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Nautilus Design Co | Graphic designer

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Nautilus Design Co

Phone: +61 422 449 119


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to load big map

22.01.2022 I am the Echidna paparazzi . No matter how many I have seen, I always manage to take 100 photos of every single Echidna I encounter. I adore them and I am completely fascinated by them. They are such unique, special little creatures. Platypus and Echidna are the last remaining representatives of an ancient order of mammals, the monotremes, which have retained reptilian like qualities such as a cloaca and an egg laying reproduction method. These creatures offer a very special glimpse into the history of mammalian evolution.

21.01.2022 Some signage I did for a very exclusive cafe .... This was actually a bit of a moral boosting effort for the coffee station on board the Northwest Sanderling. A number of seafarers on board, including my partner, have been doing extra long stints due to restrictions and quarantine measures put in place for COVID19. By the time he gets home it will have been 4 months since we have seen eachother! #whoareyou

21.01.2022 My first crack at painting native aussie flora . I hand painted the flowers for this design to create a custom wedding invite for two of my favorites @mooseandming.

20.01.2022 A N X I E T Y. For me, it comes as a big crashing wave that creeps up while I'm settling in to sleep. Did you know everyone experiences anxiety throughout their lives? It's a lot more common then you may realise. Despite this, there is still a stigma that anxiety is associated with weakness. It is far from it, it is our fight or flight, our bodies physical response to threat. At it's best, it makes us stronger and more resilient, at its worst, it can cause fear and excessive worry. Regardless of where you are at with it, it is important to remember, you are not your thoughts and you are much stronger then you know

20.01.2022 Some species have this enigmatic mystical energy around themYou can feel they are in the water before you even see them, somehow you just know . Ornate eagle ray's are one of those species, I have only seen a couple of them in my life, but both times I had this tingley feeling like something special was about to happen. As an endangered species, they are very rare and it is such a privilege to see these golden beauties. Which animal gives you that feeling?

19.01.2022 Just coming out of my shell to say hi! I've been on a bit of a social media hiatus but feeling refreshed now and excited to show off some of my latest creations! I think it's pretty important to take breaks from this place, live in the moment, bathe naked in the moonlight in a giant scallop shell... you know, all that good stuff that makes you feel alive

19.01.2022 Two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl... year after year A small tribute to my lifelong love affair with #pinkfloyd. My security blanket of contemplative wisdom . I don't think anything will ever take its place. It inspires me, soothes me and connects me with so many people that have come and gone throughout my life

15.01.2022 Coral trout have enough color to brighten anyone's day Have you ever wondered why so many sea creatures are red? It is an evolutionary tactic! Wavelengths of color start to disappear the deeper you are in the ocean. The first color to disappear? RED So although these critters seem quite bright to us on the surface, they are perfectly camouflaged in their natural environment. #timelapse #oceanart #coraltrout

09.01.2022 O S P R E Y. These fish-eating birds of prey are quite common in Australia, I still never fail to point and yell "osprey" excitedly whenever I see one . I recently spent a good hour watching a family of osprey dining on a large fish, which looked like a Giant Trevally (what a catch ). I love how dainty they are when they eat, picking off their favorite parts of the fish first before tucking into the rest .

04.01.2022 I've been playing with a few new design ideas for a fishing/spearfishing range. What does everyone think? Too dark?

02.01.2022 Mahi-Mahi, Dorado, or Dolphinfish?

01.01.2022 A very lovely friend gifted me this beautifully hand carved stamp of a nautilus! I've been excessively using it on my packaging, for thank you cards, and for basically any clean, unstamped surface. I am borderline obsessed with it. Why is it so satisfying to stamp things ? Thank you so much again Charlie, you are an absolute gem of a human being .

01.01.2022 Felt cute. Might swoop later IDK. It's magpie season and a lot of fledglings like little Milo here end up getting birdnapped by well meaning humans! Magpies spend 1-2 weeks on the ground as fledglings learning how to fly. If you see one on the ground, watch him for a bit from a distance, 99% of the time you will see mum or dad swoop down to feed the little guy and that means he is totally fine where he is!

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