Oakvale Square Meaters | Food and drinks company
Oakvale Square Meaters
Phone: +61 439 690 068
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25.01.2022 HELLO EVERYONE... PLEASE SHARE...our mates dog has gone missing 1.5 ks our of Murgon QLD towards Wondai. His name is NORTH and he is a well trained, super frie...ndly, behaved 5 year old blue heeler. North jumped out of his owners Ute Saturday morning after Brad stopped to assist at a bad traffic accident which resulted in a truck exploding on fire and North fleeing the scene in fright...we need to find NORTH for his dad Brad who is beside himself with worry. Please share to as many sites as possible and if anyone knows how to share with the local Murgon or surrounding areas social media sites, please do on my behalf. Brads nbr is 0409 725 326 - north has a chip and collar with name and nbr.
24.01.2022 Rossellinos Peter Pan weight-312kg EMA-61 P8 - 3/2
24.01.2022 Well........the planes have stopped, cars have stopped, the world as a whole has pretty much stopped and the Co2 levels have dropped! Yet the farmers havent stopped. Theyre still getting up to milk the cows, the lambing sheds are in full swing, the cattle are still being fed, the crops are being drilled, yet the CO2 has dropped. Maybe agriculture isnt quite as bad as the media have been making out .... maybe the world isnt going to end because of our livestock, maybe, just maybe, agriculture is actually going to be the thing to save everyone when this world needs feeding and we cannot import avacados, coconut milk and mangetout from South America! ....eat local.eat fresh... Copy and paste in support of our farmers
23.01.2022 Here you go Brett freeze
22.01.2022 Why do prices vary so much between cuts? Steaks such as fillet can cost more because they make up a smaller portion of the animal, and are in higher demand due to their tenderness and flavour. But that doesn’t mean the cheaper cuts aren’t as great. Rump and oyster blade steaks, for example, are abundant, full-flavoured, lean and great value. Buy in bulk and pay one price/kg for all the cuts across the carcass.
22.01.2022 Guess what we are doing tonight!!!
22.01.2022 Due to an order cancellation we have a quarter of a side yearling beef available. Currently being processed and will be available from the 14/2/2020 The carcass is from the same pedigree as our 2019 Brisbane Royal Show steer that was awarded Meat Standards Australia Eating Quality Award - Lightweight So Should be yummy...
21.01.2022 That one day is very close
21.01.2022 Exciting news for the youth who so keenly love to show our Squares, with the launching of the Tony Cairns Perpetual Trophy today at our QLD Square Meaters Breed...er Group meeting. When you receive a placing in the show ring, let us know your placing and how many competitors you had in your class and you will be allocated points. Once a year these points will be tallied and the winning youth, with the highest points, in both the junior (6-12 years) and senior (13-18yrs) sections will receive a Square Meater show vest, valued at $65 and medallion. See more
21.01.2022 Anything to bring it on
20.01.2022 Getting serious now
19.01.2022 Steers are looking good, taking orders for beef with a March delivery. Minimum order of a quarter of beef. A point of difference with Oakvale Paddock to Plate is the price you pay per kilo ($16/kg per quarter or $15.50/kg for half or full body) is for the end product after trimming, compared to some other suppliers of bulk beef packs that set their prices on carcass weight (your paying for the trimming that goes in the bin).
18.01.2022 WOW we are so blown away thank you to Troy and Tracy Nuttridge TLC Fitting Service for all your hard work...Go Squaremeaters...
16.01.2022 Just a bit proud
16.01.2022 CLIMATE FLASHBACK : 15th AUGUST 1946 (Co2 levels : 310ppm) Hundreds of square miles of drought-stricken Qld ablaze * Drought Disaster * Staggering Stock Losses... * Wheat Crop to fail * Sydney 33 days without rain * Water Shortages in Suburbs * Milk rationed * Sydney Fires * Brisbane 91F * Fires sweeping South Queensland ............... and its only mid August. And all this back when the climate was supposedly safe & stable as Co2 levels were low. Adam and Zali tell us that if only we could reduce Co2 levels back to something like they had in 1946, then we wouldnt have such fires in Queensland (like the type they had back in 1946) BUSHFIRES SWEEPING SOUTH QUEENSLAND (The Daily Telegraph, 15th Aug 1946, p.9) BRISBANE, Wednesday. Hundreds of square miles of drought-stricken country in south eastern Queensland are ablaze in one of the most disastrous bushfires in the history of the State. In Brisbane today the temperature reached 91 degrees (33C) at 2.30 p.m. the hottest August day in Brisbanes history. (The hottest August day in Brisbane this year was 28.7C measured in a small Stevenson screen with an automatic probe). From Bundaberg to Coolangatta bush-fires, driven by a strong south-westerly wind, are menacing homesteads, station property, stock, and Army installations, and destroying the last remnants of winter feed. Major outbreaks are at Kilcoy, Woodford, Beaudesert, and West Burleigh. The most spectacular fire is raging on Mount Cootha, outside Brisbane, and thousands of visitors to the city for the Royal Show are watching the blaze. Mt. Archer, in the Kilcoy district, was a 1500ft. torch tonight when a fire which began at Neurum swept over it. Valuable forests have been destroyed. Some youths who threw lighted matches into dry grass at Toowong to night started a fire which threatened homes in Gower Street. More than 30 persons in Brisbane were prostrated by the heat and received ambulance attention. Several were taken to hospital. https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspap/article/248524197/27442025
