Designa Cuppa | Gift shop
Designa Cuppa
Phone: +61 412 311 333
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25.01.2022 Great first day at St Ives Shopping Village. Thank you all for your support. Ill only be there till Sunday. Find me opposite Harris Farm. Orders Welcome! #stives #stivesshoppingvillage #ceramics #australianmade #australianartist #personalisedceramics #bespokeceramics #personalisedgifts #personalisedmug #personalisedbackpack #kidsdinnerware
24.01.2022 Sectional Plate with curved lines, exclusive to Designa Cuppa. A great first plate for the little ones! #sectionalplate #handmade #madeinaustralia #ceramics #ladybug #personalisedplate #childsfirstceramicplate #red
23.01.2022 Fathers Day... September 6th. Order online at #fathersday #fathersdaygiftideas #personalisedfathersdaygifts #ceramics #australianmade #personalisedmug #personalisedkeepcup.
23.01.2022 Rolling Luggage...order online at
22.01.2022 For Baba from the grandchildren Personalised Massive Mug, 450mls. #garden #gardendesign #green #flowers #baba #grandkids #personlisedmug #personalisedmassivemug #ceramics #australianartist #handmade #handpainted
22.01.2022 Welcome weekend! My pop up store will only be here at Menai Marketplace for 2 more days. So many beautiful gifts to choose from. Orders welcome! #menaimarketplace #menai #personalisedgifts #fathersdaygifts #ceramics #personalisedceramics #ladybug #rainbow #australianmade
21.01.2022 Excited to have my Pop Up Store at St Ives Shopping Village this week. Start your Christmas shopping! Belinda
21.01.2022 Last 2 days at Lennox Village, Emu Plains. Thanks for a fantastic week! Lovely to see my loyal customers and catch up. I appreciate the support. All orders placed will be delivered back to the centre on the 1st of September. Thanks Belinda. #lennoxvillage #australianartist #ceramics #fathersday #keepcups #kidsdinnerware #personalisedmugs #personaliseddinnerware
21.01.2022 Freshly painted... for Mummy and Daddy! #newyorkdesign #mummy #daddy #personalisedmug #personalisedcupandsaucer #ceramics #australianartist #handmade #handpaintedinaustralia #australianmade
21.01.2022 Heading out to St Ives Shopping Village next week, you can find me there from Monday 14th - Sunday 20th, opposite Harris Farm. Beautiful pieces of art on display, order for Christmas. #stivesshoppingvillage #stives #handmadeceramics #ceramics #personalisedceramics #bespokeceramics #australianmade #australianartist #train #kidsdinnerware #personalisedmug #keepcup #dinosaur #flamingo
21.01.2022 Miles wanted to give his Dad a Personalised Paw Patrol mug for Fathers Day... so I made that come true! Happy Fathers Day Dads, enjoy your day! #personalised mug #ceramics #personalised ceramics #australianmade
20.01.2022 LAST DAY AT LENNOX VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER! Emu Plains #ceramics #australianartist #keepcups #personalisedbackpack #kidsdinnerware #lennoxvillage #emuplains
20.01.2022 NEW Quilted and Classic Backpacks Personalise online at #backpack #kidsbackpack #dinosaurbackpack #spacebackpack #personalisedbackpack
19.01.2022 Packed kiln ready to fire up! So many lovely pieces in this kiln load. #kiln #ceramics #bisquefiring #firing #greenware #degrees #australianartist #handpainted #handmade #personalisedceramics
19.01.2022 Fresh and hot out of the kiln...
19.01.2022 Lots of New Products launching at Menai Marketplace. Pick up a unique Fathers Day gift. Starting today, hope to see you there! Belinda
18.01.2022 LAST DAY at St Ives Shopping Village. Thank you for all your support this week, you truly appreciate my hard work! All orders placed will be delivered back to the center, October 1st. Belinda xxx #stives #stivesshoppingvillage #personalisedceramics #australianmade #ceramicsaustralia
18.01.2022 Christmas gift for Grandma... #lollyjar #treatjar #grandmasjar #grandmaslolliejar #lollies #lolly #personalisedjar #personalisedlollyjar
18.01.2022 Customised dinnerset for little Max who loves to clean! So cute... #clean #fortheboywholovestoclean #dustpan #broom #wateringcan #personalisedceramics #personalisedgifts #customadegifts #ceramics #handmadeinaustralia
17.01.2022 It’s that time of year... for the next 5 days I’ll be painting orders in the studio. Followed by my last Pop Up Store at Carnes Hill Marketplace which will start on the 14th November. Order online for unique Christmas gifts! #studio #painting #paintinggreenware #greenware #kiln #personalisedceramics #dino #cars #unicorn #handpainted #underglaze #personalisedchristmasgifts
16.01.2022 Last day at Menai Marketplace. Trading hours today... 12.30pm-5.30pmLast day at Menai Marketplace. Trading hours today... 12.30pm-5.30pm
16.01.2022 Fathers Day 6th September. Personalised Keep Cups & Mugs. Order your Australian made art pieces online at #australianartist #ceramics #australianmade #keepcups #dad #opa #grandad #grandpa #pop #poppy #abulea #papou
