Perth Reptile Company | Businesses
Perth Reptile Company
Phone: +61 402 856 427
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25.01.2022 Another clutch in the incubator. 10 beautiful pearly whites from first time Mum, Squeaky. Not sure why she pooped on one Unfortunately most of Jessica’s are looking a bit average, with only a couple still looking good, but we will leave them in and see what happens. ... One more Stimmy clutch to come within the next few days
25.01.2022 Well these little guys have been a VERY steep learning curve the last 10 months. Out of 7 hatching, we have 3 survivors left. Thankfully, they are finally now old enough to be assist fed pinky mice, so they should grow much quicker now. Fingers crossed we can get them to the point they will take mice off tongs ASAP, as.... It looks like our female Pygmy Python is gravid again, and has recently had a pre-lay shed, which means we should have some eggs in a few weeks. ... Feeling more confident that we will have a bit more success this time around, so we can get more of these guys into the hobby
24.01.2022 Testing the new camera with Disco underwater!
23.01.2022 Enclosure for sale. In decent condition. Comes with 24 inch fluro tube holder. Has a small (patched up) hole in the rear mesh where the globe holder sits. May need some slight repair, which would be an easy fix. Enclosure is 910mm wide x 465mm deep x 600mm high. $200. Would love for it to be gone today
23.01.2022 And here is our first Stimmy clutch for the year. Our old girl Jessica with her first eggs after a few years off. A relatively small clutch by her standards, with 8 eggs. 2 more Stimmy clutches to come :D
23.01.2022 Make sure you get down to Miami Plaza Falcon from 11am-2pm today until Thursday this week to meet our scaly friends!!!
22.01.2022 Few girls looking good for the season. Squeaky and Jessica the stimmies have both had pre-lay sheds, and Dita the Pygmy Python is literally on the verge of dropping her eggs. Poor girl looks extremely uncomfortable, and the eggs are sitting really low. Still expecting at least one more Stimmy (possibly 2) and hopefully Dugites and tigers. Will be a busy hatchy season!
22.01.2022 If you are out and about this week why not pop in to see us and our scaly friends at Miami Plaza Shopping Centre in Falcon. 11am-2pm Monday to Thursday.
21.01.2022 ** SOLD ** Woma available. Handles reasonably well when out out. Unsexed. Eating well on rodents. ... Pm for price
21.01.2022 And the first eggs for the season have finally arrived! 8 beautiful pearly white bum nuggets from our gorgeous Pygmy Python Dita 45-50 days in the incubator, then the torture - uhh, I mean fun - begins... Please do not ask about holding or putting a deposit. Like last seasons, these will not be available until they are big enough to eat mice, which is likely to still be 12 months from now. Thanks :)
19.01.2022 Gecko the rescue python is still going exceptionally well. Loves his food. Look at that adorable face when he knows foods coming!!!
18.01.2022 We were out at UWA today for Guild on the Green O-Day. Here’s a few snaps from the day including pics of the Alpacas who came to say hi! Thanks for having us UWA Student Guild
18.01.2022 Coming to you live from UWA O-Day
18.01.2022 Back out at Miami Plaza Falcon again today and even the other retailers were getting in on the reptile action! We will be back again tomorrow and Thursday from 11am till 2pm! Hope to see you there!
17.01.2022 Dugites have started waking up. On the wrong side of the bed
16.01.2022 Come say hi at Lollipops Butler tomorrow (Thursday) from 10-11:30am!
16.01.2022 Gecko the rescue python is still going exceptionally well. Loves his food. Look at that adorable face when he knows foods coming!!!
15.01.2022 What a fun day out at Lollipop's Playland and Cafe Butler with all our scaly friends. Thanks for having us!!
15.01.2022 G'day folks, I have been thinking about this for a little while now, and given we are looking at having a pretty decent breeding season, I think now would be the right time. We get super busy, and both work fulltime as well as reptile displays and snake catching, so the extra help would be amazing. I want to give something back, and while I am not the most experienced keeper in the country - or even this state, not by a long shot -, I have been doing this a while and have pi...cked up a few things here and there. What I am proposing, is giving the opportunity for one - or possibly even 2 - younger person/ people who are interested in keeping or even just being around reptiles, the chance to come and assist with some of our daily tasks. This will involve cleaning, feeding, enclosure maintenance, and anything else related to reptile husbandry. In return for your assistance, I will teach you what I know about reptile keeping, the hobby, breeding, and even potentially venomous snake catching (this last part isn't a guarantee, and would be subject to multiple factors). This will most defintely involve learning to how to raise baby snakes from straight out of egg, inlcuding learning how to assist feed snakes. I'm hoping this opportunity will help to ignite someone's passion for reptiles, and give them a good insight into what goes into keeping large collections of animals. Who knows, it may even help steer the right person, into a career path. REQUIREMENTS: Ages 16 and over please. Must have parent's permission obviously - if under 18, I am happy to answer any and all questions the parent/ guardian may have. An understanding that we do keep multiple venomous snakes under lock and key. These will not be handled by anyone other than myself, and the only interaction will be cleaning an empty enclosure/ feeding. The ability to get to Bickley at least once a week. Ideally 2 days, as baby snakes need feeding twice a week. Durnig the week, one day will need to be after 5. Self reliance is preferable, but if parents are happy to drop off/ pick up, thats fine by me. A willingness to learn, to listen, and appreciate what is being taught. And get a little dirty Poo will be invloved. And dead animals. And the occasional exploding mouse during assist feeding. Just a heads up, it can get gross haha. If this sounds like you, or someone you know, please message us with your interest. Please note, this is not a paid position. I really just want to spread knowledge, and I feel like this would be great experience for someone looking to get some hands-on interaction with reptiles. If this goes well, I may do it frequently/ constantly, so if you do miss out, please bear that in mind. Thanks for reading!
