Natural Childbirth Education in Toodyay, Western Australia | Pregnancy care centre
Natural Childbirth Education
Locality: Toodyay, Western Australia
Phone: +61 428 479 489
Address: P.O. Box 432 6566 Toodyay, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 On Sunday night this amazing woman became the first woman to birth at King Edwards Memorial hospital under the care of her private midwife Clare Davison. She is... the first woman in Western Australia to be admitted under her own midwife and she totally rocked her VBA2C supported by her amazing husband. I was so blessed to be able to support this lovely family and amazing Midwife on this journey. See more
24.01.2022 My second Birth Healing Workshop.... Im excited..... $80 for the workshop and only 10 places available. Women need women and Birth needs to be spoken about wit...hout judgement. Women need to be heard and supported #perthwomencircles #birthhealing #supportbirthtrauma #womensupportingwomen #redtent #perthbirthhealing #maternityinperth See more
24.01.2022 Its exactly what it feels like!
24.01.2022 I’m in a few mainstream pregnancy groups on facebook, mostly to stay up to date with what’s happening for pregnant women in our country, to offer advice and sup...port but also to learn some things I may not know. Yesterday a mama shared her postpartum plan. Belly binding Meal prepping Hired a cleaner Hired a postpartum doula Do you know what the response was? LAUGH REACTS! Women were LAUGHING at this mother because she was planning for her postpartum. The comments looked like this: Umm are you a single mum or something? Why do you need this? Wow that’s a bit over the top I did everything myself and I had TWINS This is what society has produced. Women who feel like they have to be everything to everyone, even immediately after birthing a baby. The ironic this is the same women as posting on these groups, stressing out that they can’t put their newborns down so they can clean the house, that their babies are unsettled so they can’t make dinner, that are suffering mental health issues due to societal pressure. If I can give any advice, it would be to put as much effort into planning for your postpartum as you have for your birth, your nursery and your choice of pram. Postpartum is important. @lifeandlens_photography #postpartumcare #postpartum #postnatal #postnatalcare #newbornmothers #newmother #mothering #pregnancy #birth See more
23.01.2022 Mothers around the world
22.01.2022 Fantastic news for women and independent midwives of WA! Thinking of having a baby? Your birth choices have just grown!
21.01.2022 It really is time for women to stand up and say it’s enough. Support people and the use of water in labour and birth are very very basic human rights. Go over t...o RANZCOGs instagram page and have your say about their statement on the use of water in labour. We can go to a pub, a restaurant, a large shopping centre. We can have 100 people at weddings and funerals, but we can only have 1 support person during labour and birth. We can go to aqua aerobics classes, nurses can help shower the elderly and post op patients, but women can’t have a shower or bath during labour and birth. It’s fucking ridiculous and it’s time to stop eroding the basic rights of pregnant and birthing women. If there’s one good thing to come from this, it’s that home really is the safest and most appropriate place for women without risk factors to have their babies. Hospitals are for sick people. Mama:Jerusha Sutton Doula Photographer Photographer: Anna Todd
20.01.2022 A photo showing droplets of breast milk fending off armies of harmful bacteria in Petri dishes is going viral on Facebook. The photo, posted by a biology stu...dent in England, features nine Petri dishes completely colonized with the bacteria M. Luteus, except in the center, where tiny puddles of breast milk have created what looks like moats of protection around themselves. The student, Vicky Green, said she had similar results with Petri dishes full of e.Coli and the dreaded anti-biotic resistant super bug MRSA. The white spots in the middle are discs soaked in two samples of breastmilk, Green wrote in the caption of her post. See the clear bit around the discs thats where the proteins in the milk have inhibited the bacteria! An article from explains how this is possible: About 80 percent of the cells in breast milk are macrophages, cells that kill bacteria, fungi and viruses. Breast-fed babies are protected, in varying degrees, from a number of illnesses, including pneumonia, botulism, bronchitis, staphylococcal infections, influenza, ear infections, and German measles. Furthermore, mothers produce antibodies to whatever disease is present in their environment, making their milk custom-designed to fight the diseases their babies are exposed to as well. Whats even more impressive is that the samples of milk in the photos came from the mother of a 15-month-old and a 3-year-old, providing further evidence that breast milk continues to protect against illness long beyond infancy. See more
