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25.01.2022 Do you or someone you know experience severe period pain where it can affect their day to day? It could be a sign of an underlying inflammatory condition of endometriosis and they might not know they have it. 1 in 10 women have endometriosis and it takes on average 6.5 years for a diagnoses. In the long term it can cause infertility. For more information click the link below to read my full blog post .

25.01.2022 Do you feel constantly bloated? Recently I’ve had clients tell me they get more bloated after eating healthier . In a bid to eat better, they are increasing their salad portions, eating more veggie sticks, piling in the spinach and kale into their smoothies and snacking on raw nuts. This sort of diet is supposed to make you feel better right? Well in many cases this way of eating can make you feel WORSE. ... Why? These foods are very fibrous and can be hard to break down for sensitive and not so ‘hardy’ digestive systems. Without adequate amounts of stomach acid or pancreatic digestive enzymes, it can reduce the effective breakdown of these foods causing digestive distress, bloating, inflammation and cramping. Bloating from high fibre diets can also be caused by small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or large intestinal bacterial overgrowth (LIBO) which ferment these fibres/carbohydrates leading to gas and a distended belly. Restricting and restricting to the point you feel like you can’t eat anything isn’t the long term answer. Yes it will help in the interim, but ultimately you want to get to the root cause of why this is occurring at the same time. Addressing the low stomach acid production, low pancreatic enzyme production and treating the SIBO or LIBO is imperative for long term digestive wellness and flexibility with your healthy diet. If you find this helpful, or know someone who needs to know this information tag them below, or DM me with any questions you might have See more

25.01.2022 Some lunch inspo for those that struggle to digest raw salads . Ingredients - Red capsicum - Rocket... - Cucumber - Cherry tomatoes - Spring onion (green tops only) Dill and Hemp Seed Dressing - 1/2 cup hemp seeds - 1/4 cup hemp oil - 1/4 cup fresh dill - 3 tbsps apple cider vinegar 1. Chop and dice all vegetable ingredients 2. Blend the salad dressing ingredients in a food processor until smooth. 3. Serve with 1/3 cup of cooked quinoa and tuna, drizzle with dill and hemp seed dressing. Enjoy! Do you ever find that eating certain vegetables can make you feel more bloated? If you have SIBO (an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine) or LIBO (overgrowth of bad bacteria in the large intestine) certain vegetables can cause more havoc in your gut than others . That’s because they are higher in fermentable carbohydrates (high FODMAP) making you more bloated. This salad is super easy to make and contains ingredients that are low FODMAP and is bloat/ SIBO friendly. P.S Ultimately getting to the underlying cause of why you get bloated all the time will help you enjoy a wider range of foods. If you’d like help with this, you can book a free 15 minute discovery call to ask me questions on how I can help you! DM to organise

24.01.2022 One easy tip for more energy in the morning. Is your breakfast TOO carb heavy making you feel sleepy and unenergised in the morning? One of the biggest pitfalls that I see when it comes to low energy are carb heavy breakfasts with zilch protein - I’m talking cereal, special k, weet-bix, toast with vegemite, or even fruit smoothie bowls with mango, pineapple, acai, berries. ... All of these types of breakfast options are devoid of protein that are essential to stabilise energy in the AM and slowly release carbohydrates into the blood stream fuelling you for the morning. Instead it’s giving you a massive carb/sugar rush that then crashes you soon after causing: Low energy Coffee cravings mid morning (because yep you’re tired!) Lack of motivation Brain fog Increased anxiety The fix? Add some protein into your breakfast such as: 2x boiled eggs sliced on toast Omelette with spinach, tomato, mushrooms and avocado 60 g of hemp seeds 1 serve of plant protein in your porridge (e.g. Amazonia Raw Protein Powder) Scrambled tofu Mexican beans on toast I hope this has inspired you to eat more protein at breakfast time. For all my initial consultations I’m now including a 7 day meal planner which are tailored to your needs whether that’s bloating, low energy, hormonal imbalances or thyroid issues. Tell me, how are you adding protein to your breakfast?

