Belinda Hayward Next Level Health Coaching & Mentoring | Medical service
Belinda Hayward Next Level Health Coaching & Mentoring
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25.01.2022 Healing Journey Part V This healing journey that I have been sharing over the past few days, was not really something that I intended to share. I had not mapped out anything or pre-written each instalment, in fact I simply allowed myself the space to sit and start typing and allow the words to come forth. I cant even tell you why I am sharing this. Maybe its to have my journey and experience witnessed, maybe its to share with those that need to hear it, that there will be ...struggles and you can emerge stronger and more empowered, with a renewed vigour and sense of self. Maybe its to give you some faith that there is answers or that there is support out there. Also from my perspective, it helps for others to know that many of us practitioners and healers have our own painful and often very lengthy story and journey, that gives us that empathy and compassion and ability to really hold that space for others when its needed most. I found that in itself is huge!!!!! In a world of hustle and bustle and social media, finding people that are present with you for longer than a minute, is very rare and should be cherished wherever and whenever possible. I also know, that when my intuition nudges me in a direction quite strongly, its in my best interest to pay attention to the signs and cues. This account and journey that I am pouring forth here, was intuitive in how its unfolded and why its even been shared to the extent that it has/is. Very much like this entire healing journey, sure Ive had the goals in mind heal my body and then use that same roadmap to help heal others, but its really an open process seeing what appears and what feels right at the time and then jumping all in. The next big piece of all of this, that really shifted the needle for me, was actually to go inwards, a whole lot more! Sure I meditated every night often for one hour, but that was more so to calm my body and mind, rather than get that internal wisdom, and answers. My emotional style had tended towards avoidance and distraction for much of my life. I would throw myself into work, into study, into researching solutions to avoid feeling some of the pain, hurt, sadness and other emotions that I had pretty much stuffed down and book marked as way too painful to go there. The problems with that is, that repressed suppressed emotions, create blockages and dis-ease in the body. The issues are in the tissues, Ive realized. You can eat the cleanest diet, take all the supplements, follow all the processes BUT if you do not allow yourself to feel your emotions and release them, then you will never have that ease and flow that is required for a more complete and holisitic healing. What it requires is to sit and just pay attention to what is happening in the body, where is your attention drawn, what comes up for you. Be with it, go with it no agenda though that is the key! To be continued
25.01.2022 Isn't it funny how when you are really passionate about something, you want to keep talking about it and almost can't stop yourself from weaving it into conversations. It's not about getting more business, it's about knowing the kind of results that people get and wanting that for others too. That's what I seem to do with Creatrix. Yes I always say start with that good foundation - balanced food, daily movement, daily mindfulness (eg. meditation) and of course sufficient q...uality water intake, but there is SO much MORE to overall health and wellbeing. We know the subconscious mind i.e not the conscious part of our mind, is what stores the programs that we run off essentially, so we can not NOT take this into account, when we are seeking change in our lives for the better. This is especially true, if we know we are already doing all the "things" and not getting the shifts we'd like to see. There is still time in 2020 to do a complete Creatrix Breakthrough experience, so your 2021 and beyond, have more forward movement, more ease, joy and more in alignment with what you DO want. PM me and we can jump on a zoom call and work out your biggest blocks and a plan to get rid of them once and for all!!
25.01.2022 In todays uncertain times, what a great question and perspective to hold....
24.01.2022 I've been busy working away on my 3 part webinar series that will kick off in a couple of weeks - dates to be firmed up. So excited!!!! There is so much juicy content, hence it's over 3 nights (all online of course, so location is not a problem). It is thought provoking and can help you understand why change has been so hard, despite your best efforts and why all of the "things" you have tried, have not elicited the lasting permanent change you were hoping for. Also what is c...reating your stress and how you can drop it and move forward with ease, flow and joy! Yes it is possible. You can become unstoppable. Interested? PM me or leave a comment below.
23.01.2022 So happened for you, not to you.
23.01.2022 Healing Journey Part III So here I was still not feeling any real changes in my body, my mind or my life in general and at this point I was really not sure how I would continue in this same way. I was living in a state of desperation, mixed with a generous dash of hopelessness and a big serve of frustration thrown in for good measure. I felt I was this shell putting on her mascara each day, presenting to the world that everything was fine and dandy, helping customers in the... various places I was seeing them, but inwardly I was at a loss as to how my situation would finally change. Seeing customers and serving them was one of the biggest factors in keeping me going. In fact, the two places my energy and attention was focused was my customers and doing everything I could to help them and my quest for a lasting solution for me, my health and my entire existence. I was single , I had no energy or desire for any sort of real relationship it would just distract me from my mission, a few close friends who knew about my persistent struggles and my parents. At night I would scour through research, new products and their reviews and listen to a range of telesummits/webinars with various professionals, practitioners and healers in their field to see if their Roadmap, their range of products, their process, would be that one thing that would shift every thing for me. This continued for days, weeks, months, in fact in continued for years. I trialled all the supplements, purchased all the programs, saw all the healers around the world and yet I was still in the same state and had the same manifestations. I was officially obsessed with finding the missing piece of my seemingly impossible and hopeless condition and situation Alls I knew in my heart of hearts, was that the way would keep being revealed and this journey, albeit an often frustrating one at that, would serve me and go onto serve the women I knew I would be helping. One of the big pieces of the puzzle came as a huge epiphany and shift I was living in a holding pattern, actually most of my life I had lived that way, when I leave home then I will be happy, when I finish these studies then I will be able to relax, when I heal my gut, my sleep and my anxiety, then I will be free. So my shift, a mindset shift, was around the actual choice of choosing to be happy and free now. Despite the very evident proof all around me that I still had these physical, mental and emotional issues, I would coexist with them and choose and commit to happiness. That one micro shift, had quite dramatic effects. To be continued..
23.01.2022 I am finding this more and more as I work with women all around Australia, that these seemingly common lines and statement that we throw out almost flippantly, can have a huge impact in our lives. We know that when we think or say something repeatedly, it becomes a more defined neuronal pathway in the brain. The subconscious mind takes it and puts it on autopilot for you, as it realises that - well hey this must be important to you as you are saying it and thinking it quite a...lot! It becomes a belief, albeit a very limiting and restricting one, in many instances. Makes you think doesn't it?! The founder Maz Schirmer, of the powerful transformational modality Creatrix, shares in her post below, how this one statement "You made your bed you lie in it", which can become a limiting belief overtime, can cause needless suffering. Maybe this resonates with you, or maybe like myself, it's more the "Never enough time", "I need to nail it first go" or the "Change is hard", that keeps you stuck and stressed! I am fortunate to have studied and qualified in Creatrix, this life changing transformational modality earlier in the year. I have seen both in myself and those that I have worked with, life changing shifts. It really is next level transformation. If you know you are done with feeling stuck and stressed for no apparent reason, reach out. PM me or leave a comment below, and we can identify those beliefs and chronic emotional states that are holding you back and give you that freedom, space and expansiveness you are seeking.
22.01.2022 For me, my biggest areas of investment are, health (esp supplements -my cupboard looks like a health food store - anyone relate?!) and personal growth and development. Both are also in alignment with my top values. Always a good thing! In terms of personal growth and development, this covers ongoing study, ongoing internal work, spiritual growth and also having mentors that inspire, encourage, uplift and ultimately model what is possible. ... I've just signed on to work with a new overseas based coach/mentor, which has been a big investment in terms of $, but for me, when it feels like a YES and it ticks all my boxes and is all encompassing and very holistic, I will make it happen! In the past, I've sold shares, I've made monthly part payments and even borrowed money on my journey and quest for growth and evolution in all areas. I know and trust, that as I uplevel, shift and grow, it helps me to be more for those who I work with and support. For the women that have worked with me in the past, I'm sure you'll agree, that having someone who is neutral, objective, reflective and holding that space, is such a beautiful exchange. It's about intentionally seeing you in your highest potential and helping you to clear what's in the way, so you can also see that and ultimately embody that. If you know you want support and you are ready for more NOW, PM me. I have an array of options for supporting you.
21.01.2022 Do you have a fear of letting others down? This can have it's roots in fear of rejection or judgement, or not feeling good enough, but nevertheless, that fear in it's own right, is still eliciting the fear/fight or flight response and stress chemical cascade, every time you are working with or around other people. Remember that stress is what underpins and exacerbates most health conditions and has a flow on affect, impacting every body system. I just worked with a lovely, that was all about serving others and it brought her such joy and fulfilment. However, with that joy, there was also this very deep fear of letting others down. After digging a little, she realised, it was also tied to this emotion of sadness at the thought of letting people down or failing them. As a healthcare professional, when serving people every day, this fear was affecting her and was self rated at a 10/10 in terms of intensity and even the quite repressed sadness, was a 9-10/10. We used Creatrix, a unique process designed by a female leader, to take into account our female wiring and differences and WOW. I know I always say this, but it blows me away, when come session end - less than an hour and both, this suppressed emotion and regularly experienced fear, are down to O. Nothing. Not even an issue. No charge. Change can be uncomfortable, I am not refuting that. After all, it's different and the brain likes the same. It likes routine and if what you did yesterday kept you alive - keep doing that - don't deviate. But like myself and like the women that work with me, they know they want to move forward and get unstuck. They know their why is bigger than their fears. If you also feel this way and know that you want to step up more, serve more, have more abundance and align more with your purpose - reach out for a Blockage Identifier Call or register for my upcoming webinar - "Get Unstuck, Drop the Stress and Become Unstoppable". Details will drop in the coming week.
