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Nepean and Blue Mountains Parkinson's Support Group | Other

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Nepean and Blue Mountains Parkinson's Support Group

Phone: +61 404 836 921


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25.01.2022 Hi friends. This week's zoom meeting welcomed Narelle from Anglicare Dementia Advisory Service. Narelle's chat about dementia and services available to assist anyone in need of help, including at home, was full of relevant information, delivered with a warm and caring smile. Thanks Narelle, for joining us this week, and for an entertaining and informative chat. Viv.

25.01.2022 Hi. Here is today's dance class photo. Thanks goes to Natasha, Cassie and Mark.....and all our fabulous dancers. We had quite a's a great way to disguise exercise as fun. Viv

24.01.2022 See you tomorrow morning for zoom dance class. There will be interstate guests to welcome. I'm excited.... Viv. See you tomorrow morning for zoom dance class. There will be interstate guests to welcome. I'm excited.... Viv.

24.01.2022 Hi friends. I hope you can join in our weekly zoom meeting tomorrow at 2pm. We will be welcoming Narelle as our guest speaker. See you then. Viv.

23.01.2022 Our creative dance class today welcomed Thor, magician extraordinaire, who taught us some magic tricks. It was so much fun. Thanks to Thor, Natasha, Cassie,and Mark. Viv.

23.01.2022 Last week's zoom class and meeting. Kirsty was our guest dance teacher, thanks to Natasha, Cassie and Kirsty. Our meeting was lots of fun again. Thanks zoomers, and thankyou again Mark. Viv.

23.01.2022 Hi friends. Don't forget to come along to dance class tomorrow morning at 11am. See you there. Viv.

23.01.2022 More great limericks from this week's meeting. Thanks to Judy and John for these beauties. Viv

23.01.2022 Another successful zoom meeting today, where we shared our "stage name" (that's another story for another day lol). Needless to say, more laughs AGAIN !!! Thanks to Mark for your generosity, and to all our fabulous zoomers for taking this fun ride with each other. Viv

23.01.2022 WE HAVE A SPECIAL GUEST TODAY. SEE YOU AT 3PM. Don't miss this meeting. Viv.WE HAVE A SPECIAL GUEST TODAY. SEE YOU AT 3PM. Don't miss this meeting. Viv.

23.01.2022 Today's weekly zoom catch-up was the usual mix of information and shenanigans. Our themes help us to know each other better, we are all closer friends than we were before, so thanks zoomers, we have a lot of fun together. Viv.

22.01.2022 Hi friends. Today's zoom catchup was very funny. Our theme of "our first car" bought out some hilarious/scary stories of youthful exuberance . Of course we had a serious discussion for more than a few minutes, but it's much more fun just chatting and connecting through shared....and experiences. Thanks again Mark. Thanks zoomers. Viv.

21.01.2022 Todays dance class welcomed Jessica from Newcastle again as a guest teacher. Thanks to all our wonderful dance zoomers, and to Jessica, Natasha, Cassie and Mark. Viv.

21.01.2022 Hi friends. Don't forget to come to our monthly Carers lunch tomorrow. 12.30 at the maze cafe inside the Penrith RSL. We welcome Viviem, counselor from head office, as our guest.... See you there. . Viv.

21.01.2022 And another creative face mask from one of today's zoomers. Good job Judy. Viv.

21.01.2022 Hi friends. Our zoom meeting today was lots of fun. The theme of "favourite holiday destination" was fabulous. There has been some extensive traveling to many amazing places by our members. Lots of great memories..... Thanks Mark. Thanks zoomers. Viv.

20.01.2022 Hi friends. Today's dance class turned us into circus performers. We got our "trapeze, juggler, clown and big top" on. Fun... Thanks to Natasha, Cassie, Jessica and Mark. Viv. X

20.01.2022 Hi friends. Today's dance class was great. Guest teachers Sue and Anne bought out our inner ballerina.....and we enjoyed some great music. Thanks Natasha, Cassie, Sue, Anne, Mark and all our fabulous dancers. Viv.

20.01.2022 Today's Carers lunch was great.....great food, great conversation and great support. Thanks folks, friends one and all. Feeling uplifted and still smiling. XX Viv.

20.01.2022 Hi friends. Don't forget to come along to the Carers lunch tomorrow, 12.30 at the Maze cafe, inside the Penrith RSL club. If you can, allow 2 hours for lunch, we eat slowly and talk at length...(usually we're laughing a lot too). Viv.

19.01.2022 Hi friends. I hope to see you at our zoom meeting Friday at 2 pm. Our guest speaker will be Emma, neurology nurse from the PD clinic at Westmead. ps....if you haven't joined in before, email me on ([email protected])and I can connect you to the meeting. See you then. Viv.

