Darling Range Rifle Club in Perth, Western Australia | Sports
Darling Range Rifle Club
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: 93443541
Address: 951 Canning Rd, Pickering Brook 6076 Perth, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 ‘Looks like we’ll have great weather for Sunday’s 300yd comp. ‘Hope to get the ball rolling a bit earlier, and a bit of assistance in setting the range up, would be appreciated. November, and shooters are now required to have a empty chamber indicator (breech flag) inserted in the chamber at all times, when not firing. So make sure to keep one of these devices in your kit. For the afternoon F/Rimfire comp, the range will be 200yds.... ‘So, looking forward to see you all on the day. Take care.
25.01.2022 Its Friday, and the forecast for Sunday doesnt look very favorable. Still, its Winter, and weve been lucky to dodge any rain, for a fairly long run of shooting days. Going by our range calendar, this week, its to be the 600yd, but conditions on the day, might necessitate a change of plan. If BOMs current prediction is accurate, it will certainly test the resolve of our clubs diehard element to get down and get at it! But its been many years since wet weather ha...s stopped the play up here! It tends to be the prospect of fire not flood, that halts our activities. Still, the Bureaus forecasts sometime err, this Sunday, we can only hope that, this time, they do! Rimfire shooters please note, that if inclement weather persists, any enthusiasm for the afternoon comp will probably evaporate. The warm of the sheds potbelly, can have a magnetic effect in such conditions. So it might get a bit windy and damp, so dress accordingly. Take care.
25.01.2022 ‘For Sunday afternoon’s 200yd F/Rimfire comp, shooters had to tackle frontal breezes of moderate strength, coming in from the right, rapidly ramping up at times, and taking it’s inevitable toll of some of the scores. We suspect that a few quiet tears were shed, by certain shooters, on departing the range! For ‘Target Rifle’ class, Chris ‘The Elder’, got down with the FWB, ‘homemade’ bipod attached, and given the conditions, managed a respectable top score, having been absent ...from our Rimfire shoots for some time. ‘Good to see ya back at it Oldtimer! Topscoring in ‘Sporter’ class, ‘mirage guru’ Murray, again put in a sterling performance, with the CZ rabbit rifle. His score, points above those shot with the latest ‘Target’ style rifles! Murray’s ability to read the conditions was no doubt gained in the decades he spent shooting at Swanbourne. ‘Good work Murray! ‘Shooting Rimfire at long range; ‘damn good fun! Next week, it’s 100yds. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
25.01.2022 September, and the Winter rains are behind us, but BOM advises that for our 600yd shoot on Sunday morning, we might cop a few drops of Spring rain, a bit before noon, but well probably get through the shoot before the weather changes. Anyhow, thats the expectation. The plan for the afternoon, is to shoot the F/Rimfire match from 200yds, but it all depends on the degree of enthusiasm to do so, considering the forecast.... Any visitors intending to attend, are reminded to bring their paper licence and cash money, but not rifles with a bore larger than 8mm, and leave the muzzle brakes at home! So, looking forward to seeing everybody down by the orchard fence on Sunday. Take care.
25.01.2022 ‘Had a quiet, but pleasant, Spring afternoon for last Sunday’s 100yd F/Rimfire shoot. Idyllic weather for a rifle comp, with only very light, infrequent breeze activity. The flags looking lazy most of the time. Our club members were pleased to entertain some visitors, and they seemed to enjoy our company, and the chance to try open range shooting on the Hexta Electronic Targets. Justin had a good ‘day out’! His original Tikka, newly rebarrelled and restocked (‘bit like Ned Ke...lly’s ‘original’ axe, save for the fact that it’s had only 6 new handles and 4 new heads!). He put up an impressive top score for ‘Sporter’ class rifles. ‘Good hit Justin! Steve claimed second place on that list, with a quite remarkable first detail score. For a while there, as Steve began to ‘send em down’, observers thought that they were about to witness the first F/Rimfire ‘possible’ yet recorded since the very inception of our afternoon .22 matches, some years ago. But sadly, his 11th shot couldn’t quite clip the ‘10’ ring, and the distinction of recording that much coveted ‘first’, is still out there to claim! ‘However, any disappointment Steve may have felt, was somewhat salved, as his 15 shot group was the tightest (32.5mm) yet recorded for ‘Sporter’ class @ 100yds, and, shot with a light barrelled, lightweight hunting rifle, off a Harris bipod! Those little ‘bunny guns’ made in the Czech Republic, have earned a well deserved reputation for accuracy, among our shooters, up here in the hills! ‘So well done Steve! For ‘Target Rifle’ class, shooting his H/B Anschutz 54, Subiaco Smallborer and frequent visitor Ben, took out top place on that list. ‘Good shoot Ben! Anyhow, that’s the story for last Sundays most enjoyable .22 comp. ‘Back to 200yds next time, and we’ve got a feeling that the winds, this time, might make their presence felt. ‘So, Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
25.01.2022 A quiet overcast Sunday morning, with initially very little wind to deal with for the 600yd Centrefire comp, and we had a surprisingly minimal turnout of shooters for the day. Of the few that arrived to shoot, Chris was probably the happiest with his score. Over the past year or two, Chris has gravitated towards shooting the ‘F’ classes; being no longer able to shoot ‘sling supported’ due to age, infirmity and injury. On his second detail, he managed to record his first, long... awaited ‘possible’, cramming all of his ten shots into the centre ‘V’ ring; five of those clipping the ‘X’! Good too see Chris, well done! After lunch, the Rimfire buffs went down to the 100yd. ‘Anyhow, it was a quiet, but pleasant day, up here in the hills. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
25.01.2022 As is the custom for our club’s annual Xmas shoot and following festivities, it was the usual 15 shots at 400yds, and it was under an overcast sky, with just a minor degree of wind activity and showers imminent, that some excellent scores were recorded, including a couple of ‘possibles’! Murray left the new Lithgow at home, and got back into the ‘Sling and Jacket’ for the day, putting up the top score for ‘Target Rifle’, with his trusty RPA. Both Justin and Chris shot well in... their respective classes, with Anthony and Ken recording top score ‘possibles’ in the ‘Sporter’ categories; ‘Standard’ and ‘Open’. ‘Good to see Ant back in the field! The showers began to arrive at the conclusion of shooting, so we all retired to the ‘Norm Peach Pavilion’, and after the annual trophy presentation, and expressing the club’s gratitude to our long serving Secretary, George, with the award of life membership, we got stuck into some sumptuous Xmas fare, in the good company of fellow members, their families and visitors, enjoying another memorable end-of-year celebration, and we all had a really good time! (Andrew won the ham! ) Next week, we’ll be back to the 500yd. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
24.01.2022 This coming Sunday, well be shooting Centrefire from 400yds, and for the afternoon Rimfire comp, its 100yds. Anyhow, thats the plan for the day. Our friends at the Bureau, reckon there might be a bit of rain in the morning, light winds predicted. Were hopeful that any showers will have passed by start time, but with our gazebos erected, if theres any precipitation, it shouldnt be a problem. Visitors intending to join us for a shoot, please bring current licence and cas...h, but no muzzle brakes. No doubt, due to inclement weather, range attendance for the last couple of Sundays has been pretty minimal, but with this weeks slightly kinder forecast, the roll-up might be different! Hope so! Take care.
24.01.2022 Great weather for the coming weekend, and we anticipate a sizeable turnout of shooters for Sundays competitions. Its the short range 300yd comp for the morning, this being the minimum distance that we shoot with the centrefire rifles, and following the lunchbreak, it wil be the long range 200yd F/Rimfire match for the .22s. We invite non-members to bring their own rifles to have a go at our style of competitive shooting, and we provide assistance, and advice, to novic...es to ensure that their initial experience of our shooting format is positive and enjoyable, but of course, were fully aware that we cant please everybody. The non-affiliated visitors fee is $30 for the day. Afternoon only, for just the Rimfire comp, is $10. Visitors are reminded that payment for range fees is CASH only, maximum calibre allowed is 8mm, and we dont permit the use of muzzle brakes. Also, visitors must present PAPER licence to verify currency. Due to lousy weather, and other reasons, its been weeks since weve been able to stage the testing 200yd F/Rimfire match. Apart from the SSAA, that shoot 200yd Benchrest Fly comp, were not aware of any other clubs, certainly within our association, that regularly shoot .22 Rimfire at this distance. We therefore had to devise a suitable target for our purposes. Most of our club members now choose to shoot with Sporter/Hunter style rifles, but these days, most of the so called Bunny Rifles are a far cry from the old Lithgow Single Shot! Target Rifle class has a lesser following. Our club did some research into what targets were being used to shoot Rimfire comps at 200 in the UK, USA, and Europe, and thus furnished with the knowledge gleaned, and in consideration of our requirements, we came up with, what we fondly term, The Pickering Brook 200 target. For the curious, diameter of the 10 ring is about that of a healthy Navel orange, and for the X ring, think golf ball. Scoring rings beyond, are spaced at 30mm. Too easy! you say? Well certainly some very impressive high scores have been recorded in both Sporter and Target classes for the distance, but nearly 3 years have passed since we began to run the comp, and as yet, no one has earned the distinction of being first to record a possible on our PB200! Were a humble mob up here on the hill, and we earnestly await the witnessing of the first hotshot that can show us how its done! They will receive much due acclaim on doing so! Anyhow, see ya Sunday! Take care
23.01.2022 The forecast for the Sunday 300yd shoot looks good, so we can expect a decent turnout of members. Please remember to observe the COVID-19 social distancing and other hygiene practices, as things are not back to normal! The danger of complacency has been proved, just look at Victoria! Shooters are advised to get to the range around 8:30; our starting time, and payment of fees is cash only.... The 300yd is a good opportunity to check sight zero settings, so dont waste the chance, and sorry, but the use of muzzle brakes is not permitted. The afternoon F/Rimfire shoot will be from 200yds. So, looking forward to another great day. Take care.
