Noosa Country Show in Pomona, Queensland | Event
Noosa Country Show
Locality: Pomona, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5485 2331
Address: Corner Exhibition Street and Pavilion Street 4568 Pomona, QLD, Australia
Likes: 1434
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25.01.2022 Thanks for the update Sandy
25.01.2022 Central Highlands Sub Chamber finals date change The Central Highland Showgirl & Rural Ambassador Sub Chamber Finals hosted by Clermont Show has changed from the 26th June to Saturday 19th June.
24.01.2022 This years show has been postponed not cancelled as was reported on local TV news last night 19-5-2020
24.01.2022 The Pomona Showgrounds is home to the Noosa Show, the rodeo, gymkhanas and many other community events that make our region such a fantastic place to live. Tod...ay I was pleased to present Noosa Show Society with a grant for $85,675 to install a new lighting system so these events can be bigger and better than ever before. While many shows including Noosa have been postponed or cancelled this year due to the pandemic, this funding through the Morrison Governments $20 million Regional Agricultural Show Development Grants program will help ensure the Show goes on for years to come. Congratulations to Noosa Show Society President Charlie Pattison and the committee for their work in planning for this important upgrade.
24.01.2022 We have received confirmation from all of our 128 Shows and can confirm that no Queensland Ag Shows affiliated Agricultural Shows will be taking place in 2020 a...ll that had advised they where postponed have made the heart wrenching decision to cancel. Everyone is very excited for a bigger and better 2021. Remember our shows need your support more then ever!
23.01.2022 Just a note - Human nominations will be closed at 3pm on Friday so we have time to prepare the covid list for Saturday morning. If you are coming or know who is please share this to be sure we have as many people on that list as possible to avoid guest sign ins. Thank you to everyone who has nominated already!
23.01.2022 Can you spare an hour or two?
23.01.2022 In September this year we were due to hold 111th Noosa Country Show, but after a great deal of discussion, and the best interests of the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to postpone the 2020 Show. It is worth noting that this year the Sunshine Coast, Fraser Coast, Gympie Shows (as well as most Queensland shows) and, most recently, the Gympie Muster have all been cancelled. Importantly, as the Ekka too has been cancelled..., the sub-chamber and state level points scoring competitions like stud cattle, dairy, and equestrian - events that are an important part of the Noosa Country Show - have also been cancelled. A great deal of organisation and planning goes into running our Show, and in the current challenging economic climate, growing unemployment, and social distancing as a result of COVID-19, we determined that it was in the best interests of our community to delay, not cancel altogether, our plans. Since the first Agricultural Show was held in Tasmania in 1822, they have become an important part of country life in Australia. Regardless of whether they are large city shows like Brisbanes Ekka or smaller community events like our own Noosa Country Show, they are events that bring communities together. Unlike many other show societies, we own our Showgrounds, and this gives us the flexibility to reschedule. So when the situation resolves, our aim is to hold a scaled-down one-day show towards the end of the year. We envisage this to be a donation-on-entry event, a coming together for the community after navigating this difficult time. We will make further announcements about our new Community Show in coming months. The Noosa Show Day is a gazetted public holiday, and we confirm that Friday, 11 September 2020 will still be a public holiday in the Noosa Shire.
22.01.2022 Have just collected the rugs for tomorrow!! Thank you again Pomona Ag Supplies! Only 1 more sleep! ... Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
22.01.2022 Bookings are now being taken for Trade Stall at the Noosa Country Show.
21.01.2022 Some notes for Saturday - Human nominations close at 2pm on Friday There is an AMAZING canteen onsite so please support them!... We have an amazing sponsor - Pomona Ag Supplies - please be sure to tag them in your posts and photos even if you don't win the rug. They have been very supportive and generous and Saturdays prizes wouldn't be possible without them. There are yards available - please email to book. They are $10 for the day. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!!
21.01.2022 Volunteers are the lifeblood of Australian Country Shows, and the Noosa Country Show is no exception. In seeking volunteers, we do have the challenge that many people in our growing community don't have rural roots, having moved here from larger towns and cities in search of a lifestyle that is the envy of just about anyone else in the world. But they may not grasp the importance to the community of The Show. , ...Continue reading
