Nicola Rodrigues | At-home service
Nicola Rodrigues
Phone: +61 425 070 957
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25.01.2022 Who is this woman drinking Kale, spinach, banana, avocado in coconut water
23.01.2022 It’s funny how people get to the end of the year and they say - wahoo it’s the end of a shit year, no more this no more that, I’m not putting up with this and that next year. But yet the new year comes along and they start off great but then by mid year their old ways and habits are kicking back in Their mindset hasn’t really changed, they still haven’t stop letting others dump rubbish into their minds... By the time November comes along they are saying I can’t wait until this year is over because next year will be so much better. Guess what next year will never be better because it’s just numbers on a calendar The ONLY thing that can change and be better is YOU Stop blaming the year and start looking at yourself, your daily habits, your friends, your family, your relationship, your work - EVERYTHING around you makes you so if those people or environments are not inspiring you and supporting you in what YOU want to achieve out of life and always bitching about shit, then it’s time to move on from them and find your tribe who is going to inspire and support you, who are going to help pick you up when you fall because they know YOU GOT THIS 2021 is just a number - YOU are the difference
20.01.2022 Have you ever felt let down We often expect others to do what we would do, right But more often than not we get upset and feel hurt when our expectations are not met. ... What we have to understand is that it can only hurt us if we let it, after all it is your own expectation. Don’t ever let yourself lower your standards or worth just because someone can’t step up to meet your expectation of what being treated nicely & respectfully is. Remember the golden rule - treat others how you wish to be treated
19.01.2022 Wow one year on and I love myself now more than ever I’ve lost 10kgs but it’s not about the weight it’s about how great I feel, full of self love Now with what I know about my biology & epigenetics I see life in a whole new way. ... I am not looking for perfection, I am looking for the inner love and the smile it brings by just bring me and I want to help 5 other women feel the same way. What are you looking for Are you wanting to be able to be the best version of yourself and love yourself because I’m ready to help you reach that #ph360 #diplomat #loveyourself #selfcare
19.01.2022 Change is scary I know but I also know it’s worth it Even when we are suffering it’s easier to stay stuck rather than choose to make some changes. This is because we are comfortable in the known and the idea of the unknown can be scary. What can be worse than the way you feel right now... It’s time you take a leap of faith and step into the unknown. You never know you may really like it there If it’s just to scary that’s ok, I’m here to guide and support you Let’s do it together
19.01.2022 Don’t let the fear of judgement stop you from having fun with your children.
18.01.2022 Self care is the most important thing you can do in life Have you ever heard of mindful showering It the fastest way to self loving your bodyis by showing appreciation and love for everything it does for you... Next time you get in the shower or bath take the time to be present. As you wash your body talk to it. Tell your body how much you appreciate everything it does for you. Your face including your eyes so you can see, your nose for the ability to smell, your earsfor allowing you to hear and your mouth for the ability to talk and share passionate kisses. Your neck for holding your head up high even through the hard times. Your head for housing the amazing brain you have. Your arms for the strength they have to carry things and hug people. Your hands and fingers for all they allow you to touch and hold. Your chest for the lungs that keep you breathing without you asking it to and the heartit houses to share all the love your able to give and receive not to mention keeping you alive. Your belly for all the organs it houses and if you’re a mum for the strength it gave you to grow your children. Your legs for the strength they have to carry you everyday and continually allow you to keep moving forward. Your feet for all the places they have allowed you to go and your toes for keeping you balanced. Do this daily and watch how the love and appreciation you give back to yourself changes not only your mental state but also the physiology of your body. It’s time to start loving yourself #mindfulshowers #mindfulliving #yourworthit
16.01.2022 You did it You made it through and now it’s officially spring here in Australia With only 122 days left of 2020, how are you going to spend them
15.01.2022 Letting go doesn’t mean you’re giving up For years I’ve hated the beach, the sand gets everywhere & things bite you in the water. But now I can walk on the sand, swim in the water and smile... I’ve learnt some really important lessons this year and I’ve also learnt how to let go of things that aren’t serving me. Everyday new lessons emerge for me to explore but instead of feeling lost I embrace them so I can move forward in my joy
13.01.2022 I may have fallen off the wagon a bit lately due to personal life stressors but that’s perfectly ok because I don’t stay being dragged behind. I pull myself up through all the dirt and mud and get back up and take control of the horse. Never been afraid of falling, it just gives you another opportunity to climb higher ... Happy Friday everyone
12.01.2022 Never cover up who you are to please others Everyday you do that you are killing your spirt and crushing your soul. Learn to love yourself for all your quirkiness
