Ortho-Bionomy Newcastle in Swansea, New South Wales, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Ortho-Bionomy Newcastle
Locality: Swansea, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 402 901 149
Address: 30 Josephson St 2281 Swansea, NSW, Australia
Website: http://ortho-bionomy.org.au
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22.01.2022 The release happens spontaneously when the client is in the ‘right’ position for them and then the flow happens naturally.
22.01.2022 Thanks so much to these beautiful people for the authentic Ortho-Bionomy experience this weekend. Thanks so much for your support Debby Benson.
22.01.2022 The Mastery of Self is a book by don Miguel Ruiz Jr. See link in our BIO for an excerpt from The Mastery of Self OR visit the link below! http://www.hierophantp...ublishing.com/mastery-self-don-miguel #themasteryofself #donmiguelruizjr #donmiguelruiz #toltec #selfmastery #hierophantpublishing
22.01.2022 Very important information about asking a traumatised person who is stressed to take deep breaths. Don’t!
21.01.2022 Trust your intuitive resources.
21.01.2022 Be a deliberate creator.
19.01.2022 A spiral. Just like Ortho-Bionomy.
19.01.2022 PELVIS TENSEGRITY [FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY] The pelvis is the center of gravity and the largest bony complex in the human body. The pelvis and sacrum are linked ...via strong ligaments and muscles, creating a tension system that works with the compression-bearing bones to create a local tensegrity system. These ligaments are visualized in picture 2/3, they include the posterior SI ligaments (Iliotransversosacral, Axile, Zaglas, Bichat), anterior SI ligaments, the iliolumbar ligaments and the sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments. Locally, these ligaments need to have balanced tension to maintain SI joint integrity and normal bone positions in space. If one of these ligaments is injured and loses its optimal tension/quality, disruption of the tensegrity balance ensues. This leads to increased compression stress in the pelvis/SI and hip joints, but also leads to distortion of the global tensegrity of the body. For example, in picture one, we see a normal, balanced pelvis icosahedron on the left with the horizontal balance beams through L4 and the greater trochanter did the femurs. On the right, we see the consequence of any injury to the right SI joint/ligament complex. This leads to pelvic and sacral shifting, unleveling of L3 (blue dot) and functional scoliosis, anterior-inferior shift of the left ilium, valgus stress in the left knee, and pronation stress in the left foot-ankle. The white arrow represents the downward compressive force of gravity. If the tensegrity is balanced, the body can adequately resist gravity without breakdown. Disruption of this tensegrity system is the source of joint degeneration and pain, all results of decreased space/compression in the joints. This is but one example of how loss of connective tissue tension/quality leads to compression stresses as well as local and global distortions of the tensegrity system. In biotensegrity, micro affects macro, local affects global! See the writings of Dr. S. Levin. Picture 5 shows a pelvis tensegrity model in action produced by ArteFact Pro. These models are hand-made and very durable. Perfect for every tensegrity fan, as well as for teachers as a visualization in their classes! Credit: Anatomy Links Check and subscribe my YouTube channel for more information about treatment and exercises: www.youtube.com/stefanduell
18.01.2022 To explain the Vagus Nerve and the Polyvagal Theory in its complexity, one of my first goals is to create and gather images that can help generate a visual mode...l that’s simple and accessible, specially for visual learners. This one was created in collaboration with my talented friend Cris Qualiana and it just reveals the many pathways of innervation into organs above and below the diaphragm. The Vagus Nerve activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System, with distinctive roles and functions when its activated in the front (ventral) evolutionary new pathways, and the back (dorsal) primitive pathways. Since the vagus is a nerve that has served functions pre-modern times and pre-mammalian times, some of the roles it plays can actually create a lot of dysfunction in our modern human system. We don’t share the same social structure that our reptilian ancestors had, and we, unlike them, require social connection to survive and thrive. The dorsal vagus, the primitive part of the branch, has digestive and resting functions as much as freeze, collapse and faint functions. The ventral vagus is our social branch, reconnecting us to safe relating via animated and friendly facial expression, prosody/intonation, extracting vocalization from background noise, ingestion, social gesture and orientation, gentle gaze and blinking. Basically it’s associated with observing facial features and listening to vocalizations. Like anything else, the vagus is not a black and white nerve, specially when we go down the dorsal more complex branch, since it’s older, unmyelinated, which means slower and less accurate because it lacks myelin, the fatty sheath that protects the neuron and helps it conduct signals more efficiently. We are born with the dorsal branch of the vagus developed and active, but the ventral pathway requires a safe and nurturing relationship with our primary care giver to fully develop. Safe relationship is the cornerstone for humans, and we are just discovering how relevant it is for the development of our social engagement system, and for the creation of peaceful societies. #thevagusnerve #polyvagaltheory #ventralvagusactivation #dorsalvagus #stephenporges
