Cr Nicki Batagol | Politician
Cr Nicki Batagol
Phone: +61 437 655 926
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25.01.2022 It breaks my heart to share strategies like these, but the safety of women and children during the holiday season (and any time) is a reality we need to face with an increased incidence of family violence.
25.01.2022 Here’s a snapshot of the response to recovery in Stonnington now that hospitality has started to open up. If you know of a business that might be interested in applying for these programs, please encourage them to visit our website using the links below. Extended footpath trading - over 60 venues are extending their footpath trading in front of neighbouring businesses where it is vacant or with the permission of consent of their neighbour. Roadside dining - around 40 installations across Stonnington using on-street car parks in front of hospitality venues where safe to do so. On-street dining - partial street closure at Greville Street in Prahran has allowed four venues to expand their dining space and has created a village feel in the area, with Beatty Avenue in Armadale to follow (on weekends). #stonnington #stonningtoncouncil #covidrecovery #supportlocal
25.01.2022 While the rest of the world is watching an election between 2 white men, here in Stonnington, the council election results were announced today. Today marks 100 years since the first Victorian woman was elected to Council, and in Stonnington we have 6 out of 9 in the newly elected council - what a result!!. I had prepared an ‘unsuccessful’ post to share, but find myself as a Council Elect and speechless. Honestly I am so humbled and grateful to an incredible group of family, ...friends and supporters. Many of you may know I decided to run for council last minute. It had been on my mind for a while, and I realised that the only thing stopping me was fear. Thankfully I decided to step out of my comfort zone and put my hat in the ring, following the advice I give my kids. It has been a ride and ending up in 5th place based on 1st preference votes I had very low expectations. I did not participate in any preference deals and ran on a very tight self-funded budget, plus I had been warned that on average it takes 3 tries before you succeed. I hope that this is a lesson to any other 1st time candidates out there who want to represent their community, to put your faith in the voters and the process and stay true to your values. Congratulations to Melina Sehr and Mike Scott. I really am looking forward to working with you and the other 6 elected candidates from North and East Ward over the next 4 years in what will be such an important time of regeneration. We may not agree on all issues, but the ability to work together will be critical. Thank you also to the voters - I have loved having the opportunity to speak to a diverse mix of people who care deeply about the community and are locally engaged. This is why I nominated and I will strive to be deserving of your trust. To everyone who supported me along the way, thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me. A special thanks to Andrew Richie from Ripe Studios for the photo shoot, Kate Nelson for helping me with my website and socials, Winson who reached out during the campaign with an offer to share his digital marketing skills, the 50 or so volunteers who delivered leaflets for me and the 60 families who so generously put a board on their fence. I am so lucky to be able to rely on such a strong support base. Thank you also to my gorgeous family for standing by me and keeping me sane. We are a close family, and I was so proud to have my husband, mum, sister, brother, sister-in-law and niece all there at the declaration today. It’s going to be a steep learning curve but I am ready.
25.01.2022 Delighted to celebrate our new Mayor of Stonnington. Cr Kate Hely - Mayor of the City of Stonnington brings incredible passion and energy into the role. She is truly collaborative and leads with authenticity and compassion. Not to mention her courage in nominating for Mayor in her 1st year. Supported by the knowledge of the 4 returning councillors, I feel confident that this new council will drive the change needed in a unified manner. It’s an honour to be a part of this great team.
24.01.2022 During the campaign a number of raised concerns about a lack of community engagement. If that was you, then here’s your chance to shape the way in which Stonnington engages our community.
22.01.2022 Giving back matters - Involving my kids in community work has always been important to me, but I’ve learnt that it works best when we find a cause that they can engage in meaningfully. This year we’ve been lucky to foster 5 kittens from the RSPCA. We’ve spent hours as a family treating various medical problems, doing structured behaviour therapy training and teaching the kittens that humans can be trusted. By rescuing 5 kittens my kids have seen the power of community service to create measurable change. And yes.... it’s really hard saying bye. #communitymatters #volunteer #rspcavictoria #stonnington #vote1nicki #kittenlove #rescuekitten Authorised by Nicki Batagol, PO Box 8103, Armadale, 3143
22.01.2022 Experiencing the #starhealth COVID vaccine hub at the Prahran Town Hall with my Mum. All very straightforward and streamlined and great to see this happening in Stonnington. No jab shots shared for those who may be queasy.