15.01.2022 Madam vintage has the furniture to bring your next party to life
15.01.2022 Small Square Bales of Rhodes Grass with Burgandy Bean (Legume) Solid Bales. $12.00/bale inc.GST.Pick up Wondai area. Phone Gary 0439 690 068
14.01.2022 BEEF 2021 Oakvale Square Meaters would like to thank Troy & Tracey Nuttridge & the team from TLC Fitting Service for our success at BEEF 2021. The display of cattle was a credit to all exhibitors involved and the constructive comments from Judge Grame Hopf were very much appreciated with his emphasis on structure. We took a team of 5 head to Beef all sired by Oakvale Leroy Brown except for Oakvale Never Enough’s calf at foot the 3 month old Bull calf Oakvale Samson whom was ...sired by the 2018 Beef Grand Champion Bull in Oakvale Man-O-Man and achieved the following results: Bull 12 months & under 15 months 1st Oakvale Real Time:14 months old weighing 451kgs, EMA:84, RIB:5, P8: 9 Heifer 17 months & under 19 months 1st Oakvale Que Sera Heifer 19 months & under 21 months 2nd Oakvale Quiet Storm Cow 36 months & under 48 months 1st Oakvale Never Enough Champion Bull Calf Oakvale Real Time Reserve Junior Campion Female Oakvale Quiet Storm Senior Champion Female Oakvale Never Enough GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Oakvale Never Enough GRAND CHAMPION MALE Oakvale Real Time EXHIBITORS GROUP 1st Oakvale SIRE PROGENY GROUP 1st Oakvale A big thank you also to our family Sam & Ben, David & Kellie, Riley & Bell. See more
13.01.2022 We are heading up for the week and can’t wait to see you there.
12.01.2022 Quality Oaten hay for sale Small Square bales $18.00 + GST per bale PH: Gary 0439 690 068
12.01.2022 SOLD Oakvale Square Meaters are offering 2 Yearling Sqaure Meaters Bulls for sale. The youngest being 12 months of age the 2nd bull is 15 months of age. 1 of the bulls is sired by Oakvale Leroy Brown multiple Grand Champion Square Meaters Bull at both Toowoomba Royal Show & Brisbane Royal Shows for 2 years running the other bull is sired by Oakvale Mister Right Brisbane Royal Junior Champion Square Meaters Bull. Both have been vaccinated for Tick Fever. Price $2,200 inc. GST each. For further information on Oakvale Sqaure Meaters go to oakvalesm.com.au or Phone Gary on 0439 690 068
11.01.2022 Nothing beats a shampoo and blow dry to make you feel pretty. The cattle are settling in well for #BEEF2021
11.01.2022 SOLD... Oakvale Square Meaters are offering this 16 month old Sqaure Meaters Commercial Bull for sale. This young silver in colour bull is sired by Oakvale Mister Right Brisbane Royal Junior Champion Square Meaters Bull. He has been vaccinated for Tick Fever and 7in1. Price $2,200 inc. GST. For further information on Oakvale Sqaure Meaters go to oakvalesm.com.au or Phone Gary 0436 690 068
09.01.2022 The poem thats gone viral after NSW farmer Joanna Collett posted it on the Prime Ministers facebook page: Gday Mr Morrison, I trust that you are fine, Sorry ...to be bothering you, but theres something on my mind I listened to a bloke last week; he had a bit to say You lot may have heard of him? He delivers all that hay? He spoke of countless hours and the distances they drive Feeding starving stock, to keep bush hopes alive They do not get assistance from your tax funded hat They do it on their own, all off their own bat Im not politically minded and I dont have any clout And I know youve done a tour, to learn about the drought But theres just some burning questions, that have left us feeling beat Why did we fund a foreign land, to learn to cut up meat? And what about those soccer boys, who went and got all lost You pulled out all the bloody stops, plain just showing off Youve bigger problems here at home, theres drought up to our necks So what does your mob go and do ? Give them big fat cheques! Dont they have a government to deal with all this stuff? Why should it be up to us, whats with all your fuss? Should we not be reigning in and look after our own Have you never heard the phrase charity starts at home? I realise theres many things, that need an allocation And I also can appreciate, complex trade relations Im not sure if you realise, but if our stock all die, There wont be any trade you see, your deals will all run dry As a rule were not a whinging lot, our requests are but a few Most of us who work the land, are tested, tried and true We respect that we are guardians, and sustain it for the kids But I often have to wonder, what future will it bring? I guess all that Im wondering, is wheres the Aussie aid? Wrapped up in a swag of tape, only then to be repaid ! Theres Aussie blokes and chicks out there, putting you to shame Helping fellow Australians, in their time of pain Im just a simple farmer, grazier, wife and mum And even though were feeding stock, were better off than some Ive never had to shoot a cow, who could no longer stand But many have before me, and I pray, Im not dealt that hand So will you take another look; admit that were in strife ? And do more than bloody empathise, before another farmer takes their life ? Id like to think youll do whats right and put Australia first And help your own damn country, before this drought gets any worse Joanna Collett Wee Waa NSW ..... I would like everyone on my Facebook page to copy this and share it Everyday until something is done. Save our Aussie farmers and communities that are doing it tough !! Charity starts at home!
