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Blissful Healing in Bacchus Marsh, Victoria | Massage service

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Blissful Healing

Locality: Bacchus Marsh, Victoria

Phone: +61 400 872 659

Address: given upon appointment Bacchus Marsh, VIC, Australia


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03.02.2022 Hello all you beautiful people,. I hope you are all well.xz I know it's been a looong time since I was last on here, but that's what happens,life gets crazy . Missing connecting for you all ,so first up we will have a free 1 card reading thread, Remember to close your eyes, centre and take three deep breaths, then focus on what you would like guidance on and pick your number from 1-56. I will focus on your energy whilst shuffling the cards ,and then count to your choosen nu...mber, this is how I get your card. Many blessings always Chat soon See more

24.01.2022 She's a whopper this one, she rocked me yesterday and she wasn't even at her peak. How are you all doing? Tonight remember to write that list of everything you won't gone, everything that no longer serves you. Then burn it under her. Let all the crap this year has delt you melt away, so you can start the new year free. Many blessings

22.01.2022 Hello beautiful people How are you all doing with everything going on? This gorgeous little man has been taking up all of my time, but now finally having some time back ( whilst he naps ) I will be back offering distant healings and readings.... Free guidance readings will be back also. Missed this so much, can't wait to connect with you all soon. Much love and blessings always. #mumlife #reikihealing #reikilove #spiritualguidance #love #healingjourney #blessings #blissfulhealingonfacebook

22.01.2022 Hello gorgeous ones, this is one of the hardest things to do sometimes and also one of the most beneficial for our own happiness. Be back this week with some free readings Watch this space. Many blessings always xxxx

18.01.2022 Hello all you gorgeous souls, I hope you are all doing well in these trying times. Now is the time to get all your manifesting happening, dig deep people, the world is your oyster. Much love and blessings sent to all.xxxx

16.01.2022 With Christmas not far off and lots of emotions and stress throughout this time of year , I am offering a Distance Healing thread.(been way too long) Place your name down under this post. Distance Reiki will be sent as a whole on Sunday 15 th Dec at 10pm.... Remember to love and share this post so it can reach others who may need this. Reach out also if you'd like a one on one session. Many blessings always xxxx

