North East Animal Sanctuary Tasmania in Herrick, Tasmania, Australia | Non-profit organisation
North East Animal Sanctuary Tasmania
Locality: Herrick, Tasmania, Australia
Phone: +61 484 319 561
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24.01.2022 Today is the start of vollie week so what better time for me to say THANK YOU to all our vollies/carers for everything you do. Today is the start of vollie week so what better time for me to say THANK YOU to all our vollies/carers for everything you do.
23.01.2022 Don't forget to spoil your doggo (or cat!) this Christmas with some snazzy new collars etc! All monies raised go directly towards the ongoing costs of the North East Animal Sanctuary Tasmania.
23.01.2022 Hi guys, we've had a big (and sometimes bloody hard) week at NEAST, which we'll cover in the next couple of days but sadly, we come with bad news :( When we first took in Big Ginge, smoochy, lovable friend of everyone he met and put Put, cuddly love bug from a friend of NEAST who unfortunately passed away, we soon learned that they both had FIV. Big G took a turn for the worst back in December, and with serious anemia we knew his time was short. He came back home to NEAST to loved (which he was!) but Michelle decided his time had come on Wednesday, and our gentle giant Big Ginge was reunited with his mum Mel. Michelle had also identified Put Put was having some difficulty with food so he went in to see Dr Liam too, and it turned out since December his teeth had deteriorated rapidly, and Dr Liam wanted to do a dental. We opted for bloods first and what we found was a shock to everyone :( Put Puts liver and kidneys were in dire straits, and he had also become anemic so it was decided that rather than put Putty though everything just to gain a very short period of time, that we would keep the boys together forever and Putty (who only ever knew life with Big G by his side), purring in the arms of Michelle was also reunited with his mum Mel and his big best furry friend Ginge. So it's been a very hard time at NEAST HQ, as we did not expect to lose both of the boys so quickly :( FIV is a terrible disease, please keep your cats safely indoors and save not only your best friend, but everyones elses so we don't have to keep going through this please :( See more
23.01.2022 Deb is all set up for her Yappy Christmas photo session! The weather is cleared up and ready to go! Pop along and get your pooches Christmas photos all done - link to the event below with more details! <3 <3
22.01.2022 Leeroy is a very energetic boy who will require a home with the patience and willingness to train him as he is a large overgrown puppy who is very full on and boisterous. He will need a gentle hand as he is a very soft natured boy He loves children but will be best suited to older children due to his boisterous nature. Leeroy will need a very secure yard as he has a penchant for climbing on-top on things to scale fences and also to dig out, he would be best with a family who... are home more often than not. Leeroy has a lot of love to give and deserves a family to love him.
22.01.2022 A big round of applause for all the wonderful and generous folk who've donated to help us help these 2 rascals. Raffi had to go back to the vet as his good eye was irritating him and he's been given drops and we have to wait for the stitches to relax. Little Loki is squirming around the place and goes back for more x-rays next week, so fingers crossed for him.... Many thanks to all who have helped us to help them. #teamworkmakesdreamswork #youdidthis #mowbrayvetclinic #savourlife #neastsupporters
21.01.2022 Congratulations to an amazing lady who has helped so many animals find their way to us and who has helped us with her awesome fundraising efforts among other things. Well deserved Leah, we thank you for all you do to help the animals.
20.01.2022 Meet Shadow Shadow is an 8 year old Staffy cross with a strong, slim body and a massive head. Her big brown eyes are soulful, and often plead with you to play stick with her. Shadow generally has two modes - chasing a stick (go mode) or sleeping (stop mode). There isn't much in between. She loves company and would ideally be with a family who has someone at home most of the time. When she is in sleep mode she finds her bed and stays there - for hours unless something ...better is happening! She loves water, the beach, tummy rubs, young children and anyone she can convince to play with her. Shadow does suffer from separation anxiety and will try to follow her favourite person. She can also jump - so nice big fences will be a must. She is happy staying at home with the other people in her life or another dog - although she prefers not to share her stick with anyone! Shadow is currently on Stilboestrol twice a week for a leaky bladder. She currently has no issues with incontinence whilst on the medication. Her ideal home would be where someone is there most of the time and enjoys walking, the outdoors, has plenty of sticks and lives near water. She is a very low-needs dog, but springs to life and wants to play whenever she can.
