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Joanna Strybosch Osteopath & Lactation Consultant in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Medical centre

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Joanna Strybosch Osteopath & Lactation Consultant

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Address: Melbourne Therapy Centre, 221 Wonga Road, Warranwood 3134 Melbourne, VIC, Australia


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23.01.2022 The skull of an infant is made up of bony plates that allow for growth. The borders where these plates come together are called sutures or suture lines. During the process of birth, pressures from labour and delivery compress the baby’s head to allow for its passage through the mother’s birth canal. This makes the bony plates overlap at the sutures and creates a small ridge. These ridges are normal in newborns. In the next few days after birth, the head expands and the overla...pping should disappear. Eventually, the edges of the bony plates should meet edge-to-edge. This is the normal position. However, sometimes these suture ridges and distortions remain beyond the newborn stage. The forces that were placed upon the infants head during the birth process, as well as factors such as the length of the labour and use of instrumentation may affect the severity of the overlapping. Jo . . . Used with permission #babyprep #newmomclub #mytinytribe #nestingly #pocket_sweetness #thefamilynarrative #thepursuitofjoyproject #parenting #parenthood #pediatricosteopathy #osteopathy #treatingbabies #breastfeeding #IBCLC #newbornbaby #cranialosteopathy #newmumstruggles #aussiemumlife #aussiemummy #aussiemumsandbubs #aussienewmums #helpwithbaby #helpwithbreastfeeding #parentingtips #homebirth #newmom #newmommy #newmoms #newmomlife #firstbaby

22.01.2022 The inflammation of mastitis can cause breastmilk to taste salty due to increased levels of sodium and chloride. This change of taste can make some babies become fussy at the breast. Regularly and thoroughly emptying your breasts is really important during mastitis. So, if your baby is not feeding well, manual milk removal may be necessary, either by hand expression or using a pump. Breastmilk is still perfect for your baby during mastitis. ... Jo . . . . #breastfeedingmama #breastfeedingishard #skintoskincontact #lactationsupport #lactationconsultant #motherhoodjourney #breastfedbaby #fourthtrimester #fourthtrimestermama #fourthtrimestercare #aussiemums #aussiemumbloggers #newmumstruggles #aussiemumlife #aussiemummy #aussiemumsandbubs #aussienewmums #helpwithbaby #helpwithbreastfeeding #parentingtips #homebirth #newmom #newmommy #newmoms #newmomlife #firstbaby #pediatricosteopathy

20.01.2022 CELEBRATING STAGES .... Commando Crawling! By 6 months of age most babies are enjoying moving around on their tummies - a skill called commando crawling. In order to move about like this, a baby will have gained a lot of muscular strength and coordination. Baby will have developed the necessary strength in their shoulders and arms and wrists, as well as gained control of their head and neck muscles and they will be developing their back and ...core muscles too. It’s not a co-incidence that this is also the age when babies usually start solids. By the time a baby is commando crawling, they are usually ready to sit up in a high chair and safety chew and swallow solid food. . . . . . Nynne Schrøder #milksupply #humanlactation #milkymom #milkymomma #milkymommas #milkymommy #breastfeedingsupport #milkymama #milkmaker #dropthecover #normalizebreastfeeding #breastfeedingeducation #latch #ibclcintraining #mumhelp #breastisbreast #breastfeedingfacts #osteolc #IBCLC #breastfeedingbenefits #newbornfeedings #breastfeedingmomma #breastfeedingjourney #infantfeedingsupport #newmumstruggles #newmumshub #newmumma #newmumaustralia #babyhelp #whattoexpect See more

20.01.2022 Much has been written about the struggles of breastfeeding and those early weeks postpartum. One thing we know is that everyone loves a survival story! We love to hear how others have struggled in the same ways that we struggle and to learn of their ultimate triumph. Of course, we want to hear about all the messy bits along the way too! It validates what we are going through and it brings connection between us as mothers that is not separated by any barrier... - not distance, not personality, not education, race, culture or age. So, when you get to the other side and you’ve leant some stuff along the way, use it to encourage someone else who’s walking the same path that you just walked. You never know how much your experience might mean to her. PS. Couldn’t resist quoting Brené Brown... cos she’s just so inspiring. Jo . . . . . . #maroondah #maroondahsmallbusiness #theparentshub #takingcarababies #breastfeedingtips #breastfeedingproblems #breastfeedingmoms #breastfeedingph #breastfeedingfacts #breastfeedingstruggles #breastfeedingislove #legendarymilk #newmomtips #newmommylife #newmumstruggles #newmumshub #newmumma #newmumaustralia #babyhelp #whattoexpect #lactation #lactationconsultant #infantfeeding #newborntips #osteolc #breastfeeding #IBCLC #lactationsupport #newmoms #infantfeedingsupport See more

