Old Westbourne Football Club | Sports team
Old Westbourne Football Club
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25.01.2022 With a lot of speculation about the future of the Old Westbourne Amateur Football Club, the coach’s just wanted confirm that the senior football teams are alive, kicking and recruiting for 2014, we just want to clarify that for all, Go Warriors
24.01.2022 WRFL Junior Award Winner. Congratulations to Jayme Gilmore who won the League U14A Best and Fairest Award last night. A fantastic achievement and fitting reward and acknowledgement for an outstanding 2013 season!
24.01.2022 Senior & Reserves Teams v La Trobe - Saturday 29 June. Milestones: Kris Miller - 200 games Josh Lawn - 100 games... Richard Binney - 50 games Seniors Duncan Benn Richard Binney Jerome Bistisi Daniel Carroll-Hughes Shaun Casley Adam Crossman Hayden Daniels Lance Djordjevic Oden Hickey Jesse Humphreys Evan Karageorge Josh Lawn Kris Miller Matthew Muhar Adrian Pappas Timothy Rogers Bradley Saunders Christopher Sneddon Tyler Tessari Harley Tunnicliffe William Wright Harrison Wyatt Reserves Chadd Appelgren Steven Basile Mark Chodowski James Diblasi Leon Fairfield Liam Fleming Roperto Fuentes Nicholas Gaylor Mahmoud Hawli Justin Horsburgh Samuel King Brian Knee Yin Le Adrian Lionti Peter Magann Jason Nikola Joel Sahayam Aaron Salloum Karan Subramanyam Timothy Tyrell Aldi Veliu Benjamin Whiting
23.01.2022 Senior Team v Powerhouse - Saturday 20 July. Duncan Benn Daniel Carroll-Hughes Mark Chodowski... Adam Crossman James Diblasi Lance Djordjevic Liam Fleming Oden Hickey Samuel King Josh Lawn Peter Magann Andrew Mcalindon Kris Miller Matthew Muhar Adrian Pappas Justin Ray Jack Rhodes Timothy Rogers Adam Rompel Tyler Tessari Harrison Wyatt Robbie Zammit See more
21.01.2022 Our FUTURE, WRFL finals, RAFFLE tickets & REGO fees. Time for an important update: Our Future: The Club is continuing negotiations into our future home and we will advise outcomes as they come to hand. A letter to all members, explaining the current status, will be sent out soon.... WRFL finals hosting: The Club will be hosting WRFL junior finals at Wootten Road on Sunday 4, 11, 18 & 24 August. We need volunteers for gate, canteen, scoreboard, raffles, clean-up etc, to make this vital fundraiser a success and kickstart our future. Please let your coach/TM know you can help or contact a Committee member. We need names, days and times you can help. Raffle tickets: Keep selling raffle tickets. This is an important fundraiser for the Club. Juniors should be returning books NOW. All books MUST be returned (sold or not) or full book fee of $50 paid. These are registered raffle books so you must return them to have your name (and the book) ticked off the list. REGO Fees: Please, if you have not yet fully paid you registration fees, make a point of attending to final payment this week. This is critical revenue for the Club. No-one plays for free, as there are numerous expenses the Club has to meet to put teams on the ground. The U12s are the last Juniors to have their final home game at Westbourne. They play their farewell game this Sunday at 10.20am. Come along to watch and support. Finally, good luck to all teams this weekend, and thanks to all those volunteers who so generously donate their time and energy week after week for the Club! Go Warriors! Kind regards, Old Westbourne AFC Committee
19.01.2022 Senior & Reserves Teams v UHS-VU - Saturday 26 July. Seniors. Duncan Benn Richard Binney... Jerome Bistisi Daniel Carroll-Hughes Adam Crossman Hayden Daniels James Diblasi Lance Djordjevic Liam Fleming Evan Karageorge Samuel King Josh Lawn Andrew McAlindon Kris Miller Matthew Muhar Adrian Pappas Jack Rhodes Timothy Rogers Adam Rompel Tyler Tessari Harrison Wyatt Robbie Zammit Reserves. Steven Basile Adrian Board Mark Chodowski James Crumpton Sorin Faghiura Roperto Fuentes Nick Gaylor Blake Germon Oden Hickey David Hudson Brian Knee Yin Le Peter Magann Jason Nikola Raj Prasad Joel Sahayam Aaron Salloum Shaun Smith Karan Subramanyam Trent Upton Aldi Veliu Ben Whiting
18.01.2022 IMPORTANT Club Meeting for Senior Teams & U19s - Thursday 8th August 7.30pm. There will be an important meeting for all senior and U19 players and interested parties this Thursday at training - providing an update on the Clubs negotiations for a new home for the Junior sides, and information regarding Senior and U19 options for 2014 (stay, go with juniors, other), including school position/feedback and Past Player involvement presentation. This is an important information session for all current players, including those who may currently be injured. Please come to this meeting.
