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Naturally Fertile in Adamstown, New South Wales | Medical and health

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Naturally Fertile

Locality: Adamstown, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 4952 4042

Address: 618 Glebe Road 2289 Adamstown, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 Whilst you navigate your way through what sometimes can be a challenging fertility journey it is so important to be kind to yourself with self care and positive affirmations. Don't forget the importance of exercise and gut health for production of those happy brain chemicals.

24.01.2022 Endocrine disrupting chemicals and childhood brain development Exposure to common hormone-disrupting toxins in pregnancy and early childhood has been linked to the increased incidence of brain development disorders reported in the last decade.1 Recent data expands upon the link between endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and maternal thyroid hormone signalling during early pregnancy, and how it impacts offspring IQ and influences possible neurodevelopmental disease risks.1 ...Continue reading

24.01.2022 Are you wanting to become a parent? Check out the article below and make sure you are doing everything possible to give your baby to be the best start in life!

24.01.2022 Interesting article, highlighting both the importance of gut health and preconception care.

23.01.2022 My favourite mineral! Amazing for hormonal balance, energy, stress, tight muscles, bowels........

23.01.2022 We are not only what we eat, but also what we drink, breathe and touch. In todays environment we are constantly surrounded by chemicals, plastics, heavy metals, foods and additives which are toxic to our system. Our bodies are designed to work best by digesting and absorbing pure and organic fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains, proteins and water. We certainly werent made with enzymes designed to break down, confectionery, alcohol, soft drinks, additives and preservatives, proc...essed foods, medications, traffic fumes, cigarettes and recreational drugs. Over time continued contact with these toxins can overwhelm the body, resulting in us not feeling or looking our absolute best. If you plan to conceive this year it is best to do a thorough detox at least three months prior to trying to conceive. This will ensure that both eggs and sperm are maturing in a clean well nourished environment. Your skin is your biggest elimination organ thus if you are healthy on the inside you are guaranteed to have flawless, radiant skin. If you are experiencing problems with pimples, pigmentation, eczema, dermatitis or heat rashes, then this is a good indication that you are not healthy on the inside! You need to detoxify your system. Top detox tips: Remove sugar, alcohol, preservatives, colours and additives from your diet. Consume a minimum of 2 litres of filtered drinking water. Choose easily digestible proteins. Vegetable proteins such as legumes, quinoa, raw nuts and seeds are all good sources. Fish is also easily digested, but you must choose smaller unfarmed fish. Always choose fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables, it is preferable to buy organic produce where possible. Remove bad fats and sugar from the diet. Remove gluten from the diet: A very high percentage of the population of are intolerant to gluten causing it to decrease the absorption of nutrients which may lead to vitamin/mineral deficiencies, bowel problems and allergy symptoms. Choose dairy free options, use rice milk or coconut Exfoliate your skin daily with a pure bristled brush. Exercise regularly. To do a safe thorough detoxification it is best to have a detox program individually designed for your body. When I prescribe a detox program for a client/couple, I take into consideration their health history and prescribe the perfect herbal/nutritional and herbal support it needs to eliminate the toxins safely. I will be back in the clinic to support you with your health concerns from the 15th January, I look forward to supporting you for a happy, healthy 2019.

21.01.2022 Diindolylmethane (DIM) is the compound in cruciferous vegetables that makes experts advise people at risk for breast cancer to eat more cabbage and broccoli as a preventive measure. There is so much evidence based research on DIM as a chemoprotective that it has started picking up steam as a supplement of choice to deal with a variety of issues such as prevention of cancer, prostate issues, acne, PMS, mood swings, fibroids, menopause symptoms, and even man boobs. DIM restores... healthy hormone balance by adjusting the balance of bad estrogens to good estrogens, and it blocks aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen. Vege Detox is by far my most prescribed product in clinic as each capsule contains 20mg of bioavailable DIM.

21.01.2022 Keeping notes of the details of your cycle will be super helpful when we next meet to review your preconception plan to optimise your fertility. Along with the length of your cycle, signs of ovulation etc. it is also helpful for me to know of other things that may of impacted your cycle this month. Q. Did you fly this month? Q. How were your stress levels? Q. What did your diet consist of?... Q. Did you start on a new supplement? Q. How much coffee and alcohol are you drinking? Bringing as much information to your appointment will help me to help you reach your goal of becoming a parent. See more

21.01.2022 What is Natural Fertility Management? Click the link below to how to improve your fertility and make a healthy baby.