22.01.2022 Had ideal weather for afternoon 200yd Rimfire shoot on Sunday, coping with winds of a more moderate velocity than weve had lately, with breezes mostly coming in from the right, sometimes swinging to the left, with the usual rises and dropoffs, needing constant scrutiny of the flags, if the intent was to score well. Ken and Kirstie enjoyed their first Rimfire comp, using the club Anschutz; his score a couple of Xs ahead of the ladys. Good to see Billie again, she shot comme...ndably well with Murrays crack C+H. We were pleased to host a small group of visitors, and for some, it was their first experience of shooting Rimfire at long range. For the mob that shot in Target Rifle class, it was Chris, his Feinwerkbau mounted with that huge bipod, that put up the highest score for those that shoot dedicated target rifles. Our other Chris, equipped with his vintage Walther, scored just a point less than the winner, but was not too unhappy, as it was a personal best score with the rifle. In Sporter-Standard class, for a wonder, it was Martin, top scoring with his cheap but tuned Norinco. His score also a PB, shooting the little Jian Wei. In Sporter-Open, shooting his .17 HMR, Darren was sole contender. They certainly bark a bit! For next week, its back to the 100yd, and with the current forecast, its a cause for concern. Anyhow, well see how it goes! Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
22.01.2022 A very pleasant Sunday afternoon was spent shooting our 200yd F/Rimfire comp, with the looming showers holding off, until well after our last shots were fired. Grateful we were, after being disappointingly washed out on the previous Sunday. With an overcast sky, and light breezes, causing the flags and indicators to wander around a bit, seeming uncertain about where they wanted to point, and neglecting to pay attention to their sneaky meanderings, was a great way of chopp...ing heaps of points off your score! It was mainly a Battle of the Bunny Rifles on the day, with only the twins trying to out score each other, in Target Rifle class, both sharing the old Martini. Andrew managed to put up an excellent top score in Sporter class, borrowing Justins Tackholer Tikka, with Murray, just a couple of points behind, shooting his C+H. We were glad to host a number of visitors, all keen to try the novel experience of shooting their .22 rifles at long range, on an electronic target system. For next Sunday, the weather looks promising, and the range will be 100yds. So.... Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
22.01.2022 Cold, wet and windy for our 400yd comp on Sunday, but surprisingly, a fair number of shooters turned up, and most of them were still keen to shoot in such daunting conditions. There were some short breaks in the weather when, at times, the skies above were clear blue, then the western sky darkened again, bringing another rain squall, and that was the weather pattern for the rest of the day. Gusty winds, and the flags, being rain soaked, were wrapping around the poles at time...s, and were of little help. Any shooter caught in those mini-gales, didnt fare well. We have had better Sundays. In Target Rifle class, Russell recorded the best score. Well done Russ! Craig, our F/Openeer, didnt do too badly considering. Goran, shooting F/TR, put up the best effort in that category, and visitor, Craig, with his new Lithgow, in Sporter-Standard, top scoring. Remarkably, with little change in the weather conditions, amongst the remaining few, there was still sufficient enthusiasm to tackle the afternoon 100yd F/Rimfire comp. Anyhow, that was it for last Sunday. Seemed a long drive home. Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
21.01.2022 Despite the ominous, almost overbearing, weather forecast for the day, a few brave souls all possessed of some madness, rocked up to Lake Pickering to contest the 400yd comp. The predicted rain came down in buckets, sometimes almost horizontally. The gazebos providing limited protection. For the Sling and Aperture sight shooters, with the targets appearing in varying degrees of obscurity, due to bands of fog and rain sweeping through, the sighting difficulties were refl...ected in the scores, with Murray, again, recording highest score for the day in Target Rifle class. Martin traded his Central for a Scope, to compensate for his failing eyesight, on a day when using optics was certainly an advantage. Craig, shooting F/Open, obtained much happiness from his first detail score. Former Roo shooter, Andrew, recorded the best score for Hunter class, almost clinching a Possible on his first detail, in most difficult conditions. At the conclusion of the mornings Centrefire match, a show of hands was called for continuing the planned days activities, but with most of us being somewhat sodden, it was unanimously a thumbs down for holding the 200yd Rimfire comp, and after a hungrily scoffed hot pie, those of us remaining, hurried home to make dry! Not the best of days, but we still all had an enjoyable time. Hey! Were a Fullbore Rifle Club! Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
21.01.2022 There might be a bit of afternoon rain for this Sunday, but hopefully, not anything like the deluge we copped last week. (Bickley, just up the road, recorded 90mm!!) Anyhow, a reasonable amount of shelter will be provided for the hydrophobes, but if youre concerned about the prospect of a bit of precipitation, then come prepared. Members and visitors are requested to arrive early, as shooting will get underway by 8:30. ... For this week, the morning Centrefire comp will be from 500yds, and with weather, and enthusiasm permitting, it will be 200yds for the afternoon Rimfire shoot. Anyhow, seems theres room for a bit of optimism regarding Sundays forecast, but then again, it is July and its Winter. So... Take care.
21.01.2022 ‘Bill, all smiles, after ticking up 10 little X’s all in a row with the 6mm PPC. Well done Bill!
20.01.2022 We recently held our AGM and the success of our rimfire shoot was raised. The rimfire shoot was introduced to give members a fun afternoon shoot to finish of the day. This was opened up to non members and has taken on a life of its own. It has proved the need for a rimfire shoot at distance and the turnout has been fantastic. It has also proved that we need to change the program as we are finishing later than first thought. So from the first of December (rimfire shoot only) w...e will be running members only and accepting visitors on the last Sunday of each month. The question of membership has also been raised to participate in the rimfire shoot. To date our membership has been based around our centre fire competition and we wish to continue with that direction. So after this coming Sunday 29 Dec we will be moving to visitors attending the rimfire shoot on the last Sunday each month. PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE NO CHANGES TO THE MORNING CENTRE FIRE SHOOT AND VISITORS ARE STILL WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS EACH WEEK ONLY THE AFTERNOON HAS CHANGED. See more
20.01.2022 ‘Here’s looking forward to Sunday! In the best of spring weather, this week, we’ll be shooting the short ranges. That’s 300yds for the Centrefire and 100yds for the afternoon Rimfire match, and, it’s a good opportunity to check the ‘zero’ settings on your sights. Visitors are invited to participate in our competitions, pitting their shooting skills against others with similar levels of ability and rifle equipment (Hunter class).... The stimulus of our friendly level of competition, certainly improves the chances to maximize your score! ‘That’s what our sport is all about! First shots will go down range around 8:30, or hopefully earlier, and visitors will be required to present their current licence (that’s the one printed on paper), and it’s cash payment only, for range fees. No calibres larger than 8mm, and no muzzle brakes. ‘Take care.
20.01.2022 The Pickering Brook Rifle Range extends back to a 600yd firing point, and it will be from there that, with the weather looking good, we will be shooting the morning Centrefire competition on Sunday. Visitors are invited to test their skills, whether limited or otherwise, in the noble art of long range riflery, alongside our Darling Range members on any Sunday, but this invitation is conditional. The maximum calibre permissible is 8mm, also, muzzle brakes are not to be used.... Bolt action rifles chambered for high power cartridges are best suited for our Centrefire matches. Military rifles, or tube magazine lever action types, are not deemed suitable as they’ve proved to be highly unkind to our Electronic Targets. Visitors must produce their paper licence, and range fees are to be paid in cash. ‘So, around 8 to 8:30am, we’ll be rolling up, down by the orchard fence, preparing for the morning’s activities. ‘Should be a good day! This week, the afternoon F/Rimfire competition will be from the 200yd. ‘Take care.
19.01.2022 Well be assembling down by the apple orchard fence for the 600yd Centrefire match this Sunday morning, then its up to the 100yd mound for the afternoon F/Rimfire shoot. The forecast sounds ideal for the days shooting activities, and members and visitors are advised to turn up earlier rather than later. We hope to begin shooting shortly after 8:30am for the morning competition, and around 1:00pm for the afternoon comp. Also, be reminded that our cash register only accepts... notes and coins, coz theres no Eftpos up here! And note: we dont permit the use of muzzle brakes, but most of them are readily removable. So, should be a good day. Take care.
