A Guide to Native Orchids of South Western Australia Second Edition | Media
A Guide to Native Orchids of South Western Australia Second Edition
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23.01.2022 Oct 30, 2020 granite outcrop south of Armadale. Found early flowering of Granite duck orchids about a dozen plants (ph 1 6). This orchid is listed as Priority Flora. A better photo in my book. Nearby there were Elbow orchids starting to flower (ph 7 9). Again, a better photo in my book.
23.01.2022 Oct 9, 2020 Caves Rd & Boranup Forest. Short way up Caves Rd found small range of orchids several spider orchids, which I think are Karri spider orchids (ph 1-3), several patches of King-in-his-Carriage orchids (ph 4), quite a few Purple enamel orchids (ph 5), three Dunsborough donkey orchids (ph 6, 7) not certain of identities. In Boranup forest found quite a few spider orchids again, not certain of identities, but I think photos 8-11 are Boranup spider orchid, photos 12 & 13 are Broad-lipped spider orchid and photos 14-17 are Swamp spider orchid.
23.01.2022 Oct 16, 2020 several confidential sites. First hunt was for the Star orchid, but found only one plant in bud no photo, (cf p235). The other search was for the similar Crystal Brook star orchid, which was more successful. Five or six flowering plants were seen , although two seen in bud earlier in the week by a friend had mysteriously disappeared. Photos 1, 2 & 3 are all Crystal Brook star orchids.
21.01.2022 Sept 17, 2020 another round trip south, stopping first at Robinson Rd, site SC 6a, finding about 6 Darting spider orchids (ph 1 4), one hybrid, which appears to be the named hybrid Protruding spider orchid Caladenia x exserta), a cross between White spider orchid and Darting spider orchid, (ph 5), several white spider orchids, probably Tangled spider orchid (ph 6), and several Little laughing leek orchids (ph 7). Robinson Rd, site SC 6b a few hybrids, the named hybrid... - Wheatbelt spider orchid (Caladenia x cala), a cross between White spider orchid and Green spider orchid (ph 8, 9), lots of white spider orchids, mostly Stark white spider orchid (ph 10), many short-stemmed Cowslip orchids (ph 11), one unexpected double Clown orchid (ph 12) and several Dainty leek orchids (ph 13). Near Woodanilling found quite a few Giant donkey orchids (ph 14, 15). One donkey looked just like the Kemerton pansy orchid, although way from its known region (ph 16), several others seemed to be the Common donkey orchid (ph 17). There were also a few Chapman’s spider orchids (ph 18). Near Lime Lake there were lots of small, clumping spider orchids which I believe were Salt Lake spider orchid (ph 19 21). Also found a few candy orchids a pale Pink candy orchid (ph 22) and a strange one which could be a hybrid (ph 23). Note most sites had stacks of Green spider orchids and Cowslip orchids. See more
16.01.2022 Still in Augusta area (thanks to Covid). June 20, photos 1,2 - lots of Curled-tongue shell orchids, especially at site SW 45 and a few other areas. Aug 1, photos 3-6 to Southern River to look at orchids requested by a friend. Concluded that photo 3 was an old Banded greenhood. Photos 4, 5, 6 could be Crowded banded greenhood or Darling Range banded greenhood (new to me). Aug 5, photos 7-11 5 km south of Gilingarra Moora spider orchids (ph 7, 8, 9) and Common donkey orchid or Mini donkey orchid (ph 10, 11)
15.01.2022 Sept 11, 2020 Williams area. Wandering Reserve Stark white spider orchid (ph 1, 2), hybrid of ? (ph 3), Common donkey orchid (ph 4), Dragon orchid (ph 5), Pouched leek orchid (ph 6), Cowslip orchid (ph 7), Common bee orchid (ph 8). Culbin Reserve - Tangled white spider orchid ? (ph 9,... 10), Chapman’s spider orchid (ph 11), hybrid of Tangled white spider X ? (ph 12), Joseph’s spider orchid (ph 13). Hurley Rd reserve - Dragon orchid (ph 14), Clubbed spider orchid (ph 15-17), Green spider orchid (ph 18). Arthur River bridge Joseph’s spider orchid (ph 19-30), Sugar orchid (ph 31). Wagin area Smooth-lipped spider orchid (ph 32,33). Tarwonga Rd hybrid of ? (ph 34), hybrid x cala, White spider orchid X Green spider orchid (ph 35, 36), Splendid (?) white spider orchid (ph 37), Common bee orchid (ph 38-40), Joseph’s spider orchid (ph 41), Jug orchid (ph 42), Lemon-scented sun orchid (ph 43). See more
13.01.2022 Sep 25, 2020 return trip to Collie, etc. Harvey area - located small group of the Frail spider orchid (Caladenia uliginosa subsp patulens) new for me & declared Priority flora, so site is confidential. (ph 1 3). There were also a few Blue lady orchids just starting to bloom (ph 4). Collie area - found several Collie spider orchids (ph 5 7) new for me. There was also a white spider orchid which was probably a hybrid, (ph 8), several Rusty spider orchids (ph 9) and lots of purple enamel orchids (no photos). Bunbury at site SW 6 found lots of the anticipated Sandplain white spider orchids, although they had less pink colouring than previous years, they did have their untidy fringe (ph 10 12). Also lots of donkey orchids, not photographed.
