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NatureSense Health and Wellness
Phone: +61 419 728 822
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25.01.2022 Thank you to Clare Blunt for sharing this. Following on from my post yesterday. An amazing Ad. What a journey we women have
25.01.2022 What is the cost of health? Why do we hesitate when we realise how much we have to pay for a naturopathic consult? I get it, I used to be like that but when I first started seeing a naturopath a long time ago I decided to see it as an investment in me. What I got back was worth more than what it was equal to eg. a dinner out, a new outfit, a pair of shoes. The process of investing in my health changed my situation and led me into quitting my job, studying full time and a naturopath. Isn’t it time you invested in you and in your health. It’s not a one time disposable item, it’s a learning process which has the potential to change your life. Think about it
24.01.2022 Please read this if you use essential oils with a pet in the house.
24.01.2022 It’s a whole new world. Jump on board and look after your health from the safety of your home! Just because you are in isolation doesn’t mean you are isolated!
24.01.2022 Fabulous day in clinic with lots of good news from clients who are gaining control of their health. Great ending to the day with finding out that one of my clients has achieved her dream of getting pregnant!! I am humbled and fulfilled with the trust that my clients place in me and I want you all to know that I will always do my very best to help you all achieve your health goals. For some of you, 2020 has been a difficult year and for others this year has seen changes fo...r the better. As we head to the end of the year it is a time of reflection and optimism. It is never too late to learn about health and improve your wellbeing. I will be taking time off from December the 11th so get in now for pre Christmas consultations as appointment times are going fast. Remember nothing changes if nothing changes See more
24.01.2022 I had a client today who was so excited about her period! Her words Oh my gosh, it only lasted three days, wasn’t heavy, no mood swings and NO PAINFUL CRAMPS! This is what your menstrual cycle is supposed to be like! Women are not meant to suffer and be bed ridden, hugging heat packs or be popping analgesics. ... It was not difficult for her to get this change. We worked together to change some things, I supplied some supplements but mostly it was about education and what her body was telling her. I am so happy for this client as she was determined to make long lasting changes to improve her health. You too can have a normal, pain free cycle! Make an appointment, you won’t regret it
24.01.2022 In February I have been open at Mawson Lakes for a year!! Wow!! I have met some fabulous people who have trusted me with their health and for that I am truly grateful! I have established a great room to work in and am surrounded by supportive businesses. To celebrate this special anniversary for the month of February I am offering 25% off of Initial Consultations and 10% off of every return visit consultation. ... Everyone wins!! Book now at or ring 0419 728 822
23.01.2022 Home made gifts are always great! Think outside the square this Christmas!
23.01.2022 Great info here which I also delve into with every client as part of their treatment plan. Learning about your body and how the body systems all interact is true holistic health
22.01.2022 Love the thought of a power pose!! We might need to practice this daily for the next couple of weeks to get us to Christmas
22.01.2022 Funny the things you take for granted. Many of you know that I am a traveller. This is what I do and what I have always done. Not fancy and sometimes not far but the more remote the better. This is what has kept me balanced, kept me sane and made me happy. I miss it and out of everything that is happening at the moment this is what stresses me the most. When can I get back out there? I know in the scheme of things this is selfish and to some people quite foreign but we all have our thing right? I cannot wait to be free again but until that day I dream, I plan and I virtual travel. What’s your thing that you miss the most?
21.01.2022 The power of these little beauties cannot be underestimated. They work with your body to enhance biochemical pathways, correct deficiencies and bring balance and harmony while using food as medicine. A complete holistic treatment! Come and visit a naturopath and learn about your body!
21.01.2022 Just a reminder that I am having a break from consulting from the 11th December through to 4th Jan. I am just about booked out for the next 2 weeks so if you need to see me or need supplements to carry you over the break send me a message, email or ring!
21.01.2022 As many of you know I am a traveller. I love this short film made by a travelling family. It gives me hope for the future of this planet and reinforces why I travel and why I took my kids everywhere. Kids see so much joy in everything. Watch will lift your soul
21.01.2022 25% off initial consults runs out at the end of the month! 2 weeks left to book in and take advantage of this amazing offer. What have you got to lose?