19.01.2022 With those unrelenting easterlies, gusting up the range on Sunday, expectations of any record scores being posted for our 300yd comp, seemed unfounded. Although, quite surprisingly, some very impressive numbers were recorded in the ‘Hunter/Sporter’ classes, with our members; Anthony and Goran, snatching first place by mere Centre ‘V’ Bull’s! Also deserving of mention, was longtime ‘sling shooter’, Paul’s, effort with his newly acquired, superbly crafted, SAUER .308cal ‘huntin...g’ rifle. Now into his 7th decade, Paul’s been struggling with less than optimum eyesight, and difficulties in achieving an acceptable sight picture with aperture sights has prompted him to look at ‘scope-sighted’ alternatives. For just his second attempt at competing in our ‘Sporter-Standard’ class, Paul recorded his first ‘possible’ with the rifle, and his aggregate score, was ‘nipping at the heels’ of our champ, Anthony’s! ‘So, bloody good effort Paul! All the range experience gleaned as member of the Subiaco club, shooting on that ‘University of Marksmanship’ Swanbourne Rifle Range, obviously hasn’t been forgotten. Scores for the shooters in the other classes we host, seemed to reflect the conditions, and yes, we have had ‘kinder’ shooting days. Following our BBQ lunch, a small number of our members, deemed to be of ‘unsound mind’, went down to shoot the 200yd F/Rimfire match, in those sometimes gale-force breezes. Anyhow, we’ll see what the weather brings for the 400yd next Sunday. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
18.01.2022 The plan for this Sunday is to shoot the 300, but for us open range, long distance shooters of the Fullbore fraternity, the forecast, as of late Friday, issued by our pals at BOM, seems far less than ideal, with the conditions predicted, replicating what we copped last week! Still, well continue to try and maintain a positive outlook for the day. Under the limited protection of our rustic shed, the fire will provide a bit of comfort, and over a cup of tea or coffee (not...hing stronger!), those gathered will make the decision to, or not to, proceed with the shoot. Therell probably be a bit of sustenance provided, like snag-and-a-bun, hot pie, a donut or two, and theres club matters to discuss. Anyhow, try to turn up, and well see how it goes. Rain, hail or shine, being at the range, in the company of fellow members, is always a great way to spend a few hours on a Sunday! So Take care.
18.01.2022 We had a well attended F/Rimfire comp on Sunday afternoon, shot from 200yds, and in similar conditions to the sometimes blustery morning. The ‘Wind Gods’ were dispensing favour only to a fortunate few. We were glad to host a number of visitors, some being members of another association that specializes in shooting the little cartridge, and it turned out to be a busy, full on Sunday arvo! Currently there are only 2 classes of rifle defined in the rules for F/Rimfire competitio...n. There’s a category for the dedicated ‘Target/Benchrest’ types; maximum weight 7.5kg, the other being for the lighter ‘Hunting’ type rifles, with a weight limit of 4.5kg, and that’s about it. Front rest equipment is a matter of choice, and large inland properties on which animals are raised, for their wool, will not appear on any prize list! ‘We try to make it a fun afternoon. Steve did very well with his ‘CZ/C+H’, feeding the gun with SK Rifle Match, and putting up top score for the ‘Bunny Rifles’. ‘Good hit Steve! Sam lugged his heavy barreled Anschutz to the firing point, and using the same brand of ammo as Steve, managed to record the best score for ‘Target Rifle’ class. ‘Well done Sam! Our visitor, Owen’s, boys had a good time learning the art, one of the lads confessing that he thought the only thing better than shooting rifles was eating! Next week, it’s back to the short range 100yd. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
18.01.2022 In contrast to the previous week, the weather was springtime perfect for our rifle competitions this Sunday. Good to see club member Ben again, hes now exiled in the far north where the work is, and understandably, his Fullbore technique had become a little bit rusty. More mat time needed Ben! Thanks to the small contingent of our members, that travelled to the far wastelands of Pinjar, to contest the Champion of Champions match on Saturday. They found the event an ed...ucative experience. Up to his usual form, sling shooter Murray, now dealing with eye problems, still managed to put up the best score in Target Rifle class, with a bakers dozen of centres! Well done Murray! The F/classers were a bit spread out. In Open class, Craig, his Ruger 6.5 now fitted with a barrel of truck axle dimensions, seemed content with his score. Trying F/TR, young visitor Alex, recorded an encouraging score for a kid with minimal range experience. Good to see ya giving it a go Alex! In Sporter Standard, we had our novice, new member, Kirstie, tackling the task of attempting to group em all in the bulleye. Kirsties enthusiasm for her newfound sport is inspiring! And in Sporter Open, Goran, his Howa now fitted with a new modular stock, was again, able to score another double, including heaps of Vs, with visitor, Zane, close on Gorans heels, scoring a mere single V less than the winners score. Well shot fellas! After a refreshment/lunchbreak, in continuing superb weather, the small cartridge afficionados wandered down to the 200yd mound for the F/Rimfire match. Anyhow, it was a really great day up here in the hills! Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
18.01.2022 ‘Had a cool, and sometimes cloudy day, for the 400yd shoot last Sunday, with the often unruly westerlies, making it a bit difficult to keep a group tight. With Justin, shooting ‘Sporter/Open’, managing to score a ‘double’, garnished with 18 centre V’s. A magnificent effort given the conditions. ‘Well done Justin! For the rest of the crew, scores suffered a little, with George top scoring for ‘Target/Fullbore’, Chris for ‘F/TR’ and Steve for ‘Sporter/Std’, Justin also scoring ...well in ‘F/Open’, and Mark, from the club down at Coolilup, scoring reasonably well in ‘F/STD’. The wind continued for the afternoon 100yd Rimfire comp. ‘Still, it was another good day. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
17.01.2022 For this Sunday, the morning comp will be shot from the 500yd mound, and with good but warm weather predicted, it should be a good day. Note: Shooters are now required to use an empty chamber indicator of some description. After lunch, it’s back to the 200yd for the F/Rimfire match.... ‘Take care.
17.01.2022 We had clear blue skies and warm but pleasant conditions for the 300yd comp on Sunday. The predicted winds didn’t amount to much, and the light breezes encountered were just enough to confound the high ‘X’ count chasers! Bill, the marksman from Beverley club, shooting ‘F/STD’, topscored again, recording a ‘double possible’. His sub-MOA group, on his second detail, almost scored an unbroken link of X’s, save for a single ‘6’ on the end! Good shoot Bill! For ‘F/TR’, Chris conti...nued his recent run of respectable scores; his being the best for that class. For ‘Sporter/Standard’, Murray’s score topped the list, recording his first ‘possible’ with his recently acquired Lithgow. ‘Sporter/Open’ shooters, Justin and Ken, both clocked up ‘doubles’. Justin’s excellent top score won the day, with Ken trialing the results of his first attempt at handloading. Russell put up the best score for ‘Target’ rifle, and Craig for ‘F/Open’. Next Sunday will be our annual Xmas Shoot. ‘See you there! http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
17.01.2022 For the few that shot the F/Rimfire comp on Sunday, the conditions made the job of keeping the groups tight, an extremely hard task. With the approaching front, the Nor-Easters ramped up a bit, and at 200yds, with a gusty airstream to tackle, it became apparent that no record scores were to be posted. ‘Anyhow, our shooters accepted the challenge, although Justin was left pondering on whether his choice of using the cheaper brands of ammo, might have been a handicap!... It was exclusively a ‘Sporter Class’ day, with Rosco topscoring for ‘Sporter-Std’, and Vlad, with his flat ‘shootin .17 HMR in ‘Sporter-Open’. ‘Not ideal conditions for shooting .22’s at 200yds, but it was still ‘good fun! Next week, it’s back to 100yds. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
16.01.2022 Sunday, and concerns about rainfall dampening the ardour of our members wanting to contest the 500yd comp, proved to be unfounded, as we didnt cop a single drop all day! In an attempt to ward off the chill morning air, some members managed to get some wood burning, the flicker of the few flames, giving at least, the hint of a bit of heat, but a bonfire would have been better! It was one of those rare, almost completely windless mornings, with the flags remaining on the droo...p for most of the Centrefire match, so some high scores were expected. It was a day to get a double, and a few were recorded. Murray was all smiles after putting 100.16 on the board, in Target Rifle class, using only the use of a sling for front support, and squinting through aperture sights! Good shoot Murray! Also scoring doubles, their firsts in the Hunter class categories, were Andrew with 100.8 for Sporter/Standard and Goran with a cracking 100.15 in Sporter-Open. Both were shooting with mass produced factory barrels. Well done Fellas! At last, all that effort expended for what, at times, must have seemed an endlessly elusive goal, has finally paid off! The memory of those first doubles will linger long, just like some other firsts, often experienced as fumbling adolescents. Ya never forget them, do ya! As we were moving from the shed, down to the 200yd line, for the afternoon F/Rimfire match, the wind started to give notice that it was getting tired of its earlier doin nuthin mode, and things got a bit interesting for the .22 shooters! All part of the days fun! Anyhow, take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
16.01.2022 To all our friends and fellow shooters of the Fullbore Rifle Shooting Fraternity, ‘have a good one! Cheers. Darling Range Rifle Club.