17.01.2022 Senior & Reserves Teams v Richmond Centrals - Saturday 15 June. Seniors: Duncan Benn Richard Binney... Daniel Carroll-Hughes Mark Chodowski Adam Crossman Hayden Daniels James Diblasi Lance Djordjevic Oden Hickey Jesse Humphreys Evan Karageorge Josh Lawn Matthew Muhar Adrian Pappas Timothy Rogers Bradley Saunders Christopher Sneddon Tyler Tessari Daniel White William Wright Harrison Wyatt Robbie Zammit Reserves: Chadd Appelgren Steven Basile Jerome Bistisi Russell Brown Dillon Buglisi Shaun Casley Liam Fleming Roperto Fuentes Nicholas Gaylor Blake Germon David Hudson Samuel King Brian Knee Yin Le Adrian Lionti Peter Magann Andrew Mcalindon Joel Sahayam Aaron Salloum Karan Subramanyam Trent Upton Aldi Veliu
17.01.2022 With a lot of speculation about the future of the Old Westbourne Amateur Football Club, the coachs just wanted confirm that the senior football teams are alive, kicking and recruiting for 2014, we just want to clarify that for all, Go Warriors
17.01.2022 Hi everyone, a great effort by everyone who helped yesterday with junior finals hosting duties. Really disappointing that we didnt have a few more people show up (even for just a couple hours) to give someone a much needed break on the BBQ, canteen or gate. Please lend a hand in the next few weeks. Let someone on the committee know youre available and inform the gatekeepers on entry that youre helping out. Thanks!
16.01.2022 The 2013 Horsburgh Medal date announced as Friday 4th October @ Hotel520 watch this space for further information regarding ticketing and entertainment.
15.01.2022 RETURN of Jumpers etc: This is a kindly reminder for all players to return their jumpers to the Club. This can be done by handing them in to the Coach or a Committee member (if mutually convenient), or to bring them along to the Presentation Night. The same applies to any other equipment/gear owned by the Club. Your ongoing cooperation is much appreciated. Thanks. The Committee.
14.01.2022 The under 19s trophy winners
14.01.2022 Congratulations to the following Raffle Winners! 1st: Chris Jolly Ticket 2756 2nd: Owen OConnor Ticket 4261 3rd: Melanie Richards Ticket 4863 4th: David Allan Ticket 4075... 5th: Zeina Almatrah Ticket 3899 6th: P. Curmi Ticket 2783 Thanks to everyone who bought and sold tickets to assist the Club in raising important funds! The Committee. See more
14.01.2022 Hotel520 Raffle Ticket Sellers. Hello Club. Were still actively selling raffle tickets at Hotel520 on Friday evenings for the benefit of all. However, we need some assistance from members who have an hour or so of free time. If you can assist with raffle ticket selling on Fridays, then please contact President Graeme Clark or simply respond/comment to this message. Thanks.
12.01.2022 Reserves Squad v Powerhouse - Saturday 20 July. Steven Basile Jerome Bistisi James Crumpton... Sorin Faghiura Julian Farrugia Blake Germon Andrew Horsburgh Justin Horsburgh David Hudson Brian Knee Yin Le Adrian Lionti Raj Prasad Joel Sahayam Shaun Smith Karan Subramanyam Timothy Tyrell Trent Upton Aldi Veliu See more
12.01.2022 The under 19's trophy winners
11.01.2022 Congrats to the Reserves who beat top side Kew on the weekend! With the U19s having to forfeit due to lack of numbers, this turned out to be rather fortunate for the reserves squad. Bostered by a few U19s players, this will be a game long remembered as the classic team effort against a formidable opposition. Well done boys!
10.01.2022 Big week for Milestones down at Westbourne this Saturday. Richard Binney plays 50 games. Josh Lawn plays his 100th.... Kris Miller notches up game 200.
09.01.2022 Well done U13s on a great win! Cmon Club, lets get behind the team next week. Maybe arrive early and/or stay after the game to help out for an hour or two? Good luck to our U13s next Sunday!
