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Bec Dillon-Hensby


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25.01.2022 More money will solve all of my problems... Or at least that’s a belief that I used to tell myself anyway. This week I’ve been talking a lot about Money Mindset, so I thought I’d share how it’s changed my life and why I’m such a big advocate for it.... Growing up, I never really paid much attention to money. Coming from an upper-middle-class family, I always had everything that I needed. The money stuff was always taken care of, so I never really gave it a second thought it was all just happening silently in the background.. And then my life got turned upside down. Some messy family circumstances meant that everything that I knew suddenly changed. All of a sudden, money became something that I HAD to pay attention to, because we had none of it. The bank account balance was rapidly draining. In a very short space of time, I’d gone from having everything that I needed, to not being able to put food on the table. I am so incredibly proud to have worked hard and clawed my way out of this situation, but for a long time one belief lingered - I need to have more money. More money will solve all of my problems. That belief that I was telling myself meant that I became a complete workaholic. I was working long hours, travelling long distances to meet clients (up to 3 hours each way) and basically just living to work. The money was great! We could afford anything and everything that we wanted, and had a pretty amazing lifestyle. But I couldn’t enjoy this lifestyle that I created, because I was doing all of this to the detriment of my health. I have chronic health issues and I was making myself worse and worse but I just kept pushing - because more money would solve all of my problems, right? Wrong. It took me a long time to see that. I’ve since spent much of my time focusing on how I can use money to live my life in a way that feels really good for me and supports my health. I left my corporate job and created a business that I love and thrive in. I earn less income. BUT my bank accounts have never looked better, plus I’m far happier, healthier and truly free. Once I saw just how much that belief was holding me back and moved past it, I’ve created a pretty amazing life. Do you think that you have some money beliefs that might be holding you back?

23.01.2022 SURPRISE... I have a brand spankin' new (and TOTALLY gorgeous) website! For the past few weeks, the amazingly talented Kira and her team at KH Studio @thekhstudioco have been building me this incredible website and I couldn't be happier with it! (Seriously, if you need a website too, hit her up because she's next level awesome). Head to (link also in bio) to check out Kira's amazing work and learn more about me & my biz!

20.01.2022 If you want more $ in the bank, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. When most people set out on a goal to have more money, they instantly default to need to do more mode.. I have to earn more money! Should I work more hours in the day? Maybe I should do a side hustle?... I have to cut expenses! I can live without Netflix right? Maybe I should start investing. I’ll download all the finance podcasts! Or should I pay off all my debt first? I should check out what interest rates all of the banks are offering All of a sudden you end up with a To Do list that’s a mile long of ALL THE THINGS you’ve got to do. Do you know what that causes? A whole bunch of overwhelm, which means that nothing ends up changing because it goes in the too-hard basket. The biggest thing that I ever did to turn my finances around (and that my clients do too) is to take SMALL STEPS! Tiny little steps each day that don’t feel significant at the time, but end up adding up to massive changes. One of my clients currently has the most money that she’s ever had in savings, and is so damn proud of everything that she’s accomplished (and I am too). But I can promise you there were no big drastic steps that she took that turned her life upside down All she’s done is take small little steps every single day, and the process has felt effortless (and fun!) If improving your money situation feels like a lot of work, I encourage you to take a look at the actions you're taking, and consider how you can break them down into smaller steps. Because this process can be easy, fun and extremely rewarding! What are some small steps that you can take to help you have more money for your goals? See more

20.01.2022 My experience with emotional spending Fear based marketing and why I refuse to run a traditional business What to do if you’re caught up in an emotional spending cycle

20.01.2022 I was recently asked "If someone could only work on ONE thing to improve their finances, what should it be?" My answer... Money beliefs. In today's video I tell you why Let me know, what are some of the beliefs that you have (or had) about money?

