Piece Together Counselling in Narre Warren, Victoria | Mental health service
Piece Together Counselling
Locality: Narre Warren, Victoria
Phone: +61 450 754 045
Address: 426 Princes Highway, 3805 Narre Warren, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.piecetogethercousellingnarrewarren.org
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25.01.2022 So exactally what does anxiety feel like? Over the years of working with many people experiencing anxiety, I have compiled a list of the most common discriptive words that have been used by these AMAZING individuals to describe their personal experience. paralying, suffocating, intimidating, calculating, manipulating, frightening, terrifying, petrifying, isolating, discriminating, highlighting, finger pointing, magnifying, soul crushing, fear mongering, debilitating, life sap...ping, Stigma building Extreme worry, numb, constant, failure, embarresed, self-judgement, tsunami, un-escapable, escape, irrational, safe, humilation, avoidance, cautious, self-consious, trapped, captive #mindful #reachout #hope #anxiety #understanding #love #breakingstigmas #nomorefear #thinklearnsucceed #beheretomorrow #yournotalone
25.01.2022 Have you ever felt held back, stuck, strangled by the idea of having to be or act a certain way? The judge has learnt over time whats right and wrong through the culture in what we are born into; family, community, media, era etc. It has trained you through shame, guilt and ego to abide by these norms. What would you be, how would you be if you were free from this prison? #free #judge #selfcritic #ego #hope #counsellingpsychology
25.01.2022 This is vital this is our babies, our children, we would all know someone under 17 if not one of our own struggling. Come on and Join the challenge, join the team; Lets do this!! Lets show our babies we care by doing a burpee or 1000or donating!! Follow the link in my bio to join our team or donote!! #mentalhealth #burpeechallenge #ourchildren #justdoit
24.01.2022 Now is the time to be calm in a world that right now is challenging and confronting our every fear. Remember you have strength, courage and confidence from every experience where you stoped and looked fear in the face. YOU have the courage and willingness to act inspite of fear!! We can ALL face this together through compassion, hope and kindness!! Kia Kaha! #kiakaha #nomorefear #courage #inthistogether #humanity #covid_19 #love #hope
24.01.2022 Listen with the intent to learn more about the others perspective. Instead of spending time thinking, planning and preparing what you have to say while the other person is sharing; try listening with the desire to learn more. Have the courage amongst the some times uncomfortable convesation to say "tell me more" or "help me understand why this is so important to you". We have to learn to listen in the same way we want to be understood. #listen #hearmetoo #courage #uncomforable #compassion #learn #stories #counsellingpsychology #hope #mindfulness
24.01.2022 #suicideprevention #mentalhealth #burpeechallenge https://www.burpeebounceback.org.au/fundraisers/letsdothis
24.01.2022 Loneliness can lead to a feeling of powerlessness. This leads to a decrease in self-worth that inturn isolates us socially. Shame and fear then plot to turn loneliness into a self-perpetuating cycle of negative thoughts, stories and beliefs, which in turn cripples our self worth and intimidates us from reaching out for help. Over time, this cycle can convince us we are intrinsically broken, driving us away from the very relationships we need most. We can and must interven wh...en loneliness appears and make life saving connections. Remembering first and foremost that relational connections are just as vital as the sun is to warm the earth. Loneliness is the human way of letting us know we need connection; just like being thirsty is the human way of letting us know we need water. Be bold, be Brave, Be human and reach for connection! #relational #brave #bold #human #loneliness #hope #compassion #mindfulliving See more
23.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=505266700467373
23.01.2022 I have decided to offer my services at a reduced rate during this period. For some that may be not much at all. Please call me if you are struggling. DO NOT BATTLE ALONE! We are all in this boat together, some of us can paddle longer and stronger, others will navigate for us, While others will need time to rest and recover. If we all work together the boat will not sink! KIA KAHA!