15.01.2022 12:12 vibrates on a healing frequency - therefore, we may notice past wounds have been surfacing so they can be cleared and healed. We are going to be transce...nding the energy of the past ten years so that we leave the decade feeling healthier, stronger, more empowered, resilient, ready for new beginnings and not afraid to let go of those familiar but harmful and limiting energies. We are about to enter an extremely intense 10-day energy portal, starting on 12-12 and ending 12-21, that will cleanse debilitating toxins from our lives. This includes unhealthy habits, conditioned behaviours, outdated beliefs and irrational fear-based thoughts and feelings that diminish our energy and leave us feeling irritable, anxious and burnt-out. Any ties that energetically bind us to people or situations that are detrimental or limiting us in any way will be severed during this period and we will be free to walk away with compassion, forgiveness and total peace of mind. In particular, we will feel the urge to remove ourselves from the company of anyone that provokes arguments, shows aggression, is controlling, manipulative, deceptive, judgmental, overly critical or generally abusive. Basically, we will find that anything unhealthy absolutely has to be removed from our life or be totally revolutionized, whether it is relationship dynamics, careers, eating habits or overall lifestyle choices. Not only will we be ending a ten-year cycle that has been emotionally and mentally challenging, we are also about to embark on an important, transformational new phase, moving toward a brand new decadeso it is vital we clear out old energy once and for and be energetically ready for this shift. During this 12:12 energy portal, we will be feeling compelled to evaluate and ponder over prominent things we have been through over the last ten years. In recent weeks we may also have noticed we have been repeating the same patterns over and over and attracting the same old lessons we thought we’d learned long ago. We will be receiving numerous insights and significant aha moments alongside melancholic feelings and emotions that cause us to return and relive certain periods from the last decade that caused us confusion, turmoil and pain. The main reason for this is that healing, conclusions and closure always arrive at the end of a major energy cycle, when our repressed emotions and feelings have been given a safe space to resurface, receive validation and permission to move onward. It is essential that before we begin a fresh cycle we end old outdated ones. The next couple of weeks will serve as an important and necessary transformational phase and it is vital we are prepared for this shift. Here are a few ways to release the residual karmic energies of the last decade and create an opening for the new experiences and opportunities coming our way in 2020. Clearing out our living space is a powerful way to kick-start a flow of energy that helps keep our mind calm and clear and also invites fresh positive energy to enter. As well as clearing old energy from our personal space, we can also do the same with our electronic devices. We often keep hold of old messages or contacts or particular quotes that held intense emotional meaning at a certain time in our lives. As we move toward a new year, this is the opportune time to remove anything that is triggering painful memories that we would rather not be regularly reminded of. If our phone is filled with text messages, photographs or hurt and torment from the past, we can take a few moments to delete whatever causes discomfort or turmoil and clear the energy so we release whatever was not meant and start optimistically looking ahead. The easiest and most healing way to let go of the past is to forgive. This means forgiving ourselves along with anyone else who may have caused us turmoil. Whenever we hold onto resentment, we remain energetically connected to the person with whom the encounter involved. By letting go of any negative emotions, we also untie the knot that was subconsciously holding us hostage. When we forgive, we effectively release and let go. Focus time and dedication on finishing any projects that have been started or that are halfway completed. Anything that we have been procrastinating will need some kind of structure so we can release the energy caught up in it, even if all we do is make a plan with a realistic deadline Hand over to the Universe all fears, grudges, doubts, resentments, attachments to outcomes, perceived wrong turns and mistakes. Allow karmic energy to remind, reprimand or reward, as the Universe sees fit. Despite the challenges and trials this year has brought us we can work through our karmic energy and close the year knowing that we are more awakened, consciously aware, alert, open, accountable & authentic than ever before. Nothing is coincidence, everything that happens, every person we have a connection with, and every feeling occurs for a divine and sacred reason. This is a time for major elimination and creation, so set intentions and believe that in 2020 you deserve to receive everything you desire & dream of. Have faith in this transition, as incredible possibilities, greatness & blessings are most definitely on the way.

