National Denning Muster | Media
National Denning Muster
Phone: +61 438 509 439
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25.01.2022 Thanks to Stewart Radcliffe for the photo.
25.01.2022 Exciting news the first 20 pairs of this Landseer sticker for above the door and drivers windows are now available $33.00 Inc GST for the pair. If you would like a pair of these stickers please pm me or email me so we can post them once payment is made.... Geoff
25.01.2022 We have shared this before but for all the new following the page and also have a love for the Dennings here it is again. The start takes a while so just wait it will start and its a good way to see what went into then in the day. Geoff
24.01.2022 A photo of one of Clarie Skennars high screen Landseer. Photo found on WWW thanks to original photographer.
23.01.2022 Hiya everyone, Well today is the 7th Sep 2020 and only a couple of days until we should be setting up at the showgrounds ready to welcome a large volume of Dennings, Australs, MCA and more to the 2020 National Denning Muster. But due to COVID-19 we are not and we are all still at home awaiting the GREEN light to travel again and to have community events like the MUSTER back on.... Keep the dream alive with sending your photos of the current vehicle you have or the old ones your driven on EXPRESS, CHARTER or even now as MOTORHOMES. So much interest is around for the MUSTER to happen but we can not look at locking in dates as yet as VICTORIA still having lockdown in place. As soon as we are a free country to roam the highways again we will all start working on a date for the Muster so please keep watching for updates etc. Geoff, Brad and the entire crew thanks for your understanding and your love of these vehicles like we have. fill this post with bus and coach photos lets have the MUSTER on the facebook page as we cant be there in person. Ill Start with one of mine and keep it going. GEOFF
23.01.2022 Again we are still Green light for September 2020. We are in constant talks with borders and about events and at this stage its all GO. Please if you need answers please email or call us as nobody knows whats happening outside of here.... I just had another call saying a bus sales man told him no its cancelled well its not cancelled. If we have to postpone the event we will advise so please keep reading the page for updates. Thanks Geoff At least one of mine will be there if the WA border does not open so one out if three aint bad.
22.01.2022 Some photos from Graham Innes.
22.01.2022 A great photo of the Greyhound Training Denning Mono. Thanks to Craig Tory for allowing us to share his photo. Photo taken at West End depot 1994.
22.01.2022 This Denning Hi deck photo taken by Craig Tory the day he purchased it from Greyhound. A number of these coaches built for Maccaffertys and for the Rocket Express. Thanks Craig Tory for allowing us to share the photo.
21.01.2022 A photo found on the internet a Eric Walsh photo (Leon Batman collection) How coaches still should be big shiney and reliable. Great pic thanks to those that took it.
20.01.2022 Please people any little bit you can spare will go along way helping this family adjust to an uncertain future AJ is a supporter of the Black Dog bus and also a personal friend of mine ( Brad) This has hit very close to home :( ... I know times are tuff with the Corona virus and all But please see it in your heart to help every little bit counts .... Stay safe "Life is too short"
19.01.2022 Hi everyone Hope your all staying safe and masked up if you have to. We are waiting for the cases around the country to slow or even better stop so we can work on a plan for next years muster but while Vic is still very high and NSW and Qld now having a number of cases we will keep working on the event but will not be able to confirm dates until such time its safe enough to do so.... In the mean time post some photos of your Denning so people can see what you have and what will hopefully be at the Muster. Again stay safe stay positive and keep those dennings running. Geoff
18.01.2022 We will always remember Emil as today is one year since his passing. RIP mate
17.01.2022 Well folks after a few years the final touches have been placed on my single axle Landseer. Heres to the next project.
16.01.2022 A number of great photos of some Dennings over the years. Thanks to the original photographers. Photos found on the WWW
15.01.2022 Great to see some decrease in the numbers today lets hope they continue to drop and we can all get back to a normal style of life and be able to travel soon. Once this has happened we will continue to arrange a new date as you would all appreciate while the borders are closed and Victoria in lock down its not viable for us to work on a new date as the months are slipping by too quick. Stay checking in on the page and dropping your photos of you dennings. Geoff
13.01.2022 Clarie had some great machines while most of us are parked up send in some photos of your Dennings that you have driven that you have owned and maybe the ones you still have. Lets see if people see an old vehicle they drove and get some stories from them. If these old girls could talk can you imagine the storys.... NMP - thanks to original photographer.