16.01.2022 This fortunate run of relatively rain-free shooting days looks set to continue for this Sundays 500yd comp, but be advised, it might get a bit nippy earlier on, so be wise and throw a warm jacket in the truck. Remember, with the current, strict observance of social distancing on our range, any huddling or cuddling for warmth, will not, under any circumstances, be tolerated! Hopefully, some small source of heat can be provided, if old Pyro remembers to bring his box of ...matches. Visitors take note; we dont accept credit cards or muzzle brakes. Range fees are Cash-Only. This week, the afternoon Rimfire match will be shot from 200yds. Shooting with the little .22 is a good, cheap and affordable method of gaining an understanding of the influence of a bit of wind to the flight path of a projectile, and of how cruel those little breezes can sometimes be, but its all part of the learning curve! So, Pickering Brook Range, great place to spend a Sunday! Take care.
16.01.2022 See below last chance this year for a midweek shoot
16.01.2022 For our last shoot for 2020, we copped those Sou’Easterlies again, roaring up the range at a considerable pace. The frequent, strong gust stirring up more than a few ‘Dust Devils’, and with such conditions to contend with, only a few of our competitors managed to record any high scores. It was a tough task to tackle our 600yd, with only single detail ‘possibles’ posted on the day, by visitors Brett and Scott, shooting ‘Sporter/Open’. Our classic ‘Fullbore’ shooter, George, sc...ored a respectable 96.5, with full marks to Anthony, scoring 96.8 in ‘Sporter-Std’, and also worthy of mention, was Ken’s sterling effort for ‘Sporter-Open’, scoring 98.5. ‘Well done fellas! ‘Had a surprising visit from one of the locals, our curious visitor being one of the critters that appears on the National Coat of Arms. We all appreciated his paying us a call, unlike the Kangaroos, the Emu’s rarely appear on the range. With the raging breezes continuing, and after our BBQ lunch, a small contingent of members and visitors went down to the 100yd to pitch their shooting skills against the elements with the .22 rifles. And that concluded our club’s shooting activities for 2020! ‘Next year, next Sunday, we’ll shoot the 300yd. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
15.01.2022 One of the great aspects of our sport is traveling around and meeting new people, see the attached flyer for the Dowerin Rifle Club open day 11th Oct. Contact details are on the pic if youre thinking of going.
14.01.2022 It was cold, wet and grey for our Sunday morning Centrefire shoot, and ‘what a contrast from the previous week!? Although the rain was unrelenting, there was hardly a hint of any breeze, and under the minimal shelter provided by the gazebos, the club’s ‘hardcore element’ got down and ‘got at it’, some managed to record some pretty impressive scores. Shooting in ‘Hunter/Open’, Goran and Ken battled it out, both scoring ‘doubles’, with Goran outscoring Ken by the mico margin of... a single ‘X’! ‘F/Open’ shooter, Craig, posted one of his better scores, and came real close to recording his first, long awaited ‘possible’. Until the ninth shot, on his second detail, wandered North! ‘Good try Craig! For our ‘Target Rifle’ sling-shooter mob, Russell put up the best score, with Murray, his RPA sporting a 9x scope, trying ‘Optical’ class. ‘Anyhow, we had an unexpected return to Winter conditions, but we made the best of it! ‘So, take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
14.01.2022 Probably a combination of Fathers Day and Forecast, was the reason for a reduced number of shooters on Sunday. With high winds and 15mm of rain predicted, we decided shortly after arrival, to shoot from the 400yd instead of the 600yd, as per calendar. The decision was unopposed. Fishtailing gusts, running up range, presented challenging conditions, with few high scores recorded. Murray, shooting Target Rifle, put up best score for the class, but perplexed about some of his ...elevation shots. Justin, managed the best effort for F/Open, but Goran, left a bit disappointed with his score for F/TR. For his first visit to the range, John, shooting S/H-Standard, shot respectably well. New member Kirstie, a novice to the sport, learning to correctly shuffle rear bags. Star of the day, was Ken, who, for his first score as a member of our club, in S/H-Open, recorded a double possible!! In recent weeks, his string of consistent high scores, raised expectations that his first hundred wouldnt be a long time coming. Congratulations Ken, welcome to Darling Range. Having completed the morning match for our Centrefire core disciplines, and with darkening skies, and winds rising, it was decided that we would forego the afternoon 200yd Rimfire match. Shooting the little .22s in the latter part of our shooting day, is meant to inject a fun element to Sundays program, but with such conditions as presented, it would have been a futile exercise. Anyhow, theres always next week! Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
13.01.2022 If the current BOM forecast for a 'cooler' Sunday proves correct, DFES may decide not to delcare a Total Fire Ban... At least we hope so! Certainly, a break from this 'furnace blast' heatwave would be welcome! But before journeying to the range on Sunday, members and intending visitors are advised to check the DFES website for a ban. If declared, we are not permitted to be present on the range. 'So, keep ya fingers crossed! The plan is for a 2x10 Centrefire comp in the mornin...g, and visitors are invited to join in. We'll be shooting from the 400yd mound. After enjoying our midday BBQ lunch, depending on interest, we shoot the F/Rimfire match from 100yds, but for this Sunday, it's restricted to members of ours, and other affiliated clubs. 'So, here's hoping that we'll be able to enjoy another great day , up here in the bush! 'Take care.
13.01.2022 Hi Guys and Gals the support and enquiries we are getting lately is fantastic. Here is a quick reminder of what we do due to some frequently asked questions. Our main focus is Full bore Target Rifle Shooting and the club is affiliated with the Western Australian Rifle Association. We meet every Sunday only, shooting in the prone position distances from 300yrds to 600yrds. The competition itself consists of two 12 shot matches each with 2 sighters and 10 scoring shots. The co...mbination of these matches make up your days total. The afternoon is a rim fire match as a fun finish to the day but please note this 22 match is not guaranteed as it is not our main game and may be cancelled due to weather or low numbers with that decision being made on the day. If you would like to participate in our weekly Sunday shoot please message the club on this page and also read the Pinned post at the top of our page. It is a great day out and for those unsure about coming down there is plenty of support. We understand not everyone can get here on a Sunday so if you are looking for a midweek option there is a Wednesday shoot at the Pinjar Rifle range with the Bassendean Bellevue Rifle club. They also can be contacted on their face book page. See more
11.01.2022 Sunday, 300yds, a cold grey day, with single digit temperatures lasting well into the morning, with very light wind conditions. Our resident Fire Officer attempted semi-successfully, to get a fire going, but the somewhat damp fuel refused to combust until some liberal doses of Woof Juice were applied, creating some flames, but no roaring blaze. Still, the little warmth provided, was appreciated and needed. In F/STD class, Cathy, of the Beverley Crew, succeeded in wh...acking them all in, top scoring, with a Double that included a healthy collection of Super Centres. Good hit Cath! This week, it was Martin, that managed to put up best score for Target Rifle class, leaving him wondering how? In F/Open, Bill, using his little 6mm Bench Gun, also scored a Double, but with a single X ahead of Cathys score. Did it again Bill! Good hit! Goran, decided to nominate for F/TR this week, and didnt do too badly. Andrew, again, put up a high top score for Sporter-Standard, but was unable to snatch a Possible. Good try Andrew. After a brief midday sojourn to the shed to warm up a bit, the Rimfire enthusiasts went down to tackle the 200yd match, with the chilly conditions continuing. Still, shouldnt complain, at least we didnt cop any rain! Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
11.01.2022 For some reason, yet to be disclosed, we shot the Rimfire comp from 100yds, instead of the stated 200yd, last Sunday. Ominous gathering clouds were looming, but thankfully, we had a shower-free afternoon for our F/Class Rimfire competition. Experience has proved that any expectations of afternoon winds subsiding, are ill founded and, as usual, the breezes picked up after midday. ‘Coming through the state forest from the right hand side of the range, and rebounding off the tre...es to the left, directional wind changes were short and swift, and grouping all 15 shots in the 20-cent-sized ‘10’ ring were.... ‘well, it got a bit hard! Our septuagenarian shooter, Chris, managed to, in difficult conditions, put up the highest score on the range, with his FWB, in ‘Target Rifle’ class. ‘Well done Chris! For the majority that choose to shoot the match in ‘Sporter’ class, it was our frequent visitor, Subiaco Smallbore’er, Graeme, all the way from Whiteman Park, that headed the score list, shooting his newly acquired gaudily stocked CZ. Also worthy of mention, was Chris, our caterers effort, shooting a borrowed stock Norinco, with it’s heavy weight trigger. ‘Well done Chris! ‘Rimfire afternoons, we look forward to them. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
11.01.2022 It’s 400yds for the Centrefire comp this Sunday, and according to BOM, there’s the possibility of a bit of rain in the morning. ‘But no worries, as our gazebo will be erected, after having undergone a few minor repairs to damage sustained due to it having taken a bit of a tumble, last week. Low morning temperatures are predicted, so we’ll fire up the potbelly to improve the general ambience on the range, and yes, it’s mid November! The F/Rimfire match in the afternoon will be... 100yds. ‘Take care.