20.01.2022 Our day to day lives have changed at the moment but how are you all coping? Some people are loving the opportunity to huddle down, stay in and spend quality time with family but for others this period of time has raised issues. Anxiety relating to this is completely normal. It is ok not feel happy, it is ok to feel sad, it is ok to be not sleeping well, to be grumpy, to be worried and to have a head full of thoughts that you cannot control. ...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Hormones Today I thought I would address the elephant in the room for all women. A good friend of mind told me I should just be real in my posts and call it like it is . ... So let’s talk hormones. As women we are at the mercy of our hormones from puberty to post menopause. At puberty our hormones kick in and our cycle starts. Some young teens have terribly painful cycles, heavy or irregular cycles. In answer to this many go on the oral contraceptive pill which can minimise the symptoms associated with problem cycles. The problem with this is that a woman’s cycle can take up to 12 years to regulate so by going on the pill the cycle gets repressed and the underlying unbalanced hormones causing the symptoms are not addressed. This means when they come off the pill it all happens all over again! In our twenties and thirties the cycle settles down but why are many still suffering? We can get hormonal headaches, migraines and PMS and we just think this is normal. There are so many things that can alter a woman’s hormones from stress, sleep issues, diet, having kids, toxins etc but again the only option often offered is one that suppresses our own hormones and doesn’t focus on how to support our hormones naturally. We then hit perimenopause which feels like an alien has taken over our body. Emotions run high, cycles get heavier and go completely haywire, sleep becomes an issue as we lie there awake bathed in sweat one minute and freezing the next. Our brain feels like it has gone on holiday, our anxiety is ramped up and we cannot understand what is wrong with us! Then we are termed menopausal. The family rolls their eyes and everyone is on high alert . We cannot wait for it all to end although some of us will feel sad most of us just want it all to end. It’s not meant to be this hard. Our cycles are a natural part of life and when oestrogen, progesterone and other hormones are balanced, they shouldn’t be heavy or painful. Our transition through life with our cycles should be easy with the occasional blip but we just think that suffering is normal. We very rarely put our own health first as we navigate through our teens, to parenting and then nursing our own parents. We soldier on thinking this is all normal and it’s just the way it is! This is so wrong. There is so much more we can do to support healthy hormones. Don’t just accept that this is how it is. If you have gut problems, or headaches, or anxiety, or skin issues, it might be linked to your hormones. Do some research and see what you can do to minimise your symptoms or book in with a naturopath so they can help assess your state of health. Take some time for yourself and prioritise your health so you can be the best you can be! Book now
20.01.2022 Utilising nature or plants in drinks is a great way to gently support your body. Herbal teas and iced herbal drinks can have a significant effect on all body systems. Chamomile tea to support the nervous system, peppermint tea for gastrointestinal and many more. This is a great recipe for your immune. If you’re are interested in what teas or drinks you can take to support your body, send me a message and I will send you through some ideas.
20.01.2022 So......this morning I took the dog for a walk and stopped at the shop quickly on the way back in my usual way to rush home to start a full day. I tied the dog up outside, got my bits and came back to an older gentleman trying to talk to her. Now my dog is not very friendly (actually pretty grumpy) so this was not going well. He started asking lots of questions about the dog and then showed me pictures of his current dog and three of his previous dogs. At first I tried to get... away but then stood and chatted while this lovely man reminisced about his past dogs and how much he loves his current one. Anyway I finally got away and wished him a happy day. His response "thank you for talking to me, I only need a 10 minute conversation with someone a day and I am ok. Have a great day and thank you" The moral of this story? What can seem time wasting to you and annoying can make a big impact on someones day in these current times. He actually made my day and I am glad I spent those 10 minutes dicussing my grumpy dog and his beautiful dogs.
19.01.2022 NatureSense Health is excited to offer a 6 week weight management program. It is sometimes very difficult for people to lose weight without targeted intervention. As a naturopath I offer dietary advice, supplementation and lifestyle recommendations as part of my ongoing treatment plans but sometimes we need a little more guidance and support. This program is a weight management and healthy eating 6 week package designed to support clients who need more specific dietary advice, recipes and weekly support in a cost effective package without having to pay for the cost of a full consult at each visit. Please visit to find out more!