14.01.2022 EOI: Adult female BHP. Great looking snake, but not a great handler. Will hiss and strike. Eats on rodents well. In perfect condition for breeding next season. ... PM for pics and price
13.01.2022 We are still on the lookout for a new South West Carpet Python to use in our education displays. Hoping to get a decent sized snake, sex isn’t important, although a female would be great. Must he healthy and feeds well. MUST HANDLE EXTREMELY WELL. ... This is the important part. It will be used to help educate kids and the general public in our snake awareness talks, birthday parties and daycare/ school visits, so a calm snake that doesn’t mind being handled is imperative. We are on a tight budget, so a small cost would be appreciated, but we do have this one to swap if interested. It is super pretty, and only about 18 months old, so it is a bit snappy. Will grow out of that with some persistent handling. Please message us if you have what we are looking forward, or tag someone you might know. Thanks in advance!
13.01.2022 If anybody is interested (and can get it to work), I will be doing a short interview on BOOM Radio tomorrow morning just after 8am. They are an online, student-run TAFE radio station. Will be talking all things snake awareness & safety, and how to live with them in our suburbs. See links below to where you can listen in :)... (this link seems to work better) Was always told I had a face for radio..... -- Adam
11.01.2022 ** SOLD ** EOI. PM for price. Roughly 1.5-2yo BHP. Unsexed, but thinking male. Can confirm. Handles reasonably well when out of enclosure, but can be a little flighty when trying to get it out. Eating well on mice
11.01.2022 Few girls looking good for the season. Squeaky and Jessica the stimmies have both had pre-lay sheds, and Dita the Pygmy Python is literally on the verge of dropping her eggs. Poor girl looks extremely uncomfortable, and the eggs are sitting really low. Still expecting at least one more Stimmy (possibly 2) and hopefully Dugites and tigers. Will be a busy hatchy season!
11.01.2022 This is what it’s all about. This has to be one of my most favourite things to do - in the breeding side, and educational side of what we do. This adorable young lady is Billi. Her Mum brought her down to see us when we were in Falcon at the start of the year. At just 2 years old, her love for snakes is absolutely infectious. ... So much so, her mum decided it would be a great idea get a pet snake and help keep the fascination growing, which will hopefully get Billi to grow up teaching other people to live and appreciate snakes. I promised I would keep one of the baby stimmies aside for her, and today they picked up the one that has been eating consistently. It made me so damn happy to see her face light up when she realised this was her new pet, and she was instantly in love. Education is the key to conservation, and it starts with teaching the kids. Love it #SnakeLivesMatter
10.01.2022 ** SOLD ** Well, I think it’s finally that time folks.... This little one has been eating pretty consistently for a while now, and I think I will be happy to let it go... This Pygmy python was born in November 2019, so is about 15 months old. Handles well. As you can see, it eats pinky mice off the tongs, and will do so twice a week. It will be six hundred dollars. The time and effort needed to put into these to get them to this point, is quite a lot. Pm your interest. Thanks.
10.01.2022 Well these little guys have been a VERY steep learning curve the last 10 months. Out of 7 hatching, we have 3 survivors left. Thankfully, they are finally now old enough to be assist fed pinky mice, so they should grow much quicker now. Fingers crossed we can get them to the point they will take mice off tongs ASAP, as.... It looks like our female Pygmy Python is gravid again, and has recently had a pre-lay shed, which means we should have some eggs in a few weeks. ... Feeling more confident that we will have a bit more success this time around, so we can get more of these guys into the hobby
10.01.2022 ** SOLD ** EOI. PM for price. Roughly 1.5-2yo BHP. Unsexed, but thinking male. Can confirm. Handles reasonably well when out of enclosure, but can be a little flighty when trying to get it out. Eating well on mice
10.01.2022 Enclosure for sale. In decent condition. Comes with 24 inch fluro tube holder. Has a small (patched up) hole in the rear mesh where the globe holder sits. May need some slight repair, which would be an easy fix. Enclosure is 910mm wide x 465mm deep x 600mm high. $200. Would love for it to be gone today
09.01.2022 What a fun day out at Lollipop's Playland and Cafe Butler with all our scaly friends. Thanks for having us!!
07.01.2022 A few of our elapids (and a colubrid) we keep, just for something different
06.01.2022 Great day out at Horsepower in the Hills for Wally Boys Racing at Walliston Primary School. Did you make it out?