18.01.2022 Change begins within.
17.01.2022 THE SPIRAL LINE (SPL) The Spiral Line (SPL) loops around the body in a double helix, joining each side of the skull across the upper back to the opposite should...er, and then around the ribs to cross in the front at the level of the navel to the same hip. From the hip, the Spiral Line passes like a 'jump rope' along the anterolateral thigh and shin to the medial longitudinal arch, passing under the foot and running up the back and outside of the leg to the ischium and across the midline to the long dorsal sacroiliac ligament, and from there to the erectors, so that we end up on the opposite side of the skull from where we started. This line stabilizes the body in all planes through its double enclosing loop. It connects the foot with the pelvis and is important in the regulation of the knee position when we walk. Thanks to @anatomytrainsofficial Want to see more? Log in to the Strength app on all devices, go to Theory section and search for Anatomy Trains Subscribe Now for Full Access: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/pricing/ Or try the free version: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/prod/strength-training-app/ #muscleandmotion #spl #muscleandfitness #fitness #fitnessapp #gym #gymnastic #training #fitnessmotivation #fitnesscoach #fitnessphysique #FitnessTrainer #fitnesstips #personaltrainer #crossfit #crossfittraining #sportschiro #strengthtraining #chiro #muscles #trx #cardio #anatomy #anatomytrains #3danatomy #anatomytrainsinmotion #anatomyandphysiology
16.01.2022 Ortho-Bionomy is an intuitive response by the practitioner to the complex puzzle of tension and pain in someone’s body.
13.01.2022 That’s how the body makes it’s way out of pain.
12.01.2022 Open to anything attached to nothing...
12.01.2022 BIOTENSEGRITY [FASCIA ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY] What a cool example of biotensegrity and how fascia works in our body. Thanks to @cat_shanti for this amazing... video! The old way to explain fascia: Thin layer around a muscle, the white we see on a piece of meat. Goes in line with the old idea of a divided body, where fascia is what separates different parts and layers from each other. The updated explanation of fascia: Fascia is ONE system, without beginning and end that maintains interconnection, communication and interaction between different parts of the body. Our body, everything in our body, consists of cells and the substance outside our cells, the extracellular matrix (ECM). A tissue is a group of cells with similar tasks (muscle tissue, bone tissue) and they are all encapsulated by the ECM. (Robert Schleip, Fascial Manipulation, Langevin) The fascial system is unique and continuous, it is responsible for the communication and interaction of all body parts. In other words, a stimulus in a given location of the body will have influence throughout the whole body system. Shoulder pain for example can be a response to a stimulus not necessarily generated in the shoulder, since everything is connected. Due to biotensegrity, forces are distributed, spaces are maintained and changes in tension in one place have repercussions throughout the whole body. The fascial tissue that surrounds us from head to toe, creating and distributing tensions, is responsible for maintaining our structure in a stable way through the game of tension and compression. The word tensegrity is coming from tension and integrity. When we apply this concept to human beings, the correct term is biotensegrity. Whenever we want to treat a body region, we must pay attention to all these internal connections so that the goal and the perfect outcome could be achieved. #Physiotherapy #SportsPhysiotherapy #Osteopathy #Therapy #Biotensegrity #Tensegrity #Biomechanics #PhysicalTherapy #Rehab #Medicine #Sportsmedicine #Sportstherapy #Massage #Healing #Rolfing #Blackroll #Fascia #Fitness #Training #Yoga #Pilates #Yogis #Yogaflow #Yogalove #Acrobatics #Yogaholic #Calisthenics #Yogapractic See more
