NourishLife Chinese Medicine in Newport, Victoria, Australia | Acupuncturist
NourishLife Chinese Medicine
Locality: Newport, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 439 841 413
Address: 423 melbourne rd 3015 Newport, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Thankyou to all of you who have sought guidance, treatment and change with NourishLife throughout 2019 It has been my pleasure. Im back at it again on Monday the 6th, and I look forward to continuing to do the work.... Have a break, get some rest, you deserve it!
25.01.2022 Celebrating Valentine’s Day in lockdown Back at it on Friday fingers crossed xxCelebrating Valentine’s Day in lockdown Back at it on Friday fingers crossed xx
25.01.2022 Yes reframe what you are doing This is a much more positive way to view things X
23.01.2022 Bone broth recipe! This is from my friend and colleague Clara who is a local nutritionist Bone broth to help nourish blood, yin and fluids To improve endometrial lining and egg quality Have it breakfast, lunch and dinner along with cooked vegetables in a soup or as the base for casseroles Remember we want to eat the food that looks like what we want to nourish. ... I.e dark, viscous blood, lining egg quality Eat dark viscous STUFF like bone broth and casseroles etc thats Chinese medicine thinking for you xx Get onto it! Gut Loving Bone Broth Ingredients 1-2kg of beef bones. Try to find bones that are organic and from grass fed animals. 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar 2-3 stalks celery, 2 onions, 2-3 carrots (optional) 2 bay leaves (optional) 1 Handful of parsley, stalks and all (optional) Method 1. Place bones into a large slow cooker and cover with water. Add apple cider vinegar. 2. Add vegetables (if using), roughly chopped and bay leaves. The vegetables add flavour but can be left out or adapted to suit you. 3. Cover and leave slow cooker on low for 24-48 hours. 4. Add parsley if using with about 6 hours of cooking time left. 5. Turn slow cooker off and allow to cool slightly. 6. Strain the liquid. I use a colander over a large saucepan and discard the bones and the vegetables. 7. Allow the liquid to cool fully. I leave it in the saucepan with the lid on and put the whole thing in the fridge. 8. A layer of white fat will form on the top of the bone broth and harden in the fridge. This makes it easy to pick off and discard. 9. The stock should be thick and gelatinous, but dont panic if it isnt, every batch is slightly different depending on the bones that you have. 10. Portion into usable portions and store in airtight containers or jars in the fridge for around 3 - 4 days or freeze for use later. TIPS: - Salt is needed for the flavour of the broth but I dont salt the broth but rather only add it into the final dish you are adding it to so you can control the saltiness. - You can roast the bones in the oven until brown before making the broth for a richer deeper flavour. - I like to freeze broth in ice cube trays. The cubes can be popped out and stored in a larger container or zip-lock bag. - Use as a base for soups, add to sauces, stews and bolognese or use as the base for delicious gravy. You can also pop a small amount into sauted veg or just drink it straight!
23.01.2022 Here is a very effective group of points that will stimulate your immune system Stay elevated Keep in touch with people Talk to someone in your day... Keep reaching out Xx
23.01.2022 Hi all! School is back! Im a bit more available! Wednesday and Friday evenings are busy busy so Ive extended the hours on those days and now Ill also offer up Mondays too from 1 oclock Book here or give me a call... 0439 841 413
23.01.2022 It’s definitely NOT you! But with all the lock downs I’m donning the mask again. Also continuing to change over towels and wipe surfaces and wash hands as I was before. Acupuncture is essential and I’m not going anywhere so rest assured we can continue our work together ... Xx
22.01.2022 Hope you are all well out there in iso land The work is still being done! in fact there have been 2 births and a positive pregnancy test this week Babies dont stop just because the world is isolating ... Xx
22.01.2022 This unassuming bowl of powder is a herbal formula I regularly put together in clinic and it can be prescribed in fertility to help with egg quality, replenishing the endometrial lining and helping in the follicular phase of the fertile cycle. This particular formula is called SI WU Tang and as a base I can add things to it to customise, so that it fits your diagnosis, because we are all so different. Not all formulas are vegan but this one is, which makes it uniquely placed... to help nourish blood and eggs for those of you out there who may not be getting enough in your foods. look it up: si wu tang consists of: shu di huang bai shao dang gui chuan xiong Chinese medicine works well from a distance too so if you want to get started theres no reason why you cant Keep your blood nourished! 0439 841 413 Tia
22.01.2022 How about some sweet news: Welcome to the world Ziggy! Thankyou Tahlia for allowing me to help with your labour what a pleasure that was xx... (Ive covered her last name for privacy) A gorgeous NourishLife freshie Things are still moving along in iso And although we have our ups and downs with it all the important thing is to keep our heads together. Find lightness and fun, be nice to others and ourselves. Love loves Tia 0439 841 414
22.01.2022 I’m feeling pumped after an amazing intensive fertility training this weekend Look out! So many good practical gems to use in clinic I’m expecting excellent results And so should you!
