Operation PTSD Support | Community organisation
Operation PTSD Support
Phone: +61 430 166 070
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20.01.2022 Veterans Health Week. Events have got off to a great start. I was lucky enough to secure some funds for events in 3 states. Sadly lack of interest has cancelled some events and moved them to other areas. Brisbane had some Resin Board events in the north and west and a few new ladies participated. These were a lot of fun and a great way to connect with others. There was also a lunch with ten ladies attending in Plainlands Lockyer Valley, and ladies from Toowoomba came dow...n to participate. Thanks Vanessa Doran for suggesting and organising the event at Ceramic Kitchen in Townsville on Saturday. Anyone up there, there are still 2 spots available Today saw the ladies in Nowra get together for the first time. Thank you so much Lyndy Cracknell for organising this. It was a great success. The lovely Dee Grove has organised a lunch in Cooma for anyone within driving distance. It’s great to see people travelling to meet up. Newcastle area is not missing out thanks to Kim Harrington stepping up to organise a lunch there on Sunday. I know Lisa Goodenough is also looking to do something in Tasmania and with Rachel Handley’s help we will have a lunch on Sunday in Tweed Heads for all those in NSW north. Huge thanks to Jenny Johnston for running the resin workshops. Thanks again everyone for stepping up to organise or for just making the commitment to attend. I ok forward to reading abut and seeing pics of the upcoming events. #vhw2020 See more
19.01.2022 The May 2020 retreat sold out very quickly, this is the retreat planned for August 2021 at Rainbow Bay QLD
18.01.2022 A great group of ladies ( all veteran partners) have been having a sewing retreat down at the beautiful St George's Defence Holiday Suites at Rainbow bay. Thanks Chris and Wendy for service above and beyond especially helping with a car mishap we had.
17.01.2022 #vhw2020. Great day today for social connection with creativity. Lots of fun, laughter and great to see people we hadn’t seen in a long while. Thanks Jenny Johnston for leading us through this.
17.01.2022 Social Connection was the theme of Veterans Health Week this was a fun way to socially connect. Thanks to Indy.C Photography for taking these great shots of learning to fire twirl. No one in the group had done it before. #vhw2020 https://indycimagery.shootproof.com/gallery/13445953/home
16.01.2022 Huge day today at the Partners respite retreat We started off with a bit of a cup luncheon, and followed up with our own sail away party. Huge thanks to C3 Church Springfield for our fantastic hope boxes. They are amazing and everyone loved and appreciated them.
15.01.2022 Really interesting mix of people on this retreat. Many from interstate and regional QLD . We have with us quite a few that are not part of our online forum, but carers of incapacitated veterans as not everyone does Facebook. We have Narelle Bromhead who was until recently and for the past ten yrs, the National president of PVA and Rhondda Vanzwella who is current National president of War Widows a group that has opened it membership to carers of incapacitated veterans. We a...re very lucky here to have a huge wealth of knowledge for our participants to tap in to. We have had an great program on Managing Anger with Gary and Liz from Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling , presentations from Andy and Zoe founders of Resurrected Surviving PTSD Today we have Belly Dance class and a forum with Researchers from Uni SA doing the study into veteran carers. Big Mike from Redsix dropping in, Massage and some art therapy. Tomorrow we are being made more beautiful by Chris and Donna two local talented hairdressers and our own Narelle K from UnderworldBeauty. Then a self esteem boosting photo session with the lovely Jazna and more massage and art therapy getting everyone to find their creative side. It is hard waking up to the amazing views here but someone has to do it. Next partners retreat is in May and we thank RSL QLD for their support and Of course the beautiful St George's Defence Holiday Suites for everything they do to make these retreats amazing. See more
11.01.2022 Those that are not aware, here is a quick run-down. Mike & Rach have put everything they have into helping lower the growing suicide rates amongst the veteran c...ommunity by producing & self-funding a free mobile app call REDSIX. Recently the property they are renting has been sold and Mike & Rach have been told to vacate the premises within 4 weeks (by 18NOV). As luck would have it, Mike had an accident on Wednesday night and was admitted to hospital where it was discovered he had torn his hamstring off the bone and due to the serve nature of this tear & also risk of permanent nerve damage, surgery was not possible. Now with 10 days before they need to move, Mike is totally incapacitated and unable to move so I have decided to put a call out for help. Mike & Rach are contacting their real estate agent on Tuesday 10NOV to see if there is a possibility of an extension until Mike can at least move around enough to help pack. Worst case scenario, they will need to pack everything up and put it into storage. So, what I want to suggest is that anyone who can or would like to help these guys move, PM me so I can add you to the list. Basically, it will be a simple case of helping load furniture onto a truck, taking the beds apart for transportation, throwing anything not needed into a skip bin out front or help wipe any shelves / cupboards / windows / floors needing cleaned. We will know in a day or two what is needed so please if you wish to help those that have spent so much time and money helping others, please let me know. For those unable to help physical and want to assist financially, please follow this link to the go fund me page. Thank you everyone for your support. See more
10.01.2022 Tonight the ladies on retreat got artistic and created some spin paintings. Something no one had done before and with the help of some drills we manage to create some amazing pictures.
