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25.01.2022 Now, with Taiwan being starved of adequate military defence materiel by decades of lets try not offend China policy by the US and pliant allies - added with the outsized expenditure by Beijing in advanced landing forces and a navy to rival the US. And now with an effective area denial in place separating US forces in Guam and Philippines and Taiwan - what is Chinas next set of objectives? South East in our South Pacific, that elisode comes later....Continue reading
23.01.2022 Here is the effective outcome of these bases - impenitrable divide between Philippines and Vietnam, Hong Kong and Taiwan:
22.01.2022 And here is the American 7th fleet:
22.01.2022 Canzuk Spacefaring is a go. Eat that for breakfast Chinese cultural revolutionaries!
20.01.2022 Oh, so you didnt know about the duopoly #scam being committed against the Australian people? Let me explain - two parties pretend to fight like a staged wrestling match while deciding nearly 90 per cent of the time on EVERYTHING! How we are seriously continuing to put up with this disgusting situation I dont know. I am personally sick of Penrith deciding my Prime Minister! I mean theyve turned my choice from one between Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd into one between a th...Continue reading
17.01.2022 Here is the range of Chinese built fortified islands which now are armed with fighter jets and advanced surface to air missiles:
17.01.2022 Chaque t, trois semaines durant, les paysages de France dfilent au rythme des tapes de plaine, des contre-la-montre, des ctes et cols de moyenne et haute-m...ontagne. Chaque t, des millions de personnes, masses sur les bords des routes de France ou devant leurs crans, vivent ensemble ce suspense insoutenable quelques kilomtres de larrive quand, au bout de leffort et de la souffrance, vient le moment du sprint, de lattaque dcisive, lheure de la vrit. Bravo Thibaut Pinot, vainqueur du Tourmalet, et Julian Alaphilippe, maillot jaune. Il vous reste 7 jours pour tout donner, et nous 7 jours pour continuer de rver avec et grce vous. Rendez-vous sur les Champs-lyses !
16.01.2022 Cold, freezing money frittering away triumph of hope over reason idiocy:
15.01.2022 Vote LibDem UK
14.01.2022 Ola s - Chinas military strategic planning public assessment time. Here is the South China Sea:
13.01.2022 Here are the Spratley and Paracel Islands:
13.01.2022 E: [email protected]
13.01.2022 Support UKAFT - or FAKTU - or FAKUT! Go FAKUT! FAK the shirt out of UT!!
11.01.2022 Here are the two targets for invasion in the near future:
11.01.2022 Prison for the indictable offence of despair: #shame #freeTibet
11.01.2022 Here is the Chinese main fleet (yes, sorry folks but without nukes Hong Kong is toast) - zoomed out to make you s remember how very close we are:
10.01.2022 NORFOLK ISLAND CHURCH OF ENGLAND Financial Support We value your financial support. The cost of staffing, maintaining buildings, and taking the gospel to Norfolk Island is not insignificant, and wed love to partner financially with you in order to continue this important work.... BSB 062-950 Account Number: 00900108 Account Name: Church of England General Fund
10.01.2022 Find a good piece of imaginary timber with a long sharp fictional nail dangerously protruding from it. Locate unsuspecting political opponent and begin vigorously hitting them theoretically over the head with it until theyre conceptually disoriented. Repeat.
10.01.2022 Qatar signs 6 billion deal with UK for 24 Typhoon fighter jets, missiles and bombs RAF on your 6.. Get it? You red line crossed the RED LINE Xi Winnie le pou. Jaccuse!
10.01.2022 I am under constant unrelenting police surveillance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I know this because I have been arrested and charged three times by police who take my emotive and colourful literature as something more like a dangerous armed criminal about to shoot my hostages in a chocolate caf. Even Jacinda Ardern thinks its a bit over the top! ... So anyway, fuck the police. Its time to teach the meaning of: TREMBLE AND OBEY!
08.01.2022 BIPOLAR RADIO 314FM Because you cant get on our frequency Copyright Ocean Pond Daniel Sharp - Liberate tragedy
08.01.2022 Here is the concentrated area of command and control these island outposts occupy operating together:
07.01.2022 This is a brilliant ad for New Caledonia, Knights of Cydonia or something
05.01.2022 Think harder s or its back in your for full day lock in. Let me ask you a question, is a poorly written unedited satirical editorial published in your little online free press newspaper then posted on a reddit handle for posting jokes about the nsw police, a facebook post in the early hours of should have gone to sleep proclaiming if I am elected premier I would do away with the premier (ie myself), and a delicious coincidence of my local very un-manly local glass jaw mem...ber sharing ghe same name as a pub in Ireland that hosts drag competitions (apparently) that allowed me to proclaim James Griffin to be full of alcohol and partial to cross dressing deserving of SEVEN MONTHS jail? A joke, another joke, and yet another joke - taken completely out of context to impugn a hoax bomb threat to police, a threat on the premiers life and harassment and offending an mp (despite the inconvenient truth that no such messages were at any time sent to anyone) by a scumbag of a dirty poo lice orifice Defective Sturgeon Burt Phallace of the Pixilated Surgeons Insinuation Urinal to defame and misrepresent my character and good name on the orders of my political enemies who - in turn - answered to: The Peoples Dystopic of Chinois There is a reason why Im getting hacked while the only people other than myself to have my fingerprint and passwords to all my networks and everything else are the ... nsw poo lice. #scam #framed #freepress #politicalasylum #injustice #libertydenied
04.01.2022 Argue with every ticket collector
03.01.2022 Chaque été, trois semaines durant, les paysages de France défilent au rythme des étapes de plaine, des contre-la-montre, des côtes et cols de moyenne et haute-m...ontagne. Chaque été, des millions de personnes, massées sur les bords des routes de France ou devant leurs écrans, vivent ensemble ce suspense insoutenable à quelques kilomètres de l’arrivée quand, au bout de l’effort et de la souffrance, vient le moment du sprint, de l’attaque décisive, l’heure de la vérité. Bravo à Thibaut Pinot, vainqueur du Tourmalet, et Julian Alaphilippe, maillot jaune. Il vous reste 7 jours pour tout donner, et nous 7 jours pour continuer de rêver avec et grâce à vous. Rendez-vous sur les Champs-Élysées !
01.01.2022 Now, with Taiwan being starved of adequate military defence materiel by decades of 'let's try not offend China' policy by the US and pliant allies - added with the outsized expenditure by Beijing in advanced landing forces and a navy to rival the US. And now with an effective area denial in place separating US forces in Guam and Philippines and Taiwan - what is China's next set of objectives? South East in our South Pacific, that elisode comes later....Continue reading
01.01.2022 Dont vote for Kodos when you can have the real KANG!
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