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25.01.2022 Odin. Seeker of truth Understood that knowledge= sacrifice. Sacrifice = growth. I was given to Odin, myself to myself... #odin #vikings #knowledge #sacriice See more

24.01.2022 I am your heart. I pump 6000L of blood through your body. I beat 115,000 times a day. Without me, youre dead. Dont forget that.

19.01.2022 I was reminded of my impending death on a podcast this morning as the rising sun painted a deep orange canvas in the sky. I dont know when I am going to die and thats a bit of a problem. How much of my life do I spend on the insignificant? Worrying about work, checking social media, sacrificing my time (which I dont know how much is left) for pointless exercises? Not everything needs to be significant, but at least be aware that your time is ticking away and no one will about your latest Instagram post. People will care when you tell them you love them.

16.01.2022 Social comparison is simply how we measure up to one another. It is natural, biological and part of our evolution. However, this often leads to superficiality and distances us from fulfilment. This is what I explore in this article.

13.01.2022 If you are a #procrastinator, do yourself a favour and invest 15 minutes in this TED talk. Funny, interesting and insightful. Cant be bothered? Thats cool, here is a summary: * We procrastinate because we have time.... * We act when there is a sense of urgency (biological drive: fear, worry, dread, panic) or a deadline. *When there is no deadline (like life, relationships) we can procrastinate forever. See more

13.01.2022 What makes football the greatest game of all is luck and hope. Luck is the undeterminable (injuries to Mo Salah and Bobby Firmino), the unpredictable (beating a Barcelona 4-0) and the unplannable (Arnolds corner). It is a reflection of life in that we dont know what each new moment brings.... But it is also about hope. The hope of the impossible happening, the hope of rising to our meet destiny, the hope of becoming what we really are. That is why it is called the beautiful game

13.01.2022 Our values are what we *should* base our lives around yet the schooling we received is focused on separate and disperse subjects that never ask us to question ourselves. In this short article I explored the two parts of value: 1) Knowing: Exploring who you are to understand your place in the world. 2) Applying: Attempting to live by what you value....

13.01.2022 If you see your parents once a week and they are 65 years old, you have 300 days left together (optimistically assuming they live until 90). Dont take shit for granted.

12.01.2022 Purpose: Do we look for purpose in life because religion has told us that there is a *reason* for our existence? If we removed religion, would we remove purpose?

11.01.2022 One of the most difficult things to accept in life is that it isnt fair.

04.01.2022 One of the most difficult things to accept in life is that it isn't fair.

04.01.2022 Its always easier to be the thinker.

04.01.2022 What is a Personal System?

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