21.01.2022 Not just great fabric but great for the environment as well. Win win!!

19.01.2022 is a modern mother's lifestyle destination magazine. For health, home profiles, fashion and beauty tips, interiors, and more. Founded by a former Australian VOGUE magazine editor Georgie Abay back in 2013, The Grace Tales began when Georgie was navigating new motherhood and couldnt find a platform she connected with. And so she built on and focused on her greatest passion: story-telling. I am very honoured to have the Grace Tales share the story of my work in Natural Fertility.

18.01.2022 Saturdays are always the most sought after time slots for appointments and usually booked out well in advance. We have TWO time slots that have come available for this Saturday 4th May. New patient appointment available (60 minutes) at 9:45am Follow up appointment available (30 minutes) at 12:45am Book online @

17.01.2022 We have opened up another four appointments this week! Start working towards your health goals before the silly season hits. Call us on 49524042 or online.

17.01.2022 Do you experience these symptoms? ~Heavy menstruation with pain, large clots, long or abnormal length of cycles ~Lower abdominal pain and back pain ~Irritable bowel symptoms ~Painful sexual intercourse... ~Pain during bowel movement or urination ~Dysmenorrhea (painful periods) ~Ovarian swelling ~Swollen abdomen ~Infertility ~ Bleeding after intercourse, bowel movements, or urination... These can all be symptoms of endometriosis and may be an issue when trying to get pregnant. Endometriosis is a condition that causes tissues of the endometrium (uterine lining) to grow outside of the uterus. There are different levels of severity of endometriosis. Dependent on the severity you may need surgical intervention or you may be able to manage with nutritional, herbal and lifestyle support. Due to the level of pain that endometriosis can cause it can absolutely affect your mental health so treatment is essential. Even if surgery is your best option following up with natural support for healing and prevention of recurrence is definitely a sensible option. If you do experience these symptoms we would love to see you in the clinic soon to help work out your best treatment plan.

17.01.2022 Save the date for this informative workshop with Kylie Armstrong,Naturopath from Tonic Natural Health TONIC Natural Health Centre and Rickie Elliott, Psychologist from the The Hummingbird Centre.

15.01.2022 MASSAGE APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE TOMORROW. Do you need a little down time before Santa comes? Meet our newest practitioner..........., Hi, my names Tara and I have recently started at TONIC HEALTH CENTRE and am available every MONDAY and alternating Saturdays for Therapeutic & Remedial Massage Treatments.... I have been massaging since I was only 12 years old, in my mums hair salon, beginning with her clients heads during their wash and went on to become a qualified Remedial Ma...ssage Therapist at just 18years of age. Fast forward 23 years, I have finally come back to my original love after massaging professionally on and off over the years, having my children and all the fun things I am thrilled to have this opportunity here at TONIC! N.B. I am also a Yoga & Meditation teacher I am truly passionate about self-care and hope that I can help provide you a complement to practices you may already have. My rates are $90 p/hour. Cash and Direct deposits are best methods of payment at this stage. After hours also available ( please message your desired time) To book please call or email or message P: 0423 208 184 E: [email protected]

15.01.2022 Don't worry an inversion, with your partners feet covering your reproductive area is NOT one of the 7 ways to boost your fertility.

14.01.2022 VITAMIN C IMPROVES MALE FERTILITY Infertility can be stressful for men as they often feel social pressure, need to undergo diagnostic testing and may have economic costs involved with fertility treatments. New research has found that the influence of psychological stress has a significant impact on male fertility, with links between perceived stress in men and poor sperm parameters such as sperm motility, sperm morphology, sperm concentration and normal spermatozoa. In anima...Continue reading

13.01.2022 Another good reason to ensure you follow your preconception care program, get your bloods checked and make sure you are ready not only for pregnancy but most importantly a healthy pregnancy.

12.01.2022 If you feel that you could do with an energy boost I would love to see you at my upcoming FREE workshop. I will be discussing natural lifestyle changes and remedies to have you feeling your most fabulous, energised self! To book your space please email us [email protected]

12.01.2022 You don't need to struggle on your own. Reach out, there are people who really care and want to help you to find answers to your questions.