11.01.2022 We’ll be shooting from the 300yd mound on Sunday, this being the minimum distance that we shoot Centrefire comps, and it’s a good opportunity to check the ‘zero’ on your rifles sights. The weather report looks good, but we might have to deal with some challenging morning breezes. Visitors intending to shoot in our comp will, as always, be made to feel welcome. ‘Should be a good day!... ‘Take care.
10.01.2022 We might cop a drop of rain for this Sundays 400yd shoot, but the gazebos will be erected to provide some shelter if it starts comin down. Anyway, its but a short dash to the shed where a warm fire awaits, plus tea and coffee, but then again, theres always a chance that the current prediction isnt accurate. Darling Range Rifle Club invites licenced non-members to join us on Sundays, to help develop their shooting skills in an atmosphere of friendly competition. Newcomer...s will be given guidance and advice on the technique required to eventually score that magic, first ten-shot possible, and thats the way most of us up here began their ongoing interest in the sport of Fullbore target shooting. For shooters interested in sighting in, load development or just plain plinking, theres an excellent opportunity to do so up at the Pinjar range on Wednesdays, between the hours of 10-2, where, for a reasonable range fee, they can set up a target (no gongs!) and fire away. Alternately, there are three of the Silver Moutain Electronic Targets set at 300m that can be used. Run by members of the Bas/Bel club, its a pretty good deal and we recommend it. Currently, the use of Muzzle Brakes, on the Wednesday, are permitted. This week, weather permitting, the afternoon Rimfire match at Pickering Brook will be the 100yd. Although Target class (heavy barreled, Smallbore competition-style rifles) have a following up here. The majority of competitors contesting, tend to prefer Sporter class, probably because the Hunting-type rifles are a bit more affordable. Whether shooting Centrefire or Rimfire rifles at their relevant distances, the same skills of marksmanship must be honed and applied, if the object of the exercise is to excel. Sending the little lead slugs down range doesnt lighten your wallet as much, thats all! Anyhow, for those who Believe, fair weather prayers for Sunday would be appreciated. Take care.
10.01.2022 We’re back to the longest distance that we shoot at Pickering Brook Range this Sunday, 600yds. Pleasant conditions are predicted, with moderate temperatures, and the breezes from points south, will be fishtailing up the range to provide a bit of a challenge, so we look forward to another great Sunday of shooting. Members and visitors are reminded that we’re now required to use an ‘empty chamber indicator’.... This week, the afternoon F/Rimfire comp will be shot from 100yds. ‘Anyhow. ‘Take care.
09.01.2022 The Western Australian Rifle Association Queens event at Pinjar has again passed for another year. This event is an opportunity for members to test their skills against fellow shooters in the hope of attaining the coveted Queens prize. A tradition for many years on the Swanbourne Rifle Range with a brief stay in Albany, moved to Pinjar in 2017 and was first won there by Target Rifle Shooter James Corbett from Benalla. Due to border restrictions, numbers were down but that did...n't mean the competition was any less fierce with one discipline going into a shoot off after scores were tied and the difference between others was a matter of centres. Success was not guaranteed if you finished the day on top, Mother Nature did her best in the last days of the event challenging even the most seasoned competitors, umbrellas were out and everyone scrambled to cover their gear. It was City of Subiaco Rifle Club member Neil Hughes who become the first West Australian to win the Queens prize at Pinjar in the Target Rifle Discipline. Winners for each class can be found on the NRAA website www.results.nraa.com.au Congratulations must also go to our own Murray Watts for taking out Division 2 in match 7 the Darling Range Rifle Club sponsored 800/900. See more
09.01.2022 ‘Cold, wet and windy for our 400yd comp on Sunday, but surprisingly, a fair number of shooters turned up, and most of them were still keen to shoot in such daunting conditions. There were some short breaks in the weather when, at times, the skies above were clear blue, then the western sky darkened again, bringing another rain squall, and that was the weather pattern for the rest of the day. Gusty winds, and the flags, being rain soaked, were wrapping around the poles at time...s, and were of little help. Any shooter caught in those mini-gales, didn’t fare well. ‘We have had better Sundays. In ‘Target Rifle’ class, Russell recorded the best score. ‘Well done Russ! Craig, our ‘F/Openeer’, didn’t do too badly considering. Goran, shooting ‘F/TR’, put up the best effort in that category, and visitor, Craig, with his new Lithgow, in ‘Sporter-Standard’, top scoring. Remarkably, with little change in the weather conditions, amongst the remaining few, there was still sufficient enthusiasm to tackle the afternoon 100yd F/Rimfire comp. ‘Anyhow, that was it for last Sunday. ‘Seemed a long drive home. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
09.01.2022 It was winds coming from the ‘Nor-West, that gave the flags a bit of exercise, for our 300yd comp on Sunday. ‘Been a while since we’ve had to cope with a following breeze, with George top scoring for the ‘sling shooters’ in ‘Target Rifle’. ‘F/TR-er’, Chris, recorded the best score for the class, and seemed somewhat pleased with his effort.... Shooting hunting-style rifles, visitors scored best, with Adrian for ‘S/H-Std’, and Rosco in ‘S/H-Open’. The ‘Old Master’, Bill, paid us a visit. Scoring a ‘double’, with a rifle chambered for one of the smaller cartridges, in ‘F/Open’. ‘Anyhow, just another pleasant Sunday, up here in the bush. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
09.01.2022 For the afternoon F/Rimfire comp last Sunday, the winds of the morning hadn’t eased; ‘comin in from the right, then swirling around a bit, and it required a bit of cunning judgement to keep the shots in, or near, that tiny 20cent sized ‘Ten’ ring! In ‘Target’ class, the Anschutz equipped duo from Whiteman Park slugged it out, with Greg winning the duel, both scoring well in trying conditions. For the ‘Sporter/Std’ shooters, it was Murray that top scored. Showing a bit of cla...ss, shooting his lightweight CZ, his score just a point below that of the ‘Target Rifle’ competitors! Well done Murray! Sole ‘Sporter/Open-er’, Ashley, made ‘Magnum’ noises, and scored reasonably well for only his third visit. Next week it’s back to the 200yd. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
09.01.2022 On previous afternoons, if we were presented with weather conditions such as we copped last Sunday, it would’ve been a ‘thumbs down’ decision regarding the F/Rimfire shoot. However, for reasons unfathomable, amongst the small group that were gathered in the shed after lunch, there was, for a wonder, sufficient enthusiasm to give it a go! Although the weather seemed to slightly moderate, it’s a hard stretch to remember when we last staged the Rimfire match in such adverse wind... conditions compounded with squally showers! Trying to shoot through that maelstrom of moving air was there... well! A hint of madness maybe? ‘Anyhow, Russell had a bash at it with his Anschutz, as sole ‘Target Rifle’ contender, and Steve, managed to put up a reasonable top score with his Brno ‘bunny rifle’ in ‘Sporter-Standard’. It was one hell of a day! Possibly, next week will be better. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
09.01.2022 ‘Might get a bit warm for this Sunday’s 500yd shoot, but plenty of shade will be provided for our shooter’s comfort, and those tricky morning breezes will keep things pleasant. The BBQ lunch will be on, and probably some of last weeks ‘leftovers’ to quench the thirst, in the drinks esky! As for the 200yd F/Rimfire comp, well... we’ll discuss the prospect over some lunch. ... ‘Should be a good day! ‘Take care.
09.01.2022 There might be a little but of rain this Sunday morning, hopefully before we kick off around 8:30. This week, were shooting from the 400yd mound for the Centrefire rifles, and in the afternoon, its from 100yds, for the F/Rimfire comp. The gazebos will be erected, to provide a bit of shelter for our shooters, just in case any rain persists.... Visitors intending to shoot their own rifles, will be required to present their current licence, and range fees can only be paid in cash. With the alarming news coming out of the Eastern States regarding the rising Second Wave of the pandemic, it is imperative that we all continue to diligently practice social distancing and other hygiene requirements, and dont be offended by any reminders to comply. Anyhow, were all looking forward to another pleasant Sunday at the Pickering Brook Rifle Range. So Take care.
09.01.2022 Good weather for Sunday, and well be down at the 500yd mound, for the morning Centrefire shoot. Visitors note; bring PAPER licence, bring cash, and dont bring muzzle brakes, or calibres larger than 8mm. Unfortunately this week, due to some urgent club business that has to be dealt with, we have had to convene a committee meeting in the afternoon, and therefore regretfully, we have had to cancel the afternoon F/Rimfire comp. Well do the 200 next week. Condolences to th...e aggrieved. Anyhow, that being said, should be a good day! Take care.