18.01.2022 I love this. I am currently unplugging up in the far west coast with occasional checkins. It certainly helps that the internet is very dodgy up here so I am reading lots of books and gazing out to sea! When we are always living through our screens we sometimes forget to actually notice what is going on around us. What’s the weather doing, how are your family and friends really doing? The virtual world is sometimes not full of truths and people can hide behind anything. Pick up the phone and ring someone, pop around and visit. So much more can be obtained when we connect on a personal, physical level but there is place for both. We just need more balance
18.01.2022 Saturday morning vibes! Herbal mixing and new books to devour! The best way to spend a cold Saturday! If you ever wondered what herbal medicine is, hit me up for an explanation and to see if it can help you. I am such a herb nerd
18.01.2022 As from this week all consultations will be online or via telephone appointments. All clients with bookings this week will receive emails or I will call regarding the transition phase. All future appointments with be online or via telephone. How great is this for you! Appointments will be conducted exactly the same as if in clinic. You don’t even have to leave the house to receive your individualised treatment plan. All supplements will be delivered straight to your door! Any problems feel free to get in touch.
17.01.2022 New COVID regulations for practitioners As of 1st December anyone attending consultations in clinic are required to wear a disposable single use mask for the entire time you are on the property. I am encouraging all clients to change to Telehealth consultations or online consultations via zoom. This means you can stay home and we can all limit our exposure I am still consulting with clients throughout Australia until I have my Christmas break from 11th December to 4th Jan...uary. If you have any questions about your appointment or about COVID regulations for allied health practitioners please contact me. Have a great day See more
17.01.2022 Opening a clinic last year has been one of the most stressful but rewarding things I have ever done. It’s not about being a naturopath it’s about being a businesswoman. Head over to my March newsletter to read about my hints on starting any small business. I still have so much to learn but it’s time to pay it forward . Link in bio
16.01.2022 Using herbal essential oils was my first introduction into natural medicine. I discovered peppermint oil for headaches and to help with tummy aches with the kids. I used a mix of different immune oils to help with cold relief and lavender for sleep. During my studies I learnt why they worked and the constituents in each oil. Using essential oils is a gentle way of supporting the body but you must always follow instructions of use or speak to a registered practitioner for guidance.
16.01.2022 Hi Everyone! NatureSense Health and Wellness Clinic update As I am a qualified Health Practitioner I am required to take direction from medical authorities. Current recommendations are that you do not attend clinic if you meet any of the following criteria:... - Recently travelled overseas - Had contact with someone who has been confirmed as having corona virus (COVID-19) - Have symptoms of dry cough, fever, shortness of breath or sore throat. It is much better to be safe than sorry and I have a duty of care to all my clients. In my clinic I see many inmmunocompromised people as well as the elderly, women, men and children suffering from chronic disease. I also have children and elderly parents so I am trying to minimise my risk. I am not being alarmist but am trying to be proactive and offer you all the best level of care that I can. I am now offering all consultations online via zoom (video)or by telephone if you are experiencing symptoms or for any reason do not want to attend clinic. Any supplements required will be mailed straight to your door so I will still be able to help you with your health and wellbeing. If you have an appointment in the next four weeks and would like to change to an online/telephone appointment please let me know and I will change your appointment type. If you would like to review your health and address any immune questions please make an appointment via ringing or booking online on my website at I will remain in clinic working until otherwise notified by the Health Department. My hours are: Tuesday 8am 5pm Wednesday 12pm 8pm Thursday 8am 5pm And every second Saturday 9am 1.30pm If the situation changes as I am no longer able to practise in clinic I will contact all clients with appointments and offer online or telephone consults to support their health. Please remember if you are concerned in any way to contact NatureSense Health on 0419 728 822. I thank all my lovely clients for their support and understanding during this time. Regards Jo
15.01.2022 Lots of people limit their camping or outside adventures to summer or when the weather is good but they are missing out on something special. The coast with grey skies is beautiful, quiet and nature at its most serene one minute and wild the next. I am a winter camper. It makes me feel alive, insignificant and at the mercy of Mother Nature. I love it. The next 2 weeks will be full of immersion in the Wild West coast of South Australia. I need to recharge my batteries
15.01.2022 So pleased that clients have taken up the opportunity to learn about healthy eating and receive naturopathic support weekly! I had the first appointments this week and I am so excited to support these lovely people to be healthier versions of themselves. It has taken me awhile to find a program that I believed in. One that didn’t exclude food groups, one that was realistic and sustainable. A program that has ample food (one client even commented that they were amazed they co...uld eat such a varied diet), ideas for dining out and a recommended exercise routine. This is not a diet. It is a way to eat which will support your health, look after your gut function, support your brain and cognition with healthy fats and take away your fear of what to eat or what not to eat! (Without being complicated). So if you want guidance on regaining your health and vitality via food with weekly naturopath visits and supplemental support (plus personalised meal plans), contact NatureSense Health and Wellness now to book you initial consultation or call to find out more about the program.