14.01.2022 This always a giggle.

10.01.2022 The first Full Moon of the year is in Cancer, and the focus is on renewed and recharged energy in relation to emotions, family, friendship, love and our intuiti...on. Cancer is ruled by the moon, so when the moon is full and at home in her sign, we can expect our deep rooted feelings and sensitivities to be amplified. This eclipse marks the end of the current eclipse season and brings to a close chapters that have been unfolding since the last lunar eclipse on July 17th 2019. This means that anything that has been troubling us, for example, bad habits, lifestyle choices, destructive behavioural patterns, and relationships that have brought turmoil in recent months, will naturally come to an end. We will now start to notice a significant change as we let go of anything (or anyone) that is unhealthy, unfulfilling or no longer serving a purpose in our lives. Eclipse seasons have a particular theme running through them and usually relate to emotions and relationships; and we usually find that whoever or whatever we aren't meant to be focusing energy on, suddenly disappears (or is eclipsed) from our lives. During eclipse phases we become aware that for some time certain things have been happening behind the scenesand a light illuminates people’s true characters will hidden truths are revealed. By the time we awaken to the undercurrent that has been heading our way, it is usually too late to do anything but go with the flow and have faith that the force is relocating us toward better placesor people. Full Moons are notorious for being intense, supercharged and highly emotional periods, however, eclipses take the intensity to a new and much higher level and are believed to be multiple times more powerful. The energy emanating from them can feel unpredictable and volatile, which is the reason eclipses are known as the wild card of the cosmos. Eclipses are sharp nudges from the universe that shake us and force us to take action so we’ll pay attention to what is happening around us. They are renowned for being a turning point in our lives, as they cause a reboot, particularly in areas where we have procrastinated change and stayed in situations that are toxic, unfulfilling or that simply make us feel miserable. Eclipse energy can swing either way, depending upon how we feel leading up to them, so they either heighten our positive vibrations or pull us deeper into our shadow side, magnifying our darker emotions. They are renowned for generating a surge of potent energy that unexpectedly and radically changes our lives by causing emotional upheavals that compel us to take action. Not only can eclipses be uncomfortable and challenging to deal with, their impact leaves a long-lasting, unforgettable impression. If we note the dates of eclipses in a journal and intermittently look back at them throughout our lives we will see a definitive divide between what challenges we were going through and how we were feeling before and after the eclipses occurred. An eclipse is a temporary interruption of universal energy between the sun, moon and earth, and during it we may notice an abrupt halt of energy happening in our own lives. This temporary seizure offers us the opportunity to gain perspective on where we are at and where we want to be heading, before pressing reset and clearing the karma of everything we have previously experienced. Eclipse cycles pull us into intense healing phases where we break free from old and outdated patterns of behaviorand in particular force us out of situations that lower our vibration. Therefore we will likely feel the need to free ourselves from anyone or anything that feels dysfunctional or harmful in any way. We may feel compelled to end a relationship, declutter belongings, make a career change, quit bad habits, change certain beliefs, make a major lifestyle decision, move home or even relocate to a new city or country. The changes that happen are often things we have been working hard to manifest and the eclipse helps us along by adjusting our lives accordingly, magnetically pushing and pulling, organising and calibrating energetically. Eclipses often cause havoc by bringing problems to the surface and turning situations upside down, which may cause us to feel highly emotional, disoriented and a little unstable. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to rush into major decisions or commit to dramatic changes in the couple of days before or after an eclipse and instead wait until energy has calmed and we once again have clear perception. The eclipse’s powerful vibration builds in the week before it happens so many people, particularly those who are ultra sensitive to electromagnetic energy, will have already felt the disruption, strength and intensity radiating from it. It may become noticeable that existing tensions have heightened and are presenting through obsessions, jealousies, arguments and frustrations. It is possible that those who are highly sensitive will feel anxious, impatient and as though something big is about to happen as the moon moves closer toward its fullest form. Frazzled nerves and tempers could flare out of nowhere, causing conflict within intimate relationships. We may even have become temporarily or permanently separated from those we were in close relationships with, as this lunar energy charges in and shakes everything in its wake. As with all major universal events, eclipses can bring disorder and disruption, but they always serve our highest good and despite being temporarily turbulent, they are renowned for having positive outcomes. Eclipses are unpredictablethey are nature’s way of awakening us to anything we’ve refused to accept, deal with, or alter, so they exert their energetic strength, giving us no option but to confront aspects of our lives that require attention. Anything we have been resisting will become too great to ignore and we will find ourselves caving in, whether that be: contacting someone we are estranged from, taking accountability for our behavior and sending out an apology, choosing to open to trust instead of feeling fearful, breaking away from toxic bonds or finally accepting we are extremely worthy, magnificent beings and walking away from devaluation. During an eclipse, our spiritual awareness, thoughts, intentions and manifestations are amplified, and we will discover that we effortlessly speak into existence anything weighing heavy on our heart or mind. This is why it is vital we remain aware of what we are thinking about, saying, or hoping for, as we may be shocked at how quickly our pondering thoughts become part of