08.01.2022 This Wedgetails-eye view photo was snapped from Georges Flying Machine. Its an interesting aerial shot of the Pickering Brook Rifle Range, that was hacked out of the bush in the dark days of the war with Japan, by the Volunteer Defence Corps. The clearing and earthworks were completed, mainly with the use of axe and shovel. Heavier machinery was mostly horse-drawn, the task requiring a lot of sheer, hard work. Our regular visitor, Dave, who grew up locally, recalls how..., as a small kid, he visited the range with his Father, who was then serving with the VDC, and witnessed his Dad, handing back his rifle to a man in a big army truck, as hostilities had ended, the Volunteers were being disbanded. 75 years have past, and in that time, the range has undergone both extension, reconstruction and modification. It is now home to the resident clubs; Darling Range and Armadale Byford, and we hope it will continue to be. Close to the target gallery, the range area is considerably wider, and the wind seems to regard the spot as a bit of an afternoon playpen! Shooters tackling the 200yd F/Rimfire match, had to contend with the flags and indicators behaving in a very unruly manner, with the breeze rapidly changing in velocity and direction! So the conditions could be described as (using an old overworn term) tricky!! Chris brought his Walther Target Rifle to the firing line, and top scored in the class. For the Bunny rifles, Graeme, with his new thumbhole stocked CZ, recorded a PB, and top score for the match, just a few points ahead of Murray in Sporter-Std class. Good hit Graeme! Darren, and his dad Ian, on their first visit to the range, had some fun and made a bit of noise with their .17HMR, in Sporter-Open class. Darren, doing not too bad considering. Last shots having been fired, we packed things up, left the range and probably went home. Till next week. Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
08.01.2022 Thankfully, it seems we’re to have a welcome break from the recent heatwave this Sunday. Our morning comp will be shot from the 600yd mound, down by the orchard fence, where the trees provide a bit of shade, and if there’s sufficient enthusiasm after lunch, we’ll shoot the afternoon F/Rimfire match, thus ending our shooting program for 2020. ‘Anyhow, hope you all had a good Christmas!... ‘Take care.
07.01.2022 Winter Sundays dont come any better than yesterdays, the perfect weather attracting a host of visitors to the range. As shooting began at the 600yd mound, the air was a mite chilly, with only the slightest evidence of a breeze wandering down the range, and many thanks to whoever decided to get a fire going! Later in the morning, the wind, coming in from the north, picked up marginally, fishtailing down the range, making flag reading tricky, and so, adding to the challenge. ...It was a pretty full on morning! This week, it was our Treasurer, Russell, that managed to put up the top score for the Sling shooters in Target Rifle class, 1 point ahead of our Champion, Murray. Well done Russell! Sole F/Open contender on the day, Craig, wringing the best out of his 6.5 Ruger, retired from the mound with the hint of a smile on his face. Of the horde of Sporting Rifle shooters, on the morning, Steve managed to nudge Andrew off the top step, by the mere margin of a countback, in Hunter/Std. Great result fellas! With his Hogue-stocked, factory Howa 6.5, Goran, opting not to use a rear bag, continues to record excellent scores, but usually just one point short of the elusive double, in Hunter/Open. Still... good shooting Goran! For the afternoon program, the 100yd F/Class Rimfire match was well supported, rounding out another great day up here in the hills. Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
07.01.2022 DRRC will hold a Trophy presentation and Christmas party on Sunday 13th December 2020 Shooting starts at usual time of 830 with 1 Detail of 15 shots +2 sighters at 400 yrds. Members are requested to bring some salads, savouries and sweets. Family members and guests are welcomed.... If you have participated as a visitor (non WARA affiliate/non club membet) over the year you are welcome to head on up there is a $15 fee for Xmas lunch. We would like to see some familiar faces back at the range.
06.01.2022 For our Sunday competition, shot from 500yds, the weather wasn’t uncomfortably warm, and the late arising flies were small in number, so it turned out to be a really good day! The winds were southerly, and of moderate strength, lurching up that channel in the bush, with enough tricky moves to confound the shooter, and a sharp eye on the mirage was needed to score well. The most remarkable score for the day, was put up by ‘Target’ class shooter, George, our Secretary. A ‘right... hander’, using his ‘good’ left eye, to peep through aperture sights, and as the class rules demand; using only a tight sling for support, he managed to put together, on the scoreboard, a collection of V’s and X’s, that when converted, would have ranked up there with the better scores of the plethora of ‘F/Type’ classes, where the practice is to use telescopic sights and to support the rifles on stands, bipods and bags. ‘Yeah!.. Not bad for an old bloke! Good hit George! Shooting ‘F/Standard’, a visitor from the wide wastes of Pinjar, Subi club member, Kev, recorded his best score yet, since drifting to the ‘dark arts’! ‘Well done Kev! Another visitor, Mark, from Busselton club, top scored for ‘F/Open’, leaving Craig trailing by one point! Our ‘F/TR-er’, Chris, scored respectably, only slipping from his recent standard, by a small margin. ‘Keep it up Chris! For the contingent that choose to shoot with the style of rifle once seen in the ute, out in the back paddocks; Murray top scored for ‘S/H-Standard’, with his recently purchased Lithgow .308, racking up his first ‘possible’ with the rifle. ‘We’ll expect many more of them Murray! Afterwards, we enjoyed an extended BBQ lunch by our expert BBQista, Chris, the last of us leaving the range, as the sun was going down. We will be shooting next Sunday. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
06.01.2022 Last Sunday, one of our members produced an item to be viewed, seeking some information as to its origins and significance. Found amongst some other articles in the carry case of an SMLE .303 target rifle, that he had purchased many years ago, was this cased medallion, and for a long time, he had been curious about its history. Upon inspection, the medal appears to have been presented by the Victorian Rifle Association, to a winner of The Jordan Memorial Trophy in 1938. ...The name inscribed, on the reverse side, P.A.PAVEY, and on reading this, a certain degree of reverence was felt when handling this historic relic. Percy Pavey, in the middle decades of the 20th century, had been the most outstanding rifle shooting champion in Australia. Having won numerous Kings and Queens prizes in the various states of this country, had travelled overseas with Australian teams, and some of his considerable number of wins included the 1928 Canadian Grand Aggregate, the Kings Prize at Bisley, presented to him by King George V himself, in 1948, and the Queens Imperial Meeting Grand Aggregate, also at Bisley, in 1956. These successes being just a few of many. Pavey, a native of Victoria, lived in the Melbourne suburb of Oakleigh, his home range being the now extinct Merrett range, at Williamstown. Perc, was a master armourer, his hand crafted rifles matching the best of those built by Fultons in England. Like Dave Felton in this state, Perc was Armourer to the movement, always helpful and generous. One of our members, who started Fullbore shooting in Victoria, remembers visiting Mr Pavey to have a new .308 Black Mountain barrel fitted to his P14 action, and being greeted at the door Perc, dressed in pajamas and dressing gown, who, taking the bits in hand, went out to his woodshed/workshop, returning a short time later with the new barrel installed, and the suggestion to shoot it well. This gentleman, often would not require monetary payment for such services, but our informant was advised by fellow club members that Perc had a penchant for a good, homebaked fruitcake. We havent a clue as to why the medal ended up on this side of the continent, its a bit of a mystery, but an identical medal won by Pavey the year before, is now in the possession of the Australian Sports Museum in Melbourne. Anyhow, this is supposed to be a post in a Facebook page, not a book! So. Take care.
06.01.2022 Sunday, and the dedicated few that arrived at the range, voted not to proceed with shooting for the day. It was a wise decision. It's been many years since wet weather has been cause for cancellation. With strong northeasterlies, and unrelenting, heavy showers, any enthusiasm for shooting was soon eroded. Decades past, in the days of khaki drill jackets, leather slings and 'Central' sights, club members would've probably fronted the firing line to shoot, driven by some odd se...nse of 'duty', and weren't shy of getting thoroughly soaked! Times and attitudes have changed, and these days, copping a dousing in heavy rainfall doesn't seem an attractive prospect. Under the leaky roof of the shed, we were consoled, somewhat, by our own good company, coffee and donuts (the Esky didn't arrive!) and the welcome warmth of the old potbelly. By late morning, the last of us had departed the range. 'Anyhow, next week it's back to the 300yd. 'Take care.
06.01.2022 Sunday, and we had a rain-free morning for our 400yd shoot. Shortly after the first shots were sent down range, the cloud cover broke up and we shot on sunlit target faces for the rest of the morning. The weather deteriorated after lunch, the clouds returning, with a drop in temperature, and we had to cope with a bit of nuisance-level drizzle for our 100yd F/Rimfire shoot. Still, shouldnt grizzle, as, in all, it turned out to be a pretty good, well attended shooting day! Ano...ther milestone for Ken! He recorded his second possible on the range, his score inclusive of more than a handful of centres, shooting in Sporter/Open class. Good hit Ken! It was an all visitor lineup for Sporter/Standard, with Steve top scoring in that class, and our super keen novice, Kirstie, scoring very well in second place. Goran, still keen to wring the best out of a production-line sporting rifle, opted to nominate for F/TR, and shot an excellent 1 MOA group for his first detail, but sadly, couldnt manage a repeat performance second time around, with the bulk of his shots hangin low. Good try Goran! A visitor from Busselton club, Mark, was our sole contender for F/STD, and he scored commendably well, with a very tight grouped possible for his first detail. Well done Mark! Well worn sling shooter, Martin, this week, chose to peer through glass instead of peeps, then retired to reflect on his score, shot in Optical class. Had a sizeable turnout of Target Rifle shooters this week, and glad to greet Siva, from Subiaco club, who, like our champ Murray, is trying to cram in much practice, as both intend to compete in the Queens (State Championship) in September, Murray again, putting up the best score in the class. Following a lunchtime feed back at the shed, among the group gathered, there was sufficient enthusiasm to stage the 100yd F/Rimfire match, and it was quite late, when the last of us left the range. Had a good day! So, till next week. Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
06.01.2022 Hi Guys and Gals, due to inclement weather tomorrow the busy bee arranged for the Pickering Brook Rifle Range has been postponed. Thankyou to those who had put time aside to support this. Watch this space as we will reshedule a date with Armadale Byford Rifle Club who shoot at the range on Saturday's.