19.01.2022 Video by @tinyheartseducation "Bulging fontanelle aka 'soft spot' A baby’s soft spot should feel relatively soft and curve inward very slightly. A bulging fontanelle occurs when fluid builds up in the brain or when the brain swells.... Sometimes our little ones can have a raised fontanelle, but it is only temporary. Some examples of this are when baby is lying down, crying or vomiting. This is not a cause for concern. If you noticed a raised fontanelle here is what you need to do: Calm baby, and sit them upright Assess fontanelle in this position If still bulging - go to your nearest ED Typically your baby would have other symptoms in addition to the bulging fontanelle such as a fever, drowsiness and irritability. Common causes of a bulging fontanelle include meningococcal, serious infection and bleeding on the brain. Tag everyone! This is uncommon but could be a life-saver" Reposted with See more

18.01.2022 Many young babies sleep through a cranial osteopathic treatment. Sometimes these little patients arrive for their appointment already asleep and I am able to work on them without disturbing their slumber. Other times they become very calm and quiet as the treatment progresses and then they may fall fast asleep. ... Osteopathic treatment is a nurturing form of manual therapy suited to all ages, right from newborn. Jo . . . . #osteopathy #pediatricosteopathy #treatingbabies #milksupply #humanlactation #milkymom #milkymomma #milkymommas #milkymommy #pumpingtips #breastfeedingsupport #milkymama #pumpingmom #milkmaker #powerpumping #normalizebreastfeeding #breastfeedingeducation #latch #mumhelp #breastisbreast #breastfeedingfacts #colostrum #breastfeedingbenefits #newbornfeedings #breastfeedingmomma #breastfeedingjourney #tonguetiebabies #tonguetieawareness #infantfeedingsupport

18.01.2022 Providing individual breastfeeding support for you and your baby.... combining the skills of both osteopathy for babies and lactation consulting. A first consultation includes: * A full case history (maternal, birth, medical, & feeding) * Time to discuss your feeding concerns and your goals... * A breastfeeding assessment * An osteopathic assessment of your baby including an oral assessment * Individually tailored advice * Sensitive, hands-on help I look forward to helping you on your breastfeeding journey. Jo **Further consultations may be required for osteopathic treatment of your baby, as indicated, and to follow up with your breastfeeding concerns. . . . . . . #breastfeedingeducation #latch #ibclcintraining #mumhelp #breastisbreast #breastfeedingfacts #colostrum #breastfeedingbenefits #newbornfeedings #breastfeedingmomma #breastfeedingjourney #tonguetiebabies #tonguetieawareness #infantfeedingsupport #osteopathy #pediatricosteopathy #babyhelp #whattoexpect #lactation #lactationconsultant #infantfeeding #newborntips #osteolc #breastfeeding #IBCLC #lactationsupport #newmoms #infantfeedingsupport See more

16.01.2022 CELEBRATING STAGES Smile! Doesn’t every parent delight in those first smiles? It makes your heart burst and you can’t get enough of them because they’re so cute! Babies begin to give real smiles anywhere between 6 and 12 weeks of age. Real smiles occur in recognition of something familiar they see or hear, like your face or voice.... Before 6 weeks of age, smiles are a reflex, and they actually can occur even when a baby is still in the womb. Reflex smiles tend to be shorter and occur more randomly, often when baby is sleeping or tired. . . . . #newmom #newmommy #newmoms #newmomlife #firstbaby #newbornessentials #newmommusthaves #babyprep #newmomtips #newmomblog #newmumblogger #newmomclub #newmommiesclub #osteolc #joannastrybosch #breastfeeding #IBCLC #parenting #parenthood #parentingtips #parentingtip #parentinghelp #parentalk #parentlife #parentslife #parents #parentingadvice #parentsbelike #parentinghacks #parentinglife See more

16.01.2022 My latest article is now published. Feeding Cues: The Secret to Knowing When to Feed Your Baby Take the deep dive into your newborns feeding cues so you know the best time to feed your little one. Full article is available to read via the link in my Bio. Click through to view. #osteolc #joannastrybosch #breastfeeding #IBCLC #feedingcues #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #mumlife #momsofinstagram #ig_motherhood #monthofmum #letthembelittle #breastfeedingmom #breastmilkisthebestmilk #feedyourbaby #motherhoodjourney #mother #babyadvice #babylove #babyhacks