06.01.2022 Frogs getting kinky ... enjoy!!
05.01.2022 Well after 12 months, we have finally had some progress. Early last month, one of the yearling pygmies finally took an unassisted feed off the tongs. To say I was surprised and excited is an understatement haha. It had taken until last night to get it to eat off the tongs again, but I finally managed it. Both times, it has eaten 2 pinkies.unfortunately it’s only been one of them so far, but it’s a huge step in their development, and one step closer to being able to go to a new home. ** NOTE: please do not message asking when it will be for sale, or if you can put a deposit on it. This is a big step, but we will still have to wait and see how it goes over the next few weeks. Thank you
05.01.2022 G'day folks, If there is anybody in the fire affected areas that need to evacuate, and are unsure what to do with their reptiles, we will be happy to take them until its over. We do have some space available, and if enclosures can be brought as well, then we can house what you have. Please share this around, especially with anybody you know in the fire zones.... Thanks.
04.01.2022 And a beautiful looking clutch of 11 eggs from another first time Mum, Stella. They all look nice and healthy, and that is the last stimmy clutch for this season. We will have to wait and see how many hatch, and what else may be giving us babies this season
04.01.2022 Where are we today... Did you work at a school or daycare, then why not book us in to come to you for an incursion. Why have cuddly when you can have cool!
03.01.2022 G'day folks, I have been thinking about this for a little while now, and given we are looking at having a pretty decent breeding season, I think now would be the right time. We get super busy, and both work fulltime as well as reptile displays and snake catching, so the extra help would be amazing. I want to give something back, and while I am not the most experienced keeper in the country - or even this state, not by a long shot -, I have been doing this a while and have pi...cked up a few things here and there. What I am proposing, is giving the opportunity for one - or possibly even 2 - younger person/ people who are interested in keeping or even just being around reptiles, the chance to come and assist with some of our daily tasks. This will involve cleaning, feeding, enclosure maintenance, and anything else related to reptile husbandry. In return for your assistance, I will teach you what I know about reptile keeping, the hobby, breeding, and even potentially venomous snake catching (this last part isn't a guarantee, and would be subject to multiple factors). This will most defintely involve learning to how to raise baby snakes from straight out of egg, inlcuding learning how to assist feed snakes. I'm hoping this opportunity will help to ignite someone's passion for reptiles, and give them a good insight into what goes into keeping large collections of animals. Who knows, it may even help steer the right person, into a career path. REQUIREMENTS: Ages 16 and over please. Must have parent's permission obviously - if under 18, I am happy to answer any and all questions the parent/ guardian may have. An understanding that we do keep multiple venomous snakes under lock and key. These will not be handled by anyone other than myself, and the only interaction will be cleaning an empty enclosure/ feeding. The ability to get to Bickley at least once a week. Ideally 2 days, as baby snakes need feeding twice a week. Durnig the week, one day will need to be after 5. Self reliance is preferable, but if parents are happy to drop off/ pick up, thats fine by me. A willingness to learn, to listen, and appreciate what is being taught. And get a little dirty Poo will be invloved. And dead animals. And the occasional exploding mouse during assist feeding. Just a heads up, it can get gross haha. If this sounds like you, or someone you know, please message us with your interest. Please note, this is not a paid position. I really just want to spread knowledge, and I feel like this would be great experience for someone looking to get some hands-on interaction with reptiles. If this goes well, I may do it frequently/ constantly, so if you do miss out, please bear that in mind. Thanks for reading!
03.01.2022 Check out Disco the party turtle who was having a blast at today’s birthday party. The kids loved her and the other lizards and snakes. Big Happy 3rd Birthday to Jackson. If you would like us to come to your party please feel free to message us.
03.01.2022 We finally have a proper look at what our first hatchy Stimmy looks like. This is the only hatchling from the second clutch, after losing every other egg from Squeaky, as well as the entire first clutch. Was expecting a bit lighter, but it has a really interesting mix of typical blotchy pattern towards the head, but a reduced pattern towards the tail. And it’s bloody adorable of course!!... Will be interesting to see how this one colours up as it grows. Now to start the ‘fun’ effort of getting it to feed!
02.01.2022 ** SOLD ** Woma available. Handles reasonably well when out out. Unsexed. Eating well on rodents. ... Pm for price
01.01.2022 We love educating others about snakes and other reptiles. If you would like us to come to your daycare please get in touch.
01.01.2022 More birthday party fun today in Wembley for Cale’s 7th Birthday. How cool is this cake made by his mum! Well done.
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