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25.01.2022 Okay okay, let's be honest... IF YOU COULDN'T FAIL, how much fat would you want to lose by the end of March? Answer with whichever coloured heart you choose.... (We’ll start with ours in the comments ) 0-2 kgs 2-5 kgs 5-10 kgs 10-15 kgs 15-20 kgs 20+ kgs

19.01.2022 5 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS You’ve been asking... and we've been listening 1. WHAT IS IT ... It’s a total body reset for the new year with a group of positive souls to help you stay accountable. Using an amazing nutritional rebalancing system that incorporates wholesome food, intermittent fasting and delicious super food smoothies If you have ANY health goals, we have the solution 2. HOW LONG IS IT FOR 30 days initially, then there is flexibility in order to incorporate the system in to your lifestyle long-term. This isn’t a fad or a 'diet' and is not intended to be a quick fix. It is a lifestyle 3. WHAT DOES IT INVOLVE Being open and saying 'YES'! A tribe of phenomenal people are kicking off the BYO Besties challenge with their best girls on the 14th January. You will receive so many amazing things throughout the 30 days including mindset coaching, a full body cellular cleanse - using a scientifically proven nutrition system that achieves results you can’t get anywhere else - 60%, 80% or 90% of your nutrition for the 30 days, exclusive access to a supportive and motivational Facebook group & weekly prizes 4. HOW MUCH IS IT There is a variety of packs and prices to suit all goals and budgets. As part of our personalised service and coaching, we will discuss your health goals for 2019. This will allow us to tailor a program specific to your goals and budget 5. DO I NEED TO EXERCISE You don’t need to do any exercise at all. This system achieves results using the 80% nutrition, 20% exercise formula. The great thing we have discovered over the past 2 years is that you don’t need to exercise in order to achieve incredible results whilst using this system. Although, you will most likely feel like you need to exercise or at least get walking outdoors, as you will have so much newfound energy! WHY SHOULD I JOIN BYO BESTIES *Bonus question* Because you deserve this! You deserve to wake up feeling excited about the day You deserve to feel nourished, not restricted You deserve to feel confident and comfortable in whatever you choose to wear You deserve to have energy to do what you love You deserve to feel healthy and happy So, what are you waiting for? Comment below or send us a message and we can help you to reach your 2 0 1 9 health goals #contactustoday

18.01.2022 http:// 10 signs you are ready for this nutritional re-balancing program // 1) You can’t button up your favourite pants 2) You can’t control your cravings 3) You eat a full meal and still feel hungry ... 4) You aren’t regular 5) You don’t want to try ANOTHER diet 6) You want real results, not a quick fix 7) You live to eat food instead of eat food to live 8) You HAVE to take naps to function 9) You survive on cups of coffee, bottles of soda or handfuls of candy throughout the day 10) You just do not feel energetic QUESTION TIME How beneficial would it be to reverse some of these above? What difference would it make to your every day? Just say - I'M READY #intermittentfasting #nutritionalrebalancing #resultsnotresolutions #imready

17.01.2022 POW POW Day 2 of our cleanse Our CLEANSE is scientifically tested for its benefits in supporting detoxification pathways in cells, which can be especially helpful on a Cleanse Day when the body’s natural detoxification systems work with fasting. Most of us have been exposed to common environmental pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, for example. ... These environmental contaminants gradually accumulate in body fat through repeated exposure over time. When you are fasting, your body draws on stored energy from fat. As your body releases these stores into the bloodstream for energy, contaminants like PCBs are also released. As part of our System of Shake Days and Cleanse Days, Cleanse for Life provided nutritional support in a study investigating the release of toxins during weight loss. In this study, an our System was compared to a heart-healthy diet comprised of ordinary, nutritious foods. Researchers found that nourishment provided by our products was associated with a reduction in measures of oxidative stress and improved antioxidant status during weight loss. I LOVE all the science behind why our products are SO TRANSFORMATIONAL!!

16.01.2022 // Make MAY Matter // How many times have you said - "I'll start my new health programme or lifestyle change on Monday...?... Are you going to let another week / month / year go by without making a change? If you're ready to finally draw a line in the sand, join us this MAY And Make MAY Matter By nourishing and cleansing your body, kicking those bad habits to the curb and finding the "zing" in your step again. After over 3 years of us coaching on this system, we know how to get you results. So, drop a "yes" in the comments below or reach out to us privately and we’ll send you all the info. We’re here to help