08.01.2022 Senior Squad: Josh L , Farmer, DiBlasi, Rompa, Rob Z, Richo, Harry, Will, Evan, Daniel, Wade, Papps, Mark C, Jerome, Liam, Trent U, Tyler, Hayden, Joel, Burnsey, Russ, Matt M Ressies Squad: Duddo, Pete M , Dickey , Puerto, Azza S, Yin, Blake, Crump , Boardy , Aldi, Tim T, Jack , Macca, Funky, Big Macca, Jaiden, Adam Scarpino, Josh S, Ando, Raj, Mezza, Oden
08.01.2022 Congratulations to the following Raffle Winners! 1st: Chris Jolly Ticket 2756 2nd: Owen O'Connor Ticket 4261 3rd: Melanie Richards Ticket 4863 4th: David Allan Ticket 4075... 5th: Zeina Almatrah Ticket 3899 6th: P. Curmi Ticket 2783 Thanks to everyone who bought and sold tickets to assist the Club in raising important funds! The Committee. See more
07.01.2022 Junior Presentation Award Winners. The Club and respective teams congratulate the following award winners for their excellent achievements in 2013. Under 14... B&F Jayme Gilmore Runner Up Lucas Andrew 3rd B&F Jehad Haddara Most Determined Jacob Sigismondi Most Consistent Lachlan Sammut Best Clubman Zachary Strong Coaches Award Jamie Barone Under 13s B&F Stefan Costa Runner Up Jacob Smith Most Consistent Mitchell Jerkovic Most Improved Riad Haddara Most Determined Osama Shahin Encouragement Award Tommy Fekete Under 12s B&F Jarrod Stephens Runner Up Jake Bainbridge Most Consistent Peter Tomelty Coaches Award Joshus Ierardo Most Improved Steven Naaman Most Determined Bradley Florence Most Courageous Ethan Mullenger Well done this year and good luck in 2014! The Committee.
07.01.2022 Senior & Reserves Teams v St Francis - Saturday 22 June. Seniors Duncan Benn Richard Binney... Daniel Carroll-Hughes Shaun Casley Adam Crossman James Diblasi Lance Djordjevic Jesse Humphreys Evan Karageorge Josh Lawn Peter Magann Kris Miller Matthew Muhar Adrian Pappas Timothy Rogers Bradley Saunders Christopher Sneddon Tyler Tessari Daniel White William Wright Harrison Wyatt Reserves Steven Basile Dillon Buglisi Mark Chodowski Liam Fleming Blake Germon Mahmoud Hawli Oden Hickey Justin Horsburgh Samuel King Brian Knee Yin Le Adrian Lionti Andrew Mcalindon Reetesh Prasad Adam Runciman Joel Sahayam Aaron Salloum Karan Subramanyam Timothy Tyrell Trent Upton Aldi Veliu Benjamin Whiting
06.01.2022 Notification:: Both Seniors/U19s selection will be at the club rooms Thursday night after training there will be pizza available so bring along $5 - See you on the track and in the club rooms ! Mr Westbourne!
06.01.2022 Notice of ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2013: Dear Club, All Members are hereby advised (in addition to formal email and website advice) of the upcoming AGM, to be held on Wednesday 30th October, 7.00pm, at the Arndell Community Centre, 29-49 Federation Boulevarde Truganina. Formal Agenda, Notices of Motions (Name Change, Change of Rules, Statement of Purposes) and Nomination Form to be received by email to all members nominated email, and also available on the Club Website postin...g at www.oldwestbourneafc.com.au Kind regards, Club Committee
06.01.2022 Hey Guys, just to confirm the bus for tomorrow’s senior games is leaving form 520 at 8:45 and the teams as below, best of luck for all the Westbourne sides running around on the weekend.
06.01.2022 Hey Guys, just to confirm the bus for tomorrows senior games is leaving form 520 at 8:45 and the teams as below, best of luck for all the Westbourne sides running around on the weekend.