06.01.2022 On Sunday afternoon, the F/Rimfire comp was shot from 100yds. It was one of those rare afternoons when, for various reasons, there were only a limited number of our club members present, to host the unexpected number of keen visitors that arrived. Thanks to Chris and Murray for organizing our guests, and for operating our Hexta Target System. Their efforts ensured the successful staging of the match. Had our club been reliant on some other members, whose knowledge of Opera...ting Systems, didnt extend beyond the ability to rewind an alarm clock, the afternoon may have ended up being disappointingly disastrous! So good on ya fellas, your input was most appreciated! By the time that first shots had been sent down range, the sun had disappeared, and under an overcast sky, with only light stirrings of any breeze, the match proceeded. Top scorers for the afternoon, in the F/Rimfire classes were; in Target Rifle, shooting his Anschutz 1407, Ben, with a commendable 291.4, and in Sporter/Standard, Dion, shooting his impressive CZ457, with 290.3. It was an enjoyable and busy afternoon. Next week, its the longer range 200yd, with the forecast looking good. So.... Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
06.01.2022 Great weather for our 500yd comp on Sunday, and a great day it was, for our Treasurer, Rusty, who managed to record his first, well earned, and well deserved Double Possible! As is demanded, by the rules pertaining to Russells chosen discipline of Fullbore Target Rifle, with the rifle supported by a sling and forearm only, using aperture (peep) sights, Russ was able to keep all 20 shots fired within the confines of the Bulleye 5 ring, and with 12 of them crowding in...to the Centrebull ring!! Congratulations on reaching that little milestone Russ, and we all sorta shared your joy and sense of achievement on the day, even prompting some of our part-time teetotalers to toast your victory with a stubby! Well done Mate!! Some moderate breezes for the morning, with a few sneaky gusts coming in from the right, being a contributing factor to some points dropped! Craig, who opts to shoot F/Open, seemed in good humor, his score just one X short of his personal best. Prospective member, Ken, on his fourth visit to the range, maintained his consistent string of high scores in Sporter/Open, recording the best score for hunting-type rifles. Reckon he must have picked up a few tips during times spent with the rifle out in those paddocks, south of here! On his first experience of open-range shooting, visitor, Gurpreet, managed a respectable top score in Sporter/Standard. Good hit Gurpreet! It would have been a perfect afternoon to stage the 200yd F/Rimfire comp, but we had some pressing club business to attend to.... Bah!! Anyhow, looking forward to next week. Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
06.01.2022 If you have time there is a mid week shoot being held at Pinjar with the Bassendeen Bellvue rifle club
05.01.2022 Sunday mornings lead-grey skies, seemed to contradict what was appearing on the BOM radar, and for some of us, it sure looked like heavy showers were imminent. But as it turned out, we enjoyed a pleasant, but somewhat quiet, rain-free day, with an unsurprisingly minimal turnout of visitors and members. Still, the morning 400yd Centrefire shoot, proceeded at a leisurely pace, with very little, in the way of wind conditions, to deal with. Murray, top scoring for Target Rifle... and Goran, experimenting with set-up techniques, achieving a satisfactory result, shooting F/TR. By late morning, the skies had cleared, and enjoying a short period of sunshine, we retired to the 100yd mound, to contest the afternoon F/Rimfire match, happy to host a sizeable crowd of visitors. So, it turned out to be not a bad day! Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
05.01.2022 Last Sunday, enjoying a superb sunny, winter afternoon, we shot our F/Rimfire comp from 100yds. Not a lot of wind presenting, just a few light breezes rambling around, with the closely watched flags responding. Good to see Mark again, opting to shoot his ancient Vostock Smallbore style, using only the support of a sling and aperture sights, and he didnt do too badly! Jacket and Sling shooters are always welcome. In Target Rifle class, it was a great day for Chris, sho...oting his old relic Sportco, with CCI STD. His top score, in the class, was also a personal best. Well done Chris! For Sporter class, Justin, again at the top of the list, with an excellent score, his Tikka proving its worth. Youre setting a high bar Justin! Good hit! One of our visitors arrived, equipped with a .22 cal Airgun, a curious contraption. A sort-of Bullpup design, with a fore n aft movement of a toggle lever required to effect rapid reloading of the breech, from a disc/drum magazine, located just forward of the buttplate. Some of our members were generously invited to give the rifle a bit of a trial, and we were impressed with its performance. The compressed-air driven 27Gr pellet coming out of the barrel at a bit over 900fps, and the slugs seemed to land where they were meant to. The gun could probably hold its own against many of the chemical combustive propellant rifles, in certain conditions, the sound of the little pellet exiting the muzzle, more of a cough than a bark. An interesting piece, manufactured in Sweden. Anyway, next week, 200yds, and good weather predicted. Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
05.01.2022 For our 600yd comp on Sunday, we began shooting with a chill, frontal, fishtailing breeze, coming up range, with our flags looking a bit confused, and the task of mastering that challenging condition, was.... well, ‘it was a bit difficult, although, there were some good, but not sensational, scores recorded. George managed to put up the best effort for the ‘Target Rifle’ sling shooters. ‘Good luck at Dowerin George! ‘Sporter/Open’ shooter, Goran, top scored in that category, ...with visitor Jade, shooting ‘Sporter/Standard’, and scoring impressively for a newcomer. Our ‘F/TR’ contender, Chris, had problems with his ammo. ‘Sad. And our ‘F/Open’ shooter, Craig, seemed philosophical about his score. Those cold southerlies prevailed till late afternoon, and our F/Rimfire shooters had similar conditions to deal with, for the 200yd match. ‘Although, for the crowd that gathered on the day, given the slightly less than ideal October weather, there didn’t seem to be any lack of enthusiasm for our Sunday shooting activities. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
04.01.2022 Sunday afternoon, and we decided to forego the Rimfire match, to enable us to catch up with some long overdue target maintenance. Our Hexta system has proved to be an excellent electronic scoring device for both our Centrefire and Rimfire comps, but it requires regular attention to ensure maximum performance. We’re a rifle CLUB, and the task of keeping the ‘wheels turning’ is done by the happy and willing volunteers in our CLUB.... We invite visitors to join us and participate in ‘COMPETITIVE RIFLE SHOOTING’, and every effort will be made to assist our guests in doing so. ‘Yes, we don’t strive to please everyone, but hey! Give what we do a go. Hell! You might like it! ‘Take care.
03.01.2022 This weekend, the big event will be the staging of the State Championships at Pinjar Range, concluding on the Monday. As a group of our members will be attending, either as competitors, organizers or spectators, club stalwarts will be a bit ‘thin on the ground’, so up here in the hills, it might be one of our quieter Sundays. As per calender, it’s 500yd for the morning Centrefire, and 200yd for the Rimfire shoot in the afternoon.... With a less than promising weather report, we’ll just have to see how it goes. ‘Anyhow, as a club that values it’s ‘social component’, there’s always the reliable redoubt of the ‘Norm Peach Pavilion’ there to yarn, commiserate, argue or whatever, over a coffee, tea, or some other beverages. So, take care.