21.01.2022 Allow yourself to go there. To dream, to think big and to know that anything is possible when desire out weighs fear and when you drop the resistance and clear what's in the way. "I doubt it will happen" becomes "I trust it is happening". "I can't wait until I finish X then I will be happy" turns to "I am happy now". Focus on what you DO want not where you may be currently lacking.
21.01.2022 Stressed? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? You are most certainly not alone! I have been very transparent with my shares on my journey and struggles over the years with anxiety and the accompanying insomnia. These three states - stressed, frustrated and overwhelmed - have been very familiar energies for me over the previous at least 2 decades. Five tools that have made the biggest difference for me to date:...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Healing Journey - Part 1 I love supporting women and empowering them with tools, techniques, practices as well as healthy eating and wellbeing principles, for the body and the mind. One cannot work on one and neglect the other and expect to attain a more balanced and healthier, happier state, especially in the longer term. As such, I have studied a plethora of modalities including nutrition, herbal medicine and health coaching all which work essentially on the physiological ...body level and really are a key foundation for health. However and I know this first hand, this is not enough on its own, to live a full happy and healthy life. So the journey continued and enter metaphysics, energy healing and medical intuition, which rely more-so on working very intuitively, a very underdeveloped skill in many, in order to tune into the body and the energetic field and commence healing on that level first. Whilst that helped in some ways, it also was not really enough for many of those I was working with, including myself. I also suffered chronic health problems, which were largely unresponsive to many of the modalities I was learning and being exposed to. This was somewhat of a blessing or maybe even what some may call a secondary benefit/gain, in that it was fuelling my interest and desire for finding something I could really hang my hat and know that it worked! Back on the path and quest for more knowledge and more tools, which really bring about more tangible and permanent lasting changes. Did I also mention, that during this time, I worked with many healers of all walks of life, practitioners, Drs, chiropractors, kinesiologists and so forth all around the globe, in this desire to heal. I immersed myself in telesummits and teleconferences spanning many areas of health and wellbeing, with that clear intention in mind I will heal myself and then use that roadmap to heal others. Every new bit of research, every newly launched supplement, every new healer that crossed my path, I would jump onto and try it. After all, I reasoned, it worked for them, maybe just maybe, it will work for me. To be continued.
20.01.2022 Have you discovered the benefits of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)??? Antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory actions, studies have shown improvements in cognitive function and even less brain shrinkage in those consuming it over time. Mediterranean diets have been referenced by many practitioners as a healthier diet and the EVOO use is a large part of that, positively impacting the gut microbiome and the brain. Dr Steven Gundry, a previously top Cardiac Surgeon, sings E...VOOs praises, personally having up to 1litre a week and is noted as saying - food is merely a vehicle to get olive oil into you. I think 1 litre weekly is excessive, but definitely add it to salads in a dressing, over veggies, add to other sauces and soups etc. I drizzled an Australian EVOO earlier on some fresh buckwheat and quinoa bread, with smashed avo and halumi - delish! Just dont heat it beyond its smoke point, which is the temperature at which your olive oil starts breaking down.
20.01.2022 He makes a great coffee (with choc coffee beans on the side) He cooks well He loves dogs He is a great communicator He even likes candles ... He listens to your long winded stories and trainings and retains some of it (or pretends to) When you find a good man - tell him, appreciate him and remember, that your energy and your vibration attracted that - celebrate your growth in the process.
20.01.2022 Healing Journey Part IV Once I had that micro shift in consciousness, around the notion of choosing to be happy NOW not when I finish X, or heal Y but NOW, it was like a light bulb went on. I started to relax more, engage and share my life with others and that in itself was huge. It was as if the colour was dialled up in my world again, rather than black and white hues, I felt it had taken on. I started to immerse myself more into the world of coaches and commenced working... with a US based womens empowerment coach and that took things to another level. Even thought it was a sizeable investment, in fact I had to sell shares I had inherited, with the calls and WhatsApp support, I had never felt so supported, heard and in a lot of ways cared for, then ever before. I would replay her voice messages back to me many times a day and cry. Tears for the me, that had never felt that love or support. Feeling much stronger and solid in myself and my foundation, I got back into affirmations and visualisations in my daily walks and those practices significantly increased my vibration and what I started attracting into my life. The whole like attracts like and the law of attraction and law of vibration, really came into play in a whole new way and manifestation. I downloaded whole courses which I taught in person and developed stronger and richer relationships all around me. Once that contract finished with that particular coach, I undertake more results coaching studies and straight away took on my own clients in this area, eager to share these newly learnt and developed skills. I then started working with another US based coach who was so loving, supportive yet strong in holding that space for me, that once again I continued to blossom and see myself through different and much less critical eyes. Its amazing what a bit of love, attention and nourishment can do for the mind, body and soul, especially when it comes from a place of no expectations or agenda per se. However, despite all of these quite significant improvements, my health challenges remained. Whilst I was in many ways stuck in chronic patterns in that area, the focus of my life however at this point had shifted and crowded out the almost obsessive nature and intent of healing myself. I found that when my health seemed to be going backwards again, as in I hadnt slept for 4 consecutive nights (yes apparently its possible), thats when I would revert to my narrow focus on fixing me and an almost victim mentality you dont understand, its so hard, there has to be a way. To be continued.
18.01.2022 Woohoo..... I am now a certified qualified Creatrix Transformologist. Creatrix was created by a female leader in her field and uniquely designed for women, taking into account how OUR female minds work! So many of the solutions out there eg. NLP, timeline and other popular self development tools, work on the premise that male and female brains work the same -yet our wiring and physiology is so clearly different! Intrigued yet? By the time you finish reading this - you will... be! Creatrix is a process that goes deep, changes sabotaging beliefs on an epigenetics level (yep we inherit more than just eye colour and physical traits), makes thought patterns more positive AND is fast and long lasting!! For me, so far on my Creatrix journey, I have broken the cycle of being stuck, banished frustration - yep it was a biggie for me, released "Bogged down and overwhelmed" and thats in a short period of time - I can only imagine whats possible now I have this transformational tool in my toolbag. Watch this space, as I continue to share more on how my life continues to evolve with Creatrix and how the lives of those women I work with as a Creatrix Transformologist, are also being set free from the restrictions and limitations that keep them stuck!!!
18.01.2022 What if, you're greatest "pain point" ie the recurring chronic issue, that frustrates you and seems to persist, is your greatest gift? That's what I am realising more and more on this journey, that what persists needs our attention, our time and to be SEEN and FELT. It is, by the logical mind's account and judgement, an inconvenience and annoyance and despite our best efforts, it remains. It is a reflection on what is going on internally. All our external manifestations are ...on some level, mirroring aspects of us. Aspects of our relationship with ourself, our emotional body and our inner child. This work, can't be bypassed. No diet, supplement or even process, can fill that void or do the work that is ultimately what is needed most. So what is the remedy, the fix or the "treatment", you might ask? It's for you to turn inwards and develop the greatest relationship you will ever have - with yourself. But, like with any relationship, it takes time to understand that other person/aspect, to trust them and to strengthen and nurture that relationship. If you are always judging yourself, picking out your flaws, directing frustration and anger to parts of you that won't fall into line and "resolve", feel into that energy. Would you respond favourably if someone was treating you like that? Learn and take time, to love all parts of you. The parts that are out of balance, in pain, not sleeping, ageing, not the "ideal" weight, not cooperating by your means and standards. Compassion, warmth presence, understanding, acceptance, love, to be seen and heard are what all of us are ultimately wanting. The degree of it depends on how much or how little you had as a child. Once we have shone a light on that aspect that needs attention and compassion, then things on the physical level will start to work. Then everything you are wanting on a conscious level will start to show up. If this resonates with you, leave me comment below. If you want some support on looking at different parts of you and cultivating a better relationship with you, reach out. You are SEEN. You are heard. You matter. You are loved.
18.01.2022 Sleep awareness week kicks off tomorrow and runs through until 14th of March. Sleep has been one of my biggest challenges in recent years and I have invested extensive amounts of time and energy, in researching the art of sleep and how best to improve, enhance and deepen sleep quality. I have also penned a book on the subject, aptly titled "137 Tips for Reclaiming Deep Restorative Sleep Every Night!". I encourage you to read or share this book with loved ones if sleep is an i...ssue for you or for them. It is available through Balboa Press Australia online, Amazon, Booktopia, Book Depository etc. Over the course of the Sleep Awareness Week, I will share various tools, techniques, tests and nutrients/herbs that can support you in the quest for better sleep quality. Sweet dreams!