21.01.2022 Wow! that happened rather quickly ! Santas coming! Roll on a rest and break! I hope all of you out there are planning on taking a breather in the warm weather, you need it! we all do! Keep your heads about you I feel the pressure mounting! Xmas is fraught ... Spend spend spend Yuck In my clinic Im always trying to find cheap and free ways to be well, from growing your own bacterial SCOBY (for your microbiome) to downloading a free meditation app or even encouraging you to get out to a Redwood Forrest and have a wander (seriously, do it, theres one in Warburton, one in the otways, truely magical places) One way to be well is to acknowledge good things. Give it a go, make a time to think about a few things that you are grateful for; little things; great chats with friends, the taste of mangoes on a hot day, fresh sheets on the bed, dancing in the kitchen to your favourite song. Its about rewiring our brain, the more we see good things the more we will SEE good things! Lifes just more enjoyable Take a breather Thats what I want for you Xx
21.01.2022 How fantastic are the most recent stats! Zero cases and zero deaths for 10 days! The 25k travel ban is lifted and it looks like with any luck we will be able to have a sociable Christmas As for NourishLife, people are coming back in, we have been accepting new patients, Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays.... We are open to help! Book online or call 0439 841 413 Dr Tia
20.01.2022 Hello lovelies We have made it to Xmas! How fantastic it’s been the longest/ shortest year if you get my meaning NourishLife Chinese medicine will be operating as usual until ... Wednesday 23rd Dec Then we are taking a -planned- holiday until Monday 11th of January. It’s only a couple of weeks so if you wanted to get something started now you could. This year has been a doozy- roll on 2021 I love you all Xx
20.01.2022 Right! Looks like we are fast running out of time Im in clinic tomorrow if youd like to make a last minute face to face booking and at this stage Wednesday as well. And I am also arranging to take this magnificent medicine online and although different we can still do acupuncture believe it or not !... I can arrange herb deliveries so you can keep working on egg quality, lining, luteal phase and all the rest of it Call me or text if youd like an appointment tomorrow or Wednesday Xx 0439 841 413
19.01.2022 Hi all! How beautiful is this glorious winter we are having Crisp cool days and a bit of sun peaking through And- the shortest day has been and gone and now every day is just that little bit longer than the last- onward to spring yey!... This post is about meditation and to illustrate, Im including a picture of myself pretending to meditate (could have probably taken my glasses off, but husband though they made me look smarter) But seriously I have just finished a 12 day meditation course and I am feeling a tangible difference in my feelings of calm. I feel like I have space in my (heart? Self? Not sure where) before I react and Im feeling like its much better for my relationships. Isnt it interesting that the things that are of true value have no monetary cost, and just involve us being quiet and contemplative. - think- meditation, compassion, listening, kindness. Look- heres the thing, we as humans just -work- better when we are calm, and that my friends, is why spending 15 minutes a day with our eyes closed just trying to imagine -hearing- a mantra (aahumm) is so valuable. We are making that part of our brain - the part to do with calm- STRONGER- To be honest sometimes its like an internal fight- a very quiet fight Try it Wouldnt it be wonderful if you could look back in your time working on fine-tuning your fertility and just remember feeling calm,relaxed and full of joy and possibilities. I downloaded an app called 1 Giant Mind (thats the course) also it took me about 2 months to do and I still feel different for it so- honestly no pressure Another great app is EVOKE which are guided fertility meditations Be well Xx
19.01.2022 We are putting a temporary pause on face to face treatments - For now - If you need support I’m Still here !... Telehealth is our best option for now 0439 841 413 X