21.01.2022 Don’t forget the Noosa T-Shirt Hack Day at Pomona Showgrounds this Saturday!
19.01.2022 We’re having another T-Shirt Hack Day! Come and give it a go!
19.01.2022 Next Gen is the youth arm of Agricultural Shows Australia and its objective is to actively support and guide the next generation of Australian agricultural entrepreneurs. They do this by:... * Acting as a vehicle for the voices of young people involved in agriculture and the Shows Movement * Providing opportunities for like-minded young people to meet, share and support one another * Increasing motivation and harnessing the clear enthusiasm young people have for being involved in their rural communities and agricultural industries * Provide education and facilitate learning opportunities for young people * Share best practices across a range of agricultural skills and event organisation * Enable networking across generations to assist with mentoring and to forge new links between young people and key industry stakeholders. More information about the achievements and initiatives of Queensland Ag Shows Next Generation can be found at . ' ? It's always nice to see the other people decide to become members of Next Gen. The profiles of those on Queensland's Next Gen Executive Committee can be found at The Noosa Show Society's Next Gen plays a huge role in helping us to create a stronger, more sustainable agricultural show and continuing the legacy of these iconic events, and we will be focussing a lot of our efforts into growing the numbers of our Next Gen members in 2020 and beyond. If you are a Member of the Noosa Show, and are under 35, you are automatically a Next Gen member. There are no additional membership fees. To become a member of the Noosa Show Society email: [email protected] or hit the Send Message button on the right. You can request an information sheet on Next Gen by emailing [email protected].
18.01.2022 Agricultural shows provide precious insights into community life. Many, sadly, have been cancelled by COVID-19, including the 150th Dalby Show and the 111th Na...nango Show the Governor was to open this weekend, and next months Charleville and Brookfield Shows. While many communities cannot come together in the usual way this year, the Governor has released a special video message honouring the civic pride so wonderfully demonstrated at show time, a sense of community which will emerge stronger and ever more forceful. Footage courtesy of The Ekka. Dalby and District Show Society Nanango Show Society Charleville & South West Queensland Show Society Brookfield Show Society Inc {Official Page} Queensland Ag Shows
18.01.2022 Crochet, knitting, weaving, woodwork, and blocksmithing are making a comeback globally as 19-30s reclaim old arts and actually TALKING with each other. Do you agree? Is it something that you've seen happening? Is it as Sue Lever says in the interview a way to become grounded? If you are a knitter, crocheter, or any other type of craftsperson, enquire if there is a category at the 2020 Noosa Country Show for you, by clicking the Send Message on the right.
18.01.2022 Sincere condolences from all committee, members and show goers of Noosa Show Society
17.01.2022 UPDATE from Pony Club Queensland as at 13.05.2020
16.01.2022 Another note for tomorrow Please tag your friends that are coming so we know its not missed Please have your forms ready to hand in at the gate... Payment for nominations is at the office beside the canteen - no armband no ride Be on time to the ring! Due to the heat and weather warning for the afternoon we will be rolling on. If you miss your class that is too bad. Please sign out on the covid register before you leave at the office Progressive Ring is beside the tennis court Pony ring is at the bottom of the oval Galloways are top right on the oval Hacks are top left on the oval This is a covid safe event so please ensure social distancing Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow
16.01.2022 Looking better for the future and the possibility for the Show to be held, even if we have to postpone the date until a bit later in the year.
15.01.2022 Wow! A HUGE THANK YOU to Pomona Ag Supplies!
13.01.2022 , , We all know that Pomona is naturally beautiful town in the Noosa Shire where the annual Noosa Show is held each September (11th and 12th in 2020), but where did the name "Pomona" come from? We do know that when the township was established the government rejected the names "Pinbarren" and "Karura" (Cooroora), and the name Pomona was decided upon so as to not be confused with Cooroy and Cooran.... It also reflected the fertile land in the area. But how did the name "Pomona" relate to "fertile land"? As it turns out, "Pomona" was a goddess of fruitful abundance in Roman mythology, and her name comes from the Latin world "pomum" meaning "fruit", or more specifically "orchard fruit". Her priest was called "the flamen Pomonalis". Pomona was not associated with the harvest of fruit, but rather the flourishing of the fruit trees. She watches over and protects fruit trees and cares for their cultivation. In artistic representations of her, she is generally shown with a pruning knife, a platter of fruit, or a cornucopia. She is especially associated with apples, eaten as a sacred fruit by the Romans. There was a "sacred grove of fruit trees" dedicated to her called the Pomonal, where the flamen Pomonalis performed their duties, located 12 miles from Rome on the road to the ancient port of Ostia. !