18.01.2022 Ive mentioned in previous posts how body image and self love was for many years, a constant struggle. I went through long periods of viewing my body, through the lens of hatred and disgust. With that energy, feeling and focus, can you imagine how weak the relationship with my self and my body was? Ive come a long way and most days actually really like myself and my body, perhaps I would say even say there are moments where I love all parts of me, but like everyone and every...thing, it really is a lifelong commitment and journey. I can attest to some days being easier than others, but for many women who I talk to and work with, self love is a far stretch, in fact they are still in the trenches of battling with their body and their self image on a daily basis. Imagine what it would be like, if we cultivated a stronger bond with our selves and our body and spent time giving it the love and affection, that we love to receive from those around us? Lets begin the love affair with you and your body, with my 3 day Body Love Challenge. It kicks off next Sunday week 31st May at 7pm and for 3 consecutive nights we will devote to removing and releasing deep blocks to self love and positive body image, do intuitive guided meditations, use structured programmed water, receive downloads and activations and more!!! Its an investment in you, your body and your love for self, that will pay off for years to come. Its $15 a day so thats $45,or lets face it - a takeaway meal these days - so lets do this!! PM me now to secure your seat (online in your lounge room of course!).
17.01.2022 Happy Sunday all. Hope you have been having an amazing weekend - with fun, rest and whatever else brings you joy! It's become increasingly apparent, that so many of us, not only future live, which breeds more anxiousness, BUT, even that potential future, isn't often what we ACTUALLY desire. What I mean by this is, its anticipatory thoughts about what may go wrong eg. if I lose my job then I won't pay the mortgage, as I get older it's all down hill - breaking down, if I tell t...Continue reading
17.01.2022 Healing Journey Part VI As they say, what you resist persists and, in many ways, I was resisting going inwards due to the pain and inability to process those heavy feelings and emotions Id experienced over the years and that quite clearly, was what was actually needed most. So the game-changers to date, from my perspective, were, eating in a balanced way (naturally!), daily walks, meditation, going into the body and feeling what was coming up (then continuing to do this chec...Continue reading
17.01.2022 A gorgeous earth angel has passed in peace with loved ones all around. My Non (Grandma) had a very full happy long (97 this year) blessed and predominantly healthy life and has reunited with Pa. Never easy to accept that you wont see them again here, but years and years of memories, moments, pictures and letters are proof that I was the lucky one to have as long as I did with such a heart centred strong positive present woman. Love you forever Non and you will always be in my heart.
16.01.2022 So true. The 4-7-8 breath or alternate nostril breathing are great conscious calming breathing methods. Ive covered this in previous trainings, but its a great reminder. So many of us go about our day shallow breathing, breeding more stress and exacerbating health conditions. Breathe. Smile. Posture. This was a little sign I had on my office PC for many years - Id see it and consciously stop what I was doing, breathe more deeply, sit more upright and smile. Try it on for size.
16.01.2022 Came across this in one of the many books I'm currently reading and it resonated at such a deep level it brought tears. "If you don't believe it is possible to heal someone by listening deeply to them, then you have never listened to anyone at a deep enough level to experience this". Nauman Naeem MD... Holding the space for someone, truly listening and just sending them love and compassion with no expectations, is the greatest gift you can give someone. Can you do this for someone today?
16.01.2022 Have you dabbled in or studied various self development and personal growth tools over the years, only to find yourself reverting back to the way you were, shortly after? Frustrating hey?! Yes that was my experience. I studied coaching, some NLP and timeline techniques as well as worked with various coaches over the years, but not alot shifted on a deep level. I was still feeling the same way and manifesting the same sort of experiences, suggesting that on a subconscious leve...Continue reading
15.01.2022 The sun is out and shining bright, with a lovely light breeze. You know those gorgeous days when it feels as if the colours and sounds of nature have been dialled up in intensity and vibrancy?! I had 8 hours sleep (woohoo) and I'm sitting having a cinnamon cappuccino, talking to a lovely older lady, who incidentally, used to live in the Hills area, where I also had lived for close to 20 years! Two things I feel called to share at the moment:... 1. How good is a good night's sleep? It's something that so many take for granted and when it becomes a chronic problem, it is life impacting! It is something I have had challenges with, since a nose surgery 9 years ago. I urge you, if you or someone you know has an issue with deep sound sleep, I encourage you to pick up a copy of my book "137 Tips for Reclaiming Deep Restorative Sleep Every Night". It is literally jam packed with tools, techniques, nutrients, things to explore, tests to discuss with your healthcare practitioner and so much more! I wrote and published it several years back, but the information is still so current and potentially life changing. It's available on line through most online book retailers. 2. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude, even in the face of what is showing up, that is not necessarily favourable. Gratitude is such a high vibration energy/feeling/frequency and for alot of us, we don't feel it or project it anywhere near enough. There is always something to be grateful for - sunshine, family, good food, fresh air, a smile from a stranger, a few hours without pain, whatever it may be. The thing with gratitude and any emotion/feeling/thought really, is that the more we practice it, the more it grows and attracts more 'like' feelings. I want you to pause and say aloud 3 things that you are grateful for right now and allow yourself the time and space to feeeeeel into it. Good right?!
14.01.2022 I love sharing some of the experiences that I personally have had with Creatrix, as well as some of the amazing transformations that some of the women that I have worked with, have also had. A very common situation I see with so many women, myself inclusive, is the struggle with chronic stuckness. Its like, we want to be seen, heard and share our message with the world, BUT, all these known and unknown fears and blocks hold us back. So we stay put, until the desire and year...ning rears it's head again and then we'll attend to it once more. Until then, I'll just keep on keeping on. I did this for so many years. The staying stuck, also continues to foster and breed chronic emotional states, i.e. the frustration, resentment, anger, jealousy, doubt, guilt and so forth So we "know" we want more, and maybe dabble in pursuing and studying various courses, processes, self help books, webinars/seminars and seeing practitioners from various modalities. Maybe temporarily we feel better and maybe even start to make progress with our various ventures, BUT the fears, the doubts, the overthinking, the imposter syndrome (who am I to help others when I haven't mastered it all yet) all creeps back in. Back to square one and the stuckness. Some of the common core wounds, the fear of rejection, fear of failure, the I'm not good/smart/young/rich/thin/attractive/qualified enough, will continue to run the show and stop you in your tracks. That was 100% the case with me and for many women too. Maybe you can relate? I was fortunate to come across Creatrix earlier last year, a process that was designed by a FEMALE leader, with the FEMALE wiring in mind. I was intrigued as I knew that so many of the mainstream processes and techniques that a majority of coaches were using, were developed by men and thus don't take into account our female differences. One major difference, a aside from our hormones and female cycle, is the female brain. Our prefrontal cortex, develops at a younger age than males, so we naturally feel fear more quickly and our larger anterior cortex means more ruminating, pondering, questioning and thinking. So is it any wonder our fears and overthinking keep us stuck? Creatrix gets to the root and releases these blocks. You get your own learnings and wisdom, it speaks to your mind, body and soul, it's quick but results can be quite dramatic. If you are intrigued, PM me for a Blockage Identifier Call to see some of YOUR biggest blocks and whether you are ready for your own breakthrough. Or, if you know that you want to study and be a facilitator of this transformational modality, book in for a call with the Institute of Women: Women empowering women, is a movement gaining HUGE momentum - are you feeling the call?
14.01.2022 Have you had your pause, breathe and smile break this afternoon? Nows a good time.
14.01.2022 Afternoon all. It's been coming through so clearly, that I need to breath new life into my Reclaiming You! group. I want this to be a hub for you to receive healing, activations, trainings, up to date information and of course any offers that I currently have. I've run this group with little structure, little planning and just held the space but I know it needs new fresh energy as with anything that has been around for some time.... So, starting today, the new Reclaiming You! schedule of events, looks like: Late week trainings - Thursday or Friday at 4pm (depending on client commitments). This will cover an array of topics - health, wellness, emotions, abundance, manifesting, intuition, healing and more! Meditation - Monday at 7pm. I am an avid meditator, meditating daily for 4+ years. When I do meditations for groups, I love just being in the flow, no script, just a general idea of what the meditation will cover and I go for it. Join me for meditations covering all sorts of areas - some could be just for relaxation, others for hormonal balance or cellular regeneration and some may be more light body activations and more@ Healings, activations and intuitive readings - Wednesday at 7pm. Jump online to receive your mini reading or healing. I will use energy healing, medical intuition, chakra healings, tarot or other readings, emotion code, theta healing and whatever other skills I continue to learn. Let's make Reclaiming You! a place to go, to be connected, uplifted, motivated, healed, inspired and empowered! If you are not yet a member, or know someone you feel this is right up their alley, here is the link to join:
14.01.2022 Ever have those mornings when you wake up, after a poor night's sleep, feeling a little sorry for yourself and feel like going into hibernation mode for the day? Looking outside it was raining, 7 degrees and snow on the mountain. Well that was me a few hours ago and I let myself sit in that energy and emotion for a while, then consciously choose to reach for a better feeling thought. I obviously couldn't change the fact that I had had a bad night with looping thoughts etc, BUT I could change how I was reacting and feeling in that moment. So I got up, got ready and went up to a cafe that I love and frequent. I spoke to the staff and instantly felt brighter. I then sat next to a lovely older lady, a regular, I smiled at her and started talking and we ended up having an interesting conversation. She was 85yrs and was telling me about her travels around Australia as a nurse. I then looked around the cafe and smiled at a man sitting on his own and he started smiling. A smile is contagious and leaves both of you feeling lighter and brighter. This is a post to get you to become aware of how you are currently feeling and is that how you want to feel, then consciously choose better feeling thoughts and emotions. You have that power. Also to become aware of the energy you are projecting out and whether it's what you want to come back to you or whether you want something different. Once again you get to choose.