06.01.2022 All ready to welcome the ladies aboard for our cruising retreat at St George's Defence Holiday Suites Rainbow Bay. 5 days of fun, rest, relaxation, learning, building support networks, and more fun. We will be here until Sunday. Keep an eye out for the next one in February 2021.
05.01.2022 upate: sorry this retreat is full. keep an eye out for the next dates. Probably May. A respite retreat for partners of incapacitated veterans
03.01.2022 I copied this from another page, it was posted by James Choice The wolf we feed will flourish, the wolf we starve will perish. And the same applies to our mental and physical well-being or ill-being. Happiness, love, depression, or anger - either of them can only flourish if we continue to feed them with the nutrients they need. Stop feeding them and they will starve. The love for another person can only survive if we feed it the fuel it needs. The mind, like the body, is ju...st another muscle which will respond to the the nutrients it is being fed. So what are the nutrients required for happiness and love? What are the nutrients required for depression and anger? Sadly many of us have the belief that the nutrients for happiness are superficial things such as being able to buy a house as big as the Jonses, or have a better car than the next person, a high paying job, recognition from others or to be seen as successful by other people, lots of sex, to be loved by everyone, excess food, new toys on a regular basis, etc. And if that were true why are so many seemingly rich and successful people with all those things still struggling with depression? I believe happiness requires simple ingredients such as appreciation for things like good food, fresh water, fresh air, adequate shelter, sense of achievement, love and affection for ourselves, exercise, the opportunity to simply exist and grow, etc. but yet many people who are depressed often avoid or repel many of those things from their life. By being more mindful we can become more aware of what we are feeding the wolves outside our door and start feeding the good wolves whilst starving the bad. Yes this is a very simplistic concept, and it requires ongoing persistent work over time, but it is one proven key to getting more of what we want and less of what we don't want. Pic: enjoying the great outdoors, flying the drone, and photography are just a few of the ways I feed my happiness.. PEACE
03.01.2022 More great stuff happening down at St George's Defence Holiday Suites with the partners on respite retreat. A beautiful white shirt photoshoot thanks to Indy.C Photography what beautiful amazing strong women these are. It has been an amazing week of self awareness and building a strong support network.
01.01.2022 Thinking of joining in on one of our retreats. This is the amazing location we hold them at Rainbow Bay. This is the view sitting on my bad. Our next retreat is in Feb 2021 if you need a respite getaway. But St George's Defence Holiday Suites are here all year round and as long as you ( or your partner) are a current serving or ex serving member then you stay there anytime of the year. War Widows are also able to take advantage of this beautiful place and its great rates.
01.01.2022 Thanks to Veterans Health Week this great group of veterans Partners were able to enjoy this fun paint and sip class. #vhw2020 Indy.C Photography St George's Defence Holiday Suites Donna Reggett
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