17.01.2022 China has 2 main medical modalities Western and traditional Chinese medicine Both are equally valued... Also in this article is a picture of a TCM dr needling the lung meridian where you should be stimulating every day to boost your immunity! #toldyaso
17.01.2022 Welcome to the Nourishlife Chinese Medicine face book page. We are a boutique Chinese Medicine Clinic which offers one on one intensive treatments using Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to help you with a range of disorders, from pain management to fertility issues. Acupuncture is not an energy medicine. Acupuncture is used to encourage brain function and therefore assist the body in maintaining health all on its own. You hav...e everything you need to be well and feel fantastic. Our aim is to have you walking out feeling very different after the very first treatment. Feel free to call or message if you have any questions regarding your own personal situation Tia 0439 841 413 Press the link below to book online.
16.01.2022 I wrote this a little while ago and if you are interested in ANTIOXIDANTS and their role in your fertility, check this out xx Nourishlife Fertility Blog... EGG QUALITY WHAT CAN I TAKE? come on gimme the skinny! I get this question so much in clinic, and given that the majority of the women and couples that come in to Nourishlife are over 35 years old, the holy grail is with improving egg quality. We dont want to mess around. Sometimes time is a real factor! We want for our patients to see results, so there is a group of supplements which are a must have when it comes to your eggs Lets talk ANTIOXIDANTS We want to think about cell growth, specifically eggs (which are sex cells) Smoking, pollution, stress, obesity, poor nutrition, infections and chronic and autoimmune diseases and ageing can all lead to oxidative stress. Which of course can negatively effect cell growth and maturation. Antioxidants combat oxidative stress. Antioxidants also: Improve blood circulation in the endometrium. Lower hyperandrogenism, decrease insulin resistance, (which is often found in PCOS) Increase fertile cervical mucus, and also have an influence on prostaglandin synthesis and steroidogenesis. Which ones do we need? N-Acetyl-Cysteine helps to replenish Glutathione (a very powerful antioxidant, but which is very unstable and difficult to absorb on its own) Ubiquinol (otherwise known as COQ10) Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) Vitamin C. If you would like to know more, I am always available to chat or if youre ready to take the next step and add acupuncture to your fertility regime, make a booking or call me Tia 0439 841 413 ReferencesTremellen, K. Oxidative stress and male infertilitya clinical perspective. Hum Reprod Update. 2008; 14: 243258Behrman, H.R., Kodaman, P.H., Preston, S.L., and Gao, S. Oxidative stress and the ovary. J Soc Gynecol Investig. 2001; 8: S40S42 Ledee-Bataille, N., Olivennes, F., Lefaix, J.L., Chaouat, G., Frydman, R., and Delanian, S. Combined treatment by pentoxifylline and tocopherol for recipient women with a thin endometrium enrolled in an oocyte donation programme. Hum Reprod. 2002; 17: 12491253 Badawy, A., State, O., and Abdelgawad, S. N-acetyl cysteine and clomiphene citrate for induction of ovulation in polycystic ovary syndrome: a cross-over trial. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2007; 86:
16.01.2022 Heres a video I did in my back yard today Hope youre all keeping it together in these tumultuous times Turn to each other Be kind Xx
15.01.2022 From the lovely think.focus.act on challis st Newport X
15.01.2022 It’s my fault I tried to keep up with my strapping nearly 15 year old at boxing training and I hurt my shoulder. Lucky i know a few tricks of the trade ... Namely scalp acupuncture for pain See how easily it’s done And pain eased from about an 8 to a 3 It’s not magic it’s brain stimulation Dr Tia Xx
12.01.2022 We are putting a temporary pause on face to face treatments - For now - If you need support Im Still here !... Telehealth is our best option for now 0439 841 413 X
