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25.01.2022 Message from Amanda - Pelican Childcare Deer Park Director Em you are an amazing person and one that I have gained a significant amount of knowledge from, both personally and professionally. You have been the rock of this company and have worked really hard to make these centres so successful and develop a company that has a fantastic reputation in the public eye. I want to thank you for believing in me when you first interviewed me as I came to you with only 6 months experi...ence as a centre director and from a company that did not care about the staff or children. I can now say that I probably wasn’t trained to the standards your directors are at but you gave me a chance. When I look back now I was very lucky to gain that position at Parkville, because I have seen over the last two years that you do prefer to promote within your centres rather than externally. Although I have not been with the company for a really long period of time I believe I have grown significantly and I have you and Donna to thank for that. You both have a wealth of knowledge, are committed and are dedicated to everything that you do, and it has been a pleasure to work with you. The company has been fantastic to work for and one that everyone is proud to be apart of, there are also a great deal of memories that will stay with us for ever. I look forward to hearing about the next adventures Hugh, Cath and yourself embark on. Amanda xxx
25.01.2022 A Few Words From The Pelican Childcare Coburg Educators: Sam (Acting Nursery Group Leader): I would like to take this little moment to just let you know that I am really thankful for the opportunity to be part of this organization, thank you for all the support over the years and our ups and downs over my many years with Pelican/Penguin. Thank you again and hope to see you again!!!! Charlene (Nursery Assistant/ IS support): I just want to thank you for setting this compa...Continue reading
25.01.2022 Messages from our Director and Assistant Director @ Pelican Childcare Craigieburn Kristy: When I was returning from maternity leave I was looking for a small company with the personal touch. Pelican has been the perfect fit for me because you have really made me feel like I was known by name and I wasn’t just a number. You have been so supportive in teaching me about the Pacific Early Learning culture and supporting me in creating a centre I can really be proud of. I also appreciate the understanding you have shown me when my girls have been sick. Bel: Wow what an amazing five and a half years. Thank you for all the support and faith you have shown me in that time. There has been a lot of laughter and a lot of tears and I am so grateful to have been on the ride with you. You have really welcomed me into the Pelican family and had more faith in my abilities than I did myself allowing me to reach goals I thought were unobtainable. It is a really sad day for us, we will miss you all and we wish you all the best with your future endeavors.
24.01.2022 To my very special, amazing, talented Area Managers, Directors, Assistant Directors and Educators, I have been trying to write this message for the last month but it is one of the hardest messages I have ever ever had to write and as a result it has been drafted and edited many many times. Where to start, what to say and how to find the right words to say it! I never thought the day would come that I would handing over my life, well a big part of it any way. I feel as my world has been ripped apart and every time I think about it I become emotional. When you give your everything to create something special its hard to let go. I'm shattered to let someone take what we have built but I'm very very very proud of it and always always will be. I have some fantastic memories and I have met some amazing people along the way who are now my friends. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your hard work, dedication and commitment over the years. You all have different strengths and have all had a huge part in making Pelican, Penguin and Armadillo the beautiful successful centres that they are today. I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank two very special people, Hugh and Cath. They work day in and day out behind the scenes to make the business function and to make it possible for us to do we we do best. You guys are amazing and I love you both lots. Jim if you are looking down on us it is you that gave me the skills to get through this challenging time. You showed me how look at things differently and deal with obstacles and challenges in a positive way. You are definitely missed I would like to wish you all the best of luck with your new journey. G8 Education are very lucky to have each and every one of you, the sale is definitely PELG's loss and G8's gain. Please stay in touch and take care. Lots of love Em xxx
22.01.2022 On behalf of all the staff at Pelican Childcare Fairways we would sincerely like to thank you for your help and support over the years. We have thoroughly enjoyed working for Pacific Early Learning and are saddened that we will now be working under a new company. We wish you all the very best for your future endeavors and will certainly miss all of you.