11.01.2022 Nov 5, 2020 off York Rd. Looking for York sun orchid found it for the first time in fact, about 15 plants, mostly multi-flowered (ph 1 8). This is another orchid listed as Priority Flora. We were quite surprised to stumble over a couple of Bristly donkey orchids (ph 9) in the same area.
10.01.2022 Sept 9, 2020. Yanchep burned area off Yanchep Beach Rd. A diverse range of orchids Coastal White spider orchid (ph 1 4), White fairy orchid (ph 5), Pink fairy (ph 6), Blue china orchid (ph 7), Cowslip orchid (ph 8), Pansy orchid (ph 9 11), Rabbit orchid (ph 12), albino Rabbit orchid (ph 13) first time seen, Bronze leek orchid (ph 14, 15). Note the beetles on the Pansy orchid photos possible pollinators?
08.01.2022 Aug 21, 2020. Round trip Brookton Hwy, west of Beverley, return down Gt Southern Hwy. Yarra Rd a few donkey orchids, a Silky blue orchid, two Jug orchids and several spider orchids in bud no photos. At site SE 5 and nearby Primrose spider orchid (ph1, 2), Common donkey orchid or Small-flowered donkey orchid (ph 3, 4, 5), Jug orchid (ph 6) double, just opening, Blood spider orchid (ph 7-11) ph 7 orchid could be something else, Blue fairy orchid no photo. Qualen Rd ...area Blue fairy orchid (ph 12), Crimson spider orchid (ph 13), Fringed mantis orchid (ph 14), Common donkey orchid (ph 15), Banded greenhood almost finished no photo, Primrose spider orchid (ph 16), Clubbed spider orchid (ph 17, 18). Wambyn Rd area Eastern curly-locks (ph 19. 20), Little pink fairy (ph 21) note the colour variation, Clubbed spider orchid (ph 22). See more
08.01.2022 Sept 3 2020. Goomalling-Wongan Hills area. Near Goomalling found one nice pair of Drooping spider orchids (photo 1), a few pink and white Candy orchids - just finishing (no photos), several clumps of black-stemmed donkey orchids (Common donkey orchid), (ph 2). At Wongan Hills, northern end of town, found creamy, dark-tipped spider orchids Common spider orchid (ph 3,4) and more black-stemmed donkey orchids Common donkey orchid (ph 5). Near Lake Ninan were lots of Purple-veined spider orchids (ph 6-12), quite a few pale Pink candy orchids (ph 13), plus a few white spider orchids took a photo (ph 14) just because they were there, but in checking several references, it seems to be the Small-lipped white spider orchid (Caladenia longicauda subsp. albella), which is another addition to the book.
06.01.2022 My apologies for a long stretch of no posts. I will endeavour to give short reports this year, starting with the first finds. Jan 8 (photo 1) Chestnut sun orchids still flowering at Augusta (site SW 38). April 16 (photos 2-5) White bunny orchids (site SW45), Leafless orchids (site SW 32), Easter bunny orchids (in leaf litter alongside Hillview Rd, past Shangri La chalets). May 10 (photos 6-9) Swamp bunny orchids (Eriochilus helonomus) -first time for me- at site SW 37a-note how the petals clasp the column.
06.01.2022 Sep 30, 2020 - Brookton Hwy, Qualen Rd, York Rd. Yarra Rd, etc very little of interest. Qualen Rd (site E 14 area) found two patches of Rabbit orchids (ph 1, 2), a few Blue china orchids (ph 3), lots of Custard orchids (ph 4 6), a single Shy sun orchid (ph 7), dozens of Common bee orchids (ph 8,9), several Laughing leek orchids (ph 10), quite a lot of Little laughing leek orchids (ph 11), a few Pouched leek orchids (ph 12), and several Purple enamel orchids (ph 13). York Rd at site E 8b found a few Wandoo beard orchids (ph 14, 15) and at site E 6 several Yellow spider orchids (ph 16, 17). Mt Helena found a double Flying duck orchid, with one closed for the night (it was after 5 o’clock), (ph 18). Also found a few Slender hammer orchids new to the book (ph 19).