15.01.2022 I am encouraging all my lovely clients and followers to get into the holiday mood by following along for the next 12 days. Thanks to MediHerb for putting this together ......and breathe
14.01.2022 Interesting article shared by my friends from Carnevore’. Have a read
14.01.2022 March 2020 NatureSense News out now. Read about - Starting a small business - Mindfulness - Neurotransmitters - Paddock to plate... - Smoothie recipes Click on www.
14.01.2022 Great opportunity to take advantage of the February special and learn about your health. If you have any health issues from skin, gut, hormones, immune, stress, anxiety, weight, cholesterol, hypertension and many more, a naturopath can help. We work with you to identify and where possible, rectify the underlying cause. Book now at
13.01.2022 We will remember them #anzacday2020
13.01.2022 Google is stopping ads by health care providers who offer alternatives to pharmaceuticals. This is just so wrong. Please take the time to read this and sign. We should not allow tech companies to have the power to limit our health choices.
13.01.2022 I would like to share this information written by one of my past university lecturers. Good, basic info on the Coronavirus.
13.01.2022 My way of preparing! In early making immune herbal mixes for my family!
13.01.2022 This is how I feel at the moment. I am hearing many clients stories and some are quite profound. Giving people the space to tell their story with no judgement or advice is part of the healing journey. Being silent is something we all need to practice...
12.01.2022 June 2020 Update With the COVID-19 changes which occurred in March there has also been big changes here at NatureSense! As many of you know I continued to practice online during this pandemic helping as many clients as I could. By doing this I reassessed my own clinic practices and implemented new procedures.... The clinic has now permanently changed locations!!. I am very excited about this as it gives my clients and myself far more flexibility to consult and supply product. I am now located at Golden Grove. I am now consulting back face to face in my new location. I will be adhering to strict distance procedures and cleaning protocols to ensure everyone stays safe. I am going to continue to offer online and telephone appointments for everyones convenience. This ensures multiple ways of being able to access naturopathic care from anywhere in Australia and gives clients the ability to still see me even if they are isolating due to sickness or just cant be bothered getting dressed! This is all my new information. So if you have ever considered seeing a Naturopath or would like to just touch base again, please call me on 0419 728 822 or book online at I would love to be able to help you be the best version of you and support you on your health journey. Have a great day!!!
12.01.2022 Hello all!! I am still here supporting you as normal. In light of today’s announcement, all appointments have been converted to online and will take place at your scheduled time in the comfort of your home(if you are not an essential worker) How great is that! If you are worried, stressed or need advice please reach out and make an appointment or contact me. ... Onwards and upwards! Be kind to yourself and each other and don’t take too much toilet paper
11.01.2022 My motto for this year. We instigate change, no one else. Other people motivate, inspire, force us but ultimately the responsibility is ours. Are you unhappy or discontented in an area of your life? Well nothing will change unless something changes. Take a small step. Don’t look at the big picture, just change something and then the flow on effect will happen. One small step alters something and we are now moving in a different direction. Think about it....
11.01.2022 Christmas Hours!! The clinic will be closing on 19th of December until the 2nd of January and then again from the 10th January to the 20th. If you would like to see me to catch up with supplements or touch base before christmas I still have a few spots available but they are filling fast. If you require supplements I will be able to leave some with the concierge to pick up on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of December.... Please plan ahead and give me enough notice to prepare your orders as I would hate for anyone to run out and not be able to continue with their current regime!!