24.01.2022 If you are in your 40's and experiencing mood swings, insomnia, and irregular periods you could be entering peri-menopause. These symptoms in peri-menopause are caused by HIGH oestrogen not LOW oestrogen, this only occurs once you've entered menopause which can take between 2- 12 years. Find out how natural medicine can support your transition and make it more peaceful.

23.01.2022 Recently I've been getting a lot of questions around microbiome testing, what it involves, what it can test for and how it can help them. So I thought I would update this blog post with further information to give you a clearer picture on what can be tested in a microbiome test! Click the link below to have a squiz.

23.01.2022 Do you find it difficult to overcome sugar cravings? In my teens and early 20’s I used to be sugar obsessed! I’d binge on chocolate most days, I could never stop at one ice cream. And don’t get me started on movie nights, I’d binge on Oreo biscuits, bags of star bursts, fun size chocolate packs, it was out of control. - It’s probably not surprising that I was sick ALL of the time, I basically had a year round cold... - I had eczema, seborrheic dermatitis and unusual rashes that would never disappear - My energy was appalling, I would sleep until 11 am and still feel like I needed more sleep - I’d experience bloating and frequent stomach pain The biggest thing that helped me to overcome eating all of this processed, sugary junk was becoming aware of how I felt every time I ate it. And that took time. It wasn’t an overnight success. It was failing over and over again that made me realise how much better I felt without it. Sometimes we need to fall off the healthy eating bandwagon to make us realise how much better we feel whilst we are on it. As my health improved and I stopped getting sick all the time and my skin got clear and I felt more energised, that became my driving force to stay well and keep choosing nutritious food over the processed, sugary junk that I was living on. This is just one way overcoming sugar cravings can be done, but I know for others it goes deeper than that. Other reasons for sugar cravings could include: - Negative emotions that can lead to a void that needs to be filled with eating - Not using other activities to alleviate stress and sadness such as exercise and social connection - High stress and elevated cortisol If you’re finding yourself binging on food or sugar uncontrollably, seek help from a counsellor, psychologist, mindset coach, kinesiologist and get to the ‘why’. Some of my fav practitioners for this area are @samanthadhu , @racheldhanjalkinesiology and @westcoastwellness_wa Are there any words of wisdom that you find helpful to share with other sugar addicts? Share below! P.S Blueberries, strawberries and cacao nibs are now my go to for satisfying my sugar cravings, give it a go!

23.01.2022 Oh my gosh I am SO excited to announce that as of this coming Saturday I am making the big giant leap into my own business full time! Though this decision has not been made lightly... taking me 8 months to make, because I kept second guessing myself, replaying the ‘what if things don’t work out’ scenarios in my head, it’s finally happening. Like every single big career change that I’ve made, as soon as I’ve made a decision, the universe seems to have my back and... everything starts to fall into place . I couldn’t have made this big decision without my personal cheerleading squad @purehealthbykirstyjenkins @kodisketches @racheldhanjal @rajdhanjal @ikacy @jodie_mavor and @angem86 . Thanks for your support and challenging all my doubtful thoughts along the way! For the last three weeks I have had a beautiful replacement @renae_marie sitting in on me who will be taking on the care of my patients at Remede whilst I make the transition into my home clinic in Alkimos. It looks like 2020 is the year for many new beginnings (I know I’m not the only one!). I’m super excited to finally put all my energy into the one space and turn all of my ideas into reality. Let’s do this! See more

22.01.2022 3 unexpected reasons to poor gut health (swipe right ) - Grazing over eating meals can lead to SIBO and bloating - Drinking rain water without an adequate filtration system can cause parasite infections (got a filter? When was the last time you changed it ) - Long term use of the antibiotic doxycycline for acne may trigger inflammatory bowel disease (e.g Ulcerative Colitis)... I see ALL of these as triggers to poor gut health in my clients. It’s important to be aware of this so you can prevent triggering a gut issue OR bring awareness around why your gut might not be as happy as it was. . Did you find this surprising, if so which one surprised you the most? Let me know in the comments