03.01.2022 Despite the Horror forecast for Sunday, issued by the bureau, the day before, a small bunch of keen Desperados arrived, determined to get some shots downrange, and eager for practice, as the Queens series, at Pinjar, is rapidly approaching. As it panned out, we were subjected to a few moderate downpours, but thankfully, none of the previously predicted, thunderstorms, hail, and gusty winds! Some, were no doubt feeling a bit dark about last weeks cancellation!... At the 300yd mound, Murray, the sole Sling shooter, got down, shooting in very moderate conditions, later confessing to some errors in judgement that came at some cost to his aggregate score. He had tackled the 900m, in difficult wind conditions, up at Pinjar the day before. F/Open contender, Justin, with his 6.5, came close to snatching a possible but didnt seem greatly displeased with his final score. Our 2 visitors, Kirstie and Ken, seemed to have a good time. Kirstie, on her first visit to our range, as a novice shooter, had a commendable result, and the delight of her first score in Sporter/Hunter-Std was evident! Ken, on his second visit, and less burdened, this time, by an adrenaline buzz, came very close to scoring his first magic double in Sporter/Hunter-Open. Well done Ken! At the conclusion of our morning Centrefire shoot, and with showers continuing, there was zero enthusiasm expressed for staging the usual afternoon F/Rimfire match. So we retired to the shed, for a bit of a feed, or an ale, by the well stoked potbelly. A cold winter day at Pickering Brook, but in the company of fellow club members and shooters, by a warm fire, it turned out to be a enjoyable one. Were a rifle CLUB, not just a Shoot N Go range facility! Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
03.01.2022 It was the ‘short range’ 100yd for Sunday’s afternoon F/Rimfire comp. The weather was good, with shooters tackling the usual difficulty of shooting through constant directional changes of the airstream. Chris top scored for ‘Target’ class, with his ‘state-of-the-art’ FWB; our caterer, Chris, left trailing with his ancient Walther. Visitor, Dale, put up the best score for the ‘Bunny’ rifles, with his Jian-Wei. The next F/Rimfire visitors Sunday will be the day after Boxing Da...y, and yes, we accept that some might be still suffering, and their enthusiasm for shooting may be dampened, somewhat, by the effects of a bit of overindulging in Yultide ‘fare’, but Darling Range members tend to be persons of more sober, temperate habits, and unless we’re hit with a TFB on the day, the show will go on! ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
03.01.2022 For our first competition for 2021, the range will be 300yds. Visitors are invited to come and pit their shooting skills, limited or otherwise, to compete against our club members, in a friendly atmosphere. For our morning Centrefire matchs, newcomers will be assisted and advised, on shooting technique and procedure, for our formalized rifle competition. We’re a rifle CLUB! and that’s what we do! ‘Don’t be shy! ‘Give it a try! The Sunday comp will be 2x ten shot details, plus... sighters, and the outcome of that exercise, will decide the winners of the day, and in doing so, we all have a hell of a good time! Anyhow, have a Happy New Year! ‘Take care.
03.01.2022 The air temperature had soared to 13 degrees, by start time, for the Sunday afternoon 200yd F/Rimfire comp, with a light antarctic breeze wending its way up the range, stirring the flags often deceptively. For the Target Rifle mob, Frank, borrowing Bens 1407 Anschutz, took top position on the day, and for Sporter class, Dion, with his borderline CZ, fitted with the new design 457 action, recorded an outstandingly high top score, shooting, on his first detail, as tight... a 15-shot group, that weve yet seen, at any of our 200yd F/Rimfire shoots! Well done Dion! Next week, its back to the 100yd. Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
03.01.2022 Unexpected clear blue skies and sunshine for the start of Sundays 500yd comp, and with little movement on the wind flags, we anticipated that some good scores would be recorded. As the morning wore on, some dark clouds gathered, and with a few breezes, showers seemed imminent, however, BOM radar said otherwise, and we enjoyed a rain-free day! Being a long weekend, and with the State Champs at Pinjar, we still managed to attract a small, but comfortable number of shooters.... For ‘Target Rifle’ class on the day, George put in the best effort. Martin, opting for telescopes over apertures, scored happily in ‘Optical’ class. Our resident ‘F/TRer’, Chris, had some chambering difficulties with his handloads, and he thus hesitantly had to resort to using the 69gr factory ammo for the .223. The result of which left him grinning. We were happy to congratulate Craig, on his latest personal best score, shot with the Bergara barreled 6.5 Ruger. For the afternoon Rimfire comp, pleasant conditions continued, but with the usual ramping up of the breezes. ‘So, in all, it was a quiet, enjoyable day. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
02.01.2022 There was a bit of a hint of Summer last Sunday, clear blue sky above, temperatures comfortable, but we had the small, winged creatures arriving to tell us we’re back!! We had a reasonable turnout of members and visitors, some sporting newly acquired items of shooting gear, eager to see if these acquisitions were of any benefit to their scores. Wind-wise, we shot the morning 300yd Centrefire match with only a few moderate breezes to contend with, and that continued to be th...e prevailing condition for most of the day. Murray, still dealing with a less than optimum sight pic, due to hopefully, soon to be corrected eye problems, recorded best score for our group of Sling Support only ‘Target Rifle’ class shooters. ‘Good effort Murray! Martin, again opting to shoot ‘Optical’ class, the old Weaver providing a vastly improved sight picture for his aging eyes, although he still regards using a scope as nothing more than a ‘16x Diopter’! Our regular visitor from Busselton club, Mark, shot commendably well in ‘F/STD’, and for one of his ten-shot details, managed to herd all of his .308cal pills into a tight, 40mm group! ‘Well done Mark! Craig, retired, not unhappy with his ‘F/Open’ score, shooting his 6.5 Creedmore rebarelled Ruger. ‘Keep it up Craig! ‘Good to see Andrew again, top scoring for ‘Sporter/Std’, and Justin; his Tikka, fitted with a folding bipod for a change, had a go in ‘Sporter/Open’, and not unexpectedly, topped the score list. ‘Good shooting Fellas! After the morning comp concluded, we ambled back to the shed for a bit of a feed, and a ‘cup of tea’. For the afternoon, those interested, wandered down to the 100yd, to contest the F/Rimfire match. ‘Anyhow, that was about it for Sunday up here in the hills. ‘Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
02.01.2022 For last Sunday, we had idyllic weather, with ultra light breezes, good sighting conditions, and the rain held off until the last of us had departed the range in the late afternoon. And there were some damned good scores recorded on the day. Our Secretary, George, managed to pull off a Double Possible, his first for a year or two, top scoring in Target Rifle class. Being a right handed shooter, he has had to fit his Millenium rifle with offset front and rear sights, ...to enable him to utilize his good left eye, with the rifle buttplate snug into his right shoulder. This arrangement, for him, obviously works. So well done George! For the F/Standard contingent, it was Cathy, with another neat Double. Her top score, leaving Bill trailing by a mere X. Good shoot Cath! It was a happy day for our Loco driver, Justin. His F/Open top score being a personal best. Congratulations JP! Walter, his rifle supported by a dazzlingly shiny Joypod, put up the best score for F/TR. For the group of Hunter/Standard shooters, all visitors, it was Matts score that topped the list, and with quite a handful of centres. Excellent effort Matt! Hunter/Open shooter, Goran, consistently manages to score well. This week, missing out from the list of Double Claimers by one point! (Ya dont have to be dead, to be stiff!).... Anyhow, good on ya Goran! It was great to see a sizeable bunch of shooters and friends turning up for the 200yd afternoon F/Rimfire shoot, which unfortunately had to be abandoned last week due to heavy rain. So thats how we all spent one of the kinder Winter Sundays weve had of late, it was a good day. Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
02.01.2022 Sunday mornings unexpected blue skies and sunshine, had disappeared by the the time we got through our lunchtime break, and for the afternoon F/Rimfire comp, the clouds returned, bringing with them, a couple of nagging, lightweight showers, but we managed to keep mostly dry, under the shelters provided. Had a fair turnout of members and visitors for the 100yd. Pleased to see Sean, a member of the Bass/Bell club up at Pinjar, trying his hand with the little cartridge. Alw...ays welcome Sean! Also happy to see Jacobie, having a go with Steves BRNO. The winds were less than lively during the comp, and some good scores were recorded. After a lengthy absence from the range, due to some ongoing health issues, we were pleased to see the return of club member Chris, who, shooting his FWB, fitted with a bipod of some proportions, put up a very respectable top score in Target Rifle class. Good to see youve recovered, well done Chris! In Sporter/Standard class, again this week, it was our regular visitor Graeme, shooting his recently purchased thumbhole-stocked CZ, that recorded the best score for the Bunny Rifles. Graeme mainly shoots off a bench at Whiteman Park, with the Subi Smallbore club, but up here at P/Brook, hes managed the transition to the layin on ya guts technique very well! Good hit Graeme! Next Sunday arvo, we shoot the F/Rimfire from 200yds. So, till next week. Take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
01.01.2022 ‘Enjoying some mild Summer weather, members and visitors shot the morning centrefire comp from the 500yd mound on Sunday. ‘With wind gusts of up to 60km predicted, we thought it wise not to erect the recently repaired gazebo, however, BOM’s forecast winds never reached the stated velocities, and the trees shading the firing point kept us shaded anyhow. However, we did cop more than a few tricky gusts, and some of the unwary got caught! ‘Sporter/Standard’er’, Andrew, after hav...ing posted an excellent, high V count ‘possible for his first detail, fell victim to some sneaky shifts of air on his second go, but still top scored for his class. ‘Well done Andrew! Goran, for ‘Sporter/Open’, again, gave an impressive performance, just missing out on scoring a magic ‘double’ by a dropped point! ‘Good hit Goran! ‘Sling and Aperture’ shooter, George, continued his run of good scoring in ‘Target Rifle’ class, snatching top place from Russell, by a mere couple of V’s. ‘Well shot fella’s! For ‘F/TR’, Chris, scored satisfyingly well again this week, with eager student Kirstie, applying some technique. We were pleased to welcome visitor, Marc, and with his new Lithgow, he scored reasonably well for a ‘first timer’. Following lunch, it was down to the 200yd for the F/Rimfire, with the morning conditions continuing. ‘Anyhow, take care. http://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/club/153
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