11.01.2022 Hormones Today I thought I would address the elephant in the room for all women. A good friend of mind told me I should just be real in my posts and call it like it is . ... So let’s talk hormones. As women we are at the mercy of our hormones from puberty to post menopause. At puberty our hormones kick in and our cycle starts. Some young teens have terribly painful cycles, heavy or irregular cycles. In answer to this many go on the oral contraceptive pill which can minimise the symptoms associated with problem cycles. The problem with this is that a woman’s cycle can take up to 12 years to regulate so by going on the pill the cycle gets repressed and the underlying unbalanced hormones causing the symptoms are not addressed. This means when they come off the pill it all happens all over again! In our twenties and thirties the cycle settles down but why are many still suffering? We can get hormonal headaches, migraines and PMS and we just think this is normal. There are so many things that can alter a woman’s hormones from stress, sleep issues, diet, having kids, toxins etc but again the only option often offered is one that suppresses our own hormones and doesn’t focus on how to support our hormones naturally. We then hit perimenopause which feels like an alien has taken over our body. Emotions run high, cycles get heavier and go completely haywire, sleep becomes an issue as we lie there awake bathed in sweat one minute and freezing the next. Our brain feels like it has gone on holiday, our anxiety is ramped up and we cannot understand what is wrong with us! Then we are termed menopausal. The family rolls their eyes and everyone is on high alert . We cannot wait for it all to end although some of us will feel sad most of us just want it all to end. It’s not meant to be this hard. Our cycles are a natural part of life and when oestrogen, progesterone and other hormones are balanced, they shouldn’t be heavy or painful. Our transition through life with our cycles should be easy with the occasional blip but we just think that suffering is normal. We very rarely put our own health first as we navigate through our teens, to parenting and then nursing our own parents. We soldier on thinking this is all normal and it’s just the way it is! This is so wrong. There is so much more we can do to support healthy hormones. Don’t just accept that this is how it is. If you have gut problems, or headaches, or anxiety, or skin issues, it might be linked to your hormones. Do some research and see what you can do to minimise your symptoms or book in with a naturopath so they can help assess your state of health. Take some time for yourself and prioritise your health so you can be the best you can be! Book now
10.01.2022 Whoohoo. Another amazing year. #lovemylife #lovemyjob #lovenaturopathy #naturopathicmedicine #holistichealth #naturalmedicine #herbnerb
10.01.2022 NatureSense has now moved home to reduce the risk of transfer and to support the goal of restricting the virus. I am still offering online normal consultations which can be done via zoom or telephone. Treatment plans and supplements will be emailed and couriered directly to your door. If you are working from home take advantage of this opportunity to get yourself in good shape and reset your health. Book online at
09.01.2022 Yum yum. I love sweet stuff. Not a good confession for a naturopath! I have my sweet fix in the way of healthy treats as much as I can and not every day. This time of year can be tricky to navigate so it’s good to have an option to take to an event which you will enjoy eating and will also be doing good things inside! This will be going on my list to make this Christmas!
09.01.2022 Happy days. Holidays. Winter beaches on the Eyre Peninsula. Where is your happy place?
09.01.2022 2020. A new decade. A time of change, reflection. A time to accept what has been and what is to come. Our entire being and way of life does not depend on money, jobs or family, it depends on our state of health. Without this we cannot really live the way we want to live or be the person we want to be. So think about the year coming and think what do you want for your future? I am back on deck next week and then away for another week. Book an appointment now via the website or phone 0419 728 822. Commit to a healthier you!
09.01.2022 Another busy day of online consulting. I will admit to struggling a bit. I like my office space and I miss the personal contact with my clients. This is a brave new world though and I am fortunate to be able to still support my clients and be available to help anyone with their health problems. My issues lie with life outside my study door . It is much easier at my clinic as I can immerse myself in work but at home I feel other things calling me. Does anyone else feel like this?
09.01.2022 Mindfulness is a great way of calming the nervous system down. My favourite app is smiling mind and finding just 5-10 minutes a day will help lower your stress hormone, cortisol. Maybe we all need to do hours of practice today
08.01.2022 Quite often in clinic I recommend a gratitude diary. Often in life we focus on what we haven’t got rather than focusing on the abundance we do have. Taking the time each night to write about things is a great form of being in the moment. Think about if you could implement this!