18.01.2022 I'm this months issue of the Emu Plains Lions Club newsletter, I have my first published article about, of course, Parkinson's. Thankyou Jim for the opportunity. Viv.

18.01.2022 Hi all. I look forward to catching up with you on zoom this afternoon. 3 pm. See you then. Viv.Hi all. I look forward to catching up with you on zoom this afternoon. 3 pm. See you then. Viv.

18.01.2022 Our May meeting today welcomed Mirelle Brockhurst, Marketing and Digital Manager of Parkinson NSW as our guest speaker. Mirelle is very familiar with our group, and it was lovely to see her again. Some very important information on recent investigations into the Aged Care sector are very relevant to PD, and we thank Mirelle for the update and the chat afterwards. Viv.

17.01.2022 Barry and I attended an event at NSW Parliament House last night. The event was hosted by Rose Jackson MLC, and Leslie Williams MP for Parkinson's NSW. The Hon John Watkins, former Deputy Premier of NSW gave a stirring account of his PD journey, you could say a "warts and all" synopsis that was inspiring and emotional. Following his talk, Jo-Anne Reeves, CEO of PNSW spoke to the rising needs of people with Parkinson's in NSW, calling on all politicians to support Parkinson's programs with increased funding. In all, a very successful evening, and an honour to be invited. Viv.

17.01.2022 Our dance class is doing a special project from today for the next 6 weeks. Today Jia Wei lead our zoomers in a creative exercise. Thanks to Natasha for organizing this project. Viv.

16.01.2022 February events calendar. Viv. X

15.01.2022 Hi friends. Today's zoomers showed their creative side.....decorating a face mask. Thanks for joining in the fun, I appreciate your support and willingness to share yourselves, sometimes through humour, with us all. Today's pictures....Viv....

15.01.2022 Hi friends. This mornings "creative dance class" with Natasha, welcomed Damian Asher, Sydney actor, who put us through our dramatic paces in a most enjoyable way. From tongue twisters to poetry to dance to facial and voice exercises and a few giggles. Thanks to Mark, Natasha, Cassie, Damian and all our fabulous zoomers. If any members would like to join in, please msg me. Viv XX

15.01.2022 This is lovely. Though it needs a fella in it too....the sentiment is the same. It's a willow tree statue. Women supporting and caring for each other through their life journeys. I have some of these women, and men, around me.... Feeling grateful. Viv.

14.01.2022 Yesterday I attended a session on zoom with formerly Carers NSW. The Carer Gateway is the new one stop shop for all things a Carer could need. Please log on or call them for any assistance you may need. Viv.

14.01.2022 Hi folks. Don't forget to come along to the choir/sing-along tomorrow. 11am. Bring a gold coin, and a smile.viv.

14.01.2022 Hi friends. I hope to "trip the light fantastic" with you at dance class, tomorrow at 10am.....on zoom. .Hi friends. I hope to "trip the light fantastic" with you at dance class, tomorrow at 10am.....on zoom. .

14.01.2022 I'll see you tomorrow at dance class.....on zoom. Viv.I'll see you tomorrow at dance class.....on zoom. Viv.

14.01.2022 To all the Dads in our Parkinson's family...v.

13.01.2022 Dance class was a good workout again today. We welcomed Jessica, a guest teacher from Dance for Parkinson's. We shared the love via movement and imagination. Well done fabulous zoomers. Thanks goes to Jessica, Natasha, Cassie and Mark for the meeting. Thanks all, Viv.

12.01.2022 Hi friends. Our February group meeting was very.....calm and supportive. Parkinson's specialist counsellors Shushann and Viviem had some great insights to help us cope with our diagnosis, and an exercise to do when feeling anxious, and it worked so well. Some of us were nearly nodding off. Thankyou Shushann and Viviem for being our guests for February. Viv.

12.01.2022 Hi friends. Don't forget to come to the dance class tomorrow morning at 11am. See you at the Kingswood Neighbourhood Centre. Viv.

12.01.2022 Today's dance class was a circus event. We dance/juggled/trapezed and had a lot of fun. Thanks goes to Natasha, Jessica, Cassie and Mark. Viv.

11.01.2022 Hi friends. Don't forget to join in tomorrow at 2pm for our weekly zoom meeting. See you then. Viv. Hi friends. Don't forget to join in tomorrow at 2pm for our weekly zoom meeting. See you then. Viv.