15.01.2022 Nothing ever fully prepares you for the breastfeeding experience. After all, it’s not like anything you’ve ever done before. Even if you’ve fed other babies, every new baby has to learn the skill and the two of you have to navigate it as a unique duo. No two breastfeeding journeys are the same. It’s physical. It’s emotional. It’s both challenging and exhilarating. It perfectly normal for breastfeeding to take time and practise to learn. ... But if you run into difficulty please ask for help. Reach out to a lactation consultant or a trusted GP. Getting off to a good start can make all the difference to your overall experience. And every mum deserves to love their breastfeeding journey. . . . . #osteolc #joannastrybosch #breastfeeding #IBCLC #newmom #newmommy #newmoms #newmomlife #firstbaby #newbornessentials #newmommusthaves #babyprep #newmomtips #newmomblog #newmumblogger #newmomclub #newmommiesclub #parenting #parenthood #parentingtips #parentingtip #parentinghelp #parentalk #parentlife #parentslife #parents #parentingadvice #parentsbelike #parentinghacks #parentinglife See more

14.01.2022 Nipple shields can be a useful tool but there are a few important things to be aware of. Here’s 6 things you should know if you’re considering using nipples shields.

14.01.2022 Breastfeeding can be the hardest thing. It can also be so easy that you can do it with your eyes closed. Most mums experience both extremes at some point in time. All mums need encouragement. To keep going when it’s tough, when it’s exhausting, when it hurts, when it’s inconvenient, when your touched out, when your anxious and uncertain. ... And also when it’s going well, when you’re so glad you kept going when you did, when you totally love it, when it’s the best thing you ever decided to to. No matter where you are on your journey, know that you are doing a good thing. A great thing. In fact, the very best thing. . . . . #newmom #newmommy #newmoms #newmomlife #firstbaby #newbornessentials #newmommusthaves #babyprep #newmomtips #newmomblog #newmumblogger #newmomclub #newmommiesclub #bedeeplyrooted #mumsquad #mamahoodsisterhood #bestofmom #eternalmotherhood #habitandhome #holdthemoments #honestmotherhood #inbeautyandchaos #joyfulmamas #justmomlife #letthembelittle #mom_hub #osteolc #momlifestyle #momsunite #motherhoodintheraw

14.01.2022 Rest & Mastitis. Are you taking every opportunity you can to rest? Rest is so important. Here is what you need to know about rest and mastitis. The Royal Women’s Hospital advises the following... for the PREVENTION of mastitis ... Try to get some rest during the day when your baby is asleep for the TREATMENT of mastitis Rest as much as possible. Ask your partner family or friends for help with household tasks Don’t underestimate the value of a power nap!! Grab them whenever you can. They can make all the difference. Jo Source: : Joanna Strybosch . . . . #breastfeedingmama #breastfeedingishard #skintoskincontact #lactationsupport #lactationconsultant #motherhoodjourney #breastfedbaby #fourthtrimester #fourthtrimestermama #fourthtrimestercare #aussiemums #aussiemumbloggers #newmumstruggles #aussiemumlife #aussiemummy #aussiemumsandbubs #aussienewmums #helpwithbaby #helpwithbreastfeeding #parentingtips #homebirth #newmom #newmommy #newmoms #newmomlife #firstbaby #pediatricosteopathy #osteolc #joannastrybosch #breastfeeding

13.01.2022 Photo by @sleeptightbabiesaustralia ""Bronte's first nap with her Lulla Doll was a success! Her naps are usually 45 minutes but today she napped for 3 and a half hours! We can't wait for bedtime tonight!" - Stephanie, USA My three babies all chose their own sleep time cuddlie at a very young age. They were all different - one had a little cat (called Meow), one had a lamb (Lamby) and the other had a knitted purple teddy (Purple Teddy). Those cuddlies went with us!! I remember the disaster one holiday when we arrive on Hamilton Island and realised we had left a cuddlie in the bed back in Melbourne! Nothing in the gift shop on the island came close to replacing that cuddlie for bedtime.... #sleepcompanion #babysleep #toddlersleep #babyshowergiftideas #breathingandheartbeat #naps #sleepconsultant #babysleeptips #sleepexpert #babysleeptrainer #sleepcoaching #babysleepcoach #sleepcoach #sleepsupport #babysleepexpert #babysleepconsultant #babysleephelp #sleeptraining #babysleeptraining #babysleeproutine #infantsleep #newparentslife #newparentstips #newmomtips #newmomsupport #tiredmom #tiredmumsclub #tiredmomsclub #postpartumlife #momshelpingmoms See more

12.01.2022 On September 28th, in line with easing of stage 4 restrictions, we will be able to again offer essential face to face services.On September 28th, in line with easing of stage 4 restrictions, we will be able to again offer essential face to face services.