12.01.2022 As much as we did not want to cancel the Muster we are lucky we did as the Covid-19 cases are continuing to rise in Victoria. Stay safe everyone and as much as you can stay positive and make sure those around you are OK. We are still working on a new date for the event and are also watching the continued issues with Covid-19 and the chance borders may remain closed like WA and or be closed again very soon.... Thanks for your amazing support. Geoff and Brad
12.01.2022 Some good news from a very good mate today as he has purchased a Denning Landseer 11/90 build #1395. Congratulations Adrian great stuff mate we all look forward to see what you do to her and at the Muster 2021. Geoff #anothergreatsave... #denningsforever #2strokesootisgoodsoot See more
11.01.2022 A long drive is needed
11.01.2022 Oki doki hi all well after some work we are having some of these stickers produced and will be available shortly. The wings and landseer wording will be set 1 (circled in Yellow) The large red Denning will be set 2 (circled in red)... And the smaller Landseer stickers for above door and drivers window will be in a set of 2 and named set 3. ( Circled in green) Prices are currently being worked on depending on how many I order in the first batch. I will have the first delivery the second week of July 2020 and hopefully by then I can twist my sign makers arm for a sharper price. If your interested please let me know. Geoff
11.01.2022 The beautiful 12/83 Mono is now registered as a motorhome in WA. Started life with VIP then to the fly(#17) and more but was purchased by the current owner from Crips Coaches in Warwick she has had some modifications but still keeping the Denning look which is fantastic. Thanks to John Casey (owner) for letting us share the pics.
10.01.2022 Mono Tuesday Drop your photos of your Monos. Here is mine a few paint schemes ago.
10.01.2022 Well today Duncan got moved and is now getting ready to have a makeover. Big thanks to Brad for arranging the move from his end. Geoff
10.01.2022 Another Peter Kane photo. Coach Captains best work area.
10.01.2022 Well a couple of Dennings now parked up and awaiting new date for the Muster. Hold in everyone we will get there and enjoy the muster as soon as we can. Geoff and Brad... #buggerthecoronavirus
09.01.2022 Things you find when your cleaning up.
09.01.2022 Well what a great day. I can let you all know that I have saved another great coach. In 1986 Denning made a coach called "Cooloola Cruiser" for Duncan Polley today its now under preservation and will be taken back to Polleys colours and given the name "Duncan" above the door.... Many thanks to Warren Polley in his help to find some great photos and also paint codes etc and also to Nick Wilson for his photo as well. Build# 1148 Ex Polleys Coaches Gympie Ex Gemini Tours Victoria
08.01.2022 In honour of all the late grandparents of COVID19 who didnt get to say good-bye to their grandchildren Just think about what they would do for us - if it was them, who could save us. Staying home is saving lives, its really that simple
07.01.2022 Today in Newman WA I found this beautiful piece of machinery. Ex Deluxe#133 now a mobile tool shop / accommodation. Owner mentioned he was coming to the Muster but now with it cancelled he hopes to see us next year.
07.01.2022 Another Peter Kane photo. The memories of these times and coach will never pass us we have all travelled on and watch them drive past. Who would have thought many years after they stopped we would all have such great memories of them and still wish to hear them and be a passenger on them.
05.01.2022 Our industry lost another yesterday in the passing of Ted Hosken. Ted owned Illawarra Escape Tours and had some beautiful looking machines including this old Denning which always stood out. Rip in peace Ted.... Photo of his denning found on www thanks to original photographer.
05.01.2022 No stopping Brad and emma they have certainly gotten into the Safari quick with the old stickers removed and it looks amazingly different already. She is amazing condition for a 34 year old. Thanks guys appreciate it. Geoff
04.01.2022 A new member for my wall.
03.01.2022 Just imagine how many of us would have been talking and looking at so many Dennings today, tonight and tomorrow. We cant wait to hold the muster soon. Cheers to you all.
03.01.2022 A beautiful photo taken by Peter Kane.
03.01.2022 First of my 4 Dennings now complete with new paint job and stickers back to original.