20.01.2022 Big shout out to SavourLife they are matching dollar for dollar with our fundraising efforts for Raffi and Loki We have raised $1337 so far and they have already matched that amount and will continue to do so as we continue this fundraiser. So it couldn't be a better time to donate!!... Don't forget all donations $2 and over are tax deductible!!
20.01.2022 The wonderful and amazingly talented Deb of Furbabies and Friends Photography (and more importantly, mum to NEASTs own Edwin) is running a Christmas event! Pop along and get a fantastic professional Christmas portrait of your pet, and support NEAST at the same time <3
17.01.2022 Remember Raffi? He's getting to be a big boy now! Raffi has an appointment at the vets tomorrow and we'll know more then, but might be getting his entopion eyelid fixed (again), an enucleation (his bad eye removed) and castrated (something else removed!) Wish him luck! He's a fab boy xxx
17.01.2022 IT'S TIME FOR A REHOME ASSIST Jessy is looking for her forever home due to unforeseen circumstances, she is desexed and vaccinated. She is 3.5 years old. Absolutely beautiful but likes to be the only pet.... Not suitable with toddlers due to her bouncy nature. Secure fencing a must. Contact us to be put in touch with the owner.
17.01.2022 How exciting..... Our 2021 calendars just arrived on our doorstep. We have a limited number so get in quick to get yours!!!... $23 each including postage BSB: 067 407 ACCOUNT NO: 1016 3588 ACCOUNT NAME: NORTH EAST ANIMAL SANCTUARY INC REFERENCE: NAME /CALENDAR
16.01.2022 We love our little hand reared babies here at NEAST. At the moment Megan is rearing five of these little cuties, and they'll be available for adoption in approximately a months time! Here you can see Jordana, a beautiful dark torbie girl and Rowan, a cute lil ginger boy.
16.01.2022 Nelfie is making a start on the photos for the 2022 calendar! Have you grabbed your copy of the NEAST 2021 calendar yet? Still available via the Mowbray Vets, Crank it Cafe in Derby, Dekara Janes in Scottsdale or we can post one out to you! Great little stocking stuffer! Keep your eyes on our page for more Nelfie adventures! #NelfOnTheShelf #Pawparazzi #GetAroundYourLocalSmallRescue
16.01.2022 With summer almost upon us this is a good reminder. And please please please don't forget if you can't hold the back of your hand on the ground for 5 seconds then don't make your dog walk on it.
14.01.2022 Todays Twelve Adoptions Before Christmas (and final one!) is SHEILA! We don't know a great deal about this lovely lady. She was surrendered to us via the vets as she was an unwanted wild resident on a property, and the only reason she was spared was because she came with four tiny little week old babies. Her babies are now nearly adoption ready (and heckin cute) so we are looking for a barn cat style scenario for this Grumpy Mum. She wants to keep mice down, not sit on laps. ...She will come spayed so no more babies for her, and she doesn't need any attention at all, in fact she'd probably prefer if you didn't. We feel that if the right person was to work with her she may at least LIKE you, but it would be hard earned (but worth it). It will be hard work to find Shiela her new home but we're not interested in euthing her simply for being a bit wild and free. Please share this post to help us reach more potential new owners, and help see if we can find somewhere in this world for Shiela to fit. #TwelveAdoptionsBeforeChristmas #NEAST #NoMumLeftBehind #NotADeathSentence #Help See more
14.01.2022 Todays Twelve Adoptions Before Christmas is TED! Ted is a curious, adventurous and friendly little guy, who loves a wrestle. What a cutie! He would love a playful home! Please share this post to help us reach more potential new kitten owners, and help these guys find their forever homes ASAP! So we don't get tempted to keep them FOREVERRRRR! #TwelveAdoptionsBeforeChristmas #NEAST #Rawr #IrresistableKittyTummy #NewBFF
13.01.2022 Wishing our big boy Loki a happy 1st birthday!!! We would also like to update all our amazing supporters about Loki's wheelchair. As Loki is still growing and getting heavier we have decided it will be best to wait a few more months to get his wheels but in the meantime his Aunty Selina has a suprise for him!... See more
13.01.2022 The time has come, NEASTers and friends! We're taking expressions for our lovely labrador pair, Bonnie and Cyrus! These lovely doggos came to us as VERY portly pooches, and are now nearly ready for their forever home <3 Click the link for more info, and yes they are a bonded pair (ignore just Bonnies name, they ARE a duo) so will be homed together.