08.01.2022 Aromatherapy plays an important role in holistic health. Smells can transport you to a time or place but they also have health benefits. I am going to try this and see I can perk myself up in the shower in the morning
08.01.2022 Christmas..... can bring happiness, dread, fear, a whole mixture of emotions. As we approach this festive season, take stock and assess your state of health and well-being. There is still time to address mental health and physical health conditions and enjoy your Christmas without fear or discomfort. NatureSense Health is open: Tuesday 8am - 5pm Wednesday 12pm - 8pm... Thursday 8am - 5pm And every second Saturday 9 - 1.30pm Plenty of time to make an appointment and get some help before Christmas!
07.01.2022 While we are all concerned about the current virus situation and our immune systems, our other health concerns have not magically disappeared! In some cases, because of the stress of what we are all experiencing our health is suffering even more. If you can utilise some of your time at the moment to assess your health and focus on getting strong, I am available online or by telephone to support you. If you would like to have a chat to see what I can do for you please phone for a free 15 minute health assessment. Please call 0419 728 822.
07.01.2022 This is a link to a randomised control trial results about vitamin D and the current virus affecting the world. While only a very small trial it shows promising results. This is the sort of info that needs to be in the media not all the doom and gloom. The upshot is that high doses of vitamin D can reduce the need for ICU admissions and help prevent deaths. Let’s just not rely on a vaccine but also look at ways to support our immune system.
06.01.2022 Very good article from the World Health Organisation explaining the difference between COVID-19 and the Flu. Keep in mind the numbers here are different as it was written on 6 March. As it’s now been declared a pandemic we need to educate ourselves and take precautions. Do not panic just be prepared. It’s a virus with symptoms, don’t get caught up in the hype!
06.01.2022 I also want to add something for those of you who are homeschooling at the moment. The opportunity for your children to spend time with you and to learn things in a different way should not be underestimated. My children missed over a year of schooling in total due to us pulling them out all the time to travel. This occurred right through to year 12. Did I home school? Sort of. They did diaries, they drew and they learnt things completely unrelated to school that have made... them into the beautiful, caring, ethical adults they are today. This period of time is not going to define your children. They are not going to fail in life if they fall behind slightly. You are not curriculum teachers but you can be life teachers. Show them how to cook, get them sleeping in a tent outside, hunt for bugs down at the park, read books. Show them how to sew, how to use a needle and cotton, how to put the washing machine on. Show them how to lie on their backs at night outside and count stars, how to spot a satellite. Show them how to count different plants, rocks, bugs in your garden. Children can learn in many different ways besides doing workbooks. This time will pass but the opportunity (if you are lucky enough to have it) to step outside of normal life and just be, may never come again. I spent 15 years working within the education department and not once did I ever think that children spending time at home with their family (if safe) was wasted. You are not a curriculum teacher, you are a life teacher
05.01.2022 Love this! . We are not a quick fix. It is an educational process, empowering you to be your own health advocate. It is a journey in unpacking your state of health. It is not a one visit, take some supplements and off you go!
04.01.2022 I am having many clients experiencing anxiety and low mood and wondering what’s wrong with them. I too over the last few weeks have been feeling low and querying what’s it all about. Just because we are all struggling doesn’t mean it’s not justified. Let’s just stop and think what has happened in the last 8 months. 1. The fires started interstate in September. It was on the news every night and we were bombarded with the reality of people’s tragedies. This then hit us here i...n south Australia in late December early January. It was horrific and touched almost everyone in one way or another. Every night on every channel we saw over and over again traumatic images, making us feel useless and wondering what we could do. 2. Roll on a few weeks then we were hit with the virus. Our lives were turned upside down, our reality changed. We were afraid and we were bombarded all over again with worse case scenarios and fearful media stories. We were cut off from our loved ones, physical affection and many of us lost our feelings of security and normality. The poor people who suffered so horribly in the fires were forgotten about and our focus became global instead of local. I am fortunate enough to have many clients who came from those fire effected areas and their reality has not changed much. This virus has just been inconvenient, they are still trying to rebuild, get fencing done, deal with loss of income and post traumatic stress. My clients sit in front of me and feel bad about having anxiety or low mood but let’s get real here, IT’S OK TO FEEL LIKE SHIT!! I feel a sense of inadequacy that I cannot help but I am not going to say you have no right to feel like it. A client today who has suffered an absolute crappy 6 months plus said to me that we need to focus on our abundance and be grateful. Our abundance of love, the gratefulness of living in this amazing country and the beauty in this world. I learn many things from my clients. They are resilient, strong and still focus on their health even when the world goes mad! So I have no answers, there is no magic pill. We have all been fundamentally changed or effected one way or another in the last 6 months so is it any wonder we are anxious or feeling low. My advice? Just roll with it. Reach out if you need help and don’t ever think you are alone. If you start a conversation with honesty when someone asks you how you are going, you may just find they feel the same. Sharing the burden of anxiety or sadness can lighten the load just a little. Yours with abundance and gratefulness.