11.01.2022 Providing individual breastfeeding support for you and your baby.... A first consultation includes: * A full case history (maternal, birth, medical, breastfeeding) * Time to discuss your feeding concerns and your goals... * A breastfeeding assessment * Individually tailored advice * Sensitive, hands-on help * An osteopathic assessment of your baby ** Further consultations may be required for osteopathic treatment of your baby and to follow up with your breastfeeding concerns #osteolc #joannastrybosch #breastfeeding #IBCLC #mytinytribe #nestingly #momssupportmoms #whattoexpect #parenthood_unveiled #momadvice #motherhoodintheraw #motherhoodsimplified #bestofmom #slowmotherhood #mymamahood #parentingadvice #parentinglife #parentalk #parentinghelp #parenthood #parenting #positiveparentingsolutions #positiveparentingtips #positiveparenting #positiveparentingstrategies #positiveparentingskills #parenting101 #justmomlife #mom_hub #teammotherly See more

11.01.2022 November 8 14 2020 is 15th annual PANDA Week. Mental health conditions can be such a devastating thing, robbing you of the joy of parenthood - & during COVID especially, I am concerned at the numbers of mums I have seen experiencing symptoms of postnatal anxiety, postnatal depression & trauma from their birth experience. Useful questions to ask yourself: (source: 1. I feel exhausted, even if I have had enough sleep... 2. I can’t sleep at night, even when my baby is asleep 3. I have little or no appetite 4. I crave/eat comfort food to help me feel better emotionally 5. I crave/use alcohol or other drugs to help me feel better emotionally 6. I am doing things that are unsafe for my health and wellbeing 7. I have physical symptoms that could be worry or anxiety e.g. jitters or butterflies" in my stomach, nausea or tension headaches 8. I have had symptoms that could be a panic attack (racing heart, palpitations, shortness of breath, shaking, feeling ‘detached’ from my surroundings) 9. I am cleaning the house a lot more than usual 10. I need to check things over and over e.g. when leaving the house If you are struggling with difficult feelings please go to & complete a confidential online questionnaire that will help you identify symptoms of postnatal anxiety and/or depression. You can then request a follow up phone call to talk to someone & get the help you need. Just remember, postnatal anxiety and/or depression does not make you a bad parent. It is a common & treatable illness. And we know that the earlier you get help, the more likely you are to recover quickly. PANDA National Helpline (Mon to Sat, 9am - 7.30pm AEST/AEDT) Call 1300 726 306 Jo . . . Aditya Romansa See more

09.01.2022 CELEBRATING STAGES Peek-a-Boo! Once a baby develops object permanence (the understanding that an object, although unseen, still exists), they enter the delightful stage of peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek games. This generally starts anywhere from 4 months to 8 months of age.... . . #osteolc #joannastrybosch #objectpermanence #positiveparenting #positiveparentingtips #positiveparentingskills #mumlife #our_everyday_moments #ohheymamas #mymotherhood #mymamahood #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodthroughinstagram #slowmotherhood #unitedinmotherhood #motherhoodcommunity #nestlingly #motherhoodsimplified #letthembelittle #mom_hub #justmomlife #joyfulmamas #honestmotherhood #ig_motherhood #bedeeplyrooted #babyclub #mom2mom #parentingtips #parentingtip See more

07.01.2022 Good news! Research has shown that traditional fermented foods are protective against lactational mastitis in breastfeeding mothers. (Reference below) The daily consumption of kefir, homemade yoghurt, conventional yoghurt, boza, tarhana and pickles significantly reduces the risk of developing mastitis. So whether you make it or buy it, enjoy these delicious fermented foods and drinks each day to help protect yourself against mastitis! ... I’d love to hear your experience if you’ve found any of these fermented foods helpful. Jo . . . Reference: Basim P & Özdenkaya Y, Can Traditional Fermented Food Products Protect Mothers Against Lactational Mastitis BREASTFEEDING MEDICINE Vol 15, No 3, 2020 #fermented #fermentedfood #fermenteddrinks #breastfeedingmama #mastitis #breastfeedingishard #skintoskincontact #lactationsupport #lactationconsultant #motherhoodjourney #breastfedbaby #fourthtrimester #fourthtrimestermama #fourthtrimestercare #aussiemums #aussiemumbloggers #newmumstruggles #aussiemumsandbubs #aussienewmums #helpwithbaby #helpwithbreastfeeding #parentingtips #homebirth #newmom #newmommy #newmoms #newmomlife #firstbaby #pediatricosteopathy #breastfeeding