13.01.2022 NEW All Over Print Toddler Blankets Embroidered Personalisation available.
12.01.2022 BACK IN STOCK... The ever popular Go Go Unicorn Backpack. Order online at
12.01.2022 It’s that time of year that I unpack the kilns and re pack them again... they don’t get a break! #designacuppa #australianceramics #kiln #greenware #glazefiring #bisquefiring #handmadeceramics #personalisedceramics #australianpersonalisedceramics
11.01.2022 A gift for the Soccer Coach! #soccer #coachgifts #football #giftideas
10.01.2022 Think personalised this Christmas. Think Australian made this Christmas. All handmade & hand painted by me... Christmas orders still open! ... #australianmade #personalisedceramics #personalisedmug #personaliseddinnerset #personalisedplate #ladybug #ladybeetle #ceramics
09.01.2022 Check out these customer orders... so adorable! NEW quilted backpack, classic back, unicorn sun hat & unicorn hooded towel. Personalise online at Or come and see my pop up store in Menai Marketplace. Last day Sunday! Belinda
09.01.2022 The Giving Plate & Planters. A gift ready to give. 100% Australian made! Pick one up at St Ives Shopping Village. My pop up store will be there until 20th September, opposite Harris Farm. Belinda
08.01.2022 New Rainbow Design. Available in the AOP Backpack and Classic lunchbox. Personalised embroidery just adds that special touch! Perfect useful gift idea! #personalisedbackpack #personalisedlunchbox #rainbow #stives #stivesshoppingvillage #rainbowlunchbox #rainbowbackpack
07.01.2022 Love when my customers send me pics of the kids using my artwork. Great to see them enjoying their meals from my products. #personalisedceramics #spider #ceramics #personalisedmug #kidsdinnerware #food #art #australianmade #madeinaustralian
07.01.2022 In the Studio... one of the best parts of my job, painting the artwork on the greenware! #spider #flamingo #christmasballs #personalisedchristmasballs #personaliseddinnerware #personalisedplate #personalisedmug #australianartist #handmadeinaustralia #handpaintedinaustralia #aeroplane #greenware #painting #paintinggreenware
07.01.2022 In the Studio painting greenware... #bee #ladybug #ladybeetle #greenware #ceramics #australianmade #handpainted #madeinaustralia #bespokeceramics #personaliseddinnerset #personalisedkidsdinnerware #personalisedmug
07.01.2022 Some unique gift ideas! #sectionalplate #babycomforter #personalisedbabycomforter #ceramics #personalisedceramics #personalisedmug #twohandlemug #zootheme #petbowls #personalisedpetbowls #personalisedchristmasballs #keepcups #personalisedkeepcup #travelmug #
07.01.2022 Packing the kiln for a glaze firing! Firing up to just under 1200 degrees. #bisqueware #firing #kiln #electrickiln #glaze #degrees #kilnfiring
07.01.2022 Just arrived...quilted backpacks, perfect for the little ones. Available in 4 gorgeous designs. Embroidered Personalisation available. On display at my pop up store in Menai Marketplace. #quiltedbackpack #personalisedbackpack #personalisedkidsbackpack #dinosaur #firetruck #ballet #construction #digger @ Menai Marketplace
07.01.2022 River and Nina’s personalised embroidered bucket hats. Order online at #hat #kidshat #personalisedhat #embroideredhat #embroideredbuckethat. #unicornhat #butterflyhat
06.01.2022 So adorable, personalised bucket hats. Order online at #personalisedhat #personalisedgifts #embroideredhats #unicornhat #dinosaurhat #sharkhat #butterflyhat #buckethat
06.01.2022 Packing kilns, painting orders and pouring moulds. Thats what my busy week has entailed! #pouringmoulds #greenware #firingkilns #glazefiring #moulds #kiln #painting #paintinggreenware #personalisedceramics #australianartist #handmade #handmadeceramics
05.01.2022 Delivery Orders for Fathers Day will close Thursday 27th. Pick up from Greenfield Park Orders will close Tuesday 1st September. #ceramics #personanalisedceramics #australianmade #handpaintedinaustralia #pop #poppy #papou #jeddo #nonno #grandad #grandpa #pa #papa #opa #fathersday2020 #personalisedfathersdaygifts @ Menai Marketplace
05.01.2022 Final weekend at Carnes Hill Marketplace. Order your Personalised Gifts for Christmas!
03.01.2022 Personalised your very own Cookies for Santa plate...Order online at #santaplate #personalisedsantaplate #christmas #santa #personalisedgifts #ceramics #handpaintedceramics #madeinaustralia
03.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day Dad! Order online at (succulent plant included, pick up only with plant from Greenfield Park) Or come and visit my pop up store in Menai Marketplace. #australianartist #potplant #plant #succulent #happyplanters #ceramics #madeinaustralia #madeinsydney
03.01.2022 The weekend is here. Find me at St Ives Shopping Village, this Saturday and Sunday. Place your orders for Christmas!
02.01.2022 Firiring up the kiln for a glaze firing! #glazefiring #kiln #hot #ceramics #australianartist
01.01.2022 How cute are these little Egg Towers, perfect for the delicious and healthy boiled egg! I’m pretty sure these kids will enjoy their breakfast even more! #boiledegg #egg #eggtower #train #butterfly #ladybeetle #unicorn #handmadeinaustralia #ceramics #paintinggreenware
01.01.2022 My pop up store at Menai Marketplace. Ill be here till Sunday. Place a Fathers Day order and it will be delivered back to the center before Fathers Day. #menaimarketplace #fathersdaygifts #personalisedfathersdaygifts #ceramics #popupstore #personalisedgifts #australianmade #ceramics #menai #bangor @ Menai, New South Wales
01.01.2022 In the Studio... lots of orders to paint! #australianartist #sunflower #ceramics #keepcups #travelmug #personalisedmug #personalisedplate #personaliseddinnerware #kidspersonaliseddinnerware #unicorn #sogbowl #petbowl #personalisedpetbowls #mermaid #personalisedbowl
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