19.01.2022 Has your period gone missing? Recently I’ve been having a lot of conversations with my patients around periods that have been missing for the last 6 months, 12 months and 2 years +. I know not having a period is pretty convenient, but it’s certainly not something that you want to turn a blind eye to. Without a regular period, it means you aren’t ovulating properly which means your hormone production plummets. ... One of the biggest concerns with this is the lack of protection for your bones with lowered levels of oestrogen, increasing your risk for brittle bones . This condition is called Hypothalamic Amenorrhea which means the messages from your brain to your ovaries have become VERY quiet. To help your period come back, we need those messages to get a lot louder so that your ovaries listen and release an egg which leads to a period. Factors that can lead to a lack of communication between your brain and your ovaries may include: High stress/cortisol levels Over exercising Under eating Low body fat percentage Low thyroid function Iron deficiency Coming off the pill Addressing the underlying causes to Hypothalamic Amenorrhoea is really important, but I also like to use a combination of herbs to stimulate the communication from the brain to the ovaries and speed up the process. If you have a missing period, don’t leave it too long before you get assistance, if you need help please get in touch. See more

17.01.2022 Did you know that your thyroid and iodine are besties? Yep that’s because 70-80% of iodine is concentrated in your thyroid gland! Your thyroid is dependant upon iodine to make thyroid hormones, particularly thyroxine (T4).... Fun fact: Iodine deficiency in Australia was first blamed on the change that occurred in 1982 to the dairy industry. Dairy products used to contain residual levels of iodine because the sanitisers used to clean the vats contained iodine which would end up in milk. They then switched to chlorine-containing sanitisers reducing a source of iodine for many people. Luckily there are many other food sources of iodine which I’ll be discussing in my next post . Another factor was a significant reduction in iodised salt products because of recommendations to reduce salt intake to prevent hypertension. Are you deficient in iodine? Symptoms/ signs include Thyroid dysfunction: subclinical and clinical hypothyroidism Fatigue Goitre Breast pain Salt and water retention due to decreased T4 (e.g. swelling in ankles) Decreased metabolic rate and weight gain When I support women’s thyroid health in clinic, I’ll often ask about iodine food sources in your diet. If I am unsure if there is a deficiency that is contributing to thyroid dysfunction, I will recommend a urinary iodine collection. If you are have any questions on thyroid issues ask away below! See more

16.01.2022 Often when I ask my patients if they are feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed regularly, I receive the response ‘oh no more than the normal’. Then we do a cortisol test and get results like this . Cortisol is a stress hormone that naturally rises first thing in the morning to get you out of bed in the morning and motivated for the day. It should then naturally decline before bed to help you fall asleep. Well that’s the ideal scenario! ... Unfortunately this sort of result is something I am seeing more and more often with extremely elevated cortisol levels in the morning. This picture can create feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, irritability and lead to chronic disease later down the track. I also see cortisol elevated at night which can lead to insomnia and trouble falling asleep. Elevated cortisol can start to negatively impact your body in a number of ways such as: Create immune dysregulation leading to Autoimmune disease like Rheumatoid Arthritis, or Inflammatory Bowel Disease Reduce your liver’s ability to clear oestrogen, leading to oestrogen excess symptoms Reduced thyroid hormone production contributing to subclinical or clinical hypothyroidism Affect insulin production increasing blood sugar instability leading to hypoglycaemic dips (dizziness, fainting) or weight gain Stop the communication from your brain to your ovaries, leading to missing periods aka hypothalamic amenorrhea Managing stress levels it multi-faceted but is an essential part of getting your health back on track! This is a gentle reminder not to undermine how your stress is negatively impacting your physical body and in more ways than you might realise. See more