05.01.2022 PRESIDENTS LETTER TO MEMBERS: Dear Club Members, The Club continues to work with the Wyndham City Council to progress our request for a new home ground for 2014. The Club has responded to the requests for information and further details from the Council over the last few weeks to assist Council staff to prepare the submission to the next meeting of local councillors. This Council meeting will occur in August and we understand a decision will then be made. The Club underst...ands that the submission prepared by Wyndham Council Staff for councillors to make a decision supports our request for a new ground and as such we are expecting a favourable outcome. As soon as we are advised of the decision by the Council, we will let all Club members know through email. OWAFC will be hosting WRFL Junior Finals this year at the newly completed grounds and facilities at Wootten Road in Tarneit. The finals will be held each Sunday throughout August and the Club needs as many volunteers to help run these finals. Please let your team managers know you will be able to help, even for a short period on each of the Sundays, so we can make this a successful activity and once again show the professionalism of our Club to the Football and broader community in the western suburbs. The draw for our major raffle is approaching and everyone should be returning their raffle books and money to team managers. Please ensure you finish selling your raffle tickets as soon as possible and return both money and sold/unsold tickets to your team manager. It is a legal requirement for running a raffle that all tickets are accounted for before the raffle is drawn, so please return them. This is an exciting period of change for our Club, and there are tremendous opportunities available to us if we work together. Kind Regards, Graeme Clark President OWAFC (on behalf of your Club Committee)
05.01.2022 RAFFLE TICKET RETURN: (re-posted with correct date) The raffle is a major fundraiser for the Club, crucial for the payment of outstanding accounts (for the supply of equipment, and payment of fees and charges). The U13s and U14s have been diligent in their return of raffle tickets/books. All other teams have a less-than-25% return rate. This is not a good reflection of where the Club (in whatever form it takes) is headed in 2014. All we ask is for the books to be returned NOW with money for how ever many tickets have been sold. The books are registered to individuals and must be returned for the raffle draw. The draw will be on Saturday August 24 at Hotel520. Thankyou for your co-operation.
04.01.2022 It's really great that we have a lot of passion about our future - whether that be at the new home in Goddard Street or as Westbourne Grammarians. All the Committee kindly asks is that we keep the comments professional and in the best interests of everyone as we all plan for 2014. This FB page is intended to be used as a forum for delivering information and announcements only - and to the benefit of all, before it's finally closed and people are directed to new page(s). Please respect this simple request. Thanks. The Committee.
04.01.2022 Past Players & Supporters Day - Saturday 17th August.
04.01.2022 Next Club Event - Saturday 13th July.
04.01.2022 As most will be aware the "Old Westbourne" name will no longer operate in 2014 as a stand alone Football Club. In its place will be the Wyndham Suns Football Club and Westbourne Grammarians Football Club. It is therefore appropriate that this Social Forum also be removed. For all interested in following the Westbourne Grammarians Football Club, please do so by following the link ....... ... https://www.facebook.com/westbournegrammariansfc For all interested in following the Wyndham Suns Football Club, please do so by following the link ....... https://www.facebook.com/wyndhamsuns This page will cease to exist as of Midday this Saturday the 2nd of November. The Admins would like to thank everyone for the support over the years and understanding now and wish both Clubs the very best.
04.01.2022 U19 PLAYER LEAGUE HONORS - 2013 Congratulations to Josh Stephens and Tate Stiles who were recently honored with being named in the VAFA U19 North Team of the Year. Josh was named on the Half-forward flank and Tate was named on the Interchange. A great honor and fitting reward for a great season of footy! The Committee.
03.01.2022 3 votes: Mezza rocking it out on stage!
02.01.2022 Its really great that we have a lot of passion about our future - whether that be at the new home in Goddard Street or as Westbourne Grammarians. All the Committee kindly asks is that we keep the comments professional and in the best interests of everyone as we all plan for 2014. This FB page is intended to be used as a forum for delivering information and announcements only - and to the benefit of all, before its finally closed and people are directed to new page(s). Please respect this simple request. Thanks. The Committee.
02.01.2022 U13s bow out in Prelim Final. The U13s were outclassed by Werribee Districts on Sunday in their Preliminary Final. Congratulations to Brian Dicky Knee and the team for representing the Club well, being our only finalists for 2013. The boys matched the opposition in general play but were not able to apply enough scoreboard pressure on the day. Best players were Mitchell Jerkovic, Tommy Fekete, Aman Singh, Osama Shahin, Jacob Smith and Blake Barber. Well done on your efforts. Bring on 2014!
02.01.2022 Seniors & U19 training confirmation: For the remainder of the season, the U19s will train with the senior squad on Tuesdays at Wootten Road Reserve. Both groups will train at Westbourne on Thursdays at their regular times. Apologies for any confusion.
01.01.2022 Well done U13s on a great win! C'mon Club, let's get behind the team next week. Maybe arrive early and/or stay after the game to help out for an hour or two? Good luck to our U13s next Sunday!
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