20.01.2022 When it comes to money, comparison-itis can be a b*tch. We're really good at looking at what other people have that we don't. And we're extra great at using what we see to measure our progress and judge ourselves. Stop it right now!... There are two reasons why this is pointless: 1. Given that money is so taboo and we don't talk about it (much to my dismay), you can never judge a book by it's cover and tell what position someone is just by looking from the outside. Someone may be in mountains of debt, may have received a windfall. OR they're really good at putting out a perception that they've got their financial sh*t together (even if they actually don't). 2. We're all at different stages of our financial journeys. You may have just started with all the money stuff, and they may be a little further ahead. Comparing your beginning with someone else's middle is just going to put unnecessary pressure on you - and may even slow you down! It's so easy to get caught up in comparison - I know that I can too! But if you can catch yourself doing it and turn your focus to improving your own finances instead, you'll start to see that bank account grow AND feel a hell of a lot better about it. Are you guilty of comparing yourself and your financial position to others? See more

19.01.2022 Buying things will solve my problems and make me feel better. That’s a belief that I carried for years. I had some experiences growing up where money and things were used as bandaids to some problems. So this became a core belief of mine that I was walking through life with.... I didn’t know that this was something that was going on for me. It was deep within my subconscious. But it affected the way I behaved with my money. Every time I was feeling shitty? Hello retail therapy. So I’d feel bad, I’d buy something and I’d feel happy for a hot minute. But then I’d look at my bank accounts or my credit card balance and that would make me feel shitty again Cue retail therapy. I was stuck in this vicious cycle that was just getting more and more viscious. It took me YEARS to realise that my pattern of overspending had anything to do with what was happening in my mind about money. It’s damn obvious now, but at the time I just thought that it was because I wasn’t earning enough mone. When I did some work on this, it was a mic drop moment. When I understood this belief that I ha and when I got curious and dug into the moments that had led to that belief? I could make a conscious decision that I didn’t want to believe that any more. That that belief was not helping me, it was only making things worse. Now that is just one of literally hundreds of beliefs that I’ve worked through on money. Doing this work has completely changed the relationship that I have with money and my bank account balances as a result. Which is why I’m really excited to announce something brand new, so that I can help you to do the same. Introducing SHIFT My brand new group coaching experience that will be kicking off on the 20th of January. We’ll spend 4 weeks together to uncover and shift your own beliefs around money so that you can truly start working towards that life that you want to live without any of your money stuff getting in the way. Your investment = $100. If you more info or to join us, send me a message or pop a comment below with the word SHIFT.

18.01.2022 We build mountains in our minds. What to do when you're feeling stuck and aren't making any progress towards your goals

15.01.2022 As humans, we're our own worst critics. And we're REALLY good at telling ourselves stories, most of which aren't even true. One of the most common criticisms I see in people... "I suck with money" or "I'm bad with numbers". When you tell yourself that you suck at something, how does it make you feel? My guess is that it makes you feel pretty shitty.... When we tell ourselves that we're not good at something, we're instantly resigning ourselves to the fact that this is true and that's that. We close ourselves off to the possibility that things can change and that we can improve. But things can change, and we can improve! If there's an area in our life that we're not quite thriving in, we can very easily do something about it... But not when we're coming from a place of 'I suck'. Instead, if you're feeling like your money stuff isn't how you'd like it to be, tell yourself that you're learning. Because we are all learning! No one is born bad with money. Our financial ability is not genetic, it's learned! Once you realise and accept that you're not inherently bad with money and that you're just in the process of learning about it... You take the power back, and with it the possibility that you can take charge of your finances and you can live your life however the hell you want to! See more

14.01.2022 When we have beliefs about money that are holding us back, it makes us believe that there's a lot of things that are impossible to do. Like there's this whole life that we're destined not to live. My favourite part of Money Mindset work with my clients is the moment when people realise that the things on their impossible list are actually possible! That the only reason they felt impossible were the things about money that they believed to be true.... But when you can move past these? Pretty damn amazing things happen. Like my client that recently realised that she didn't have to go back to work - she is more than capable of sustaining her lifestyle on her biz income, something that she never thought was possible! Or my client that thought she'd never be able to buy a home on her own, that has gone from minimal savings to a sizeable house deposit in a relatively short amount of time. Got something you'd love to have/do but feels financially impossible right now? Send me a DM and let's talk it through to see how we can make it possible for you