12.01.2022 I am SOOO excited to have got my special package today - CHECK IT OUT!!!!!
12.01.2022 You will never truly know the impact you have on others. Just because you don’t see it or hear it doesn’t mean you aren’t changing the world one person at a time. Never wait until others are kind to you. Be the kindness, love, light and joy that you want to see in the world
10.01.2022 When was the last time you had a meaningful hug or cuddle that lasted more than 30 seconds Over the last few days you may have had lots of quick embraces and a few pats on the back while seeing everyone for Christmas. Now close your eyes and think about who the biggest and longest hugs were with. How did that hug make you feel... A meaningful hug and cuddling can do wonders for you. Not only does it make you feel good, it changes the chemicals within your body to make positive improvements. It’s that simple Anyone up for a hug #hugs #cuddles #snugglebuddy #changeyourbodychangeyourlife
10.01.2022 No one is perfect, no matter how much they portray that they are. We are all human Together we should not get frustrated at those who are just realising this but instead embrace them to understand it's ok not to be perfect Wouldn't the world be a different place if instead of competing with each other, we together guided & supported one another to a world of abundance & freedom
09.01.2022 As we move further into adult life we often think we are broken and need fixing. It’s not true I spent years trying to live how society and others said I should be while slowly dying on the inside and moving further away from my true self... I thought I needed to be fixed until I learnt I was just hurting. The pains of everything I have been through in life were eating my soul and as each day went by I was slipping further into depression. Life on the outside looked like I was having fun and always bright and bubbly but behind closed doors I would sit there breakdown crying feeling lost and alone One day I decided enough was enough and started to push away all of society’s & others views of who I should be as a person, a daughter, a mother, a wife & a friend. That’s when I realised I wasn’t broken I was just hurt and needed to heal I’ve spent the last 10mths focusing on healing myself from the inside out and each time I healed one pain I grew closer to feeling loved. You are not broken Life takes it toll on us and it’s ok to say enough and focus solely on yourself and the healings you need Everyday I work towards helping others realise that they to are not broken, just hurt and can also heal themselves If you have had enough of the pain and are r ready to start healing, let’s talk
08.01.2022 There’s nothing more important to me than this How are you feeling today
07.01.2022 How to make Homemade body scrub
05.01.2022 When was the last time you laid down and looked at the clouds By just taking some time out to gaze up into the sky and watch the clouds go by can have great effects on your body and mind. Next time you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed just take a few minutes out and look up. ... This will reduce the stress in your body and help clear the mind
05.01.2022 It’s crazy how we allow toxic people to stay in our lives with the hope they will change. With the hope they will treat us better. Hope isn’t going to change them, it just destroys us It can be extremely difficult to remove these people from your life, just look at the DV statistics from around the world. ... The only thing that YOU can do is be strong enough to let them go. For it is only then that you will find freedom, love, peace and joy in your life There is strength in vulnerability. Change is always scary but it so worth it.
04.01.2022 What if you didn’t wake up tomorrow Have you done anything today that brought you joy and gratitude for just being alive It’s time to release your fears and open your heart and soul to everything that surrounds you... It all start with a choice and ends with your decision.
04.01.2022 Never be afraid of leaving an abusive relationship Signs of an abusive relationship does not mean there has to be physical violence, it also includes verbal abuse and being controlled. Being told you can’t go out with your friends unless your partner goes too...Continue reading
04.01.2022 Are you stuck Do you feel like you can’t move forward from life’s disappointments, failures and struggles If you have tried to strengthen your mind only too feel like you are not getting anywhere then it’s time that you make some changes in your life. ... Only you can change your life. I know it’s hard and I’m here to let you know that you don’t need to do it alone, I’m here for you
03.01.2022 Do you journal This year I made a decision to journal every day plus I do a weekly review. Being able to look back at how I have felt, what I’ve experienced and all the people I’m grateful for has been a wonderful experience. Now I have been blessed with another journal for the month of September which my beautiful friend Kim Guthrie designed... I can’t wait to look back on the month of September and see how much growth has taken place in my life If you have never journaled before, I strongly suggest you start
03.01.2022 This year I decided to put my happiness and health first so I joined a R&B fitness dance club The ladies here are so empowering. It’s place where we can just let go. Scream, yell, shout and shake our bootys At first it can be a little overwhelming but after a couple of dances you will loosen up and have so much fun... Here’s a peak at us challenging a new tiktok dance that’s going around. This was our first attempt
03.01.2022 This chick here decided to put herself first this year and wow what an incredible difference that has made in her life No one said it was going to be easy, I mean there has been some incredibly hard decisions that had to be made but just look at where she is now. She can look in the mirror and love who she sees, her health has improved and she has lost 10kgs, her children are more independent and thriving, her house runs more efficiently and she’s also taken on new business... ventures that are increasing the worlds vibration brining more peace and joy to other people’s lives Who said 2020 is the worst year, not this girl #selflove #vibrationalenergy #changinglives #iamworthit
01.01.2022 I’m so blessed to be speaking next month for the Women Embracing Business Group. If you’re struggling in life, business or relationships come along and find out how having trapped emotions in your body can be holding you back from success. Check out this Meetup with Women Embracing Business, Brisbane
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