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NRG Devine Reiki Therapeutics in Townsville, Queensland | Spa

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NRG Devine Reiki Therapeutics

Locality: Townsville, Queensland

Phone: +61 438 886 540

Address: Alligator Creek 4818 Townsville, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Welcome to all the new followers, the word of Reiki and it’s benefits is really spreading, Thankyou.

24.01.2022 September 3, 2020 SAINT GERMAIN - PROTECT YOURSELF WITH THE VIOLET RAY Every day a new challenge. Every day new learning. Each day you transform more and and more. You are powerful beings. No one has ever said so much, this truth to you, on the contrary, you have always been forced to believe that you were sinful beings, and not worthy of any attention or any help that came from heaven. You were forced to believe, that you were punished every moment, every mistake, and forced to believe, that no one had salvation. Some presented themselves as protectors, as saviors of the world. And in this context of total impotence, in which you were inserted; you believed and went on to follow, the one who was there offering you a little hope, your highest faiths and considerations. Each made a choice. Each one felt more touched by the one who preached in a Church. Others felt more touched by those who preached in a Temple. Many chose for the simplicity of the words, others just the opposite; because they understood nothing of what was said, they thought that those beings were supreme, superior. And so they followed them. Donating part of what they had, or many what they didn't even have, was part of the game; to keep them stronger and more powerful. But not powerful to help you, powerful to help each of them. It has been said, that many truths will appear. You hear these words from a variety of sources; and that you are ready, for these truths. Today here, I ask each one of you to fill your hearts with a lot of love, a lot of light. It is not that futile love, that love full of imbalance, no; it is full love and, above all, love that does not judge and condemn. The truths are appearing. Many still refuse to believe. Many will not believe it. Many will go mad, shouting that it is all a big lie. Many will kill themselves for knowing, that they have devoted their lives to a great lie. What we have tried to pass on to you each day is strength, it is our love, our support. So that you do not weaken, so that you do not get carried away by the wave that will come around you, of revolt, of pain. Many may say that the world will go into chaos. It is possible, because they are very deep and very ugly truths, for those who only have love in their hearts. For many it will be all right; it didn't happen to you, so it's okay. Selfishness, lack of love for others, will be revealed. And many will be favorable to those who will be exposed. The great truth is the divine; the great truth is based on unconditional love. So what I ask each of you, is simply, recollection. It is recollection in the light. Keep yourself full of light. Do not raise flags. Don't take sides. The problem is not with you. I believe that the vast majority, who are here now, no longer believe in the purity of those who claim to be world owners and world saviors. All were corrupted, few were left out. Truths are appearing. Many are being arrested and have not yet been exposed. But the truth will come, and it will come without any makeup. So again, I ask each one of you; put on the light. See yourself involved in a big tube of Violet light and stay in this tube as long as you want. So that whatever spills on your exterior, does not hit you. Many will come to you, asking for explanations, help to understand all this. Under no circumstances, judge, condemn. Just say, This is the purest truth. There is nothing to comment on . Whoever really wants to know the whole story, will know; because it will be told. Don't be the ones, who will enlighten everyone's minds; Not now. This is a moment of welcome, when you will only give love to those who feel lost; and show each of them, that the only love, the most true of all, is that of Father / Mother God. This is Universal Love. Whatever it is in any religion, everyone knows it. You can talk about Sananda, about Mother Mary, for those who believe in them. And these people will have to trust, only these and other representations of light, that exist out there. Don't try to catechize anyone. This is not the time. The time will be of distress and pain. No one will have an open heart to hear anything. So just show your love, the love that is filled in your hearts. Listen. Just that, listen. Do not listen to what will be said, just listen. Let the one who arrives in despair speak, speak, speak; and you are wrapped in the violet light tube, centered, without listening to a word. Because that could destabilize each one of you. So don't listen, just hear. Be the friendly shoulder who will hear. Not the one who will listen. What to do? You are already this shoulder that will hear all the lamentations, you are already doing a great job. Because the very Violet light you are in will transform the heart of the one who is there, weeping; and he will gradually calm down; and then yes, with the lull, you can explain what you know. It is not trying to catechize anyone. You are going to tell a story, the person will believe it or not. It is his/her free will, which will determine whether she/he will believe it or not. If he/she believes, there is a good chance that he/she will approach you and become more and more greedy for information. Or it could be the other way around, he’ll/she'll be angry with you and never come close. The decision is his/hers, not yours. It may be that later on, he/she will remember what you said. And realize that he/she was wrong; but you are not going to tell him/her that he/she was wrong. Free will belongs to each one. So at this moment, my presence here is supportive. The Violet Ray will be the New Age ruler. Consequently, I will be leading the New Age together with Maitreya. It is an era of transformation and transmutation. Use my Violet light abundantly, at any time, in any situation. Transmute whatever needs to be transmuted. Transform into love and light, whatever needs to be transformed. I am beside each one, just call me; and believe that my help will be there by your side. Be strong. And the big lesson that you have to go through is non-judgment. Whoever did it, is being judged for the mistakes he made. So he is already reaping everything he has done. Everyone is given the chance to lean on the Light, to return to the Light. At another point, do not judge what happens to each one of you. You still have to learn a lot, so that you understand, exactly what is happening. So be strong. Protect yourself in the Violet tube. Do not judge and condemn, and especially, do not comment. Because when you comment, the energy of that situation spreads and it grows. And the idea is to decrease this energy more and more, so that chaos does not settle on the planet. You are Pillars of Light, act as such. Just emanate light. Be heard; non-accumulators. As you usually say, it will enter on one side and leave on the other. And you will not accumulate anything. Trust the process to all of us who are leading. If you trust us, you have nothing to fear. I am Saint-Germain, Master of the Violet Ray, Master of the New Age of this planet. And I ask each one of you, individually, to wrap the Planet in Violet Light. Imagine the planet, this beautiful blue planet wrapped in a big violet bubble. This energy helps bring calm and peace, so that transmutations happen, in a calm and peaceful way.