20.01.2022 "Although induction at term could prevent rare cases of fetal death," write SeijmonsbergenSchermers et al (2019) in the BJOG, "all induced women will be expose...d to potential disadvantages. Women whose labours are induced have a higher risk of postpartum haemorrhage, uterine rupture, hyperstimulation resulting in fetal distress, and perineal injuries (Miller et al. Lancet 2016;388:217692). Furthermore, more women need pain medication and have limited freedom of movement, a longer labour, and a negative birth experience. There is increasing evidence that suggests negative consequences of synthetic oxytocin administration. This may influence maternalfetal bonding, the maternal psyche, and neonatal preparation on being born. A large cohort study found higher rates of jaundice, feeding problems, infections, metabolic disorders, and eczema up to 5 years of age among children born after induced labour (Peters et al. Birth 2018;45:34757)." This is just the beginning of half of a debate about whether or not induction should be offered to all women at term. It's fascinating to see that the publishers have made the "pro" induction paper freely available, and yet one can only see the "against" argument, which begins with the paragraph above, by either paying or having academic access. That's why I'm sharing this today. Women deserve better than this. The evidence on which pro-induction arguments are based is not as sound as it could be. We need to understand that waving a research finding around isn't good enough. These days, "evidence" is cheap. We need analysis and careful thinking, especially when the issues are as complex as they are here. And I am constantly meeting practitioners who work on labour wards who laugh at the finding that 'induction reduces caesarean rates'. Not in their experience it doesn't. Induction will be the right decision for some, and not for others. Some women regret agreeing to induction, and others are happy. We need to share the viewpoints that are being suppressed. And spend more time helping people see that there is always more than one perspective.
18.01.2022 Truth in comedy, I love it Hope you enjoy a good laugh too!
17.01.2022 DON'T FORGET to let the water flow from your garden hose for a few minutes before spraying on people or animals. Things are heating up , and a garden exposed to direct sunlight during summer can heat the water inside the hose (not flowing) to 60 degrees Celsius , which can cause burns especially to children AND animals. Two years ago this baby boy suffered second-degree burns to over 30 per cent of his body from being accidentally sprayed with a garden hose, and health experts have issued a fresh warning as we head into a hot summer. Courtesy of the Woodger Family
16.01.2022 Beautiful busy morning at the centre this morning. Full of laughter and birth stories
16.01.2022 BORN. BREATHE. TAKE UP SPACE. How incredible is birth by Lacey Barratt. We are currently shadowbanned. Commenting and sharing helps. Thank you! #cesareanbirthisbirth
16.01.2022 DELAYED CORD CLAMPING - WAIT FOR WHITE After baby is born we usually think of the umbilical cord as a relic part a life support system that is no longer need...ed. But the reality is that the cord has one last job to do, and its a big one. The cord and placenta are a sort of external circulation system: one vein carries oxygen and nutrient-rich blood from the placenta to the baby, and two arteries carry carbon dioxide rich blood and waste away from baby to the placenta for purification. When baby is born, about 1/3 of its blood is in the external part of the circulation system, but quickly makes its way to the baby via the umbilical cord. Unless of course, the cord is cut before the transfer is complete. Delayed umbilical cord clamping (DCC) allows more blood to transfer from the placenta to the baby, increasing the babys blood volume by up to a third. The iron in the blood increases the newborns iron storage, which is vital for healthy brain development. Some new studies have found that DCC can have a positive effect on both preterm and full-term babies. These benefits include an increase in placental transfusion, a 60% increase of RBCs and a 30% increase in neonatal blood volume. Another advantage of DCC is the decreased risk of iron deficiency anemia. The extra blood at birth helps the baby to cope better with the transition from life in the womb, where everything is provided for them by the placenta and the mother, to the outside world. Their lungs get more blood so that the exchange of oxygen into the blood can take place smoothly. Delayed clamping also results in an infusion of stem cells, which play an essential role in the development of the immune, respiratory, cardiovascular, and central nervous systems, among many other functions. The concentration of stem cells in fetal blood is higher than at any other time of life. ICC [immediate cord clamping] leaves nearly one-third of these critical cells in the placenta. Stem cells may also help to repair any brain damage the baby might have suffered during a difficult birth. @monetnicolebirths @Bumpbirthandbeyond
15.01.2022 Sorry the midwives are run off our feet this week so we wont be at the centre this morning. We will be back next week.