06.01.2022 Don’t know what your baby wants?? Colic is the term used to describe excessive uncontrolled crying episodes in otherwise healthy babies. Often there is a high-pitched pain cry and they are usually quite inconsolable. These babies can be gassy, have distended tummies and pull their knees up in pain. Colic is not really a diagnosis. It’s a behavioural observation. A bit like headache, which also describes pain without being specific as to cause or location. Nearly all bab...ies have some periods of crying each day - usually when they are hungry, or tired or need a nappy change. This is normal crying. But colicky babies don’t tend to be soothed by the usual things. Often parents of these bubas don’t know what their baby wants. It’s can be really heartbreaking. And really exhausting. Dr Harvey Karp, author of The Happiest Baby on the Block, suggests the 5 S’s strategy to mimic life inside the womb and help find the off-switch for an escalated baby.... Try these 5 things to soothe your unsettled baby: 1 Swaddling - wrap baby’s arms down by their sides nice and snug, leave the legs loose and hips able to flex 2 Shushing - use your voice, white noise machines, an old radio on static, rain sounds, etc 3 Swinging - try holding and rocking and swaying 4 Sucking - a dummy, a feed, even a clean finger may help 5 Side- or stomach- lying - hold baby on their side or front, with your arm under their tummy. Babies usually love this position! Some babies need a combination of these things and some may need all 5 in order to calm down. Let me know what works for your buba.... Jo . . . Jude Beck . #maroondah #maroondahsmallbusiness #theparentshub #takingcarababies #breastfeedingtips #breastfeedingproblems #breastfeedingmoms #breastfeedingph #breastfeedingfacts #breastfeedingstruggles #breastfeedingislove #legendarymilk #newmomtips #newmommylife #newmumstruggles #newmumshub #newmumma #newmumaustralia #babyhelp #whattoexpect #lactation #lactationconsultant #infantfeeding #newborntips #osteolc #breastfeeding #IBCLC #lactationsupport #newmoms #infantfeedingsupport

02.01.2022 And just like that, the newborn baby goes from being in the warm, dark, airless and fluid environment of the womb, to being in the world. At birth, the baby’s lungs are filled with fluid. They are not inflated. Then within seconds, they begin to breathe. The baby gasps, as air fills their lungs, and they take the first breath of the rest of their life. In that same instance, the newborn's central nervous system reacts to the sudden change in temperature and environment. Bl...ood flow through he heart changes and blood begins to flow to the baby’s lungs for the first time. The baby now has to maintain its own body temperature and obtain its own source of oxygen and nutrients. No matter what kind of birth your baby experiences, whether natural vaginal or assisted, or cesarian, all babies have to make this dramatic adjustment to life outside the womb. Birth is miraculous and amazing. It’s can also be tough and traumatic. There’s no place like home, and this is so true for a newborn baby. Home is on mum. Against her chest, skin to skin. Where it’s warm, where there soft touch, where there is a familiar heart beat, and where the source of sustenance is close by. What was your experience of those first moments after birth with your baby? . . . . #osteolc #joannastrybosch #breastfeeding #IBCLC #homebirth #homebirths #homebirthing #homebirthbaby #homebirthbabies #homebirthmidwife #homebirthmama #homebirthstory #homebirthphotography #birthmatters #momssupportmoms #newmom #newmommy #newmoms #newmomlife #firstbaby #newbornessentials #newmommusthaves #babyprep #newmomtips #newmomblog #newmumblogger #newmomclub #newmommiesclub See more

01.01.2022 Feeling better but still have a lump? The lump in your breast from mastitis can take a week (or more) to fully disappear. You should notice that the fever leaves quickly (within 24 hours), especially if you have started antibiotics. The pain can take another day or two to resolve but the lump can hang around for longer. If all the other symptoms of mastitis have gone, then don’t worry. So long as the lump is slowly getting smaller, all is well. Keep massaging and keep breastf...eeding! Disclaimer: If symptoms persist or become worse, see your doctor. Jo . . . . #breastfeedingmama #breastfeedingishard #skintoskincontact #lactationsupport #lactationconsultant #motherhoodjourney #breastfedbaby #fourthtrimester #fourthtrimestermama #fourthtrimestercare #aussiemums #aussiemumbloggers #newmumstruggles #aussiemumlife #aussiemummy #aussiemumsandbubs #aussienewmums #helpwithbaby #helpwithbreastfeeding #parentingtips #homebirth #newmom #newmommy #newmoms #newmomlife #firstbaby #pediatricosteopathy

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