away the Rights of We the People. We are cognisant that you have already secretly brought the Strong Cities Network (SCN) the privatised Police Force governed by the wanted criminal George Soros Open Society Foundation globalists into Victoria. The SCN is a construct of the London based think tank, ISD whose mission statement is to provide Power Solutions to Extremism and Polarisation. It is our Will that NO foreign military forces are to be Armed and Ready to act in any capacity on the streets of Australia nor to hold power or authority over We The People of Australia, nor will we condone any foreign forces confronting and suppressing legitimate protest or the freedom actions by Australian citizens as the SCN foreign forces have already done in Melbourne Victoria in full riot gear last month. In addition, the legislation provides immunity from civil or criminal prosecution to the defence forces including foreign military, for their actions in these emergencies. This is totally abhorrent to We, The Australian People Clause 123AA: A protected person (see subsection (3)) is not subject to any liability (whether civil or criminal) in respect of anything the protected person does or omits to do, in good faith, in the performance or purported performance of the protected person’s duties,. A protected person is defined under 123AA : (3) Each of the following is a protected person: (a) a member of the Defence Force; (b) an APS employee in the Department; (c) a person authorised under subsection (4) to perform duties in respect of the provision of assistance mentioned in subsection (1). Foreign military forces and foreign police are included in subsection (1) are so are also provided with immunity from civil and criminal prosecution arising from their actions in performing duties in these emergencies which leaves them wide open to perform atrocities, as the Victorian Police Force are currently unlawfully doing, on We The People of Australia. We will not condone any legislation which takes away the Rights of We the People of Australia. Our political representatives in Federal Parliament MUST halt this legislation until it is closely examined by civil rights and constitutional law experts to ensure our civil and democratic rights are not under threat or our sovereignty compromised by this legislation. We are well-informed, and We the People will not grant or trust you with any further Authority or Power. Name __________________________ Shared from Australians for Assange
13.01.2022 How interesting! Why? Cause antibiotics change our gut microbiome!! Did you that scientists can predict with 89% accuracy whether you are over weight or slim just through identifying the bacterial mix in your stool microbiome?? Did you know that people can extract more calories from their food than other people eating exactly the same diet if they have an unhealthy balance of bacteria?
11.01.2022 The health industry needs a huge overhaul. Health is about helping people first .Health providers- doctors, naturopaths, specialists and so forth must be open to new technologies as well as proven treatments, both natural and medical. To discount anything that can potentially help a patient (which minimises doing further harm to that patient) is purely negligent and ignorant.
10.01.2022 CANNOT LOSE WEIGHT DESPITE EATING WELL AND EXERCISING? Common fat blockers that are overlooked. How to lose excess weight is one of the biggest health issues in the world. Despite the masses of information and publicity on this subject, I am amazed how common metabolic fat blockers are not addressed before attempting to lose weight. ...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Our bodies are not adapting fast enough to cope with the growing burden of toxicity that everyday life on earth presents us. As long as we breath air, eat food and live a normal life, we are exposed to a multitude of toxins that were not present in the lives of people 50 years ago. A scary example- Electromagnetic radiation is around us all the time in the form of wifi, and phones. A healthy cell in the body vibrates at a certain speed. Electromagnetic energy alone can chang...e the speed at which a healthy cell vibrates hence causing dis-ease in the body. It’s everywhere and you cannot avoid it. You cannot hide from life but you can learn how to best prevent getting sick from it. The good news is that we live in a time where we can learn so much about our body and its respective strengths and weaknesses. If you cannot get a satisfactory diagnosis for a health problem, functional pathology testing is the way to go. Many practitioners and patients are using functional pathology tests to investigate abnormalities in the function of a tissue or organ that are not picked up through conventional testing. The results provide essential information to assist the practitioner in the diagnosis, treatment and management of patients seeking a holistic approach to health. One of the great advances in recent years is in the field of DNA. We are born and will die with the same genes and up until recently, the average person had no idea as to what their genes were doing and how they would later impact their health. Contrary to what you may think, DNA testing has become highly affordable. Never before are patients so informed about health trends such as methylation, detoxification and the role of the gut microbiome. It is really great to see that people are starting to take responsibility for their health by investigating other possibilities other than the diagnosis they have already been given. Knowledge is power- When you know better, you do better! That is so true when it comes to our health.
05.01.2022 Let’s keep them accountable and keep sharing dishonest reporting.
01.01.2022 Wow. At least some doctors are recognising that there are people out there with dairy issues. 80% of patients I refer for food intolerance testing show some dairy intolerance! Food allergy and food intolerance testing is done through blood antibody testing at a government certified laboratory and is very accurate so there are no arguments about the accuracy of testing. I still love a splash of milk in my coffee admittedly but in recent years I have drastically cut down my ...dairy consumption . If you have loose bowels or excessive mucous, bloating or pain in the gut, it may be a good idea to take dairy out for three whole weeks then reintroduce it again to see if there are any adverse reactions. This is called a food challenge test and can be done by anyone.
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