13.01.2022 Annastacia Palaszczuk MP 8 May at 14:08 BREAKING: Queenslands roadmap to easing restrictions. From 11.59pm, Friday, May 15, the following will be allowed: Gatherings of a maximum of 10 people together in a public space ... Dining in at restaurants, pubs, clubs, RSLs and cafes for a maximum of 10 patrons at one time as part of a gradual re-opening (no bars or gaming) Recreational travel of a radius of up to 150km from your home for day trips Some beauty therapies and nail salons for up to 10 people at one time Re-opening of libraries, playground equipment, skate parks and outdoor gyms (a maximum of 10 at one time) Wedding guests increased to 10 people and funeral attendance increased to 20 (30 outdoors) Open homes and auctions with a maximum of 10 people at one time; Re-opening public pools and lagoons (eg South Bank, Cairns, Airlie Beach) with a maximum of 10 people at a time or greater numbers with an approved plan For Outback Queensland, where there have been no COVID cases, two special concessions have been made: Dining in at pubs and cafes will be up to 20 for locals only, reflecting the important role these venues play in connecting small outback communities; and Recreational travel of a radius of up to 500 kilometres reflecting the long distances in the Outback. Stage Two, effective 11.59pm, Friday, June 12 would provide for: Gatherings at homes with a maximum of 20 visitors Dining in at restaurants, pubs, clubs, cafes and RSLs for up to 20 patrons at a time and an option for more with an approved COVID-safe plan Holiday travel within your region Stage Three would include reviews of border closures and build to 100 customers for venues giving certainty to business, communities and families to be able to plan ahead. See more
13.01.2022 Not everything is being cancelled in September
13.01.2022 MEDIA RELEASE 21st July 2020 2020 NOOSA COUNTRY/COMMUNITY SHOW CANCELLED In September this year we were due to hold 111th Noosa Country Show which we had postponed to 24/10/2020 as a Community Show. Unfortunately, and after further lengthy discussions within our committee, along with Queensland... Ag Shows (formerly known as QCAS), our Show sub-branch, Noosa Council, major stakeholders and the best interests of the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have finally had to cancel the 2020 Show entirely. This decision has not been an easy one to make and I would personally like to apologise to everyone who has offered their support, help and enthusiasm with our scaled down Community Show we had planned for October this year. The new outbreaks of COVID-19 have created major issues for us to have to deal with and there is still no guarantee that we would be able to run the Show at all this year. It has been a very trying predicament for us to be in and one that will be ongoing for an indefinite period of time. The final contributing factor for us in cancelling the 2020 Show was the loss of $10,000s of dollars of funding that was withdrawn due to COVID-19. The Noosa Show Day is a gazetted public holiday, and we confirm that Friday, 11 September 2020 will still be a public holiday in the Noosa Shire. Charlie Pattison President Noosa Show Society See more
12.01.2022 ? Maybe 2020 is the year to see how your flowers stack up against others in the Noosa Shire by entering them into the Horticulture section of the Noosa Country Show "where town meets country". Because The Show is not until 11-12 September, you've got plenty of time to plant, prune, fertilise, and to whisper sweet nothings to encourage your blooms to be prize-worthy.... This post is just to get you thinking about participating this year - and maybe challenge a neighbour to enter as well! The categories for 2020 have not yet been confirmed, but to give you an idea, last year they were the following. One rose. One gerbera, single any colour. One gerbera, double any colour. Spring bulbs, any kind or colour. Freesias, 3 or more. Sweet peas, collection any colours. Geraniums, 3 or more. One specimen bloom any variety. Nasturtiums, collection, plate or bowl. Pansies, collection, plate or bowl. Camellias, collection. Three different cut flowers. Any orchid, one cut spike. Azaleas, one colour, plate or bowl. - Roses - vase or bowl. Flowers one variety, any colours. Azaleas 3 or more varieties. Native flowers Grevilleas Greenery & blooms September in the Hinterland" (formal). Foliage only. Mixture flowers. One cactus. Mixture of cacti. Fern in a basket or pot. One plant in bloom. One plant, foliage only. One bromeliad. One orchid in bloom. One succulent. Mixed succulents. One begonia. African violet. , .
12.01.2022 It looked good in the rear view mirrors...
10.01.2022 So many of our kids love their Guinea Pigs (cavies), and most believe their's are the cutest ever. They come in lots of different sizes and colours, and each has its own personality. At the Noosa Country Show, we are all about fun when it comes to the Guinea Pigs that are entered for judging in this category. These pets don't need pedigrees nor do they have to be able to do impressive tricks to win a ribbon. Instead our classes include:... / / / / ( & ) The Noosa Country Show takes place on 11 and 12 September 2020 (the 11th is Noosa Show Day Public Holiday), so there is lots of time for your kids to get excited about entering their Guinea Pigs, and to challenge their friends to enter their's as well. We will be posting more about how to enter very soon!