05.01.2022 Oct 8, 2020 started day at Flat Rocks, Augusta, site SW 37. Found a few Pink enamel orchids (ph 1), several Forest mantis orchids (ph 2), quite a lot of Funnel-tipped spider orchids (ph 3, 4), a few Leaping spider orchids (ph 5, 6), several Purple enamel orchids (ph 7), two areas of Bee orchids (ph 8-14), quite variable but I couldn’t distinguish any of them, lots of Swamp mignonette orchids (ph 15), and one Heberle’s ? spider orchid (ph 16). At the parking area 20km from A...ugusta (site SW 30) down power line track found one almost totally yellow Cowslip orchid (ph 17), two Narrow-lipped hammer orchids (ph 18, 19), two King-in-his-carriage orchids (ph 20), and one Flying duck orchid (ph 21), all of these the last of the season. Over the road along the bank and on the ridge, found six Merritt’s white spider orchids (ph 22, 23), a few Leaping spider orchids (ph 24), several Rattle beaks (ph 25), a small group of Zebra orchids (ph 26-28), lots of Pink fairies (ph 29), several Forest mantis orchids (ph 30) and one green mantis lacking the red striping on the sepals and petals (ph 31). Behind Witchcliffe (site 28), found four Margaret river spider orchids (ph 32, 33), three Diamond spider orchids (ph 34, 35) and two hybrids of the Margaret river and Diamond spider orchids (ph 36). There were also a few Funnel-tipped spider orchids that I had not seen that far north before (ph 37). See more
04.01.2022 Oct 23, 2020 Muir Hwy, Boyup Brook, etc. At a number of confidential sites there was a good range of orchids, starting with the rare Seaton Ross spider orchid, formerly known as the Late white spider orchid (ph 1 & 2). In the same area were a few Purple pansy orchids (ph 3 & 4), numerous Karri spider orchids (ph 5-8), several hybrids presumably between Seaton Ross spider and Karri spider orchids (ph 29), a few White fairy orchids (ph 10), some Fringed mantis orchids (ph 1...1), and several Shy sun orchids (ph 12). At another site were several Pink spider orchids (ph 13-15) appearing to be the last of the season a hybrid of White and Pink spider orchid (ph 16), and quite a few Purple enamel orchids (ph 17). Along Muir Hwy, about SC 30, couldn’t find Ray spider orchid, but did find lots of Shy sun orchids, ranging from pale blue to purple (ph 18-21), many Purple enamel orchids (ph 22), a single Darting spider orchid (ph 23), several Blue lady spider orchids (ph 24) and one unidentified white spider orchid (ph 25) probably a Seaton Ross. South of Boyup Brook, east of site SC 36, there were lots of Mustard spider orchids (ph 26-29), and Butterfly orchids (ph 30-32) . Also a couple of White fairy orchids (ph 33). See more
04.01.2022 Oct 10, 2020 Caves Rd about 1km from Bussell Hwy. Found about 6 Bearded bird orchids (ph 1-4) after a lot of searching, quite a few Karri spider orchids (ph 5 & 6), several Funnel-tipped spider orchids (ph 7), a possible hybrid of Funnel-tipped spider orchid & Karri spider orchid (ph 8), lots of Purple enamel orchids (ph 9), several hybrid Purple & Pink enamel orchids named Intermediate enamel orchid (ph 10), several Rattle beaks (ph 11). At top of hill off Hillview Rd , quite a few Dunsborough donkey orchids with lots of Pink fairies (ph 12).
02.01.2022 Nov 6, 2020 Muir Hwy, Northcliffe, etc On advice we got from a keen orchid man the day before, we headed for a swamp area along Smart Rd, off Seaton Ross Rd, near Manjimup to find Ray spider orchids that I have been chasing for years. We spent a couple of hours to no avail, but did find quite a few Karri spider orchids (ph 1,2) that I think the man had confused with Ray spiders. Also found a few Leopard orchids (e.g. see ph 14) and one Clubbed spider orchid (ph 3). Then cont...acted another friend who sent us to a spot near Lake Muir where we found a dozen or so Ray spider orchids (ph 4 10). Hooray! Heading east further along Muir Hwy we saw a couple photographing orchids, so stopped and joined them. They showed us quite a few Ray spiders (ph 11-13), another Leopard orchid (ph 14), and quite a few Bee orchids (ph 15 17), which I later identified as the Dark bee orchid another orchid new to me. See more
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