14.01.2022 Love functional lab testing - such a great way to dig a little deeper and know exactly where you are at with such markers as your hormone levels, metabolism, cortisol and adrenal output, thyroid function, vitamin D status, blood sugar and inflammation. All key measures to know in the quest for optimal health, longevity & immunity as we age. Of course I have to road test before recommending and most functional labs are via saliva, blood, urine or stool. As per an FB post seve...ral months before - not a huge fan of the soaking of 12 huge (in my eyes) circles with finger pricking for the blood spot testing component. Wish me luck.... Tomorrows test is the complete candida, metabolic & vitamins urine test, to assess how well your digestive system is functioning, along with your energy and mood metabolites. It also provides a way to assess whether youre truly getting all the vitamins you need from your current diet plan. A "go-to" lab when you want to find out how well your body is doing from the inside out! This test Im thinking is the far easier collection option. If you are interested in health coaching where the use of functional labs is a key part of your wellness program, PM me for details.
14.01.2022 If you are ready for more and you know that you'd love the support and guidance of a mentor, teacher or those next steps and roadmap, to help you move to YOUR next level, I'd love you and your energy in the 12 week Radiance Codes Immersion. We commence the magic & alchemy on 1st May. In the 3 months together, there is 12 weekly modules, weekly calls, weekly meditations/healings, a 3 month 24/7 healing transmission container on your top 5 desires/areas you are seeking a breakt...hrough on and a secret FB group supporting you every step of the way. We cover energy in great detail, emotional mastery, chakra balancing, strengthening your intuition, busting through blocks, recalibrating the nervous system and body, manifesting magic, mastering meditation, activating the feminine energy and so much more. I love this work. It's deeper and more expansive than anything I've offered before. I am constantly learning and up-levelling myself, currently doing 2 courses and having a coach/mentor myself. I cherry pick the key learnings of each and run it through my filter, my energy and my higher self and serve it up to you, with the intention for transformation and breakthroughs. Note, the early bird, $200 OFF each of the 3 package options, closes at midnight tonight AEST. After that, you can still enrol up to the 30th April but the price goes back to the regular package pricing. Link for more info and to join us:
13.01.2022 Healing Journey Part II This elusive subconscious/unconscious mind and what lays beneath, become the next big piece of the puzzle in my quest for healing and transformation. I studied and trained in Theta Healing, a process and both spiritual and meditative technique, that allows you to identify limiting beliefs and through entering a theta brain wave, dissolve those blocks in the subconscious and replace them with more of the programs you are wanting. I saw some success wit...h this, but not in the main areas I was wanting to see and feel shifts on. I do however continue to use this modality regularly, especially for myself as limiting beliefs and blocks arise, as I do believe in its power. Then came along Emotion Code Healing, which through muscle testing this is about finding those trapped emotions, what age they became lodged and then releasing them. Once again, I saw some shifts in those I was working with, but not enough to say that this was what I wanted to keep focusing on and hanging on my hat on, so to speak. I continued to immerse myself in other modailties including meditation, EFT, NLP, NAET, timeline, hypnosis and other results coaching practices, along with anything else that seemed to be the answer and of which had helped many others with their chronic mental, emotional and health challenges. Once again, I personally had some success and some success with these techniques in those I was working with, but again it didnt feel enough. Of these, I must say that meditation was a game changer, in at least calming my overly dominant sympathetic nervous system and over analytical mind. I continue to utilize this practice on a daily basis and weave it into online programs I run intermittently when inspiration hits. Also EFT is something I do use as things arise but alongside other things I am/was doing. In conjunction with this hunger for knowledge and solutions, I continued to see integrative GPs, kinesiologists, chiropractors, energy healers and so forth, while omitting food groups (no chocolate for 8 yrs, no caffeine, no sugar or dairy etc ) undergoing functional labs and trying every supplement I could get my hands on, in the areas I was seeking improvement on. I also was exposed to the world of medical intuition. I was naturally intuitive since a child and over the years had been part of psychic development circles, studied metaphysical mastery and eventually studied with a medical intuitive based in Queensland. Once again, some of the medical intuitives I worked with, were pretty accurate in their assessments, but their recommendation or subsequent energy work was still not impactful enough that I saw that real lasting change I was intent on finding! To be continued......
13.01.2022 I had a session with a lady yesterday, that was so overwhelmed with everything that had transpired for her over the past 6 months, that she felt truly stuck and couldn't see a way out. It turns out this pattern had played out for her many times over the years. Once we realise that most of our limiting beliefs are formed up to 7yrs of age, it makes sense that this pattern, is still playing out in various ways, until we remove and replace/supersede it. The outside (our world) r...eflects the inside (our beliefs, thoughts etc). Period! One of the biggest blocks for this women, as well as for many of the women I work with, myself included was: Not enough. This can be - not feeling smart enough, attractive enough, good enough, young enough, thin enough...fill in the blank. This "Not enough" is unfortunately such a common limiting belief for many of us and keeps us either going into perfectionist mode to prove that we are enough, or procrastinating because well why try, it won't be enough anyway. Remember the subconscious mind will always find evidence to prove us right. If you are ready to bust through this and other blocks which do not serve you and the YOU, that you are wanting to align with now and moving forward, PM me. We still have time to bust through this and other identified limiting blocks and repressed emotions in 2020. Imagine how your life could be without these blocks holding you back. Gift yourself the freedom your heart is seeking.
13.01.2022 I'm clearly not meant to write this post, twice written and twice some how or another not posted and deleted, but third time's a charm as they say, so here goes.... Hormonal imbalances are all too common for women of all ages and hence I wanted to share some useful information to support you with wherever you are at in terms of your hormonal health. Imbalances can present as moodiness, teariness, sleep disturbances, tiredness, anxiety, irritability, hair growth in areas you w...Continue reading
13.01.2022 I love working with people on chronic issues. You know the pesky sort that persist over 3 months? For some people it may be health challenges. I've had several clients of late with long standing gut issues, and fortunately labs, diet changes and supplementation have worked a treat. Others have had their struggles with sleep, stress, cholesterol and other such symptoms or conditions that have, well, lingered. Others have had struggles with feeling anxious, anger, resentment a...nd overthinking. Or if you are like me it's the frustration, the overwhelm and the old "Doesn't matter what I do it's never enough" or "I've got to nail it first go" or "You've got to work really hard for money"!. Yeah, not exactly conducive to good health and a calm, balanced nervous system. Those repetitive thoughts, over heard conversations, that over time, become beliefs, in many instances are not serving you and are in fact stressing you and your system. How do I know? Story of my life! I know I harp on about it in alot of posts but your world and what's showing up in it, is a direct reflection of what is going on inside. Your thoughts and your beliefs. I encourage you to become aware of the statements you flippantly throw out eg. "It's not easy", "Times are tough", "It's in the genes", "I can never do it right" etc. because say it enough, it brainwashes you and your cells and becomes an entrenched belief with it's own well established neuronal pathway. Fortunately, we can change our world by changing our beliefs. How do we do that? Awareness, intention, affirmations, visualisation, hypnosis and of course the consistency and commitment to override/supersede the limiting kind. Or if you want a solution that is permanent, pain free, no reliving past traumas, works on an epigenetics level and works specifically on a women's wiring and physiology, then Creatrix is the best way I have found to elicit change. It does so by changing chronic limiting beliefs and emotions at a root level. Women I have worked with, will invariably say post session and even weeks and months later, that they way they approach situations is different. Their reactions is different. They feel calmer and not so much in their head. Their relationship with themselves improves and their self talk becomes a whole lot nicer! I love it. It is so rewarding for me, to see chronic longstanding issues, no matter what they are, improve If you want to kick those chronic limiting beliefs and longstanding highly charged emotional patterns to the kerb, PM me now. We can do a full breakthrough before the year is out, making 2021 and beyond your best years yet! Start with a fresh canvas and create your masterpiece!
