Pest On D Run | Pest control service
Pest On D Run
Phone: +61 451 535 391
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22.01.2022 Possum-eating spider! Taken by my husband at a Mt Field lodge.
22.01.2022 Beautiful Eastern Brown from Cotswold Hills
19.01.2022 Name: Sydney Huntsman spider, Holconia immanis Description: Enormous. huntsmans are commonly called tarantulas. their long hairy legs spread sideways may reach 16cm. leg pairs 1&2 about twice length of pairs 3&4. mottled shades of grey or brown. eye pattern- 8 eyes 2 lines of four eyes, all similar, spaced equally across the head. Habits: found along most of the east coast of Australia. live under bark on trees, under rocks and other small gaps. move sideways, can grip smoot...h, vertical surfaces, are sure footed, fast and agile. hunt insects mainly at night. Pest Status: mainly feared because of their size and that they come inside houses. can give a painful bite but not considered dangerous. See more
18.01.2022 Names :Slater or woodlouse/snowbug , Armadillidium vulgare,common pillbug. Description: heavily armoured, oval-shaped flattened bodies with 7 pairs of legs. 1.2-1.5cm long and coloured purplish with blue tint. Habits: hide in damp places such as wood heaps, under lods and in mulch, active at night, amongst the few crustacea that live on dry lane. pest status: mainly seen around the home outside but sometimes come inside searching for moisture. people are unaware of what they are and if they can damage their home.
18.01.2022 Funnel webs, assuming Sydney funnel web, Saratoga Central Coast. Dug up 3 in total plus the mouse spider. Two big ones nearly 50mm long. All relocated to the bush land next door.
14.01.2022 Names: Sydney funnel web spider (Male), description: body glossy, usually blue-black, abdomen covered with fine hairs. About 2.5cm long. compact eye grouping. large bulbs on palps. Distinct spurs on second pairs of legs. eye pattern - 8 eyes central. two in centre with others close circling around them forming 2 lines of four. Habits: wander during mating season, December-march, searching for females. when agitated attack ferociously. nocturnal, seek shelter at dawn . Pest status: Highly venomous, male venom contains six times more toxin than that of females.
14.01.2022 Name: Daddy long leg spider, Pholcus phalangioides Description: Harvestmen and crane flies are also called daddy long legs. An alternate name for this spider is the tangle-web spider. Common, often indoors, small body, about 0.9cm with long legs up to 5cm long. When disturbed it starts a very fast spinning action on the web making the spider difficult to see. Eye pattern - 8 eyes two smaller eyes together in the middle of the head three either side arranged together in a tr...iangle formation. Habits: Usually build an irregular messy web in sheltered areas such as behind furniture. Although mall bodied, can quickly wrap prey in webbing. Pest Status: the toxin can quickly stun prey but the fangs barely able to penetrate human skin. See more
14.01.2022 Name: Ticks, Ixodes Holocyclus Description: Apper to have no divisions in the body. No antennae. Eight legs (first larval stage has six) Habits: Blood sucking external parasites of mammals, Birds and reptiles. To find hosts ticks wait on vegetation with their legs outstretched and waving slowly until they can make contact. Pest Status: There are two major groups: -soft ticks (family: Argasidae) wrinkled leathery appearance and rarely bite people. ... -Hard ticks (family :Ixodidae) Hard flat body and elongated mouthparts with rows of backwards pointing teeth. group includes the main species that bite humans. Over 95% of tick bites in eastern Australia due to paralysis ticks. Most tick borne illnesses are due to this species. Bite usually not notable but may cause paralysis, allergic reaction and tick typhus. See more
13.01.2022 FUNNEL-WEB SEASON IS HERE! Were asking for any collected spiders to be brought to the Australian Reptile Park to contribute to our lifesaving antivenom program! You can help us save Australian lives!
13.01.2022 Name: Whit Tailed Spider, Lampona Cylindrata Description: Dark grey, cigar shaped body with white spot on tip of abdomen. females up to 1.8cm, males 1.2cm. Eye pattern- 8 eyes 2 lines of four eyes, all similar, spaced equally across the head. Central eyes in front row round and larger, in back they are shaped like a grain of rice angles obliquely. ... Habits: Hunters, roam at night. Webbing spiders, especially the black house spider, are their favoured food, bringing white tailed spiders near houses. native to south and eastern Australia and now in new Zealand. Pest Status: bites cause initial burning pain followed by swelling and itchiness. Bites are implicated in causing necrotic ulceration of skin. has been shown not caused by their venom. See more
13.01.2022 On be half of the staff and management of pest on d run we would like to wish you all a safe merry Christmas and and a joyful new year! We will be closed as of today and reopen on the 6th of January 2020.
12.01.2022 Name: Black House Spider, Badumna insignis Description: female up to 1.8cm , male up to 1cm. Robust build, front dark brown to black and abdomen grey with white markings. small house spider B. longinqua similar but smaller and lighter colour. Eye patters- 8 eyes four oval shaped eyes across the front with four in a curved behind. ... Habits: common, especially in temperate areas, found around homes with silken- funnel shaped webbing in the corner of a window. Drags insects entangles in its web into the tunnel. Pest Status: Bite not lethal, can cause temporary pain. See more
12.01.2022 Name: Amphipods, Arcitalitrus sylvatcus landhoppers. Description: 1.2cm long with 8 pairs of appendages, the first pair used as accessory mouthparts. pale brown to greenish when alive but quickly turn pink/red colour when they die. Habits: terrestrial Amphipods are prawn like animals found near the surface of soft ground and mulch. Active mainly at night. after rain large numbers can migrate onto concreted areas where they dry out and die. Pest status: suddenly appear, most commonly at doorways, and people are concerned because they do not know what they are.