04.01.2022 When we focus on the whole person, magic happens...
04.01.2022 I know that some of you are saving these recipes and that is such a good idea. I find that personalised home made gifts mean so much more to me the older I get and if it is something useful which will help ease my day then that is an added bonus! The best idea though is to make things for yourself. Treat yourself to non toxic drinks, skin care products and food. If we nurture our body we nurture our soul
04.01.2022 How we source our food is so important. Have a look at this short video from Carnevore re their beef production. If we all become a little bit more ethically aware we can change the industry.
03.01.2022 So incredibly proud of my son and all CFS volunteers. 2 days off with no pay over Xmas (this week, not taking into account previous days off) and a mortgage to pay and he doesn’t even consider it a big deal. All our volunteers are self less and amazing. Sending much love x
03.01.2022 Do you have a condition that you find difficult to manage? Are you struggling with ill health, allergies, unbalanced hormones, gut issues? Have you ever considered taking a different approach and helping your body to alleviate your conditions? There are so many ways to tackle health and they do not always have to include pharmaceutical medication. Herbal medicine and nutritional advice can make a huge difference. This type of approach can also work with traditional pharmaceut...icals. It is not one or the other, it is a integrative method to work with every individual. Start the year with taking ownership of your health, be your own health advocate and constantly search for answers. Do not just accept. A Naturopath can help you unravel your state of health, why you are experiencing what you are experiencing and work with you on a path forward. I utilise herbal medicine, nutritional support, diet and lifestyle to support everyone from all ages and conditions. I am a self confessed herb nerd and love the power of this type of treatment. Each herbal mix is individualised according to your condition and symptoms as we are not all the same! Book now for an initial consult at or ring 0419 728 822 for a chat to see if I can help you!
03.01.2022 As a naturopath, I am the modern version of a traditional healer. For thousands of years in every culture, healers have been the mainstay of health in communities. In Australia, our indigenous healers still practice their traditional skills and are recognised in hospitals across Australia. In recognition of NAIDOC 2020, I would like to celebrate our own traditional medicine and give a profound thank you to these skilled and special people. Please have a read if you would like to have a deeper understanding of health in our indigenous communities.
02.01.2022 Hello all! Due to the current situation I am pleased to let everyone know that I will be offering Online Consultations for Initial and follow up appointments. These appointments will be able to be booked online on my website or via contacting me directly. These appointments are for anyone wanting a naturopathic consultation for any reason. It is a normal consultation which will done via a video link to your phone or laptop. Any supplements needed will be delivered to your door. For any of my current clients I would encourage you to utilise this function if you are feeling ill and would like some immune support. Please feel free to reach out and contact me if you have any questions. Online booking feature is now available.
01.01.2022 Yaaay. It’s Gravy Day!! Love me some Paul! With everything that has happened this year, this song will be emotional for families separated by the pandemic. For those of us who are lucky enough to be with loved ones this Christmas, hug them harder, laugh louder and love them that bit more. For those who are unable to be with their loved ones, I am sending hugs and virtual love.
01.01.2022 Love helping my clients at this stressful time. Easy as with online consults Delivery to your door!
01.01.2022 I always find getting up to watch a beautiful sunrise resets something in me. It is the best part of the day. The day is full of promise and reality has not yet happened. I stand and watch and just breath. A moment in time.
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