13.01.2022 What if the remedy to all that ails you is love? Love is such a high frequency on the scale of consciousness and love has the power to shift, transform and perform seemingly miracles, when nothing else has seemed to work. Ask yourself - do you love yourself - I mean all parts of you? Or do you even like yourself?... Over the years I have been in the energy of hate, dislike and frustration with my looks, my body, my intelligence etc. I remember hating my curls as a very young child, especially when my immediate family had straight hair. Then it was my nose, couldn't stand it. Then it was my freckles, my body, my fair skin, my overall looks. There was always something that was the object of my harsh eye and very critical self judgement and impossible expectations. Something didn't go right for me, whether it be at school, uni, college, work, with a guy, with friends etc. well it must be that I am not enough as I currently am. Not attractive enough, not smart enough, not young enough, just plain old not good enough! Can you relate?? Not enough is one of the core wounds for many of us. It's sad really that so many of us see ourselves in this way, with this kind of energy and frequency. Alot of this has it roots in not feeling loved as a child. When I say this, sure you can have present parents that loved you in their way but if you felt that you didn't get the love that you needed, that deep felt connection, that's what matters. It is your perception, your lens and your judgements formed, whether accurate or not, that shape how you see and interpret all around you. It also comes down to feeling that you belong, that you are part of something. Part of a family, a group, a tribe. Many of us felt different, left out, not important or overlooked. This started as a post, but as I'm writing this a 3 day challenge is coming through loud and clear. I started doing this last year but the timing was wrong. Love is really all there is. So let's do this. Let's devote 3 days (and of course a life practice ideally) to bathing ourselves in love. let's have the intention, create the space and let love lead. So this 3 day challenge "A love affair with you" kicks off 7th March at 7pm AEDT. It's $11 a day so $33 in total and will be approx 1hour each night for the 3 consecutive nights. There will be a secret facebook group, meditations, tools and techniques to raise our vibration and bring love into every part of us, activations, structured water programs and more! We are myelinating the neural pathways and the cellular consciousness for love. Every women needs this. Group settings and group energy is powerful! Can't catch the livestream, no problems, the replays will be up for at least 2 weeks to watch at your leisure. Are you ready to receive and activate more love in every cell of your body? PM me to join.
12.01.2022 Not a bad way to spend a Tuesday, taking in the beauty, the wonder and the healing energy of mother nature.....
12.01.2022 Over the years I have worked with women of all ages, different cultures and varying backgrounds, but one of the primary similarities that I see, is the negative self talk. So many women, myself included, are so critical of our looks, our bodies (tummies, thighs etc), our hair, our skin, how we talk, carry ourselves, how we interact with others etc etc etc. We often view ourselves through the lens of judgement, loathing, dislike, frustration, anger and even, dare I say it, h...atred. I mean stop and feel into that for a moment. If you were the target of such treatment each day, how would you react? How would you respond? Yet our bodies, take this treatment and projected negativity for many many years. Unfortunately this also often leads to comparisonitis, where we start comparing ourselves to other women and concluding that we fall short in some way. There is something wrong with us. Body why can't you conform, we plead. The remedy, we are told by the media at large, is to diet, over exercise, try supplements, creams, tonics, treatments, botox, spend up shopping, comfort eat, fill in the blank of your go to temporary fix to stuff down the feelings of inadequacy. I intended on doing this 3 day challenge last year, but the timing wasn't right. NOW, my guidance is - it is time! It is needed. If you are ready to cultivate more self love and ignite the love affair with you, join my three day challenge. It kicks off Sunday 7th March at 7pm in a secret FB group. The replay will be up for at least a few weeks if you can't make the lives. Imagine a group filled with the vibration of love. 3 nights dedicated to loving you. Training, meditations, structured water programs and more! Gift yourself the gift of love. It's $11 a day, so $33 for the full challenge. PM now to be part of the challenge.
12.01.2022 Here is a snapshot of my current offerings, to best support you. PM me if you'd like more information.
11.01.2022 Flaxseeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower, chia, hemp and black seeds, all pack a nutritional punch in their own right, supplying a range of minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, protein and fibre. Lets look a little deeper at some of the health benefits associated with one of my favourite seeds - flaxseeds - as well as ways you can add these to your diet. Flaxseeds (aka linseeds) - 2 tbslp provide approx 5gm protein, a whopping 7.5gm fibre (soluble and insoluble, rich in lignans, plant based omega 3 (ALA) and important minerals including manganese, molybdenum, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and selenium. Minerals important for bones, thyroid, skin, hair, muscle relaxation and so much more!!! They have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity in glucose intolerance (after 12 weeks of dietary inclusion) and one 12-month study found that flax seeds caused an additional 8.5% reduction in LDL (bad) cholesterol, compared to a control group. The ALA omega 3 has been found in studies to help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, hypertension and reduce inflammation. In one study, adding flaxseeds to the diet helped to reduce cholesterol levels, by increasing the amount of fat excreted through the bowel. In another 2013 study, it was concluded that flaxseed induced one of the most potent antihypertensive effects achieved by a dietary intervention" - good news for those with high blood pressure. The lignans - which are phytoestrogens, can affect estrogen metabolism, causing either an increase or decrease in estrogen activity depending on someones hormonal status. These lignans in flaxseeds can be converted by intestinal bacteria into types of estrogens, that are believed to be the way, in which flaxseed naturally helps to balance hormones. They really are best kept in the fridge and ground up (I use a coffee grinder) before consumed, so you actually absorb the benefits. I follow seed cycling protocol which includes 1 tblsp ground flaxseed day 1 to day 14 of your cycle, along with ground pumpkin seeds to help support the first part of the cycle when estrogen is higher. Day 15 to day 28 is a tbslp each of ground sesame and sunflower seeds to naturally support healthy progesterone levels. I simply add them to my porridge, granola or smoothie, but they can also be added to greek yoghurt or made into little cookies. Note, flaxseeds also contain compounds called cyanogenic glycosides which may bind to other compounds and form thiocyanates which may impair thyroid function, hence if you do have a thyroid condition, consume only small amounts in your diet. Also if you are not used to eating much fibre, adding more to your diet can temporarily cause bloating, gas and abdominal pain. Id also be cautious consuming during pregnancy or breastfeeding due to the plant estrogens and lack of studies as to whether they do cause harm or not during pregnancy.
10.01.2022 I love fresh fruit and generally have 2 pieces per day. Fruit provides fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, polyphenols, phytochemicals and more!!!!! At the moment, Im loving oranges, mandarins, the odd banana but its kiwifruit Im craving and eating regularly and for good reason. ...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Happy Monday! If you haven't yet, I encourage you to pause and connect to what you desire to create and feel this week! Knowing and trusting the desire is there for a reason. Remember, every thing is energy and you get to decide.... When we take our power back, we KNOW that we get to choose differently and steer the direction from autopilot mode to one that is more conscious and more intentional, thereby changing our entire trajectory and physiology to match. It doesn't matter where you are currently at, things can change very quickly, a microshift in mindset and your perspective, can shift everything instantly. I've levelled up again, continuing to work with next level mentors and listening more and more to my inner wisdom and higher consciousness available to us all. I have a new round of Radiance Codes, an intimate 12 week immersion starting on 11th June. There is a mix of online modules, all freshly recorded with current information as well as weekly live calls and meditations. We go deep, to the roots of why things are the way they are and how you can continue to day by day, be more conscious, more present, more embodied and feel what you desire to feel. If you are done with autopilot mode and waiting on the sidelines, feeling it's not your time to shine BUT when, then join us. These are real tools, processes and proven ways to manifest, to have more energy and BE happier now! PM me or see the link. Tonight at 7pm, our guided meditation, held in the Reclaiming You! lounge, is on optimising digestive function, creating a healthy microbiome and terrain. I've been facilitating intuitively guided meditations now for at least 4 years and the energy is palpable. It's all energy! Look forward to seeing you there.
10.01.2022 Now is a great time, with viruses around and the change in seasons, to really focus on immune support, even more so. My morning concoction today - celery, parsley, carrot, ginger, green apple & beetroot with filtered water and a side of Biocidin - broad spectrum antiviral, antibacterial. The latter a great option at first signs of cold/flu or even exposure to others with viruses. The juice/smoothie mix, is rich in a range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibre and other ...compounds with anti-inflammatory, alkalising and other immune supportive properties. Ive got the selenium (stop viruses replicating), vitamin C, zinc on the go, as well as silver and echinacea at the ready.
10.01.2022 JULY 2020 FLASH SALE REMINDER - 11 DAYS TO GO!!!!! Every so often I like to do a flash sale, where I discount my services, in order to serve more of you with where you are at in your healing journey. If you book in a time (can be up until the end of August) and pay before the end of July 2020, you can enjoy the following services and respective SPECIAL prices:... -Health consults - 1 hour - includes blood test review, 1 hour zoom/messenger consult and a customised plan - $75 -Energy healing sessions - 1 hour - includes tuning into your energy field and each of the chakras and cleansing, healing and balancing accordingly - $75 -Theta healing/Emotion Code - 1 hour - using theta healing, emotion code healing and energy healing practices to work on key areas impacting your life - $75 -Blockage Identifier Consult - l hour - Lets discuss whats coming up for you in all areas and I will identify the biggest blocks and limiting beliefs and offer solutions to address - valued at $295 for 90 minutes, discounted to only $95. -Coaching Session - 1 hour - getting clarity on the result, goal setting and processes to clear whats in the way of attaining that goal. Generally 4 sessions are recommended as a starting point. Generally $150-$200, discounted to only $95. PM me to secure your session. Note, Australian client payments are made through EFT and International payments through PayPal.
