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Old Traditions Farm | Agriculture

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Old Traditions Farm

Phone: +61 429 023 696


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23.01.2022 Amazing horse power. For people who own plantation timber reserves, this method of logging would benefit the country in so many ways. Especially allowing wildlife to adjust with less haste while trees are selectively logged. I am looking forward to training our clydesdale to pull the old iron shoe with a log or two.

23.01.2022 A box full of memories... I've just gone through a box full of memories... Days young and much to learn Dawning a backpack heavily laden... Solo ... With each step into life Learning to lighten Your load.. But of all the loads to carry I say keep your days of travel... Close by Guard them Resist the urge to discard them... For on windy days like these... You will have the most rewarding holiday... Cheap, thrilling and heart warming... Reading, touching feeling old letters, notes, Content you will sit Like me, smiling... Re living back packing days... Of old. See more

21.01.2022 Hello old pear tree ? How was your sleep ? We've placed the chairs.. Beneath your canopy... Awaiting your shade cast in Summer... By your magnificent leaves. See more

20.01.2022 Lazy Sundays...hope you are all going well. Dad having breakfast with 'Pretty Mare'. We are still working through old computer cables, internet gear plus other stuff accumulated through life. Piles of 'stuff' that swallows up your day. There is something wonderful about being a minimalist. Vinnies and various charities are smiling.

20.01.2022 Almost 52 yrs old. I am so thankful. I had such a special day today. Thanks to my husband, dad and horse 'Pretty Mare'. I thank and remember a friend who passed at 52. His last years were spent riding when the super giant 'Bunnings' took his home but didn't take his heart. Horses were his helper into the after life. The other day I was told i was too old and had responsibilities, to not ride my new horse friend. Today I had the best day of my life in such a long time. You have to listen to your heart and bugger what the nay sayers say. Thank you 'Pretty Mare' for such a magic day. Thank you too to Grant and Dad xxx

19.01.2022 Oh Ruby... Our little...or rather 'Grant's little rescue dog' is in a bit of pain tonight. She managed to snap her cruciate ligament while running with her other ruff and tumble doggie friends at the dam. We were given a heart stopping quote by the first vet to fix her. In fact we were close to letting her hop around and destroy our own hearts in doing so and possibly her other hind leg, cutting her life short. ... But thanks to chatting to an old,... old friend, got a second opinion from another vet. That second vet came in at almost 1/3 of the price of the first one. Thank goodness she is insured, but it does make me cranky the inflated prices of some vets. Surely they are 'not in the game for the money' ? Do those vets really exist? Vets like doctors really need to be governed by a moral code. Please don't let the animals and the human owners suffer. Oh it fate... But of all the dogs to walk in the door at the vets today...while we were there...was none other but...a beautiful Irish Wolfhound... Now that's another story..

18.01.2022 This is what you look like sleep deprived and when your hubby says there is a wombat on the dam during your early morning cuppa. So this little insomniac reaches for her camera to get some photos. But her heart is broken. This poor wombat is in a very bad way. Off to Bonorong he will go, where i hope the vet will be there today. This young man is riddled with mange and very ill. He only put up a minor struggle than cuddled my hands in the car. Thankyou dear husband for coming to our aid. Please hope for the best for this little creature. He needs all the help he can get.

16.01.2022 Deep frost just before 9am this morning...brr.. How is it at your place ?

15.01.2022 Had the best experience today... Grant shouted out the car window..."echidna" he departed in the car with dad to woolies... I grabbed my camera...and made my way to this little fella in our paddocks. He was blissfully unaware of my presence, thanks to the noise of the wind today.. Then it happened...he/she waddled straight up to me...poking her nose under the rim of my shoe hoping a stash of ants were beneath...... You could see the little creature..thinking..."that's odd".. I froze hoping to get a photo...but my lens couldn't focus... Poke poke...the little nose went to my Jean's.. The spines of this creatures coat...made me second guess... So I slowly removed my foot... The creature looked confused ... Hearing my footsteps... Curled spikes upwards and out wards while burying its head... I waited...a little further away... Watching this creature regain its composure and amble away...going about its business. Love our precious wildlife...check out it's cute bear like ears !

14.01.2022 I don't know....I just don't know... But then all I know... Is the photo with the plantation trees pushed into wind rows... Still affects me... It even affects my 'timber wolf' born and bred Tasmanian tree felling husband (now his past life).... We were so happy traveling down a stunningly picturesque country road... Huge old growth trees lining the road reserve... We marvelled and sang with our hearts ... How glorious the bush was... The scent of peppermint... But then we saw the wombat... Made deaf from mange in his ears... A few hundred yards on... Our hearts turned to sorrow... Clear felled ....trees... By some stroke of compensation ... To justify someone's action... I noted the linear alignment of tree stumps left behind... For some reason... The knowledge that those trees were set for our consumption... Just didn't restore our once singing heart... If only 'they' left something for the animals... The animals and birds that learned to use the plantation as their home. our native habitat needs people more than ever to buy up and protect... Our Tasmanian canopies, our shrubs, our ground covers... ....and perhaps... With those diminishing habitats... Even those who own plantation... May leave something behind... Something real and tangible... A home for our wildlife. See more