12.01.2022 HI there all of you! Is it just me or does it feel like we are settling into this iso thing quite well now? There is still fear, but now that we know how to handle ourselves, I feel like our mojo is coming back. I hope this is the case anyhow! I am back and working from the clinic doing face to face consults once again, so if you are itching to use this time in quiet isolation to get your health in order then come along and see me. I will be masked and I have a mask for y...ou too if you wish. I will be like your mama and get you to wash your hands on arrival and Im doing a wipe down with disinfectant after each patient. The virus wont stand a chance! Ive also FINALLY joined the 20s and organised a booking system online, so feel free to give that a whirl the link will be below YAY!! (thank you Mel from MASKEY MASSAGE for her help and never ending patience with that one!) So see you guys in clinic, dont forget to pass on the word for those out there if theyd like support to navigate the world of IVF or natural fertility then send them to Nourishlife, weve been in the business for 14 years and know a thing or two in this area Tia
12.01.2022 I wish you quiet contented stress free Christmas.I wish you quiet contented stress free Christmas.
11.01.2022 Can you get acupuncture yet? I can see you face to face if you meet the following criterior: You are experiencing pain or emotional distress... Your health condition has deteriorated or will worsen without treatment You need an assessment to review your treatment plan You require pre or post-operative care check in with me if you are unsure Im here if you need 0439 841 413 Tia
11.01.2022 Telehealth available on Wednesdays and Fridays. Stay on track ! If youre in pain you can see me face to face 0439 841 413
11.01.2022 Hello all! Standing with me is Phoebe Giles of Newport specialised therapies She has created and runs our safe space and is a gentle calm influence on all around.... Youre looking at more than 20 years of experience in massage, right there! Phoebe can tell at a touch what is going on with you she is magical Love her! Find her at Newport specialised therapies Xx
11.01.2022 How about some sweet news for a change? Beautiful Harvey was born! Yay ! Thankyou so much Ellie for allowing me to help with your birth Harvey is gorgeous ... Congratulations to you Xxx See more
11.01.2022 Thought this was worth sharing here xx
10.01.2022 Telehealth available on Wednesdays and Fridays. Stay on track ! If you’re in pain you can see me face to face 0439 841 413
10.01.2022 Welcome Livinia ! A NourishLife freshie, new life in this time of uncertainty, a real reason to make this world better. Welcome little one... Chanel you are amazing Thankyou for allowing me to help you on your fertility path Xx
10.01.2022 Heres a video explaining the position of those immunity acupuncture points Set aside some time to do these and it will help you Many thanks to my very patient son for his handy camera work Tia
10.01.2022 Hey there All! In regards to what looks like an interesting time ahead I just thought I would clarify that NourishLife is planning on treating patients as per usual, until advised otherwise by the powers that be. Hygiene levels will remain at a very high priority with hospital grade disinfectant used on every surface and hands washed before during and after treatments.... If youre feeling unwell especially in terms of respiratory illness let me know and we can work around this I will arrange a herb drop off to you so you can stay on your treatment path. Times are uncertain and fear is everywhere. My top tips: Sit in the sun (the sun is antibacterial) Sip hot tea (the virus stays in the mucus membranes and can be rinced away, and anyway tea is yummy) Support your elderly neighbours if they cant get to the shops We may need to stay a little low for now We got this all will be well. Tia 0439841413 Xx
09.01.2022 Lovely people Im still able to help with online consults I can give you distant acupuncture as well using tiny leave in needles which can be stimulated to achieve a very similar result as you would get coming in to see me face to face ... And as long as I can access the postal system I can send herbs. If you are unwell with the virus Chinese herbal medicine may well make the difference, Ill need to organise a Skype consult and Ill get herbs posted Chinese medicine is powerful and still available Call me on 0439 841 413 to arrange Tia