10.01.2022 I literally could eat baked salmon, baked sweet potatoes of some description (purple in this instance) and greens every night. Unfortunately salmon is a very mild IgG sensitivity/food allergy for me, so I try to only eat twice weekly. Im just listening to a lecture on food sensitivity IgG based response case studies and protocols now. These IgG mediated food allergy symptoms, can show up, up to 3 days after youve eaten that food, making it really hard to pinpoint which foo...ds are trigger foods. Headaches, joint pain, fatigue, moodiness, IBS or gut symptoms and even inflammation that promotes obesity, may be intensified by this type of food allergy. This is a really useful test to consider and one I recommend, on your path to more optimal health. It makes sense, we eat often up to 5 times a day and those foods can work for us or inflame us. Its also most often not what you would think eg. salmon, almonds, millet, capsicum, mushroom, dairy (casein) and hops were all mild sensitivities for me. Good to know so I can limit to a couple times a week. PM for information if this is of interest for you. Note - this is different from an IgE immediate response allergy that is more often discussed and tested for.
09.01.2022 There is still time to join the Radiance Codes 12 week intimate immersion. I'm loving the content - there is no way you can not shift if you work through every thing that is laid out for you. A roadmap to help you on your journey here on in. A roadmap that has helped me and countless others grow, evolve and expand. I say countless others, as information within the Radiance Codes, has been taught to me by teachers, healers, medical intuitives, coaches etc. It's what they use,... practice and help others with. The container is open and the energies are building momentum. I'm seeing, feeling and knowing in a totally different way and you will too. New insights, new processes and epiphanies galore are dropping in! On my morning walk in the bush with the dogs, as the sun was on my face and the air fresh and crisp, I did my core breathing, a new process came through, which I'm also included. We cover everything from mastering meditation, to strengthening your intuition to healing, shifting and transforming your current reality to bring it into alignment with your next level you who has everything she desires. Let's shine a light on the resistance in the way and start manifesting. We look at becoming more masterful at receiving and working with all the chakras for cleansing, balancing, grounding and healing. There is alot on energy, everything is energy after all. Get ready to shift trauma's, triggers, trapped/repressed/suppressed emotions and blocks that hold you back, hinder and limit you. There is online content, weekly calls (zoom), weekly meditations and healings (it's a small group so you will get personal healings on each call) PLUS a 24/7 healing transmissions chamber/container for your top 5 issues/concerns/frustrations, for the full 3 months together. The group opens tomorrow and the first module drops. There is pre-work to get you into the energy to start shifting and evolving. If the investment is a stretch, PM me and we can work out a payment plan. Don't let your current view, beliefs, emotions, stories around money, stop your ability to bring in more in all areas. Link to find out more and join us:
09.01.2022 Ever feel like I need more? It could be more time, more money, more experience, more clients, more friends, more love maybe?? I just worked with an accomplished lady who was really feeling this quite intensely and as you can imagine, when you are always feeling like you need more, you are not satisfied, not enough, not in the present and you are not in the space and place of gratitude for what is. Also feeling like you need more, means you will keep attracting more situation...s to you where you feel like it's not enough. There was also an overriding theme of - not trusting self and not trusting others. Not trusting puts you always on guard, definitely not good for the nervous system. It makes you not only second guess yourself, but be very cautious around others. It stops you from fully relaxing, fully receiving and letting others in, not a conducive energy for deep and meaningful connections with others. Of course, both of these limiting beliefs, had to go pronto! There was also a trauma that was not really known, was either buried under layers or potentially even inherited, ie epigenetics but it was having the reaction of instant crying every time she was triggered. The catalyst was not even known but that's ok, even the word trauma had an intense reaction so we were able to release that and it's attachments. So by session end, 3 biggies had gone and the intensity of all 3 was yep you guessed it, down to '0'. This work never ceases to amaze me and it's possible for you too. You know where I am.
08.01.2022 "I just feel so stressed", "I cant stop worrying about x", "I feel stuck", "This gives me anxiety" etc etc. Have you thought or said a version of these statements in the past few days, weeks or months? Maybe this is a common occurrence for you. I know its been a very familiar energy for me over much of my life and for many of the people Ive worked with over the years. All ages, genders and races can experience stress, fears, anxiety and overwhelm, that tends to continue beyond the stressor that caused/triggered it. Remember its your perception of the "stress" - it differs from person to person. Fortunately, Ive been able to manage it with various tools, techniques, herbs, processes, as well as awareness and subsequent removal/rewiring of blocks and beliefs that have limited me and how Ive shown up. We know there will potential events, people, situations and circumstances that will induce the stress response, its unfortunately inevitable - however, how you manage it, makes all the difference. Your go to "stress reduction" toolbag, can mean the difference between releasing the stress quickly and hanging onto it for days, weeks, months or even years on end. Join me for the 10 day "Calm, Chill & Clarity Challenge" that kicks off tomorrow night @7pm Sydney time. Its a $49 investment, which is basically a take away coffee each day (without the cortisol increasing effects of caffeine) and that includes 10 x nightly trainings that will be in the secret facebook group for several months. We cover stress sources, limiting belief identification and subsequent rewiring, stress reduction tools, meditations, nutrients and other techniques to lower cortisol and more! Unlike many free or paid challenges online, there is no further upsell at the end to an exxy lengthy course. Plus for the next 7 people who join, you will receive a free Emotion Code session - to remove and release trapped emotions holding anxiety/stress in place. PM now. Your nervous system and overall wellbeing will thank you.
08.01.2022 Woohoo - Im now an IHP (Integrative Healthcare Practitioner) accredited Health Coach and continuing with further levels. Yes I am a perpetual student, yes I already have Integrative Institute of Nutrition Health coaching quals from NY and local nutritional medicine quals, but what can I say - I love learning!!! As they say, the more you learn, the more your realise you dont know and there is so much emerging research on health, wellness, mindset and energy medicine - its s...o fascinating! Naturopathic Doctor - Stephen Cabral, who founded IHP, has done over 250,000 consults around the world and helps people from all walks of life including celebrities, athletes and house wives.As with many practitioners, myself inclusive, Dr Cabral gravitated towards health and wellness after chronic illness and years of antibiotic use resulted in extensive seeking for answers, seeing over 50 doctors and 100s of different protocols with no or very little results. What followed for Dr Cabral, was 20 years, world wide internships, dozens of certifications in the natural health field and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy. I loved that he studied and draws on TCM, ayurvedic medicine, functional medicine, naturopathy and most importantly bio individuality - yep we are all different! So I now know his protocols for weight loss, weight gain, weight maintenance, wellness, anti-ageing and so much more!!!!! If you want to find out what this program looks like send me a PM. I will be updating my website in the coming days to more accurately reflect this. Heres to health, wellness and longevity!
07.01.2022 Sleep tip: Meditation - zen to zzzs Meditation has been one of the key practices that has helped me immensely in the quest to calm my body and mind and support more sound sleep. Too often people say to me, oh I tried that once and it didnt help, but its consistency, aka daily practice, that really moves the needle in terms of stress reduction and sleep promotion.... I recommend starting with guided meditation, then moving to a mantra method as a vehicle to gently place your attention on, then you can progress to being that objective observer of your thoughts. The many and studied benefits of meditation include: -Improved sleep -Stress reduction -Enhanced self awareness -Pain reduction -Decreases in blood pressure -Improvements in focus and attention span For more tips, see my book "137 Tips for Reclaiming Deep Restorative Sleep Every Night", available from good online retailers.
07.01.2022 Afternoon all or rather evening all! So tonight we will do the mini energy readings again - starting 7.15pm here in Reclaiming You!. Those that are on live, are able to have a mini session if they feel called to have the reading, bearing in mind it is in a group setting, so it's not private. Reach out for private readings. Also, there is still time to join the Radiance Codes 12 week Immersion.... I really do love this work and that's why I mention it so often. I believe it in all it's elements and it's power. It's comprehensive, but meets you where you are at. So many women that I speak to and work with, are stuck. They know on some level that they want more, but feel somewhat put off, as they've tried so many things and not got the results they were after. Or it's not the right time or they don't have the money - but if not now, I challenge you when? Is it really the time, or really the money or is it that you don't want to FEEL something you've felt before so let's not go there. We know fear of change is real - it's ingrained in our psychology - if what we did yesterday kept you alive - do more of that - don't deviate - BUT how do we then grow and expect something different to show up. Radiance Codes is a 12 week/3 month journey together. There is support in the secret Facebook Group to post, share, ask for guidance, every day if you like. Plus, there is a weekly 90 minute zoom call to go through everything coming up that week and to go deep. Have tissues at the ready and pen & paper. If you KNOW you are ready now, there is also a platinum package with a FULL Creatrix Breakthrough to remove any left over limiting beliefs and blocks, at an epigenetics level, after the 3 months together or after the first 8 weeks. If you really want a high touch package, ie have me on Voxer support whenever something is coming up and you need more one-on-one, go for the Silver package. We touch on ascension, but only so far as to highlight what is actually needed to really support your growth and evolution to higher consciousness. The rest is key information to help you grow, evolve, shift, transform and HEAL. We cover emotional mastery, manifesting magic, meditation, belief breakthrough, inner child work, chakra balancing and healing, feminine energy activation, nervous system reset and so much more. If you want to be supported with like minded women, prepared to be vulnerable and to have do the work to actually open up to receive so much more, Radiance Codes is for you. There is also 24/7 healing transmissions from my healing team to you, as a bonus! I honestly wish I would have had this sort of container and support, at this price point, on my journey so far. Here is the link, we kick off Friday:
07.01.2022 I'm in the flow at the moment, with sessions I love facilitating, CREATRIX breakthroughs that are so transformational and moving my previous FB group courses all online. The first course "A Holistic Journey of Self Mastery & Self Discovery" drops tomorrow. PLUS, I have my newest offering of DECU anti-aging sessions (see previous post) and my 3 part webinar series on "Get Unstuck, drop the stress and become unstoppable", which is taking place later this month, commencing on 29th November at 7pm Sydney time and over 3 consecutive nights. If you want further details on any of my current programs, sessions or offerings, drop me a PM or leave a comment.