07.01.2022 SPINE TENSEGRITY [FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY & BIOMECHANICS] The spine is often described as a stack of blocks but in reality it is a complex tensegrity structure!... Tensegrity is the architectural principle that describes the balance between compression structures (bones, vertebrae in this case) and tension elements (soft tissues- fascia, muscles, tendons) to allow for a structure to remain stable in gravity. The quintessential shape of tensegrity in nature is the tetrahedron which is a 3D pyramid comprised of multiple triangle shapes (Picture 2/3). As we see in the first drawing of the transversospinales muscle groups, the triangle shape is prominent. Each level of the spine is linked to the next via the triangular lines of pull from each transversospinales muscle (orange lines represent mulifidus, rotatores). Once you see this shape, the mind can begin to imagine how a distortion of a triangle from a muscle spasm on one side causes an uneven pull on multiple vertebrae. This could manifest as what the old osteopaths called lesions or chiropractors called subluxations. A positional shift of a vertebral motion segment is simply a loss of the tensegrity balance of the transversospinales triangle in this conceptual model. Treating the tension elements of the spine including muscles, tendons and fascia via therapy and exercise is an important compliment to facet manipulation in order to allow for the global structure of the spine to remain stable. In biotensegrity, micro affects macro, local affects global! See the writings of Dr. S. Levin. Pictures 4/5 show spine tensegrity models (Columna Vertebrae Pro) and picture 6 an icosahedron tensegrity model (Simplex Model) produced by @ArteFactPro. These models are hand-made and very durable. Perfect for every tensegrity fan, as well as for teachers as a visualization in their classes! Picture credit: @AnatomyLinks #anatomy #tensegrity #biotensegrity #fascia #fascial #therapy #chiropractic #osteopathy #acupuncture #spinalmanipulation #physicaltherapy #massage #physiotherapy #muscle #vertebrae #biomechanics #yoga #pilates #spine #training #fitness #rehab #medicine #student #medstudent #doctor #dr See more
07.01.2022 A wonderful weekend teaching Ortho-Bionomy with Madeleine Sheldon. Who is a great Instructor!
05.01.2022 Ortho-Bionomy is an agent for change of pain and tension patterns in the body as it brings awareness to those patterns.
05.01.2022 Aware of thought processes... without being unduly concerned.
05.01.2022 I will be teaching this class with Madeleine Sheldon.
04.01.2022 Th body is the immune system.
02.01.2022 Learn how to gently release pain and trauma patterns from the body. Only a few more days until our Fundamentals Ortho-Bionomy course at Sun-Space studio Budgew...oi, this weekend, Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th September. Anyone may attend and health care practitioner, massage and Bowen therapists may be eligible for CPD points. See more
02.01.2022 Heed your head’s position. If you’re a mega multitasker, this move is for you....it’s the culmination of a 13 minute practice that you can find in our @tuneupfi...tness blog on Dynamic Posture this month. It’s asking you to un-forward your Forward Head Posture...put it in reverse by strengthening weak neck flexors and lengthening and strengthening neck extensors. All this while relocating your scapula and humerus. You might think I only roll around on balls all day...but no, I’m a big BALLIEVER in remodeling your body with strategic concepts that allow YOU and GRAVITY to be best buddies. That means muscle building work as well as doing the neuromyofascial release work in order to build strength. Check out the full video and let me know how it goes! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TRx_pMn8FGY Tune Up Fitness #neckpain #coregeousball #forwardheadposture
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