11.01.2022 7 Practical Tips to Achieve a Positive Mindset 1. Start the day with positive affirmations How you start the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day.... 2. Focus on the good things, however small Almost invariably, you’re going to encounter obstacles throughout the day - there’s no such thing as a perfect day 3. Find humour in bad situations Allow yourself to experience humour in even the darkest or most trying situations. 4. Turn failures into lessons You aren’t perfect. You’re going to make mistakes and experience failure in multiple contexts, at multiple jobs and with multiple people. Instead of focusing on how you failed, think about what you’re going to do next time - turn your failure into a lesson. 5. Transform negative self-talk into positive self-talk Negative self-talk can creep up easily and is often hard to notice. You might think 'I’m so bad at this' or 'I shouldn’t have tried that'. But these thoughts turn into internalised feelings and might cement your conceptions of yourself. 6. Focus on the present We're talking about the present - not today, not this hour... this exact moment. 7. Find positive friends, mentors and co-workers When you surround yourself with positive people, you’ll hear positive outlooks, positive stories and positive affirmations. You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with after all **or you can join us here at Clean You and get involved with our epic community!

10.01.2022 Okay, it’s time to get real... Chances are you’re waking up as exactly the same person who you went to bed as on Dec 31st There’s a certain magic surrounding New Year, but there’s also no miracle switch that changes who you are as a person - or your life - overnight... You have to work for it, to change yourself Can you hand on heart say that you showed up the way you wanted to in 2018? You made the impact you wanted to make? We know we haven't up until this point - we’ve been playing smaller than we know we could be So this is our acknowledgment and commitment (because goals and decisions without a commitment are useless) that this year we are playing big - Is HEALTH & MONEY on your focus list for 2019? - Or PURPOSE & FULFILMENT? - Or CAREER & SERVICE? - Or GROWTH & GRATITUDE & GRACE? Then get in touch for #BYOBesties Because T H I S is what you’ve been waiting for... Today is the day... Your soul has led you here and you are ready! We can’t wait to watch you S H I N E gorgeous #BYOBesties

10.01.2022 Peanut butter and salted caramel smoothie bowls These babies have saved our BUTTS lately - especially throughout the silly season If you’re a busy wife, mama, creative, sista, daughter or entrepreneur and you don’t have a go-to healthy meal option that you can whip up in t minus 5 seconds, you need to get these into your life. STAT ... These babies are the ultimate healthy meal on-the-go, and we will - quite literally - never go a day without them #nourished #thankyouumamanature #selflovesaturday #health

09.01.2022 Happy Saturday from Clean You HQ! WHO LOVES CONVENIENT, QUICK MEALS? We know for sure that we do!! ... + Who has time to cook eggs for breakfast? + Who grabs toast or sugary breakfast cereal? + Who has coffee as their nutritious breakfast option? + Who gets hangry mid morning because they're starving? + Who gets a take away salad for lunch that costs around $12? + Who skips lunch because they're too busy? + Who crashes at 3pm and needs some sort of energy spike to get them back up and running? Here's our 30 second breakfast and/or lunch Yes, we are busy bees too... Which is why we love how quick and easy this superfood smoothie is to make! Come and join all the gorgeous souls before you who have said 'yes' to a lifestyle that is convenient, well-balanced and nutritious We would love to hear from you, so please drop us a DM or comment below if you would like some more information on this incredibly delicious smoothie #superfoodsmoothie #nutritionalcleansing

07.01.2022 Ayurvedic medicine originated in northern India more than 5,000 years ago. It is one of the world's oldest holistic (whole-body) healing systems. It is based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit The main goal of this healing system is to promote good health, not fight disease. If your mind, body, and spirit are in harmony with the universe, you have good health and if you are out of balance it will cause si...ckness. To create a healthy body and mind our food must be nourishing. Ideal nutrition comes from consuming a variety of fresh foods prepared and eaten with awareness. A simple way to make sure that you are getting a balanced diet is to include the six Ayurvedic tastes (sweet, salty, sour, pungent, bitter, and astringent) in each meal. Along with the six tastes, filling your plate with the colours of the rainbow promotes a long and healthy life We urge you to learn more about natural medicine through Ayurvedic food and herbs for proactive health and wellness. #namaste