07.01.2022 JULY 2020 FLASH SALE!!!!! Every so often I like to do a flash sale, where I discount my services, in order to serve more of you with where you are at in your healing journey. If you book in a time (can be up until the end of August) and pay before the end of July 2020, you can enjoy the following services and respective SPECIAL prices:... -Health consults - 1 hour - includes blood test review, 1 hour zoom/messenger consult and a customised plan - $75 -Energy healing sessions - 1 hour - includes tuning into your energy field and each of the chakras and cleansing, healing and balancing accordingly - $75 -Theta healing/Emotion Code - 1 hour - using theta healing, emotion code healing and energy healing practices to work on key areas impacting your life - $75 -Blockage Identifier Consult - l hour - Lets discuss whats coming up for you in all areas and I will identify the biggest blocks and limiting beliefs and offer solutions to address - valued at $295 for 90 minutes, discounted to only $95. -Coaching Session - 1 hour - getting clarity on the result, goal setting and processes to clear whats in the way of attaining that goal. Generally 4 sessions are recommended as a starting point. Generally $150-$200, discounted to only $95. PM me to secure your session. Note, Australian client payments are made through EFT and International payments through PayPal.
06.01.2022 How did you start your day, in terms of breakfast? Cereal with milk? Maybe toast with marmalade? Fruit? Eggs on toast? Or a smoothie? A strong coffee? Or too busy so skipped it? Sure there are benefits of intermittent fasting, but fast for 10-12 hours overnight eg. dinner at 6.30pm then breakfast at say 6.30am....Continue reading
05.01.2022 If you are keen to take part in the upcoming "Big 4 Block Buster Series", leave a comment or PM me. Its $20AUD per night for 4 consecutive nights, so $80 payable in full and its kicking off this Friday 26th at 7pm. Allow approx 1 hour per session and get ready, to bust through those blocks and beliefs that bind you, restrict you and ultimately hold you back in all areas. If you cant make the live, the replays will be up in the secret closed Facebook group until at least th...e end of July and are just as effective!! We will utilise various processes and techniques including muscle testing, theta healing, energy healing, meditation, visualisation and MORE! What is it costing you to stay stuck?
05.01.2022 Today, as I write this, it is my beautiful Nons funeral. Im sitting on the beach alone with my cherished memories of our many years together, remembering fondly the laughs, the tears you wiped from my cheeks and all the momentous occasions we shared. The photos, rose petals, rose love quartz, white feathers that just crossed my path and the selected peace card, are signs you are near. A peaceful serene place I found here, where Nons family once called home. As I listen to ...the gentle waves, feel the sunshine on my face and sand beneath my feet, I am so grateful that because of my Non Im here today and of whom because of, Im the woman I now am. Non, you knew me more than anyone for so many years and we shared everything. Dementia or death will never take that away. I love you more than you will ever know - my grandmother, my friend, my biggest cheerleader, my Non.
04.01.2022 Happy Monday! How has your day been so far, as you start the new week? I want you to check in for a moment and just see how you are feeling. Are you aware of any thought patterns or how your mood is overall? If you are feeling happy, content and energised for what your day may bring, or the impact that you may have or already had so far today, then you are blessed and right on track.... However, for alot of us women, I know for me for many years, the start of the new week has us future living to the weekend. You know the old "I can't wait until Saturday"!. Unfortunately, future living breeds anxiety and stress and causes us to become ungrounded and not present to each moment or even each day! We know time is so precious and once it's gone, we don't get that back. Many women feel stuck, like they are going through the motions and almost just putting up with a job or situation because it's too much work to change it, or fears of how they will make money or fears or putting themselves out there. I get it, I've been there done that! I want you to know that you are powerful. You are the master of your destiny. You can in any moment choose differently. You can choose to be happy now, regardless or what is showing up. You can choose to change things and that's where CREATRIX can help. One of the beautiful ladies that has recently been through the CREATRIX breakthrough, was feeling stuck , like something was missing, like she was going through the motions. Overthinking, people pleasing and needing something more were limiting her and causing "stress" and now feels no charge around those previous highly charged states, thoughts and beliefs. She is excited and on fire! Another recent breakthrough client, had real fears about putting herself out there, the judgment, not feeling good enough, not knowing enough, feeling like she had nothing of value and feeling worthless. She is now feeling confident, on purpose and passionate again about the impact she has and will have on so many others. YOU can have this too. If you want to jump on a call for a FREE blockage identifier consult (BIC), we can see some of your biggest blocks to getting unstuck and becoming unstoppable. Leave a comment below - BIC or PM me. Let's clear out what is holding you back and reset you so 2021 and beyond are open for what YOU are wanting and desiring for yourself, your life and your impact.
04.01.2022 Today is R U OK Day, a day dedicated to the engagement of meaningful conversations, especially to those that may be suffering and struggling with where they are at. It also coincides with World Suicide Prevention Day. 2020 has not been an easy year with COVID, lock-downs, travel bans, compulsary isolations and not to mention the widespread global fear energy, which in itself has been highly contagious. Its an important reminder to connect with others, to reach out and have ...conversations. Also, to go one step further than simply asking are you ok? but also listening, encouraging action and checking in. The biggest gift that you can give someone is presence. When you are present with someone, it is felt, it is appreciated and it is truly the key to meaningful relationships and interactions. Having struggled with anxiety myself over the years and at times depression, as well as having people in my immediate circle affected by depression, I know first hand just how alone and disconnected one can feel. Moving interstate in December last year, not knowing a single person on this entire island, I made it part of my daily routine to get out and have conversations with others. I went to cafes and befriended baristas and staff, as well as those that worked in the library, woolies, local grocers, health food stores and basically everywhere I went. I instigated conversations and a majority of the time, people love that and will willingly and genuinely, engage with you, sometimes for hours on end. I met Richard, my amazing life partner, whilst out and about and even now, I still visit his cafes each day and always have conversations with many of his regulars and his staff, who have all made me feel so welcome here. I also reached out and spoke to my family daily for the first few months. Without daily conversations, its easy to start overthinking, dwelling on the past, worrying about tomorrow and having those ruminating thoughts, that can keep us awake, quite literally. If youre struggling or feeling overwhelmed, please reach out and talk to someone. Help and support are there for you. Even if it is going to a local cafe and starting up a conversation. When I worked in pharmacies, a large % of the customers were elderly and many lived alone. Some would come in daily just to chat with us staff. Dont ever discount just how powerful conversations are, for some it is their lifeline. My challenge to you today, is to strike up conversations with others, and be truly present - I can assure you this can change someones day, if not their whole life!
04.01.2022 You know how you can 'know' something on a theoretical level and believe that either you're already doing that or dismiss it as not being of relevance to you? This has been the case for me when it comes to the embodiment of the feminine energy. Let me explain....Continue reading
04.01.2022 Receiving. It's an interesting one. It's much easier to be in giving mode, rather than being open and allowing yourself to receive. Receiving means not having the tight control that many of us feel safe in and are used to. It means opening yourself up and trusting.... Hence most of us are caught in the masculine ways of giving, doing, pushing, striving, controlling and so forth. We unconsciously block receiving. I've been more conscious of the receiving and feminine energy, as it is part of the upcoming Radiance Codes and something interesting happened today. I went down to the beach this afternoon, with the intention of having my liver cleanse juice and journalling, as you do on a Tuesday afternoon! I found a grassy/sandy spot and had the journal and pen at the ready and I suddenly had the thought - Where were my car keys?? I virtually emptied my whole handbag and no keys to be found. I got up and straight away went to re-trace my steps. I went into I have to do this, analyse the implications of it not being found and suddenly stopped. I released it. I opened up to receive guidance and trusted they would be found and show up. A knowing and calm swept over me. Sure enough, a woman came over to me and asked if I'd lost my car keys, as another woman had found them in the grass near my car and handed them in to a cafe. The cafe was closed, it was after 3pm by this point, but fortunately the owner/manger was still there and promptly handed me my keys. How can you embrace more of the allowing yourself to receive energy, rather then forcing and trying to make it all work. Feel into that for a moment. Open your receiving channels and everything can shift.