11.01.2022 Hi friends. Dance class today was quite a good workout. We did a special dance to celebrate Judy's birthday. Next week there will be a guest teacher, so please join in. Just forward your email address to me. Today's dance zoomers..... fabulous. Thanks Natasha, Cassie and Mark. Viv XX

11.01.2022 Hi friends. Don't forget to come along to the zoom dance class tomorrow at 1pm. See you there. Viv.

11.01.2022 Hi my PD friends. Here is the event calendar for June. I hope to see you at some of them. Viv.

10.01.2022 This afternoon's zoom meeting welcomed Emma Everingham, Nurse Practitioner, Neurology Dept, Westmead Hospital. Emma's presentation on DBS and Duodopa pump was very interesting and informative. Our members appreciated her time and expertise, she even joined in our colour theme for the day.....purple. Many thanks to Emma, to Terry and Jan for inviting Emma, and to Mark for his zoom. Thanks to all our zoomers for another great meeting. Viv.

10.01.2022 Hi friends. Don't forget to come along to dance class tomorrow morning at 11am. See you there.... Viv. See more

10.01.2022 Hi friends. This week's Thursday dance class will be on ZOOM. Penrith city council won't allow normal dance classes under the temporary covid-19 restrictions. Sorry folks, ... Viv.

10.01.2022 Our February support group meeting is this Thursday 18th. We are having two guests, Viviem and Shushann, Parkinson's Specialist Counsellors, who will have some important information on how to best navigate the Parkinson's journey, especially from the beginning. I hope to see you there. For more information, msg me here.... Viv. Here is our group events calendar for March. Please join in some/all/any events you can.

09.01.2022 I'm asking all my PD friends today. It's RU OK ? day....and I want you to know that I care if you're ok. It's nice to know that others care about you.....and they do. Reach out to me or loved ones and friends in your life if you need to, or want to have a chat. Viv

08.01.2022 Don't forget to join in our weekly zoom meeting. 2pm tomorrow. See you there. VivDon't forget to join in our weekly zoom meeting. 2pm tomorrow. See you there. Viv

08.01.2022 Hi friends. Don't forget to join in our Group catch-up on ZOOM tomorrow at 2pm. See you there. Viv. Hi friends. Don't forget to join in our Group catch-up on ZOOM tomorrow at 2pm. See you there. Viv.

08.01.2022 Don't forget to come along to our monthly meeting tomorrow morning at 10 am, at the Penrith RSL club. See you there. Viv.

07.01.2022 Our Group made it into the current Stand By Me edition. It's very nice to see us prominently placed for all our PD family to see what we have been doing. Thanks PNSW. Viv.

07.01.2022 Today's zoomers....having far too much fun. We even had time to share helpful hints on meds, exercise, gut health. Please read the wonderful limericks....(today's theme)....all originals....and hilarious. Thanks zoomers. Viv.

06.01.2022 Hi friends. Today I joined a zoom education session on incontinence. There was some good information, and resource contacts. I'll share some here. If you want more info, please msg me. Viv.

05.01.2022 Parkinson's NSW CEO Jo-Anne Reeves accepted a donation from the Emu Plains Lions Club last night. Jo-Anne expressed her gratitude on behalf of PNSW, for this generous gesture and has earmarked a Parkinson's program that will be utilizing the funds for maximum benefit of members. Thanks goes to Emu Plains Lions for a lovely evening. Viv.

05.01.2022 See you tomorrow for dance class on zoom. Viv. See you tomorrow for dance class on zoom. Viv.

03.01.2022 Our creative project today was a journey in inner meditation and peace, and drawing our feelings on paper. Heather lead us on the journey inward, and I thank Heather, Natasha, Cassie, Mark and all today's zoomers. Viv.

03.01.2022 Our meeting today welcomed.....ME. I reprised my recent presentation on Parkinson's for the Emu Plains Lions Club. My audience today was very receptive, and appreciative. Thankyou my friends. We ended with our customery shenanigans....our theme was our James Bond villian name. There were some corker's. Thanks to Mark, and all our zoomers. Viv

03.01.2022 Another limerick from our meeting....this one is at the expense of my off-sider Terry. Viv.

02.01.2022 Natasha's creative dance project week 5 welcomed Debora di Centa, dance teacher from Canberra. We explored the phases of the sun...through music and movement. Thanks goes to Natasha, Cassie, mark, and guest Debora...and all our fabulous dancers. Viv.

02.01.2022 Today's Friday catch-up meeting has continued our info/laugh theme. We had some fabulous fictitious "memoire" book titles.... some very profound, and others total side splitters. Well done again zoomers, for another enjoyable meeting. Happy birthday to Gail and David. Viv.

02.01.2022 Hi friends. Another successful dance class on zoom today. Thanks to Natasha, Cassie, Jessica and Mark. Thanks fabulous dancers. Viv.

01.01.2022 To all my PD friends, and every mother I know....have a wonderful day. Viv

01.01.2022 Hi friends. Don't forget to come along to our sing-along voice exercise class tomorrow... Thursday 11am. We have a guest singer coming along. Bring along a bow tie if you have one .... Viv.

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