21.01.2022 In 2004 the Managing Director Hugh Ellis founded Pelican Childcare in Heatherton Victoria after identifying a need that the big corporate childcare groups didn't seem to fill. The philosophy of providing state of the art centres, nutritionally designed meals and leading educational programs saw the group of centres grow to 16 centres throughout Victoria and Queensland under the Pelican, Armadillo and Penguin Childcare Brands. (Pacific Early Learning Group) The journey of pro...viding quality care to over 6,000 children a week with 400 staff was overseen by Operations Manager Emma Lamendola. Emma commenced her career in childcare eighteen years ago. She holds a Diploma, Advanced Diploma of Children Services and Certificate 4 in Workplace Training and Assessing. Emma has held several positions in the childcare industry, varying from centre level at a number of services to management level with two large management companies. Emma's passion for children and quality programs is evident in her dedication and enthusiasm. Emma spent her time within our centres developing, supporting and training our staff. In 2012 following the death of a business partner and friend Jim Stynes the Pacific Early Learning Group was sadly sold. Now today we are excited to announce that Hugh Ellis, Emma Lamendola and a core group of people are back and Eclipse Early Education Group is born. You can contact Emma directly on 0420 905 664 or [email protected]
19.01.2022 Message from Sacha - Pelican Childcare Lynbrook Director HUGE thank you to EVERYONE from Pacificit really won’t be the same! Cath You are a Gem, it was great to do an audit with you in your red riding hood cape, you crack me up! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work for such an amazing company, I feel like we are only just getting to know each other a little better and now it is all over! I wish you and your family all the very best, you deserve nothing less x...x Hugh You are HUGH-LARIOUS! Another thank you to you for giving me such a great opportunity, I have enjoyed every minute of my adventure with Pelican We are face-book friends now and I will hunt you down ha-ha!! Kidding! (Not really) I feel like after this experience you must have lots of good karma coming your way, so keep your eyes open xx Em Womanseriously you are amazing. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to Direct, I know I owe a lot of that to you so thank you for believing in me. I have appreciated all the advice and guidance you have given me since the get goyou just have so much knowledge; you’re like a hot Yoda! I have to admit I used to be a little scared of you when I first started but since getting to know you better I think you are the BEST! I am looking forward to working with you again in the future, xx Beck Here I was worrying when I first started that I was getting a new area manager, I was all like OMG what if she is scaryor meanOr scary AND mean!!! Then you came along, you stupid-stupid I feel like we will always be friends. You have been so amazing; you need to not doubt yourself! Thank you for all of your support you have given me both at work and outyou’re just such a beautiful person! It kills me to think I won’t be able to stalk your phone everyday (But I still will ha-ha) Thank you for everything you have done for me xx
18.01.2022 Messages from our Director and Assistant Director at Penguin Childcare Epping To Hugh, Cath, Em & Donna, Thank you for having me apart of your wonderful company, it has been a honor to work for PELG and representing the company for both Pelican Uni Hill and Penguin Epping. I have been with the company for 4 years and have been given many great opportunities, opportunities I may have not come across if it wasn't for you all helping me along the way, so I am very grateful ever...ything I have gained while working with PELG. Hopefully this is not a goodbye Take care and good luck xx Catherine - Penguin Childcare Epping Director Dear Hugh, Cath, Em and Donna, I want to take this chance to say thank you for all the support and opportunities you have given me within the Pacific Early Learning family. I have loved getting to know staff and management and have made some beautiful friendships that have made coming to work that much more fun. It’s been a pleasure working for a company that also has as much passion and pride in their centers as I do. I wish you all the best in your future developments. Donna, I’ve given you a hard time or two and would like to thank you for putting up with me and my million questions. We have had plenty of laughs and I’m going to miss giving you hell. Unlucky for you I know fairways phone number, so my next million questions will still be coming your way. All the best, Fairways is lucky to have you. Casey