19.01.2022 Who would like a free kit of The Liceorator I have 5 to give away. Leave me.a comment and I will draw 5. If you are interstate I will post to you.

17.01.2022 Reiki Appointments Available this Wednesday 4th and Friday 6th Special price at $60. Clear - Balance - Ground Location Alligator Creek... Distant healing also available $33

13.01.2022 Hi Alll, for anyone wanting to learn meditation or even refreshing to be in the moment. this lovely lady Katie Saint Clair is the one to go to. Her energy is amazing.

11.01.2022 This is a great reminder. I work with quite a few people that have had shoulder issues. With a great success rate. Based on my experience I see that a lot of stagnant energy hides behind the scapula, once that is cleared and it can take a few attempts of deep healing. I then see that the physical side is then able to heal much quicker or even at times when the client has been told medically it would never be the same.

11.01.2022 Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki 1 course is a two-day attunement commencing on December 11 at 10am to 3pm. Reiki 1 members will receive 4 attunement's and be given 1 reiki symbol. Reiki members will be taught how to heal and ground themselves through the art of energy, and will have learnt the history of Usui, Reiki and Chakra's.... All members will take home a manual and a signed certification by Reiki Master Kellie Crowhurst, stating completion of attunement of Reiki 1. This course normally retails at $300. However, NRG are offering a 50% discount, with $60 deposit paid within the next 2 weeks.

11.01.2022 Any modality of healing is only an assistance - the healer leads you to your own healing. You still have to do the work yourself and any area that is triggered is a representation that there is an area within yourself that is unloved. Dig deep and find that love within, it’s the only way. The cycles will keep repeating until you find what it is within that has to be loved more. The mental body will try and doubt it’s the egoic mind, that’s the human side, the conditioned side... that too has to be trained. We all know about exercise for the body and training the IQ for more skills sets, but what about the emotion equivalent (eq) that inner child does it just get burried and pushed under. Bring it to surface, say hello and give it some love it too has a part to play in life. Maybe then some of the old habits, fears, dramas and cycle patterns of the past may start to subside. See more

09.01.2022 Group thoughts?

05.01.2022 Hello everyone, sharing on behalf of this amazing lady. If you would like to work with this lady either contact her direct or message me and I will pass the details on. She is genuine and is Amazing as what she does. Highly recommend.

04.01.2022 And so it is. Shared by Reikiislove

03.01.2022 The great Divine is saying, be creative with your thoughts, allow spontaneity in, set your thoughts free and be mindful of how you see others. A lot of feminine’s have been doing the inner work for many years now and learning to become one within themselves and more accepting through the heart space. The time is now here where becoming more vulnerable to the Divine masculine counterpart is important now I am not saying this always comes easy it takes practice and intuition. A...s the masculine wants what the feminine wants, vulnerability, to be heard, loved and understood. (I can hear people right now reading this and saying what the *, ahh, really) but pulling the walls down to get what you want, which is what the other person wants also is the way to get there. It’s Divine love calling from a place of the heart and the Head. This is the 5D way, this is strength. This message is for twin flame, orchestrated divine relationships, and those either in union or separated. The pull that just cannot be broken. Namaste Kellie

02.01.2022 NRG Devine would like to announce 10% of all purchases made through the NRG website will be donated to 'Legacy'. These donations will be valid between 09.11.2020 - 16.11.2020. Legacy provides personal support and welfare to the dependants of Australia's deceased veterans. ... "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them."

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