15.01.2022 The 'sleep industry' in the West is huge. The obsession with getting babies to sleep longer and more deeply than is appropriate for their developmental age is a... burden many parents experience. HOW DO I GET THEM TO SLEEP! HOW DO I GET THEM TO SLEEP THROUGH? HOW DO I GET THEM TO NAP LONGER? HOW DO I GET THEM TO NAP NOT ON ME? Parents feel they are somehow failing if their baby doesn't nap for X minutes, or sleep a total of X hours a day, or if baby needs their help getting to sleep. Parents can feel ashamed, like they are lacking skill, like they're not cut out for parenthood, like they don't know what they're doing, and are often sold the unhelpful lie that baby sleep is the most important thing to 'nail' in the first year. Again, otherwise you're failing. This is a Friday reminder from us - that you are not failing. In many parts of the world, infant sleep is not such an obsession. Life goes on around it and the mother isn't basing her worth on such a small fragment of what it means to love and care for a baby. Your baby is so much more than their ability to sleep deeply and for a long time. This isn't the sole reason they came into the world. They came into the world to be a person for you to love, for you to hold, for you to enjoy, for you to get to know. There are good nights, less good nights, ok nights and awful ones. Better nap days, train wreck nap days, no nap days and great nap days. Every single parent has to learn to ride the highs and surf the lows. There is no escaping them. You get the picture.... Imagine how much less stressed those at home looking after babies and toddlers would be if they really knew this in their hearts. It doesn't mean sleep isn't important, and that Mums/Dads don't need a break in the relentlessness of it all. Of course they do. But if society stopped focusing in on sleep as a measure of the worth of the parent, or the success of a parent & instead understood normal infant sleep and supported parents while they were in the trenches of it in those early years, imagine how different it could be. I'm sure we're not the only ones who think that would be a great shift in thinking and therefore parental experience. You're not failing. And neither is your baby. Have a great weekend.
14.01.2022 Some reassurance for pregnant and breastfeeding mums
13.01.2022 "At 3am, we started to 'push' but I was not getting it. I felt nauseous and anxious and wanted to freak out a little bit. Since I had zero earthly idea of what ...pushing actually meant, a nurse named Kelly taught me. We played tug-of-war with a sheet to help me push down and breathe my baby down. It helped so much!" Images and words by Dallas Arthur Photography Image edited with the BBH BW Metallic preset (
09.01.2022 #breastisbest #liquidgold
09.01.2022 It was incredibly powerful to watch this woman birth her baby yesterday. As she recounted the moments during labor, she said that once she stepped in her mind f...rom a place of pain and fear, into a place of thankfulness everything changed for her. What a beautiful mindset to be able to get into during one of the most intense moments of any person's life.