15.01.2022 Message from Bree Perks Pelican Childcare Mount Martha Director I would like to take this opportunity to thank Hugh, Cath, Emma and Donna for your amazing support that you have shown me over the past 2.5years as not only a Director but personally also. It has been such a pleasure to work for a company that care, respect, guide and encourage their Directors and staff, as much as you all do. I feel that as a Director I have grown over this time through your support, mentoring a...nd guidance to create the service that became Service of the Year for 2012! You should be so very proud of the company that you created, as PELG was truly unique and I know that you will only come back stronger in the future. I wish you all the very best for the future and as Anthony would say It is not goodbye, but I will see you soon. You have all left a lasting impression on my life which I will take with me into the future both personally and professionally. Thanks for everything Bree xo
13.01.2022 Our beautiful, caring, passionate and inspirational Emma, I have been dreading this all day because I know it is one step closer to not having you with us anymore! You have been my backbone many times and it is you who helped shape me into what I am today and I know I speak on behalf of myself, Michelle and our educators when I say that you inspire us to be better each day.... The vision and feel you, Hugh and Cath have created for Pacific is second to none and I can easily say there will never ever be anyone like you guys and I am truly blessed to have worked alongside some amazing people. Thank you for showing me what it means to fulfill a dream even if there are bumps and dark times along the way, because not so long ago you were the one that said there was a light at the end of every tunnel and you are the one who helped me see that. I don’t think there are enough words to tell you how much you truly mean to me and how much I have gained through your support guidance and love. Everything I have learned from you will stay with me forever and I appreciate every bit of it. You are a star Em and I love ya Ivona x x
12.01.2022 Message from Cassie Black - Penguin Childcare Melbourne Director I would just like to take this opportunity to say Thank you - Emma, Cath, Hugh and Jim. I could not imagine where I would be in life if it was not for the belief that you guys had in me- I need you guys to understand that without you, my life would have turned out VERY different! The fact that you were able to see in me what I was capable of carried over into aspects of my life and gave me courage and strengt...h. And for that special gift I will be forever grateful. I think about where I would be now if you guys had not come into my life and actually sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it. At our last Hogan, Bree made a comment that broke my heart- she said this job was the only consistency in her life, I thought about what she said and I realized how true that also was for me, through all the changes I have had in my life in the last 4 years the one thing I knew for sure was my job, the vision and values that the company had created gave me comfort and strength in some very challenging times, the support that you guys all showed and the genuine concern that you all had for me was just so honest and real and very rare to find in a company- You guys drove this company and it was such a special thing to be a part of- I thank my lucky stars I was blessed enough to be one small part of it. Emma, Cath and Hugh- you guys gave me a job and it gave me a new life- You guys are true inspirations especially in the last few weeks the dignity you have all conducted yourselves with is mind blowing, I know you guys will be back bigger and better - Jim always loved a challenge and this is certainly is one of those. Good luck Guys I’m sending all my positive thoughts your way xx
11.01.2022 Message from Dan - Director Penguin Childcare Cairns North I don’t know where to even begin. It’s been an honor and privilege to have been a part of such an amazing team of dedicated Directors. The Early Childhood Industry is a better place because of them. To Hugh & Cath. You created something amazing and I know you have the determination to create something just as wonderful and wish you both all the best and success.... Em while I may have put in the time and effort to get to where I am, I have you to thank for believing that I was the right person for the job. Without your push and guidance I would not be the person I am today. You are an inspiration and leader in the Early Childhood profession. You made me want to be better, to be the best I could be. Thank you for everything Em xx Sim I was ready to fight to keep you as my area manager when Beck stepped up, and if I thought it was a battle I could win this time, id fight tooth and nail again. I couldn’t have asked for a better support. You have been amazing. It has been great getting to know you professionally as well as personally. You are a beautiful person and wish you all the best in the future (I hope you have an amazing wedding!) Thank you Sim xx I will continue to fight for what I believe in. I will continue to create the best centre in Cairns. This week marks the highest occupancy we have ever been. I believe it’s true that once you have the numbers everything else starts falling into place. My goal was to maintain 80% so 87.7% is huge for me! However all in all I am proud of what I have helped create.