13.01.2022 Regardless of a personally harrowing day yesterday, two Fathers had a beautiful day. I hope the Fathers who are followers of our Facebook site, had an equally lovely Fathers Day. Thankyou to those people who reached out and reaffirmed there are still beautiful people amongst our community. Thank you x

12.01.2022 A morning surprise thanks to a far friendlier council than most. Thank you Central Highlands Council for listening to my request to educate and warn people to slow down while passing horses on the road. It is Law for you to listen to riders, who at times need to use roads for recreational riding, due to a lack of recreation/wildlife corridors in the State. In this day and age people have lost a basic instinct to be weary, kind and cautious while passing riders with their Sad to say even experienced horse people who should know better. Please slow down, heck you might even slow enough to say g'day in a nice old fashioned way. Passing a horse even at 20km is mighty fast. So image how stupid a speed of 60km would be ? Thankyou fo all the courteous, kind and informed people who care about us and our horse on the road. Thank you, THANKYOU !

11.01.2022 The Aged Care dilemma is massive... I just feel overwhelmed with the whole system and it seriously needs an over haul. With Covid and the wave of newly concerned off-spring wanting to take their loved ones out of an Aged Care facilty... Will ultimately walk head on into a logistical nightmare. While the Gov wants to encourage our baby boomer forefathers and mothers to stay at home, the system is not set up for this to adequately happen. ... Caring for someone with Alzheimers is a full time 24/7 life choice. But the community or society in which we live in really needs to change. I for one would like to see far more family groups out and about with their loved ones who suffer dementia, completing daily activities and being encouraged to explore new aspects of their life. Every one has a different experience with Alzheimers as a care giver. Also my pet annoyance is you often hear people say that people need old familiar material possessions that help recall memory episodes around them. But I have found that to be untrue. Not unlike the training of horses, patterns..are the key to completing a routine. Known, familiar patterns are more essential. For example you dont need that old sideboard beside the bed where the torch is kept. It could be a new bedside table , but so long as the bed side table is in the same position that's all that matters. A level 4 aged care recipient last time I enquired is only allowed 15 hrs of gov. Subsidized help per week which is pathetic and simply not enough to help someone stay in their own home.After using up your quota of hours the recipient is on their pat malone. There is so much that needs to change in our aged care system. Let alone the way our society views the aged. My dream would be to see more people with dementia out and about with their family. Not necessarily with carers. But we need new policy and assistance from gov. To let this happen. I hope this helps someone.

11.01.2022 It is hard letting go... No matter how long or short the friendship... It's hard admitting your own mortality... Has something to do with your decision. After tears, ... The Spanish inquisition... A paper signed protect her... We said good bye... To our ...Hope.

09.01.2022 Ok a week early, There is so much going on... If you are honest... Raise your hand... If you are strong ...... Put your strength to good use... There is good reason why Mark Twain wrote... The more I know people The more I love my dog... I'm not sure where we go from here... But all I can say... In the past weeks... I have been bitterly ... Dissapointed. See more

09.01.2022 The mile high club and the art to feeding carrots... Grant and I often discuss how to walk around the country side trying to avoid snakes. Grant's strategy is to 'forget they are there' walking like a gladiator, long strides fearlessly gliding across the landscape. My style is less 'fearless' instead instinctively surveying clumps of grass as I cautiously step around long clumps of grass. My advice is...Grant's way is probably better, cause his 'see no evil, hear no evil..met...hod seems to be working for him. My method is not measuring up. You see, today I joined the mile high club, as my next step was to go straight on a @### snake ! Yep I think I still left myself somewhere up in the atmosphere...not quite landed yet. But I must say the Olympic long jump ...looks a promising option for moi...especially after today's experience. Never the less, watching dads face light up as he feed Pia carrots after the event...definately kicked the parasympathetic nervous system back in to place. See more

04.01.2022 Well the fog lifted and we jumped into the car to check out Lake Pedder. I've never been there before and it was like being in a Tolkein film. Might set up a tour business in the future. Who knows. For now I am am going to take a month off Facebook. Going to ditch the phone, write a few letters with my neat fountain pen and replace Facebook with some novels on the 'to read list'. This is a slight quirky bit. If you would like to feel special and receive a hand written letter I'm happy to oblige. Just PM your address and I will indulge in the art of letter writing. In the mean time stay safe and see you all again on the 9 September 2020. :)

03.01.2022 The indigenous plants are so delicate almost whimsical in the bush. Love them so much. If friends and family are looking to live in Cygnet Tasmania. Dad's property is now listed for sale. There are apple trees galore and plum trees too. Have a great weekend everyone :)

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