11.01.2022 Your gut really does impact on every area of your health. You can drink all the green smoothies in the world but if your microbiome is unhappy then absorption of vital nutrients is impaired resulting in poor overall health. To learn more about how you can optimise your gut health join me for my FREE workshop at The Yoga Loft, Tuesday 19th February @ 7:30pm. Everyone is welcome to book your place please call 4927 1010

10.01.2022 Exhausted? Burnt out? Join us tomorrow night to learn how to improve your mood and energy naturally with simple ideas you can implement now! -

08.01.2022 Spend an hour with me, covering all things diet, health, hormones , fertility and lifestyle. You will leave knowing if any of the 55 most common foods are compromising your health. I have used this test for many years now and have seen amazing results in my patients. Enjoy summer with increased energy, glowing skin, hormonal balance healthy weight and healthy digestion! Appointments available here

08.01.2022 Are you planning to conceive this year? Then ensure that you have done everything you need to ensure that you are offering your future baby the best start in life. Everything you eat, drink, put on your body for the 3 months prior to getting pregnant will impact on your health, your babies health and even the quality of the breast milk you will provide for your baby. The clinic reopens 16th January and I will be available for both in clinic and online consultations. In the meantime review my preconception checklist.

07.01.2022 I hope you can join us this Sunday night at 7pm @estabar

06.01.2022 We are SO in love with this new range of soy candles. Our clinic is smelling divine :)

06.01.2022 What is stress? Biologically, stress prepares the body to respond to a potential threat or danger. This response is commonly referred to as fight or... flight. What happens when we experience stress? During stressful times, you might experience headaches, an elevated heart rate, faster breathing, tense muscles and more. All these symptoms are triggered by the release of stress hormones. This is controlled by part of your brain called the hypothalamus which connects the endocrine and nervous systems. When you experience stress, the hypothalamus sends a message to your adrenal glands to release two main stress hormones: adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline The immediate reactions felt when you encounter stress, such as elevated heart rate, tense muscles, fast breathing and sweating are all thanks to adrenaline. Adrenaline also provides a rush of energy which throughout our evolution, has been necessary to either fight, or flight! Cortisol During prolonged or chronic stress, the adrenal glands receive the signal to release cortisol. The stress effects of cortisol can take longer to kick in than adrenaline, but it is just as important! Cortisol ensures there is enough glucose in the blood for energy production, and helps to suppress bodily functions that do not directly support the fight or flight reaction, such as digestion, reproduction and the immune system. If cortisol levels are raised long term though, it can lead to serious health problems. To learn more about stress and how it impacts on your energy levels join us for our upcoming event. See more

06.01.2022 Fathers to be there is a lot that you can do to improve your chances of having a healthy baby. THere is no tim like the present to get started. If you start now in three months time you could have super sperm ready to create a super healthy baby! To get started book an appointment with Kylie so she can make get you started on your personalised fertility plan. Whilst your waiting for your appointment, check out the factsheet below.

05.01.2022 Only 1 day left to place orders people! Your order needs to be placed by Wednesday as it is nearly Xmas and we are going on holidays until the 16th January!

04.01.2022 Life, work and family commitments can sometimes get on top of us. Couple these everyday stresses with fertility issues and I often find that my patients are feeling unbalanced, unhappy, irritable, depressed and frustrated. If this is something that you can relate to then the; Mood Disorder Appraisal form is a tool to help me to identify which neurotransmitter pathways need support, through a simple questionnaire, which can be emailed directly to you. The results are displayed... in a colour coded bar graph, which highlights deficiencies from "slightly deficient" to "extremely deficient". This graph simplifies the identification of pathways and nutrients required to help you achieve a balanced mood. If you feel that this would be of benefit to you please let us know when you book your next appointment and we can email you the questionnaire to be completed prior to our next appointment. There is always answers to your struggles, it is my job to help you find them. See more

02.01.2022 A simple finger prick test can check your bodies immune response against 55 of the most common foods. Food intolerance symptoms can be as many and varied as: cognitive function issues, skin complaints, excess fluid/weight, low energy, bowel irregularities and of course digestive issues such as bloating. Why not start 2019 with a clear mind, skin and a flat tummy. To book your appointment call Britt or go online and choose general health consultation and food intolerance test. This is great value for money as you get a full one hour consultation with Kylie and the intolerance test.

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