22.01.2022 Last Week of Council Elections! Only 4 more sleeps to go until your ballot papers are due. Make sure you number all boxes and post your ballot paper by Friday 23rd October. #stonnington #armadale #Windsor #prahran #vote1nicki #LocalElectionsMatter #timeforchange
21.01.2022 I’d like to introduce you to my gorgeous niece Alice, who has taught me about inclusion, and the importance of providing opportunities for everyone to participate in our community to the best of their abilities and desires. Life provides so many challenges for Alice, but she radiates love and positivity regardless of what is thrown at her. In this photo, she is so proud to help her Auntie deliver fliers. Alice has been an incredible teacher to me. Barriers can be removed an...d attitudes can change so that she can be included. It doesn't take much. Physical access is important, and so too are initiatives that promote social inclusion to everyday activities that we take for granted. #inclusion #stonnington #election2020 #vote1nicki #armadale #prahran #windsor #stonningtonsouthward Authorised by Nicki Batagol, PO Box 8103, Armadale, VIC, 3143
17.01.2022 And here’s a sneak peak of moving art on mass. Can’t wait to see the finished product.
13.01.2022 #fringefestival showed us that art really does matter. Surrounded by 400 people who’ve just come out of lockdown, all inhibitions were gone, even for the most amateur of dancers like myself. We got lost in the music and the moves, and the birds became a part of the choreography. Thanks @chrissymaus and Cr Kate Hely - Mayor of the City of Stonnington for sharing a memorable afternoon. #chapelstreetprecinct #stonnington #prahran #prahransquare
13.01.2022 Thankyou for all the positive messages received. The encouragement from so many has been the fuel to keep me going. I’ve had lots of questions asking what happens next. The dates below are for Stonnington and will differ slightly for other local councils. As at 22/10/2020, 15,928 envelopes returned for South Ward. Today, extraction begins which involves removing the ballot papers from the envelopes and sorting obvious informal ballot papers. Then on Tuesday, the count begin...s and results are entered into the computer. The whole process is then repeated in November for ballot papers received next week. So it’s time to put my feet up, enjoy the grand final and hopefully some good news about restrictions easing.
12.01.2022 2020 has been hard enough. Don't forget to post your ballot paper by 6pm Friday to avoid an $83 fine.2020 has been hard enough. Don't forget to post your ballot paper by 6pm Friday to avoid an $83 fine.
12.01.2022 Monday night’s Council meeting was a crash course in governance rules. I learnt about dissent from Chair’s ruling and separation of motions and found myself so confused at one point in time I needed clarification to understand what I was being asked to vote on. I stand by my decision that demanding a response from a fellow councillor on election promises was unrelated and irrelevant to the motion under discussion. The council chamber is not a place for personal attack. I valu...e the contribution of all my fellow councillors and believe strongly that robust debate will result in better decision making, but only when we stick to the topic. Aside from that, as I said in my comments, I have had access to so much new information in my 6 months in this role that my thinking has shifted and moved in so many ways. I am open to new ideas and not bound to a specific mindset. As elected representatives, we should act in the best interests of the whole community, and not just the loudest voices. We should be applauded for being open to new ways of thinking and not brought down for it. Some may disagree with me on this and that’s fine, but I am sharing my views as the council is not a chamber of secrets, and nor should it be a chamber of personal attack.
08.01.2022 Beatty avenue comes alive with on street dining. So great to see so many people supporting local businesses on the first night of street closure. Pop on down Friday - Sunday nights until March to enjoy #neighbourhoodpizza #toorakcellars with #sonnychiba to follow shortly. #supportlocal #beattyavenue #stonnington
07.01.2022 Please share your budget ideas, both big and small.
05.01.2022 Today I was honoured to represent the Mayor at the 2021 Anzac Ceremonial Service for the Prahran RSL. After a moving service it was a pleasure to visit the Memorial Hall, which is in the same building that first opened in 1921, 100 years ago. Having just lived through WW1 and the Spanish influenza, the community rallied together to raise the majority of the funds needed to provide relief, sanctuary and social connections for returned soldiers. It was a pleasure meeting the current members and their families, and provide thanks for their sacrifice. And the memorabilia is worthy of a museum. #lestweforget
04.01.2022 This week is PANDA week, where we raise awareness about perinatal anxiety and depression. The theme for this week is "Tell someone who cares", so I was delighted to share my message of care to all new and expecting parents across Australia.
02.01.2022 As tempting as it was to escape the ring of steel, Melbourne is alive with a renewed sense of hope and energy, perfectly symbolised by this church filled with flowers and patiently awaiting the arrival of a couple and their loved ones. #prahran #stonnington #renewedhope
02.01.2022 After a tough year, this production was such a fun and light-hearted way to step back into the theatre for the 1st time. Complete with laughter, singing and lots of sparkle, thoroughly enjoyed by the whole family. #dollydiamond #midsummafestival #localtalent #comedyforkids #chapeloffchapel
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