22.01.2022 THE POWER OF WORDS!!
22.01.2022 50 burpees by a bald 40 year old few hundred to go Those were for you fi!! Donate now for a great cause. Over 50 percent of all gp visits here in victoria are for young people and mental health at the moment! Any little bit makes a differene. Gov funding just does not touch the corners!! P.s. excuse my get up just been for a run I look hillarious Link also in my bio... #burpeechallenge #mentalhealth #hope #compassion #empathy #youth #humanity #australianyouth https://www.burpeebounceback.org.au/fundraisers/letsdothis
20.01.2022 Michael White had the idea that modern power has us keeping ourselves under constant surveillance and measuring ourselves against socially prescribed norms. How often do you hear that voice full of fear in your head telling you, you just don't measure up? Shame drives us to fear rejection, to hate our bodies, to hide ourselves in fear that others will judge our experiences, thoughts, opinions and beliefs. Shame can trap us in a cycle of validation through trying to measure up through everyone elses expectation of who we 'should' be. Shame can silence us and keep us from sharing the very stories that have the power to connect us. Counselling can help you start to challenge these pressures of conformity; giving you power to share your stories and walk in who you are. #shame #connection #modernpower #empathy #compassion #courage
20.01.2022 Another 50 done today they look a bit different, modified as backs a little dodge. Just like how often it can feel when your mental health is screaming at you from all angles. But you keep going anyway it just looks a bit different. Often people from the outside looking in don't see that you are still going/fighting because it looks different to what they are doing. Donate now support our youth they really are fkn amazing; just look at how they have challenged and changed this world already!! Link is also in bio to donate. https://www.burpeebounceback.org.au/fundraisers/letsdothis #burpeechallenge #humanity #mindful #future #bethechange #donate #hope #whynot
20.01.2022 A common theme I hear in my counselling room is the longing and need to find happiness. Happiness is not something we find it is something we create with intention. Unfortunarely there is no marvel superhero who will come and rescue you, you have to be the hero of your own story. The more we search for happiness the more we overlook the small things; the often ordinary things that were once the big extraordinary things #createyourownhappiness #beyourownhero #hope #intentionalliving #counsellingpsychology
19.01.2022 Share your rainbow; all those colours you have acquired on your journey this far. Stand in all you are and be unashamely proud! Your rainbow is a poweful tool to connect, heal and empower. #shareyourstory #unashamed #rainbow #connection #humanity #counsellingpsychology #compassion #hope #mindful
19.01.2022 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2592357547500387&id=949466938456131
17.01.2022 Another 50 burpees done and i forgot to press the record button so ya all have to believe me once again modified as this back is a niggly and i was anxious as i have had a bad back injury in my past. So lets talk a little about anxiety. So exactally what does anxiety feel like? Over the years of working with many people experiencing anxiety, I have compiled a list of the most common discriptive words that have been used by these AMAZING individuals to describe their persona...l experience. paralying, suffocating, intimidating, calculating, manipulating, frightening, terrifying, petrifying, isolating, discriminating, highlighting, finger pointing, magnifying, soul crushing, fear mongering, debilitating, life sapping, dread, Stigma building Extreme worry, numb, constant, failure, embarresed, self-judgement, tsunami, un-escapable, escape, irrational, safe, humilation, avoidance, cautious, self-consious, trapped, captive, calculating, sabotaging, thief, joy crushing Feel free to add to these words. Now please get out your cards and donate anything to support a great cause. Every bit counts!! https://www.burpeebounceback.org.au/fundraisers/letsdothis #burpeechallenge #mindful #reachout #hope #anxiety #understanding #love #breakingstigmas #nomorefear #thinklearnsucceed #beheretomorrow #yournotalone
17.01.2022 Scars fade over time they become less noticable but they are still there. These scars we talk about but we rarely show. We live in a culture now that loves a good story of overcoming. Yet these stories rarley show their scars, we never get to see them in the mist of their healing. We love the happy ending; but i believe this has lead to a false belief around struggle. In a discussion with my daughter yeaterday about the pandemic i said to her "its like we are in a movie but ...its not as exciting" she responds "because they never show this middle part in the movie its boring". This made me think about trauma how when these stories of overcoming trauma and adversity are shared they often move so fast through the ugly parts to the incredible ending. We actually miss out on the real pain, fear and failures; the real human journey that lead to overcoming. I think this has created a false culture around failure. Taking away the raw, painful emotion that comes with it like shame, loss, judgement and equally the qualities that grow out of it; perserverance, resilliance and mental toughness. To keep pretending that we can get to qualities like mental toughness, courage, reslliance without struggling through the dark places like shame, disapointment, fear, heartbreak and judgement is like thinking we can run a marathon without first learning to walk. It is impossible. #sharetheugly #storiesarepowerful #thewholestory #mentaltoughness #hope #resilience