11.01.2022 Name: Sydney Trapdoor spider, Misgolas rapax Description: trapdoor spider often mistaken for funnel web spiders but have mottled markings on the abdomen. some trapdoors build a lid to the burrow, others do not. burrows are up to 1m deep. Sydney trapdoor is dark brown and covered in golden hairs. Female about 3.5cm, male about 2.5cm. male has enormous palps. eye pattern - 8 eyes as for mouse spider, two central, either side - one level out wide with one behind it and a yellow... eye between the central and outer eye at a level between the outer eyes. Habits: Hunt crawling insects at night and drag them into the burrow. Pest Status: may show aggression when disturbed but normally run away. See more
11.01.2022 Name: Red Back Spider Description: A window spider. Same genus as new Zealand kapito and use=a black widow. Females 1.4cm , black with an orange/red dorsal stripe on the abdomen. Males tiny 0.4cm, markings less distinct. Long slender black legs. Eye pattern- 8 eyes 2 lines of four eyes, all similar, spaced equally across the head. Habits: Funnel like upper retreat of dry webbing with vertical, sticky catching webs going to ground often near weep holes on house, under furnit...ure, on fences and amongst rubbish. Prey includes other insects, spiders and small lizards. common in disturbed and urban areas. Pest Status: Only the female is dangerous to people, The males fangs are too small to penetrate human skin. The antivenom was introduced in 1956 but its efficacy has recently been questioned. See more
10.01.2022 Opening an egg sac filled with deadly funnel web spiders!
09.01.2022 coming out after hiding!#pestcontrol#spiders#pestondrun#sydneypestcontrol
09.01.2022 Name: Garden wolf spider, Lycosa Godeffroyi Description: All wolf spiders are ground dwellers, many have retreat burrows. head rises almost vertically with prominent eyes. Versatile and adaptable. females 3.5cm, males 2cm long. eye pattern- 8 eyes four large eyes in a square at the top of the head with four smaller eyes in a row at the front. Habits: eyes are highly sensitive to polarized light so has a great navigation skills. active hunter, chasing down crickets and other s...piders. lives in burrow, no lid, or in leaf litter. Pest Habits: not aggressive. can give painful bite if handled. implicated, along with white- tailed spider, in bites possibly causing necrotic lesions. See more
06.01.2022 Lest we forget.
06.01.2022 names: millipedes, ommatoiulus moreleti, black Portuguese millipede. Description: two pairs of legs per body segment, most have over 35 pairs of legs. habits: manily found in cool areas. most herbivorous or scavengers, common under rocks and logs, in leaf litter, soil and under bark of trees. habits: mainly found in cool areas. most herbivorous or scavengers, common under rocks and logs, in leaf litter, soil and under bark of trees. disturbed that can stain peoples hands and fabrics.
04.01.2022 Name: Sydney funnel web spider (female) Description:3.5cm long. no bulb on palps, no spur on leg. live 3-5 years. eye pattern- 8 eyes central- two in center with others close ciculing around them forming 2 lines of four. Habits: funnel web spider create a series of silken trip lines from the entrance to the burrow to warn of approach of poyential prey or danger. They wait at the entrance to the silk lined burrow often built in leaf litter and rockeries. Diet consist mainly ...of insects, millipedes, snails, and small vertebrates. nocturnal. central- two in center with others close circling around them forming 2 lines of four. burrow to warn of approach of potential prey or danger. They wait at the entrance to the silk lined burrow often built in leaf litter and rockeries. Diet consist mainly of insects, millipedes, snails, and small vertebrates. nocturnal. See more
04.01.2022 Give us a call on 0451535391 to book your next pest control spray
03.01.2022 A new species of spider has been discovered just south of Sydney. A woman found the blue-eyed creature on her backyard bin at Thirroul and posted a photo to a ...spider page on Facebook asking what kind it was. #Thirroul #7NEWS
03.01.2022 Name: Mouse spider, Missulena spp Description: 3.5cm, black-brown with wide, strong carapace and mouthparts. sexes may look different. some males have red carapace and blue abdomen. eyes are spread across front. eye pattern- 8 eyes two central, either side, one level out wide with one behind it and yellow eye between the central and outer eye at a level between the outer eyes. Habits: a trapdoor spider, females make burrows up to 1m deep often covered by leaves. males may w...ander during day time searching for females. Pest Status: often confused with funnel web spider. male bites if threatened or cornered. highly venomous, bite can cause swelling, burning and itchiness. See more
01.01.2022 Name: Garden Orb Weaver, Eriophora spp Description: Common garden orb weaver are stout (females up to 3cm, male to 2cm), Reddish-brown or grey with leaf shaped pattern on triangular shaped abdomen, which has two humps at front. Habits: Build sticky wheel shapes orb placed nightly where insects may fly in the evening., resting in the centre of the orb waiting for prey. Most weavers remove the web at dawn, harbouring in foliage. Adults die off in winter. eggs hatch in autumn and spiderlings disperse by ballooning on silk strands. Pest Status: Orb and Wheel weavers are found throughout Australia. Orb weavers are Reluctant to Bite. Bite may cause mild local pain, numbers and swelling and occasionally nausea and dizziness later. May startle people who walk into the sticky webbing.
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