08.01.2022 Hey Emma, Here is an message I never thought I would be writing. I think you are absolutely incredible at what you do and I have really really have enjoyed working with you and developing my leadership under yourself.... Emma I knew I was on to something great with this company the day you interviewed me at Heatherton with yourself and Cath but I didn’t know how important you would be to me- you are the most amazing leader and a great friend- thank you thank you thank you for everything you have done and been for me. Jim would be extremely proud. Hold your head high you have done the most incredible job. I’m going to miss you and your support every day. Cassie - Penguin Childcare Melbourne xoxoxoxox
08.01.2022 Message and photo form Dan Maher - Penguin Childcare Cairns North Director I had the privilege of being a part of an amazing team. Aim high guys, I wish you all the very best in everything you do x
07.01.2022 Message from Amanda - Pelican Childcare Deer Park Director I suppose we all wished today would never come, but unfortunately it has . I did just want to quickly thank you all for the help and support you have given me over the last 2 years. It has been an adventure and an experience to work for this company with highly dedicated staff that all have a similar vision. Emma and Donna you have both been a great mentor for me with a great deal of knowledge and experience in the ...industry. I have had the privilege to get to know you on a personal and professional level which I feel show’s the family side to this company. Hugh and Cath, I thank you for allowing me to work for such a great company who have a passion and vision but also a company who value their employees. It is always sad to say goodbye but hopefully this isn’t goodbye, hopefully it is the start of a new chapter in all our careers and that one day we will all work together again. xxxx See more
05.01.2022 Message from Julie Corrie - Pelican Childcare Heatherton Director To sit here and try to put into words how I feel about the loss of PELG is overwhelming. The fact that I am all choked up and holding back tears just thinking about it just shows me that for the first time in my career I have truly felt like I was part of a family and not just an employee of a company. Hugh, Cath and Em thank you for creating such an amazing thing and for allowing me to be part of it. Our i...ndustry still has a long way to go when it comes to recognition for the important job we do but you guys have the recognition, appreciation and respect for your staff down pat. It was always reassuring and heartwarming to know that people like you exist as a beacon of hope for the future and positive direction of Early Childhood within Australia. In this my first role as a Director, I could not have hoped for a better connection and shared vision than what I found with your company. You should all be so very proud of what you created in PELG, I will always be proud to say I was part of a brilliant company. Thank you for the support, commitment, dedication, passion and heart that you showed me throughout the years. Best wishes love Julie xx See more
05.01.2022 A big happy birthday to Antonietta Davis from Pelican Childcare Coburg who celebrated her birthday yesterday. We hope you had a wonderful day.
03.01.2022 Message From Ivona Kvesic - Director Penguin Childcare Ravenhall They say that good things must come to an end. I don’t believe this is just a good thing, I believe that PELG have created something so amazing it is difficult to part from. If I could simply describe my journey with pacific in one word it would have to be inspiring. As a company you have inspired me to be bigger and better than anything I could have imagined and I sincerely thank you for that. Thinking about I began as a certificate III and what I have achieved since then is something that I never thought was possible, but with you guys nothing is impossible and I hope that is a feeling that I can now pass on to my staff each and every day because the support and passion lived through you guys was definitely payed forward to me as a director and I don’t know where I would be without that. Thank you for helping me to become what I am today, thank you for believing in me and helping me grow and achieve and most of all thank you for every single opportunity that you have presented me with, because I now know what it means to feel appreciated and feel a part of something that can never be forgotten nor replaced. To have been a part of the pacific family and work alongside such amazing people who share the same vision is a remarkable thing and something that I hold very close to my heart. I know I have said thank you a million times, but I simply cannot tell you how blessed I feel to have been a part of something so special. Hugh, Cath and of course our beautiful Emma, thank you so much for everything and I sincerely wish all of you the best of luck because I know when you create a vision like this again it is going to be truly amazing. To the most special man Jim, we will continue to make you proud x See more
02.01.2022 Messages from our Directors @ Armadillo Well what can I say? Although short compared to some, my time Directing for PELG has been an invaluable experience. PELG saw potential in me and gave me the opportunity to challenge myself and to extend my abilities more than I ever knew possible. Without the support and confidence from PELG I would not be where I am today. Management have provided me with a supportive, fun and challenging environment so for this a massive THANK YOU!!!...! Lauren All I can say is what an amazing 5 and half years I have had. I have learnt so much and come so far. I have loved very moment. Armadillo has always felt like my home from home and being part of a family has made me have a sense of belonging and given me the drive to achieve my professional goals. The support I have had from everyone over the years has been outstanding and I will be eternally grateful. Thanks for the good times and opportunity. Cheers all. Hayley xx
01.01.2022 A huge CONGRATULATIONS to our amazing Director Lisa from Penguin Childcare Caroline Springs and her husband Toni on the safe arrival of their gorgeous twins Cruz and Charlize. Mum and Bubs are all doing well.
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