14.01.2022 5 Signs of Oestrogen Excess Tender, lumpy, swollen breasts Painful periods, fibroids, abnormal bleeding Endometriosis... Anger/irritability or mood swings Menstrual clotting Heavy periods Though these symptoms are associated with high oestrogen, these can also be associated with progesterone deficiency, low iodine levels, elevated cortisol (stress hormones) and low iron. SO what leads to oestrogen excess? There are many factors that can lead to oestrogen excess! It’s so important to address these oestrogen dominant symptoms holistically, taking into consideration your stress levels, diet, lifestyle and gut health to name a few. In your 60 minute initial consultation, I’ll ask you many questions that may seem ‘unrelated’ to your hormones, but Naturopathically they are. Here a few: Gut health, do you go to the toilet regularly? Constipation can reduced oestrogen clearance. How often are you eating red meat? Too much saturated fat increases oestrogen recirculation in the body. Stress, how do you cope? Do you have down time? Elevated cortisol can alter the communication to your ovaries. What is your fibre intake like? Low levels of fibre reduces oestrogen clearance. How much alcohol would you drink in one sitting? Alcohol significantly increases oestrogen levels in the body (over 5 standard drinks per week). Comment down below, is there anything that surprises you here? See more

12.01.2022 My #lunchbowlinspo is back! When I first started this account I’d share my lunches as a source of inspiration to encourage anyone to make their own lunches instead of buying food out. I still find that lunch is the most common meal that is overlooked during the week . So now that I have a little bit more time up my sleeve I thought I’d start it up again! All of these recipes I aim to share are DF, GF and gut friendly . ... Click below for the recipe. See more

11.01.2022 Gut Friendly Sweet Treat Have you ever tried grilled pineapple and cinnamon? If you haven’t you are seriously missing out and need to try it. Pineapple is high in bromelain an enzyme that supports the digestion of protein. Pineapple is a low FODMAP fruit and is SIBO friendly/bloat friendly (allowed if you are in phase 2 of the SIBO diet).... Cinnamon is high in polyphenols which supports the growth of beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium species. How to: Slice fresh pineapple in 1-2 cm thick pieces (depending on your preference). Adjust the oven rack to the top, closest to the grill and set oven to grill. Sprinkle cinnamon on both sides of pineapple. Grill in oven for 10 minutes, flipping halfway. Remove from oven and eat whilst still warm . Have you tried grilled cinnamon and pineapple? If not let me know what you think if you try it! Tag a friend that could use some healthy sweet treat inspo

10.01.2022 Have you tried juice cleansing to fix your gut issues and chronic bloating only to be disappointed with the results? - When I talk to my clients who have chronic gut issues I will often hear stories of juice cleansing and how it never really resolved their symptoms. For some, it temporarily reduced some of their symptoms but when they returned to eating normally, their symptoms came back with a vengeance. ... - The problem with juice cleansing is that it’s not targeting the underlying cause of your digestive problem and could even exacerbate a pre-existing condition. - For example if you have an overgrowth of yeast or bacteria in the small intestine and you start drinking juices that are high in fruit it could feed the bacteria or yeast worsening the underlying problem. - During juice cleansing, it’s often recommended to drink a juice every 2 - 2.5 hours. Again for those with SIBO, this could inhibit the migrating motor complex from being activated which naturally cleanses your digestive system of bad bacteria. - If you are going to juice I would recommend these tips to support your gut health! 1 Add mint - it’s great for IBS and reducing pain and cramping 2 Add lemon and ginger to kickstart digestion and to alleviate symptoms of nausea 3 Keep high sugar fruits to a low 4 Add some green into, thin celery, cucumber, spinach or kale 5 Drink it as apart of a healthy whole foods diet whilst your correct the underlying cause to your digestive problem - Have you ever tried juice cleansing for your gut health? How’d you find it? See more

