Natasha's Custom Creation's | Shopping & retail
Natasha's Custom Creation's
Phone: +61 411 426 572
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24.01.2022 Teachers End of year gifts I have a few different items to choose from this year I will post them soon. #endofschoolyeargifts #survivor2020 #teachersgifts #beforeschool #afterschool #beforekindy #afterkindy #beforework #afterwork
20.01.2022 School years frames finished Pm to order yours #schoolyears #forevermemories #keepsake #schoolphotos
19.01.2022 Glitter glasses and wine bottle set Personalised to suit what your wanting. This customer has a saying she shares with her bestie when they get together and she wanted it on a bottle of wine to gift her. ... #memories #bestiesayings #sharethelove #glittergiftsets #turnedoutgreat #drinkup #winelife
18.01.2022 I cannot believe it’s almost this time of year again. Limited supply this year so get your orders in to avoid disappointment. Perfect addition to all gifts this Christmas. Personalised names/my first Christmas and many more designs. #christmas2020 #christmasbaubles #handmade #personalisedgifts #limitedstock #getyourorderin #personilisednames #myfirstchristmas
18.01.2022 #caketoppers I haven’t make one of these for a while!! Did you know we made cake toppers? Made to suit any occasion and theme ... #twentyone #ohtobe21again #birthdaycelebrations #custommade #birthday #cake #caketopper
18.01.2022 Mackay Festival goers - Are you looking for gifts for birthdays or what about Christmas? Christmas is now less than 3 months away These are just a sneak peek o...f the gifts you can buy at the Mackay Festival Plaster kids Creations by Aleisha Cookie’s Fairyland Natasha's Custom Creation's Have you got your Entry Tickets yet? Available to purchase online: Saturday 24th October 2020 Mackay Showgrounds 3 Sessions: 9am - 12pm l 1pm - 4pm l 5pm - 8pm Link to book: #mackayfestivals #fantasyfestival #visitmackay #weloveunicorns #welovefairies #welovemermaids #wizards #dragons #magic #letshavesomefun
17.01.2022 Personalised shirts Personalised to suit your surname and year of birth. #personilisedshirts #surname #yearofbirth #handmadebymum #harlowverney
17.01.2022 Love receiving photos of my products in their new homes on display If you would like to share your pictures you can either post direct on my page or message me and I can share for you. Thankyou @krissy131288 for sharing.... #iloveseeingmywork #pleaseshareitwithme #thankyou #perfect #theylookgreattogether
15.01.2022 With Christmas fast approaching I would like to take a moment to thank each and everyone of you for all the support throughout this crazy year we have had. I truely hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas break with friends and family and a bright and happy New Year. #merrychristmas #frendsandfamily #christmasfood #presents #fun #laughter #makingmemories
15.01.2022 Just a few things I offer... #natashascustomcreations #handmade #ilovetocraft #bringingvisionstolife #hobby
15.01.2022 Countdown Christmas Chalkboards Select from the 3 designs available Elf Surveillance ... Santa Most Wonderful time of the year $25 each plus postage (if required) #christmascountdown #chalkboardart #christmas2020 #endof2020 #elf #santascomingsoon
14.01.2022 First Day Boards are no SOLD OUT Thank you to each and everyone of you that has purchased them from me, this has been the 4th year I’ve sold them and each and every year is as popular as the last. I’d love to see your little ones with their boards on there first days. You can either post a picture up on my page yourself or private message me. #firstdayofboards #soldout #4thyear #helpingyoumakememories #sharingtheloveofhandmade #thankyouforyoursupport #natashascustomcreations @natashascustomcreations
13.01.2022 alphabet crayons ready to go Usually $2 per letter but I want to move stock so these are going to be $1 per letter until the end of December. Order yours now!! ... -perfect for stocking fillers -perfect party favours -create names -create the alphabet -endless opportunities #crayonalphabet #perfectwaytolearn #makeaname #personilisedgifts #allhandpoured
12.01.2022 Easter 2021 Baskets Design Please comment below the number and colour you would like. They won’t arrive to me until February/March. Once they arrive to me I will send messages for names etc. I just want to make sure I order enough.
11.01.2022 First day Boards are running out the door with only 3 left get yours before they are gone $25 each local pickup (Mackay) postage available #firstdayofboards #school2021 #only3left #getyoursnow #almoatsoldout
10.01.2022 personalised crayons Our crayon range is perfect for: party favours ... Christmas present learning the alphabet With a wide range of colours and shapes to suit any occasion PM the page to create yours
09.01.2022 Teachers end of year gift mugs #bestteacherever #applesfordays #endofschoolyear2020
09.01.2022 Tooth Fairy items Are you tooth fairy ready? We have you covered... - tooth fairy bags - tooth fairy light up jars All custom made with name and colour of choice
09.01.2022 Personalised School years photo frames #schoolyearsphotoframes #personilised #schoolphotos #schoolyearmemories #handmade
09.01.2022 Last but not least Lolly Jars #endofschoolyeargifts #lollyjars #teachergiftideas #howsweetitistobetaughtbyyou #sorryfordrivingyoubananas #realsmartie
08.01.2022 Memorial Solar Lights I was approached by a lovely lady asking weather I could create something special for her to place at her dads grave site #memorialsolarlights #gonebutneverforgotten #foreverloved #forevermissed #foreverfishing #forevertrucking
07.01.2022 End of year teachers pot plant stand #minipotplantfavours #endofyeargifts #endofschoolyear2020 *please note these are mini stand only*
06.01.2022 Teachers Gifts for my children’s Teachers this year That’s a wrap for school 2020. Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holidays whatever you may be doing. #teachersgifts #2020 #personilisedgifts #kindy #grade1 #schoolsoutforthesummer #safeholidays #enjoyyourfriendsandfamilytime
06.01.2022 Insulated double wall tumbler can be used for hot or cold beverages. Limited stock pm to@order yours #insulatedtumbler #hotbeverage #coldbeverages #personilisedgifts #endofyeargifts
04.01.2022 Are you looking for that something special for your loved ones our Personalised cushions are a perfect addition to any home. Made to suit your needs. PM to order yours #personilisedcushion #beautifuladditions #makingmemories #keepsakes #cushions #foryourlovedones
03.01.2022 With back to school fast approaching us I will be focusing on getting my children back into routine for School. All current orders will be completed by this Friday 22nd. Remember to share your items you have purchased from us on the page or go pm. CLOSED - Monday 25th through until Monday the 1st of February.
03.01.2022 Learn your alphabet while having fun colouring in! Alphabet crayon bundles $30 plus postage (if required) ... #crayonfun #learningathome #havingfunlearningthealphabet #colouryourlife
02.01.2022 Colour System This year I have decided to try the sock/underwear colour system not only for the kids to know who h is there items but for this Mumma to know who isn’t putting there items into the wash rather then on the floor #sockcolourdots #underwearcoloursystem... #accountability #reduceworkformum #schoolyear2021 #schoolready #pink #mint See more
01.01.2022 Wall decals Did you know we can help create something for you walls, we use with permanent or removable vinyl to suit. - wall decals ... - car stickers - Pantry labels - garden labels Pm to inquire #walldecals #carstickers #pantrylabelssticker #gardensigns #customorderswelcome
01.01.2022 Happy Australia Day I hope you all have a great day #australia #ozzyozzyozzy #oioioi #sausagesonthebbq #waterplay #haveasafeone
01.01.2022 I’m am having to close for a few weeks effective immediately. All outstanding orders will be completed and I will send out messages to those for collection.
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