our reality. Whatever we have been manifesting for the past 6 months (for instance, relocating or planning a new career move) will quickly come to fruition, and we will receive an abundance of opportunities that help us create a fresh, positive and exciting new start. This Full Moon not only brings to an end things we have been going through for the last six months, it is also the start of a new eclipse season and six-month chapter in our lives that runs until the next eclipse on June 5th 2020. This lunar Cancerian crab energy helps us finally release the tight grip on all we have been holding on to. It is the perfect opportunity to make peace with any conflicts that may have taken place over the past year and to let all pain, suffering, regrets, disappointments, conflicts and resentments go. Eclipses affect us all differently, just as new and full moons do. This is partly to do with the sign that the sun and moon are passing through, partly influenced by our own birth chart, and is also determined by how we feel emotionally, mentally, and physically at the time. Some will feel extremely calm, grounded and balanced during the eclipse while others may feel totally unhingedas though the eclipse has been brutal and life has temporarily shifted out of recognition. Those who are highly sensitive to energy might find themselves on a roller-coaster ride for a few days, accelerating at great speed from one emotion to the next, circling from calm to chaos over and again. This is why it is essential to be well-prepared in advance for cosmic events, as, if we head into them on a low frequency, or if we are carrying chaos and drama with us, it is likely that they will create a storm, and once we’re in it, we will struggle to ground our energy and come back down to Earth (energetically speaking). Lunar eclipses are enigmatic and are often compared to a moody, stormy ocean. We will likely notice our senses are on high alert, and everything feels and sounds louder, brighter, stronger, and more vivid than before, as the energy emanating from eclipses can feel both overwhelming and disorientating. During highly charged energy portals, such as eclipses, we may notice the following: Feeling more emotional and tearful. People from our past reappear, so we have the chance to learn valuable lessons, to make amends, or to forgive and release once and for all. Physiological symptoms may manifest, such as flu-like symptoms, ear ringing, or aches and pains. Frequent anxiety or feeling panicky without clear reason, as well as bouts of fear about the future. We might know things without logical explanation and find it difficult to explain the source of our information. Temporary loss of memories, forgetting things, misplacing items. Time appearing to go extremely slow or fast. Becoming more accountable for our behaviour and actions. Disrupted sleep, insomnia, waking between the hours of 2:00 to 5:00 a.m. Premonitions, and vivid dreams or nightmares. Seeing and feeling energy such as orbs, sparks, or flashes of light, and noticing energy warming the palms of hands. Seemingly out the blue bouts of anxiety, stress, irritability, frustration, sadness, nervousness, worry, fear, grief, overwhelm, and sudden mood swings. Sensitive to light, tastes, touch, and noiseparticularly tones of voices. Feeling as though something huge is about to happen. Awakening to past mistakes and no longer repeating them. Chronic fatigue; being around other people feels draining. Feeling zoned and spaced out, or ungrounded. Appreciating that all life is sacred. High intuition, sudden insights, heightened awareness, enhanced compassion and empathy, seeing things with clarity, and receiving answers or resolutions to ongoing issues. Releasing, healing, letting go of the past. Overthinking and obsessing over tiny details. Noticing synchronicities, i.e. number patterns reappearing. Consciously aware of other people’s energy fields and being highly sensitive to negativity. Becoming aware of certain things we have been conditioned to believe. A growing discomfort around certain family members, friends, or work colleagues. Preferring to spend time alone in introspection. Struggles with communication, arguments, disagreements. To combat these symptoms we can: Drink plenty of filtered water (not tap water).Take saltwater baths.Meditate and remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.Avoid caffeine and alcohol.Spend time in nature.Consume high-vibrational foods, such as fruit and vegetables.Remind ourselves that everything in the universe is made up of energy. To help ensure the eclipse (along with the next six months) runs smoothly, it is worth taking time out to figure what it is we truly want, who we want to be around, and who or what we are still holding on to (that we really need to let go of). Then we must find the courage to make the life-changing decisions we have been shying away from, so we can open new doors and burn tired old bridges without regretalthough be wary, as during the eclipse we are may be more emotional than normal, so it is vital to allow the energies to settle before announcing final decisions. ~ Disclaimer: If you experience any of the symptoms listed here, please also seek the advice of a medical professional. The above symptoms are commonly noted during major cosmic events, however, there may be other medical-related causes.

09.01.2022 This destruction is beyond belief. Please take the time to do this. It's amazing what large groups can manifest. I send my love and healing to all of you and your families/friends that are affected by this disaster. I will continue to send healing for as long as needed.... Stay safe and many blessings to all. See more

07.01.2022 Full moon blessings everyone, Grandmother moon is super powerful tonight. Release all that no longer serves you ,let it go. Go stand under her magical light.Clear all your shit. Many blessings #fullmoon #releasing #clearoutyourshit #blessings #power #magic

02.01.2022 Hello beautiful people How are you all doing with everything going on? This gorgeous little man has been taking up all of my time, but now finally having some time back ( whilst he naps ) I will be back offering distant healings and readings.... Free guidance readings will be back also. Missed this so much, can't wait to connect with you all soon. Much love and blessings always. #mumlife #reikihealing #reikilove #spiritualguidance #love #healingjourney #blessings #blissfulhealingonfacebook

02.01.2022 Take in all the little things around you, Be so grateful that you are here. Love big .......

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