13.01.2022 Time for a REHOME ASSIST! The very handsome MYLES is looking for his perfect forever home. Desexed and chipped, he is six years old and an indoor/outdoor boy. He is ready to live his very best life as the king of your castle - no other pets need apply. His skills include beating the snot out of everything else that moves, overlooking you as you work, and being gorgeous. Interested to give Myles his new home? Drop us a line and we'll pop you in contact with the owner! EDIT: Myles is strictly a MYLES ONLY HOME. For the safety of everyone else, not Myles lol
13.01.2022 Are you missing a new best mate? Then our latest REHOME ASSIST, OLLIE could be the boy for you! Ollie is a 4.5 year old staffy, a real people pleaser and a bit of a squishy softy lovebug. Ollie is desexed and chipped, and looking for an indoor home where he can be with his people - no tough guy homes for this boy, he loves a snuggle and a gentle hand. Awesome with people of all ages, he is best as the only pet - not a fan of cats and other dogs are ok in the street, but not in his yard. Very well behaved indoors, house trained etc and wont eat your couch if left alone. Keen to learn more? Drop us a line. Please note as a rehome assist Ollie has not been vetted or temp tested by us, all we're doing is putting you in contact with the owner - he is not a NEAST doggo.
11.01.2022 Great opportunity for our supporters in the Fingal and surrounds areas to get your best mates - cats, dogs, bunnies, easily distracted grandmas (ok ok no grandmas! NO GRANDMAS!) - microchipped. New legislation coming in means you will need to have your cats chipped, and dogs already have to be so get everyone caught up now before the new legislation comes in!
11.01.2022 As Nelphina tucks Nelfie into bed after a big Christmas Eve, ready for the big day tomorrow... we'd like to share a poem with you. those who have visited the main cattery at NEAST before will be familiar with St Popeye :) #NEAST #NelfOnTheShelf #NelfInTheBed T'was the Night Before Christmas @ NEAST... T'was the night before Christmas, when all throughout NEAST, Not a creature was stirring, not even a beast. The litters were cleaned by the volunteers with care,... In hopes that new adopters soon would be there. The kittens were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of new homes danced in their heads. Nelphina in her PJs, and Nelfie in his too, Had just settled in for caffeinated brew. When out in the cattery there was such a noise! They sprung from the chair to check which naughty boys??? Away down the driveway they ran like Usain, Reached the window and looked in the pane. The moon glinting off the cats water bowls, Lit up a display that was a sight to behold! Anyone who’d observe would ask What is THAT? It’s a miniature sleigh, for eight rein- cats! With a hairy driver, all ready to fly, They knew in a moment it must be St. Popeye! Time to get moving, so he prepared the call, As he raised his voice, and summoned them all: Now Splodge, now Aretha, now Namiri and Klaus, On Sawyer, on Big Ginge, on Monkey and Mouse; To the top of the cat tree! to the top of the drive! Now fly on! Fly on! Fly for your life! So up to the sky the rein-cats they flew, With the sleigh full of treats - and St. Popeye too. And alongside some jingling, we heard up above, A collection of feet belonging to cats that we love! As I turned around to see what was the matter, Down the chimney St. Popeye came with a clatter. He was terribly grubby, from his head to his foot His beautiful tabby fur was all covered with soot. With bags of treats in the sack in his paw, Every dog and cat in the room jaw hit the floor! He filled all the stockings up to the brim With enough treats and toys to make any pet grin. So with a twitch of the nose, and a cute butt wiggle, He vanished back up the chimney with an enthusiastic wriggle. He jumped into the sleigh, gave the rein-cats a purr, And away they all flew, with the wind in their fur. And we heard him exclaim, as they flew out of sight: Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night! See more
11.01.2022 Take care NEASTers in our local area! And for the LOVE OF DOG if you have animals, esp guinea pigs, rabbits etc outside PLEASE BRING THEM SAFELY INTO THE HOUSE. Or at least a shed? They don't belong outside in this weather :(
11.01.2022 Write us a haiku about your pet! (Bonus points if it's a former NEAST animal!) I'll start... Oh Tiger Henry Why did you kill my houseplants? Good thing you are cute. (PS Tiger is not available for adoption, even if he did murder my houseplants and has seemingly no regrets. Megan)