09.01.2022 Vegan and GF Gingerbread Cookies I’m already feeling festive and have been cooking these gingerbread cookies . The first batch was too sweet but these are just . Makes 12 small size cookies, if you’d like larger ones I’d recommend doubling the batch! ... Ingredients 1 cup almond flour 1/4 cup coconut flour 1 1/2 tsps baking powder 2 tsps ground ginger 1 tsp cinnamon 3 tbsps coconut oil (melted) 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/4 cup maple syrup 1 tbsp ground flaxseed 2 1/2 tbsp water Method 1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. In a small bowl, add the ground flaxseed and water. Let it sit for 5 minutes or until thickened. 3. In a mixing bowl, combine the almond flour, coconut flour, baking powder, ginger and cinnamon. Mix well using a fork to break up any clumps. Add in the coconut oil, ground flaxseed and water mixture, vanilla and maple syrup. Mix again. 4. Roll the dough into even balls and place on the baking sheet. Gently flatten with the palm of your hand. Bake in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool completely. Enjoy! If you try them let me know what you think . Tag a friend you’d like to bake these with .

09.01.2022 If you’re a human and you experience stress you need to read this it is importante (everyone should understand this). I want to show you what happens to your body when extreme stress gets the better of you, and don’t think this isn’t you - it’s 2020 it’s happening to most of us. Before we discuss cortisol (stress hormone) you need to know that your cortisol awakening response (how quick it rises with in half an hour of opening your eyes) influences your:... Energy levels Stress & response Level of feeling stressed out Alertness, memory recall Blood sugar management Mood: anxiety, panic, depression, worry Autoimmune development/progression Inflammation regulation Cancer outcomes 1 Swipe right - this is elevated cortisol . If you’re waking up with a million to do’s and have anticipation of the amount of stuff you got to get done, you could have this sort of picture. It will cause feelings of anxiety, panic, irritability & muscular tension. It can also shut off the messages from your brain to your ovaries leading to missing periods. It can also affect your thyroid by blocking T4 to T3 conversion leading to symptoms of hypothyroidism. 2 Swipe right again - this is flat lining cortisol with a poor diurnal pattern (lack of mountain peak). This is often caused by accumulative, long term stress (aka not learning to say no, taking on too much, no down time, or holiday time - years down the track) it can also be caused by poor quality sleep, chronic pain/infection, rare physical stressors such as mould illness (but that’s beyond the scope of this post!). It can lead to: - Low libido - Fatigue in the AM - Sleep disruption (poor quality) - Memory loss - Stress induced fatigue (post exercise) - Feeling unmotivated - Increased risk of autoimmune disease and breast cancer 3 Swipe right again - this is a healthy cortisol diurnal pattern of someone who sleeps well, prioritises their health, feels positive (most days) and has learnt how important it is to set boundaries, say no and have down time. Tell me where do you think your cortisol response is? Tag a friend who needs this info in their life

07.01.2022 Other than iodine being required for a healthy thyroid and reducing the risk of hypothyroidism (under functioning thyroid), its also essential for healthy breast tissue, reducing the risk of breast cancer. Japanese women who consume large amounts of seaweed, have the highest iodine intake and the lowest incidence of breast cancer of women anywhere in the world. They also have the lowest incidence of goitre and hypothyroidism. The recommended daily intake for women Adults: 150 mcg/day Pregnancy: 220 mcg/day Lactation: 290 mcg/day So where should you be getting your iodine intake from? Food sources of Iodine include: Iodised salt Kelp, Wakame, Dulse Flakes Scallops Oysters Nori Eggs (with the yolk!) Cod Easy food sources are sushi, seaweed snacks and adding seaweed to soups during winter! Are you eating iodine food sources regularly? See more

06.01.2022 Is high cortisol causing brain fog? Over the last two weeks I’ve been seeing many women feeling fatigued, run down and overly stressed to the point that they feel like their brain isn’t working any more. Chloe I’ve got brain fog, I can’t put sentences together or even recall basic words they say to me.... So why does this happen? High stress leads to elevated cortisol which crosses the blood brain barrier binding to areas of the brain (particularly the hippocampus and amygdala) involved in learning and memory. If your cortisol is elevated for LONG periods of time it can actually start to shrink areas of your brain particularly the hippocampus leading to: Memory impairment Poor word recall What is the solution? To address the chronic stress first and foremost, it takes work but it’s essential for a healthier brain and sharper memory. This will be a combination of lifestyle tactics and natural medicine to support your nervous system during times of stress. Secondly I look at any minerals or nutrients that may be low which are heavily involved in fuelling your mitochondria (battery of your brain cells) for energy, followed by diet support for more energy and herbs to support your brain to fine tune itself for efficiency. Fortunately your brain can work again but it will take a little bit of tender loving care to get it back and running on all cylinders again. Know someone complaining of brain fog? Tag them below