09.01.2022 Oakvale payday Rossellini Pedro &a postman sunset proud as punch steers
08.01.2022 We would like to thank all those involved with the success for Oakvale Square Meaters & the Square Meaters Breed at this years Brisbane Royal Show. To Troy and Tracy & the girls along with Bob & his always happy to help attitude from TLC Fitting Service. To Julie Gillies, Jo Van Elten, Eric & Marlene Ross and their teams for our great team win with our group of 3 steers taking out the overall carcass section of the Ken McDonald Memorial Shield. Graham Brown for rising from hi...s sick bed to judge the stud classes and once again provide constructive comments of the animals displayed for the exhibitors. Thank you to Dawn Voight & Jo Van Elten for arranging the wonderful trophies which are only made possible from the generous sponsorship from the following: Sunset Park SM; QLd Square Meaters Semen Bank;; Oakvale SM; Lake View SM: Black Oak; Obi Obi Valley SM; Vesco SM; Rosellinos SM; Serenity Plains SM; CBD Electrical Services; Square Meaters Cattle Ass of Aust; Mr Rick Pisaturo See more
08.01.2022 Yep sums it up .. Thats how I feel but mine are sheep...
08.01.2022 SOLD Oakvale Square Meaters are offering a starter package consisting of 11 registered Square Meaters Females 9 of which have calves at foot including 6 heifers, 2 steers & 1 quality bull calf which will be an ideal Sire. The youngest female is 16 months of age and the average age of the remaining females is 6yrs. All the females have been returned to Bulls, 2 with Oakvale Leroy Brown, 4 with Oakvale Man-O-Man these sires are multiple Grand Champions including Brisbane Royal and BEEF 2018. The third sire with 5 of the females is Oakvale Never To Much. With these matings you will have a good genetical mix. All have been vaccinated for Tick Fever. The whole package including 11 females returned to sires and 9 calves can be yours for $20,000 +gst. For further information Phone Gary on 0439 690 068.
06.01.2022 Oakvale Man-O-Man weight 816kg EMA - 120 P8 - 20/11
06.01.2022 The calm, classy lineup of the Oakvale Square Meater team...
06.01.2022 In late 2017 we decided to purchase our own Livestock Transportation Vehicle as there was an ever increasing demand from Clients to transport the stud stock they had purchased from Oakvale Square Meaters. Locations varied from either locally, interstate or even some out of the way locations. Since that time we have transported many stud animals to all different destinations helping small farmers save time and money. Many of our Clients purchase one or two bulls or a small nu...mber of females and with our our own stud show-team needing transporting to shows, we settled on purchasing a new Hino 921 fully automatic 8.5 tonne GVM Truck from the wonderful team at Wideland Trucks in Maryborough. The body and crate were built to our specifications by Biggenden Engineering whom have a vast knowledge in building these rigs. Having Biggenden Engineering build this enabled us to have the features we considered important for the carrying of valuable Stud Stock. We included 2 moveable partitions which enables us to have up to 3 separate compartments, this, along with the removable roof tarp to protect stock, feed and equipment from all adverse weather has given us a very versatile and safe vehicle to transport valuable Stud stock. Many mainstream Livestock Transport Operators with larger trucks require large numbers of animals to make the trips viable. The Client that requires only transportation for one or two head then has to pay a considerable price or wait until the Operator has made up a load. If you require safe and reliable transportation of your Stud Stock whether it be just that one or two bulls, a few females or your own show-team, please feel free to email us or give us a call to discuss your requirements and obtain a quote. The truck is pressure washed and disinfected after each days operation.
06.01.2022 Coming into the concrete jungle
05.01.2022 Hi Everyone, please share the link and donate if possible one of our members doing it hard in drought conditions. https://www.gofundme.com/f/fodder-shed-to-beat-the-drought
05.01.2022 Oakvale never Enough looking at me to find out when is lunchtime
02.01.2022 Oakvale squaremeaters and Rossellini squaremeaters set up at Ekka top floor accommodation with a view
01.01.2022 Come on get on board and help these farmers
01.01.2022 Lets see how many people share this. Lets all pray for rain in Australia!!!Lets see how many people share this. Lets all pray for rain in Australia!!!
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