09.01.2022 Dan says yes! We are back on! That’s Friday appointments for those of you playing at home ... We are fully booked but please be in touch if you’re in desperate need. Well done Victorians love your work :-) Xxx
09.01.2022 I need this poster for the clinic! Pain is so hard to define And the brain plays tricks. I often say that we need to switch off and then on again and after that theres a difference in pain perception; Sometimes all that is required is the 25 minutes of rest you get at treatment time, sometimes the real difference is felt the next day.... Have pain? Give me a call Its not yours to keep xx 0439 841 413 Tia
08.01.2022 Yay! 2 positive pregnancy tests last week! We are cautiously joyful! Take it easy, no heavy lifting, no stressful situations. Support is still suggested weekly until the first trimester is completed and then after that monthly.... Lets do this thing! Tia 0439 841 413 Take care keep warm
07.01.2022 Love this! Hands up Who was holding tension
06.01.2022 There’s been a baby boom at NourishLife recently Starting with baby Molly who came a few weeks ago How gorgeous is she??... Awesome work Cassie!
06.01.2022 NourishLife Freshie Alert! Introducing: Andi Jean who was born on Saturday 12th October and is a few weeks old now Sadly for me her gorgeous mama Ellesse has now moved to Mornington; I hope she finds someone closer to home to help her with the niggly little health issues that come up with life. Thank you Ellesse for allowing me to be one of your support crew, Andi is so beautiful, enjoy your little family and the beach life!
05.01.2022 Hi all! School is back! I’m a bit more available! Wednesday and Friday evenings are busy busy so I’ve extended the hours on those days and now I’ll also offer up Mondays too from 1 o’clock Book here or give me a call... 0439 841 413
05.01.2022 Its definitely NOT you! But with all the lock downs Im donning the mask again. Also continuing to change over towels and wipe surfaces and wash hands as I was before. Acupuncture is essential and Im not going anywhere so rest assured we can continue our work together ... Xx
05.01.2022 Thankyou so much Emily from a bunch of cakes in Spotswood for my gorgeous flowers and cupcakes Thankyou for allowing me to be a part of your pregnancy I love my job!... Now to hide the cupcakes from the kids!
04.01.2022 I have updated my website finally! check it out if you have a moment, you can book online and a blog is on the way...
03.01.2022 Excellent advice! Thanks Di Di also has specific anxiety meditations available on her website Think.focus.act which would be so useful if youre feeling overwhelmed Remember to look after your spirit as well as your body... We will come through this We will hang with friends again, go to bars, dance and be silly This will pass and we will survive
02.01.2022 Beautiful spring days are finally upon us, but still, beware the changeable weather! I dont know about you, but I dont quite trust it yet, still got a scarf and closed in shoes on. Keep yourself protected folks, colds and flu are still rampant and our immunity has been given a walloping this season... Heres a picture of the rocks at Altona beach, this is where the kids and I had a mud fight and it was all very funny until we realised how smelly the mud was X
02.01.2022 Hi All On the news that Daniel Andrews has increased and enhanced stage 3 restrictions. Letting you know here at NourishLife I am still seeing people face to face.... Chinese medicine and acupuncture is essential, and is so helpful for maintaining well being and keeping you on your journey. As well as being wonderful with pain, and other ailments, acupuncture is fantastic at easing feelings of anxiousness and stress. Come in and have a chat, leave feeling relaxed, calm and peaceful. Know this: We are all masked We are observing social distancing We have a strict cleaning schedule You dont have to go through this alone Love to you all Tia 0439 841 413
01.01.2022 Chinese medicine is effective I repeat Effective in reducing the symptoms of covid19 Amazing stuff and we are not talking weird and wonderful new herbs... These are tried and true traditional formulas that have been in use for many thousands of years
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