08.01.2022 We’re having another T-Shirt Hack Day! Come and give it a go!
08.01.2022 Some notes for Saturday - Human nominations close at 2pm on Friday There is an AMAZING canteen onsite so please support them!... We have an amazing sponsor - Pomona Ag Supplies - please be sure to tag them in your posts and photos even if you don't win the rug. They have been very supportive and generous and Saturdays prizes wouldn't be possible without them. There are yards available - please email to book. They are $10 for the day. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!!
07.01.2022 This year's Noosa Show is the latest popular Sunshine Coast event postponed due to the coronavirus. But the Federal Government has thrown a financial lifeline,... committing $85,000 to upgrade the main pavilion lighting. #coronavirus #7NEWS
07.01.2022 Wow! A HUGE THANK YOU to Pomona Ag Supplies!
05.01.2022 Today we began replacing much of our outdoor seating - how exciting! Our old timber seats had seen some good times, but needed to be replaced. We were fortunate to receive a grant to help cover the cost, and workers from the Noosa Community Training Centre (NCTC) came on board to do the work - the third crew to come to us as part of their Certificate 1 in Construction. (They are also painting the interior our camp kitchen.) Thanks ...guys! ?
03.01.2022 What is 'natural beekeeping'? This ABC News story explains.
03.01.2022 Coming to Pomona, free.
03.01.2022 Thank you to our sponsors of the 2020 Queensland Show Dates Calendar for the month of "June" Showdayonline Australia. Simplify the running of your show with Sho...wday Online. Great for schedule and steward sheet creating, capturing, recording and reporting animal information and generating prize certificates and exhibit card creation. Contact 1800 032 394 to find out more. If you would like to get a copy of the 2020 Queensland Show Dates Calendar please message our Facebook Page or contact your Next Generation Representative in your region.
03.01.2022 The Queensland Ag Shows Next Generation Committee would like to thank Queensland Ag Shows for their continued support of our local shows, sub chambers and the N...ext Generation Committee and in "November" QCAS feature in out 2020 Queensland Show Dates Calendar. Queensland Ag Shows were set up with the aim to promote and protect the general interests of Show Societies so they can continue to put on safe event and increase community wellbeing. Want to find out how Queensland Ag Shows can assist you further with education and information to improve your local show? Give them a call on (07) 3277 7747 If you would like to get a copy of the 2020 Queensland Show Dates Calendar please message our Facebook Page or contact your Next Generation Representative in your region.
02.01.2022 So knitters, do you know what an MKAL is? No, its not a new stitch, but a global competition where every participant knits the same mystery pattern at the same time. You can learn more at
02.01.2022 Just a note - Human nominations will be closed at 3pm on Friday so we have time to prepare the covid list for Saturday morning. If you are coming or know who is please share this to be sure we have as many people on that list as possible to avoid guest sign ins. Thank you to everyone who has nominated already!
02.01.2022 Bee active, in town and country
01.01.2022 An important message from SGT Dan McNamara OIC Pomona Police, regarding Covid-19: Ill try and keep this short as I know were in overload with the barrage of m...edia re COVID19. It may seem almost un Aussie to stay home and abide by the current social restrictions, (particularly tough during such cracking autumn weather!) but the polar opposite is true and I ask you to consider the following, if only in relation to public gatherings. This virus is now capable of affecting anyone irrespective of age and health status, witness under age 50 doctor mortality rates overseas as one example and by ignoring all this advice, you could potentially transmit it unknowingly to a vulnerable relative or friend. Some recent patrols of parks and public spaces and talks with members of the public in the Pomona Police Division show theres still genuine confusion around the current COVID19 laws. Yes there are a lot of rules, but being aware of the basic current regulations and exceptions for public gatherings will help keep you safe and prevent unnecessary interaction with your local Coppers. Essentially, dont gather in public places such as parks for any reason except: To get food or essentials Medical or health care Physical exercise (no more than 2 unless immediate relatives such as a family etc) To perform work or volunteering that cant be done from the persons residence. Some people I spoke with today had bought food and coffee from local cafes and were eating it on local park tables, this isnt permitted as this gathering is not one of the above exemptions and the food should have been taken home. Why? Because there are about 8% of infected carriers that show no symptoms and this virus has shown it can remain on surfaces, such as metal and plastic, for several days. Enough people eat on public park tables and you stand a better chance of being in contact with the virus. Make sense? Finally, can I say that your local police are from and for the local community, were country coppers that would much rather have you play by the rules and avoid the plan B, which is a big fine. We wish you all the best, this situation is necessary but temporary so hang in there, be kind and work together, better days are ahead. Sgt Dan McNamara OIC Pomona Police 54801733.
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