10.01.2022 Don't forget the amazingly talented Deb from Fur Babies and Friends is doing a Christmas photoshoot tomorrow! Click below for more details, and she looks forward to seeing you there! Deb is donating some of the profits of each shoot to us, and will be taking donations on the day of food, litter etc for us <3
09.01.2022 Massive shout out to the ARC and Petbarn foundation for these goodies!! #ARC... #Arcangels #Petbarnfoundation See more
09.01.2022 So Nelfie is BACK and here to announce a little challenge we've set ourselves. We will be featuring a different available animal every day between now and the 24th of December and we're aiming to get 12 animals into their new homes by Christmas. But we really need your help! If you could share our adoption posts to help us reach the maximum number of people, fingers crossed we can achieve this. For a little rescue like us it's a big ask but we're gonna give it a go... #TwelveAdoptionsBeforeChristmas #NelfOnTheShelf #Nelfie #SnazzyPants
09.01.2022 Meet Dooley Dooley is a one yr old Mastiff x Koolie. He is a super affectionate very cuddly boy who loves attention. He is very energetic and loves to play with other animals, including the cat. He will come when called if you make it seem appealing. He is a very strong willed boy and needs time spent with him. He walks on a lead and is toilet trained. Dooley loves to chew so bones and toys are a must. He needs to be have something to entertain him or he can be destructive. H...e can jump normal farm wallaby fencing so needs good fences. He is a beautiful loving boy. He is great with kids, can be over excited when first meet. So probably kids that are over 8 yrs would be best. ( might knock little ones over and he would steal their food ) . Needs exercise daily and cuddles. He would also be a great companion dog as he loves attention. If you think you might have the perfect home for Dooley you can apply via this link
08.01.2022 Congratulations to Stubby and his new family. Stubby has successfully completed his rehabilitation and his new family is up to the challenge of his ongoing support to full recovery. Well done everyone involved with raising funds for Stubby and all the support he received.
07.01.2022 Come meet some of our crew, two legs and four! We'll be at Launnie Petbarn this weekend, both days 10-2! If you buy any savourlife dog food at Petbarn this weekend, Savourlife will match kg for kg - you buy your doggo 3kg, Savourlife donate us 3kg! Everyone wins! Come buy your dog some excellent quality snacks, meet us, maybe make a donation or meet your new BFF, who knows! See you there :D
07.01.2022 Does your doggo have a gluten intolerance? Doggy Delights are currently offering some gluten free options for your best mate with the funny tummy! These guys are great supporters of NEAST with $2 from every bag of biscuits sold donated to us <3
06.01.2022 Former NEAST doggo Pattie is off on an adventure - could everyone in the area please keep an eye out for her? She's a friendly girl but does love a toddle off! We believe she is still microchipped to NEAST.
06.01.2022 From us at NEAST, to all of our amazing supporters, we would like to say a big Merry Christmas and we hope you have a sensational holiday period, regardless of how you choose to celebrate it (or not!) Please keep safe, be kind to each other and look after your family and friends, both two and four legged... or no legged! And enjoy! We appreciate each and every one of you, and your support in this very trying year xxx Love Nelphina, Megan, Michelle and Nelfie xxx #NEAST #NelfOnTheShelf #MerryElfmas #ItsABeautifulDay
05.01.2022 Time for a LOKI UPDATE! Here he is pictured with his amazing foster carer Dr Sinead, out for a walk! And all news is good news <3 His fracture is healing well, his bone density improving, until this morning he was making slow but steady gains in feeling/movement, everything is still heading in the right direction and prognosis still tentatively positive! His overall attitude and enthusiasm has come along in leaps and bounds and he's developing a cheeky puppy attitude and a of food, attention and rolling around. Wait Megan. You said... until this morning? OH YEAH. THIS MORNING HE STARTED VOLUNTARY MOVEMENT IN HIS HIND LEGS. WE ARE BEYOND EXCITED ABOUT THIS NEWS. THIS IS SPECTACULAR NEWS. I AM SO SHOUTY RIGHT NOW. All of Dr Sineads fantastic hard work is paying off, and thank you vet medicine for all these amazing antibiotics which are getting on top of Lokis issue. If you want to help us to help Loki, don't forget Savourlife are matching dollar for dollar in our fundraiser for Loki and Raffi. Every dollar helps, we really appreciate your generosity and it quite literally helps us to save the lives of dogs like Loki <3