05.01.2022 Is your thyroid affecting your menstrual cycle? Your thyroid produces two main hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) which controls the rate of many bodily functions including menstruation. Both hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) and hypothyroidism (under active thyroid) can cause menstrual irregularities. ... Often an under functioning thyroid can cause heavy bleeding and painful periods where an overactive thyroid is often linked to light or irregular periods. You don’t have to be diagnosed with a thyroid disease for your thyroid to play a role in your menstrual cycle. Sub clinical hypothyroidism or low T4 can still impact your menstrual cycle. All of our hormones are intimately connected . It’s so important to investigate all areas of your hormonal network and take a holistic approach, other than just looking at your ovarian hormones (oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone) when it comes to your menstrual cycle. See more

04.01.2022 We’ve all been there right? But in all seriousness do you feel like a completely different person premenstrually (on the regular?) Recently I’ve had an influx of women complaining that they feel like their moods are out of control leading to symptoms of irritability, angry outbursts, and significantly low moods. It’s so bad to the point they don’t feel like themselves at all. It’s estimated that 70-90% of women experience some premenstrual symptoms. ... 20-40% describe it as troubling enough to have a negative impact on daily life. 3-8 % experience premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) which are severe symptoms associated with irritability and depressed mood seriously disrupting personal relationships and daily life. Luckily there’s a lot that can be done with naturopathy and you can feel more like yourself again . During a consult I would consider: Screening for hormonal imbalances through urine testing or saliva testing Screen the cortisol awakening response to determine how much stress is impacting mood changes Nutrient deficiencies that worsen PMS Addressing dietary changes to support healthy hormone balance Herbal medicine to improve resilience to stress, balance hormones, improve mood and irritability If you or you know a friend whose experiencing the above, save or share this post with them so they know that something can be done about it

03.01.2022 Want to know the one food you should eat regularly if you have excess #oestrogen and heavy periods? FLAXSEED MEAL not the whole seeds or the oil but the meal (which are the seeds ground down). Thats because flaxseed meal contains lignans, a phytoestrogen that binds to our oestrogen receptors, protecting against the effects of our own production of oestrogen which when elevated is associated with heavy, painful periods. ... Flaxseed meal has been shown to lighten periods and also increase progesterone which is your anti-PMS hormone . Flaxseed and Raspberry Pudding Serves 2 Ingredients 1/2 ground flax seed 1 tsp cinnamon 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 tsp - 1 tbsp 100% pure maple syrup (depends on your preference of sweetness and if you’re minimising sugar) 2 cups vanilla @coyo_organic 1/2 cup raspberries 1 tablespoon almond flakes Method 1 In a bowl whisk together ground flax seed, cinnamon, unsweetened almond milk and maple syrup. 2 Let sit for 30 minutes 3 To make the puddings, layer the ingredients by spooning coconut yoghurt, flaxseed mix, coconut yoghurt again then top with raspberries and almond flakes into two glass jars. 4 Eat at breakfast or halve the serve as a snack (this as very filling and satisfying ) Tag someone who you think will benefit from this . See more

01.01.2022 Signs that your gut health might need some tender loving care You experience constant breakouts on your forehead Food feels like it sits in your stomach for hours on end Just drinking water makes you feel yuck and bloated You aren’t every 12-24 hours ... You feel super sluggish and tired after eating and ready for a nap You’re constantly aware of your gut with different pains, cramps and niggles that takes you away from your everyday tasks You get sick frequently or unusual infections that you can’t seem to kick quickly You have an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s or psoriasis Poor gut health can affect your body in more ways than one which is why I’m so passionate about helping women overcome their gut problems long term.

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