14.01.2022 2020 has been a freakin' nightmare. And I can't wait to countdown to midnight on New Years Eve as much as the next person and see the other side of this. But if you've found yourself saying something along the lines of "I'll worry about all of this money stuff after Christmas or next year", I want you to stop whatever you're doing right now and read this. There are 45 days left of 2020. That's 45 more opportunities to sort your financial sh*t out. You don't need to wait for ...a new year or a new month or a new week to take control of your finances. You can do it right now. This very second. And the sooner you start? The sooner you'll be able to live the incredible life that you picture when you close your eyes. If you do something with your finances today that makes just a $5 per day difference, that will get you $225 closer to your goals than if you waited until next year. If you do something with your finances today that makes just $10 per day difference, that will get you $450 closer to your goals than if you waited until next year. If you do something with your finances today that makes a $20 per day difference, that's $900 closer to your goals than if you waited until next year. So why wait? You have 45 amazing opportunities to get on top of your finances so that you are able to live your life however the hell that you want to, even sooner. I have 2 spaces left to work with me in my 1:1 coaching program this year. If you'd like to find out more about how I can help you with your money stuff, send me a DM and we can chat all things dollars and how you can have more of them.

13.01.2022 How our perception of money changes our experience with it. If you saw $5,000 in your savings account, how would you feel about that?

11.01.2022 Enjoy the journey!

10.01.2022 When I hear someone utter the words, I’d really like to do this thing, but I just can’t afford it, two things happen. Firstly, my heart breaks a little bit more because it’s such a common problem and I can’t stand that. Secondly, it fills me with more motivation to keep going with my mission.... I’m on a mission to help women to be able to sort their financial sh*t out so that they can live life however the hell that they want to, without money getting in the way. To take people from surviving to actually living. To help people to be able to say yes to whatever the hell they want to. I’m going to ban the words I can’t afford it from the vocabulary of as many women as possible.

07.01.2022 Let me know below - when you see or hear the word Money, what's the first thing that comes to your mind?

06.01.2022 I used to feel so ashamed about earning money. We live in a society with this deeply ingrained belief that it’s greedy to want money and success. You only have to read a news article about someone that has achieved something great to see all of the shade and judgement that people throw at those that have or earn a decent amount of money. Before I got over this belief myself, every time I was doing really well financially, I tried to hid...e it! I was so ashamed that I didn’t want people to know that I was experiencing success. I look back now and reflect on how crazy that was. If you’re earning a lot of money, you absolutely deserve it. You’ve worked hard to get to where you are and you should be incredibly proud of that. If you have healthy bank account balances, don’t be ashamed by that - you’ve done an awesome job! Don’t let anyone bring you down or diminish your accomplishments. Because when someone is judging you? They’re generally holding up a mirror that’s reflecting the part of their own lives that they don’t like. It took me a long time to overcome money guilt, and it has honestly transformed my life and the way that I think and feel about money. It’s so liberating to be able to smile and celebrate your success rather than hide it away and be ashamed. Just because you’re winning, doesn’t mean that someone else is losing. Because having money means that you can live your life however the hell that you want. Having money means that you can help more people in a much bigger way. We need to start embracing our money because it's freakin' awesome - having lots of it gives us the power to not only impact our own lives, but allows us to direct it in a way where we can impact the rest of the world too. See more

05.01.2022 What advice would you give your 18 year old self about money?

04.01.2022 Are you DONE with compromising on the sort of life that you want to live because of money getting in the way? You have this picture of the sort of life you’d like to live, but it feels pretty far away right now. Your bank account currently leaves a lot to the imagination, and it’s frustrating.... The money comes in ANNNNND it’s gone. It seems to disappear just as quickly as it comes in every week. It’s annoying and it sucks. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. The key to having more money to do all of the things you want to do is not to work harder or hustle to bring more $ in It’s to make the most of the money that you do have. I work with people to help them take control of their money so that they can live their life however the hell they want to, without money getting in the way. I’ll work with you to equip you with all of the money mindset and management skills that you need so that you can finally start getting to the things on your bucket list, and banish the words I can’t afford it from your vocabulary. Next week I’m opening up 3 spaces for my FREE Money Mentoring sessions. In these Zoom sessions, you’ll get cosy with your cup of tea (or glass of wine) and we can chat all things dollars and how you can have more of them. We’ll spend 30 minutes together chatting through where you currently stand, and I’ll give you some insights about the things that you can be doing to get you closer to living the life that you want to. Want in? Leave me a comment below or send me a DM to secure your spot.

02.01.2022 Past money mistakes and the importance of letting them go

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