05.01.2022 Cats and kittens available for adoption from NEAST!
05.01.2022 As the founder of NEAST I would like to say a gigantic thank you to my team who work tirelessly alongside me to help the animals that come into our care. Without you guys NEAST would still be just a dream of mine. Special thank you to Megan who co runs the sanctuary with me and to my long suffering husband Tony for being so supportive.... Thanks to Zoe for coming out multiple times during the week to work in the cattery after she's done a full days work. Foster carers Thank you so much for what you do, without you we would not be able to take in the amount of dog's we have taken in and helped. Thanks to our hard working vets/vet nurses at Scottsdale Veterinary Services, Mowbray Veterinary Clinic and East Coast Veterinary Clinic. Not forgetting the wonderful folk SavourLife for their generosity and the folks at #ARC for their support. And the people who we really couldn't do this without..... YOU our amazing supporters!!! With every dollar you donate, every item you gift you are making a big difference to the animals in our care. So thank you all so much for helping make my dream of a no kill sanctuary a reality
04.01.2022 Hi guys, We have quite an update on Loki from his foster carer-vet. Currently Loki is as he has been able to walk in the front legs and not in the back legs, with some ability to move his back legs but not stand/walk. ... A neurologist has been consulted with about Loki’s case. They have said it is possible Loki’s infection would have caused spinal cord and nerve root inflammation initially, and although he has improved with treatment this may have caused permanent damage. There is still possibility of improvement after 3-4 months (and currently we are on month 2 of treatment) but after this time improvement becomes less likely. They have suggested we trial some anti-inflammatory doses of steroids which have been started. Long story short improvement in hind leg function may or may not continue it is becoming less likely that there is active infection given the treatment he is on and more like he has some permanent spinal cord changes which he may not be able to compensate for but physiotherapy should be continued. Because of his increasing size, he is becoming difficult to manage (carry around etc) and we've been encouraged to use a harness or a wheelchair. Loki will likely grow out of whatever we get eventually and need replacing, this is the best way to go to manage his size physio can still be done in a wheelchair, and it will allow him to have greater freedom of movement and quality of life. In terms of ongoing urinary care, catheterization is not recommended long term and they generally recommends manually expressing the bladder twice daily. We are still hopeful that Loki will improve as he was wagging his tail when his foster mum came home but the other thing to keep in mind with his condition, is although he has likely stopped shedding the organism and is improving, it can be encysted in his liver and other organs, and so remain dormant, but it is possible it may flare again later in life so his condition really needs to be thought of as ‘ongoing management’ rather than a ‘cure. With all these upcoming and ongoing costs every dollar you donate counts!! Don't forget that for every $ raised SavourLife will match $ for dollar
04.01.2022 Who remembers Put Put and Big Ging? Well these 2 lovely boys are looking for a foster home of their own. These two gentleman love lots of cuddles and pats so we would love to see them in a home where they get lots of attention.... Due to their age and having FIV we are looking for a particular foster home for these two. Their Foster home must: Have no other pets Have them inside only (this is of the utmost importance for their safety and that of other cats) Fortnightly updates and be willing and able to take them in for check ups to our vet. (All medical bills for the boys will be covered by NEAST) If you think you may have the right home for these two senior lovebugs pop us message :)
04.01.2022 Hi NEASTers! Check out our latest fundraiser - we have all of these amazing collars etc for sale! If you haven't already got your fave pooch (or cat!) a gift, you can buy one of these snazzy items from us and pop under the tree for them, to bling up their Christmas! And if you could please help us by sharing this album, as the new Facebook is doing awful things to our reach ATM :(
03.01.2022 Something none of us like to think about, but we wanted to give very big thanks to the amazing team at the Cornerstone Pet Crematorium. We have unfortunately had to use the services of these guys a few times at NEAST, and more recently in our personal lives. If you've noticed things have been a bit quiet at NEAST recently, this is why. Sadly, in September Megan had to say goodbye to her soulmutt Olly at nearly 16 years old due to complications associated with old age, and in October Michelle and Tony had to farewell one of their best furfriends Oscar at 10 and a half years old after a battle with aggressive cancer. We're all incredibly thankful for the services provided by Cornerstone, and how gentle and understanding they were. RIP to our beautiful big boys, running free over the bridge x
02.01.2022 :( Please share!
02.01.2022 If you missed our lovely Megan here she is
01.01.2022 Don't forget to check out Paws for Giving for all your gifty needs! You can buy some amazing things for your loved ones or yourself, go in the draw to win a staycation AND support NEAST all at once! Aren't these watercolour digital images amazing??? <3
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