07.01.2022 Wow... we're already one week in to February - the shortest month of the year. Before we know it, we will be a 1/4 way in to 2019 It's International Women's Day today and it's also National Nutrition month, so what better time than NOW to open up our latest program to all of our beauties who are looking to UP their nutrition and achieve something big this year ... We're not going to lie, we're pretty pumped about our latest program as we've put together probably the BEST offer we have ever had. So, if you've been thinking about needing a change up with your health - now's a perfect time Check it out MAKE MARCH MAGIC! If you’re wondering what happened to your New Year’s resolution If you’re feeling a little shady from weeks of social events, back to back If you've lost your sparkle somewhere between Christmas, the New Year and now If you’re in need of more energy to get this year pumping If you’re sick and tired of lugging around those extra kgs If half your wardrobe doesn’t fit anymore #guilty If you’re sick of eating out because you just don’t have the time and energy to cook properly If your skin is dull and your tummy is bloated If you’re just not feeling yourself and you’re looking for a change and if you need support Then maybe it’s time to Make March Magic! You’ll get: Our 30 day nutritional cleansing system (the pack size will suit your individual needs) Our brand NEW blender for FREE! *for orders placed until 23rd Feb only 4 weeks (and then ongoing) motivation and inspiration in our new exclusive Facebook support group A 4 week at-home or in-the-gym training program A Goal Setting template and Goal Setting planning session with us Meal plans, ideas and recipes One-on-one support, 7 days a week. PLUS You will be in the running to win CASH prizes $300, $500, $3000 and $10,000! Don’t wait Make MARCH MAGIC by commenting below or sending us a DM #MakeMarchMagic

06.01.2022 http:// 3 DAYS APART! // BLOWN AWAY by these results from one of our gorgeous ladies, Jordan, in our January cleanse group! We just had to share! ... The 'Cleanse Days' Jordan talks about below are our version of 'intermittent fasting'. We call it 'nutritionally supported intermittent fasting', because it's not just about not eating, and just drinking water all day (we've tried’s brutal!!). We fast with the support of an incredible herbal cleansing tonic which is packed full of nutrition to nourish the body while we fast, plus there are a blend of herbs and botanicals which support and 'super charge' our body's detoxification pathways - ridding it of even more toxins! It's not all about weight loss though... look at all the other GOOD STUFF that happens when we fast! Boost immune system Support vital organs Reset food cravings Reset insulin sensitivity Combat free radicals Brain protection Body/cellular repair and regeneration Weight control Liver support Cleanse impurities Jordan did a 'double cleanse' - which essentially means 2 days in a row. The second day is where the magic definitely happens! < 2 days of fasting may sound scary to some, but there are lots of strategies to 'baby step' people up to that stage. It took us a while and now we LOVE a double cleanse! > Here are Jordan’s words I just wanted to share my amazing results of a double cleanse Cleansing altogether has been hard for me, that the thought of a double was a nightmare. Since we have started this challenge and I’ve signed myself up for the 16-Week Challenge, I have changed my mindset and for me to get the results i want i knew I needed to take action! I was informed that doubles are the way so i thought I’d give it ago. I also did a lot of research in to what the second day is all about and it truly is where the magic happens WOW to say the least - these pics are just 3 days apart." If you are struggling with stubborn tummy fat and this has inspired you to want more information on our nutritionally assisted intermittent cleansing, please comment below or send us a DM

06.01.2022 Congratulations Claudia! It's not about perfect... It's about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens. That’s how change occurs.... Left is me in Greece 1.5 years ago and the right, is today. I know through the amount of people that I have helped, a lot struggle to lose weight from their stomach but also for others we struggle with being ‘bottom heavy’ and hold weight through our legs. That was me. I have ALWAYS my WHOLE life had chunky legs. My legs were the one part of my body that I lacked so much self confidence in. I hated wearing shorts in public and in fact, I never wore them because of the lumps and bumps that I could see. My legs used to rub from chaffing and in Europe it got so bad that it bled and got infected. (A story that I have never shared because I was embarrassed, but I’m sure a lot of you can relate). It's not fun, it's upsetting and painful and I knew this point onwards a change had to occur. For the people who want a leg transformation or even just a general health transformation... just know it is possible. You CAN change - you just need to remember, results like this don’t happen over night. Patience and hard work. Yes, there will be times you will question why you are doing what you are doing, you may question yourself as to why you are putting so much effort in and that voice will come in and say you are not transforming or it's taking too long. However, when you feel like quitting, think about why you started. The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in your determination and the sacrifices you make. Ask yourself, how bad do you want it? If you resonate with Claudia's story in any way and are ready to make a change, please do send us a message as we would LOVE to help you to reach your goals

01.01.2022 CLEANSE DAY VIBES We’ve been doing cellular cleanses for over 3 years now and we always love the energy that comes from them. Some people ask why we still do them ... Our answer is - if you’ve found something that has CHANGED YOUR LIFE for the better then why stop? We're LESS STRESSED, LESS BLOATED, MORE ENERGETIC and our MENTAL CLARITY is through the roof So we’ll continue to fit this into our lifestyles for years to come If you’ve ever been curious as to what our EXCLUSIVE HEALTHY MIND and HEALTHY BODY programme is all about send us a DM or comment below Our MISSION is to help others feel incredible in their own skin as much as we do

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