03.01.2022 Sleep Tip: The marvels & merits of magnesium I know, you are probably thinking youve tried magnesium before and didnt see much change, but it may be time to reconsider and re-try this alkalising mineral. Dose, time of the day its taken and the form really do matter. When we are stressed, we use up more of our manesium reserves and unfortunately magnesium deficiencies are all too common this day and age. ... Magnesium is involved in over 300 reactions in the body, including: blood pressure regulation, bone health and healthy nerve and muscle function. Not all forms are equal however, with magnesium glycinate, chelate, citrate or more recently Ive been liking threonate forms with positive affects on sleep.Furthermore, try the topical chloride form before bed, to help with muscle relaxation and sleep promotion. Ideally, you need at least 300mg of one of the aforementioned forms around 30mins before bed. If you take too much, you generally will get loose stools. It really is one of those supplements that I have seen so many attain better quality sleep with, over any other supplement. Note, food sources of magnesium include: almonds, cashews, beans, avocados, leafy greens such as spinach and beans. As always, check in with your treating healthcare professional, to see if this is a suitable option for you. For another 136 tips, check out my book "137 Tips for Reclaiming Deep Restorative Sleep Every Night!", available on all good online book retailers.
03.01.2022 I have to share something that has me quite upset......last night, I walked into town to pick up some fresh salmon and sweet potato (my dinner) and an array of fruits and carrots for my gorgeous pademelons (their dinner/dessert), that I visit and feed by the river each night. As I was waiting in the queue of the grocer, I could hear one of the assistants talking to the elderly man she was serving, saying something about the lamb chops. I didnt want to eavesdrop but as I app...roached the counter and put down my groceries, it appeared the gentleman couldnt pay and that maybe his card was declining as items were removed, from what I could decipher without looking. He managed to count out the coins for his lamb chops, presumably dinner. I was so close to staying stop give him his coins back Im paying put it on my card....but I didnt. I wasnt 100% sure thats exactly what was going on. The gentleman left and I watched him walk outside then retrieve his elderly cattle dog that was tied up out the front waiting. I wanted to run after him and give him money but only had my card in my pocket, as I was walking to the river and not home first. I literally cried all the way to the river and cried as I fed the pades - God/creator/source/my guides had put me there to help and I didnt - I am so so sorry and regretful. I feel Im here helping the pades making sure they have fresh water on the extremely hot days, helping the homeless in the city, giving to various bushfire appeals, still helping with peoples health/wellbeing via phone and YET I didnt rise to this occasion. Im also seeing more and more, unhealthy, unhappy people and Im so fired up to help. Its my why! But its easy to think how can I make a difference. I feel I try...but maybe not enough. So I put it to you, where are you and what situations are you being placed in and how are you rising to it? Your seemingly small acts have a ripple effect and literally make a huge huge impact - please dont ever discount that. Pay it forward, smile to strangers, beam love to animals and the elderly, give where you can - you are singlehandedly that powerful to make positive change. I challenge you....
03.01.2022 Day 1 completed and 3 days to go, of the 4 day intensive up here on the Sunshine Coast. Really tired, but incredibly inspired. Bonus: staying with & spending some time with Dad & my Step-Mum, coincidentally less than 10 minutes away from the training venue. I love learning new processes and techniques and this current training vehicle, was designed by a female leader, to work specifically on the female brain and the way its wired. The whole modality, is about creating deep a...nd lasting change and removing those blocks/beliefs/emotions that are keeping your current situation/s in place and replace them with higher emotional and mental intelligence. I often talk about and do trainings on the importance of holistic healing i.e working on the physical as well as the emotional, mental and spiritual levels. A solid foundation including eating well, exercise, sound sleep and relaxation is key, however if you neglect working on mindset, and actually feeling and releasing trapped/supressed emotions, youre only part way there. We also really need to look under the bonnet so to speak, to see what is stored/programmed in the subconscious mind, formed largely before 7-8yrs of age and that of which is running the show and dictating why your life is, as it is. This new process that Im studying and learning, does just that and its permanent change. So excited to share more post training. My mission is to really empower you to live happier, healthier more purposeful lives and this vehicle can really help this process. The founder and her mission is to set 10 million hearts free - how cool is that?!
02.01.2022 The Big 4 Block Buster Series is going to be juicy..... We will work through the following 4 big life areas and systematically remove potentially limiting beliefs and blocks from the subconscious mind, including but definitely not limited to: -Career - life purpose, life work, legacy, growth, expansion, passion, balance -Relationships - love, friendships, customers, colleagues, forgiveness... -Health - hormones, digestion, bones, mental health, nervous system, cardiovascular system, skin, hair, nails, bones, veins, anti-ageing -Finances - income potential, savings, relationship with money, bills, giving, receiving As a super bonus, we will kick off with first of all removing blocks to change, to healing, clearing resistance, safety and other potentially limiting beliefs that may block your ability to even receive this work and other tools, techniques and modalities you may have tried. Very often its these initial blocks which halt and hinder us from even accepting any healing work of any kind. Its $20 a session and there are 4 sessions in total, running over 4 consecutive nights kicking off this Friday night at 7pm and wrapping up on Monday night. Note, if you cant catch the livestream - lets face it life happens, the replays will be up until the end of July and are just as effective. The sooner you join ,the sooner you can access the group and share your conscious (known) limiting beliefs so I can include them in the session/s. PM or leave a comment to take part in this potentially life changing event.
02.01.2022 So excited to be part of the 3 day annual Creatrix conference. In all honesty, I wasn't feeling it when I first registered. But, now I'm here and I'm around a group of women, from around the world, with a shared mission, to set women's hearts free, from all that holds them back, I'm feeling inspired. Many of the Creatrix Transformologists are there in Brisbane, in person, but the beauty of zoom means, those that are interstate and not keen to travel (I fall into that cate...Continue reading
02.01.2022 What if there was a way, a manual if if you will, to help navigate challenges of life in line with who you are. Also a guide for knowing your talent, skills & potential and a map for actualising them. Guess what, there is - it's Human Design! Human Design offers a map of your unique genetic design, with detailed information, on both conscious as well as unconscious aspects of yourself. Using simple tools, it guides you in discovering your own truth. ... This system crossed my path last year, when I got my free chart online (see link), to work out my type: I'm a manifesting generator (MG) type (approx 35% of the population all into this type) and when I read into the MG, there is 4 types by the way, I could absolutely relate! Then a few days ago, I actually had a detailed 2 hour reading and analysis of my chart - WOW - so interesting. So many insights as to what to be mindful of, what to lean into and how best to respond to any situation or decision. So as a manifesting generator, we do many things at once (hello 4 courses I'm currently studying) and we are here to learn how to do things far quicker than anyone else. We also start projects and bring forth new information to our community and the collective consciousness of the planet - no pressure!!. When living by the MG strategy of responding to things that light us up, the universe gifts us with a surge of mastery it is said, which helps us to start and accomplish projects quicker than any of the other types. To others, the MG can appear to be all over the place, which I'm sure people around me can attest too, but an MG is uniquely capable of getting more done than most people, and can sustain this pace over long periods of time. MG’s need to do more than one thing at a time - 100%!!. If they don’t get to express that part of their energy, it’s actually unhealthy and we end up feeling very frustrated and angry. Yep story of my life before I had frustration and anger Creatrix'd. I love sharing various tools with you that cross my path and this may be of interest....
02.01.2022 Something to ponder: Getting unstuck takes guts. It requires real bravery and only a small % will actually do what it takes, to go there and take those steps, to real tangible change. To step out of your comfort zone, no matter how unpleasant that comfort zone may be, is unfamiliar, unknown and hence "unsafe". That's why so many will stay in the confines of the comfort zone and allow the resentment, frustration and other similar emotions to continue to build up and flow to all areas of their lives. As it often perceived as too hard, too much money, too much time or not the right time, too much energy etc etc etc. So stuckness persists. It's no judgement at all, it's just the limiting programs in the subconscious mind running the show, dictating how things will be. It's also the hindbrain shutting down change and forward momentum, especially if there is doubt, uncertainty, complication or fear involved. But, is that all you want for yourself, your life and your legacy? A stuck, but known and familiar existence? You are worthy, capable & deserving of so much more and you know this at a deep level. Be brave, be willing to look around the comfort zone and question whether it's where you want to continue residing.
02.01.2022 I am so excited about the Radiance Codes 12 week immersion. There is hours and hours of life changing, rich content PLUS weekly calls, weekly meditations & healing sessions PLUS an option to do the entire course with 3 months of voxer support and a full Creatrix breakthrough. I'm also doing a three month 24/7 healing transmissions container for your top 5 issues/concerns/problems. With all of this content, processes, techniques, intentions, magic and high level energy, is no way you can not change and transform. I have studied so many courses, invested in coaches/mentors and programs and I'm bringing the best of the best PLUS my own channelled teachings and intuition to the immersion. If you show up, do the work and allow yourself to receive, you will be a different person within our time together. There is power in groups. The intimate group of like minded women, will amplify the energy, potentiate and add fuel to your desires and support you. If you know you are ready for support, for change and to break free from all of the trauma's, BS patterns & stories and all the limiting blocks and beliefs, this is for you. If you are ready to shed the old, usher in the new and higher vibratory way of being and living, I would love you in the Radiance Codes. If it's money that is an issue, PM me and a payment plan option is available. Don't let that current view of money and abundance, stop you for stepping into that radiant next level you.
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