08.01.2022 One of these ladies is 40+2 and the other is 40+4 weeks pregnant. Both went into labour within 24 hours of these pictures. Both had 8lbs2oz babies, both girls. ... Another thing both these baby bellies have in common? Their Symphisis Fundal Height is identical, 40cm. When you hit 22-24 weeks in your pregnancy, your midwife will start measuring your belly. From your pubic bone, to the top part of your uterus - the fundus. This is how they monitor your babies growth curve. Usually the number of weeks you are is the number of centimetres you measure, give or take 2cm. If you fall off the curve your pregnancy has been following, your Midwife will offer you for necessary testing. So the next time someone tells you youre too small or too big for the number of weeks pregnant you are, point them this way! #CMOH #bodiesareamazing #fulltermbellies
07.01.2022 Swimming Lessons Mamas, ever felt your kiddo moving and wonder what they were doing?!?!? ... This. This is what they do. Occasionally during C-section the sac is not broken and you can see an outside view of the sac and amniotic fluid intact. My question for you all. If babies live in water for 9 months while developing, how do they breathe? #chiropractic #morethanpopping #originfamilychiropractic #originstories #pregnancy #mama #baby #birth #newborn #infant #toddler #family #local #kingstonsprings #nashville #tennessee #chiropractor See more
06.01.2022 YOU CAN DO BIG THINGS! Like push a 14 lb 7 oz baby out naturally with NO VAGINAL TEARING! 4 hours of labor, 15 mins of pushing. Rockstar You rock Co...astal Midwifery! A few days ago I had the pleasure of attending the beautiful HOME BIRTH of this BIG man. His mama saw a Licensed midwife throughout her pregnancy and prepared physically and emotionally for the birth of her second baby. During her 4 hour long labor she rocked, walked and danced her baby down, she instinctively pushed in the standing position for 15 mins and delivered all..... are you ready for it.... 14 lbs 7oz of him! She was also able to deliver this chunky baby with no tears. After doing their research this family chose a midwife to guide them through their pregnancy and birth and were able to have an amazing experience in the comfort of their own home. This baby stayed with his mama on her chest breastfed within the first hour. Mama and baby are doing amazing. People are capable of delivering their baby, even when they are big! Way to go mama! You can find more info here:
05.01.2022 How beautiful is this? I took the first pic while this amazing mumma was labouring! Through shear strength, determination and total trust in physiological birth... and evidence, This baby was born into so much love. As the days went by past 42 weeks and all the pressure from people around them, the decision to trust her intuition and knowing that she knows her body and baby best and happily waiting for spontaneous labour! This beautiful baby was born in water Into the arms of her eagerly awaiting mother and father! So happy to be able to offer this model of care to families See more
04.01.2022 A suspected big baby is NOT a reason to induce and DEFINITELY NOT a reason for a planned elective Caesarean. The estimation of a baby's size via ultrasound inaccurate. The complications associated with big babies may reflect care provider fear and practice. International guidelines do not recommend induction for a suspected big baby. Women need to be given this information before agreeing to an ultrasound scan aimed at estimating the size of their baby. Once the 'big baby' label is applied it cannot be removed and may alter the birth experience and outcome.
04.01.2022 An Aussie mum has figured out the perfect way to simultaneously watch her baby and her dog
02.01.2022 Twins, born in the comfort of their home, safe in their mother's arms. Perfection. Amazing capture by: Lawren Rose Photography
02.01.2022 A new Australian study comparing perinatal and maternal outcomes of low - risk women across different planned places of birth has just been released! The study... by Homer and others reported that the odds of a 'normal labour and birth' (I.e. No augmentation, epidural/spinal/general anaesthesia, episiotomy, ventouse/forceps extraction or caesarean section) were twice as high in a planned birth centre birth, and almost 6 times as high in planned home births, compared to planned hospital births. Additionally, there were statistically no significant differences in stillbirths, early or late neonatal deaths between the three places of birth. The ICU admission and readmission to hospital statistics listed here are for the women, but the study also looked at neonatal ICU/SCN admission and readmission to hospital in the following 28 days, and they are consistently lower for planned homebirths vs. birth centre or hospital births. This study really exemplifies why your choice of birth place (and typically, the consequent/subsequent choice of care provider) is so important! My biggest tip is to choose a birth place and care provider that aligns with your desires for birth If you desire a 'normal labour and birth' (I.e, minimal intervention) then birthing in a birth centre or at home is going to give you the best chance of achieving that #birth #birthaims #birtheducation #birthcentrebirth #birthcentre #hospitalbirth #homebirth #research #birthdoula #bluemountainsdoula #lithgowdoula #nepeandoula #hawkesburydoula #BRAIN #pregnancy #birthplan #birthplace
01.01.2022 Need a more versatile pelvic floor that can hold urine, birth a baby, and make sex more enjoyable? It also improves digestion, and joint and perineal flexibility, reducing straining and hemorrhoids
01.01.2022 My favourite Ron Mueck sculpture I think it is also the women looking at the sculpture that is so touching
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