17.01.2022 Did you know every year in Australia 1 in 7 people will experience anxiety; thats 14% of the population. Research suggests that 10% of the Australian population will experience social phobia in their life time. And up to 40% of the population will experience a panic attack at some point in their life. (Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2008). National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results, 2007. Cat. no. (4326.0). Canberra: ABS.) #breakfree #anxiety #love #understanding #mindful #stigmafighters #hope #reachout #nomorefear #thinklearnsucceed #beheretomorrow #yournotalone
17.01.2022 I am imprisoned by a judge called the self critic. When depression comes knocking that fkn Judge gets so loud; he magnifies every flaw, Every mistake, ever word and thought untill I just cant escape him. The only way to escape is to sleep to not get up not let my mind start; that way I won't hear him. Its torture theres no escape when he starts. Fighting a war in your own mind is exhausting it takes great fortitude to get up each day and keep on keeping on. Often it feels li...ke this dark hole has no hint of light anywhere but I promise you there is, keep fighting! Todays 100 burpees are for you. I BELIEVE IN YOU, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! #burpeechallenge #yournotalone #mentalhealth #ibelieveinyou #family #overcome #hope #depressionhelp Please DONATE NOW TO SUPPORT OUR YOUTH. link also in bio
16.01.2022 Self talk is vital to my daily well being. It is a reminder of who I am at my core, my values, my hopes and more importantly it is my life compass. It is all to easy to get in the trap of negative thinking and lose track of the power of self talk. I have kept a written account of my self talk over the years and these a few of the things that i turn to on a regular basis. #selftalk #hope #reflection #courage #creatingmagic #ahitofwild #compassion #humanity #compass #counselling #mindfulness
16.01.2022 Reach out, check in, call, go over, send someone else over. We all need to check in on one another. Don't take "yeah im okay"; stay longer, listen longer, call more, organise some support. Don't be afraid to ask the hard questions. #reachout #silentkiller #compassion #hope #love
15.01.2022 Often we hold back our true selves from others out of fear; fear of displeasing fear of disaproval. We become the gatekeeper to our own secrets of what we really think and feel. At the core it is all about being accepted and liked by others at the cost of our trueself. So who are these people actually liking/accepting? #freedom #real #trueself #gatekeeper #secretkeeper #counseling
14.01.2022 Watching someone you love battle with mental health is like having a metal clamp on your heart and a bowling ball sitting in your gutt. As a mum, sister and Friend it is gut wrenching and often I have felt powerless seeing those I love in so much pain. As a mum i have been left questioning what did i do wrong?What could i have done better? As well of plenty of If only's ? All these questions can drive you insane and leave you with nothing but shame and guilt. There are two th...ings I have learnt along the way they seem really simple but actually at times i really struggled with the 2nd one. 1. BE THERE; no matter how ugly it gets, no matter how often they will push you away, NEVER GIVE UP. Theres nothing worse than feeling alone and actually realising you are alone. Call them, check up, go around, message; let them know that although they may feel alone you are there always. 2. LISTEN; don't try and fix, be that safe ear. Be Mum, sister, friend, brother, dad and let the professionals be the professionals. Don't give them unwanted advice unless they actually ask. Yes i struggled with this often, i wanted to rescue to save my babies!! Once i learnt to listen WOW how much more powerful this was!! Funny you would think since listening was my profession I would have had this natually but no when it come to being mum that takes over! It is hard watching those we love suffer and I get that pain; there are nights I still cry myself to sleep overwhelmed with seeing those I love struggle. Then I remember just how fkn resilliant they are, how they have come this far, the mountains they have already overcome and it actually blows my mind! These 100 burpees are for those battling mental health and those fighting for them!! I BELIEVE IN YOU, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! #burpeechallenge #yournotalone #mentalhealth #ibelieveinyou #family #overcome #hope Please DONATE NOW TO SUPPORT OUR YOUTH. link also in bio https://www.burpeebounceback.org.au/fundraisers/letsdothis
13.01.2022 Yes I love these words by Brene Brown; lets choose AWKWARD, BRAVE and KIND!!! #brenebrownquotes #awkwardbravekind #hope #compassion #vulnerability #fear
10.01.2022 #burpeechallenge #mentalhealth #octoberburpeechallenge #youngpeoplementalhealth
10.01.2022 Due to Stage 4 all counselling sessions will be offered via Zoom or Phone. Don't battle alone. Call today and book in a session.
09.01.2022 What do we think of these findings by the Royal commission?
08.01.2022 Being authentic/real is not easy its often scary for it involves speaking up about your views, opinions, wants and needs. It's challenging people when you disagree and standing firm in your beliefs. It's having difficult and often uncomfortable conversations. This is powerful because it means you are no longer held back by fear. Fear of what others may think, fear of the need to keep the peace, fear of saying and doing the "right" things; all of this is at the cost of your own authenticity. #bereal #authenticity #power #selfworth #hope #counseling
07.01.2022 So I have 234 more burpees to go!! I'll complete these over my day tomorrow. Get on board and donate to support our youth now!! Last day tomorrow!!! Link in bio. #burpeechallenge #youthmentalhealth #bethechange #bethedifference #everylittlebithelps
06.01.2022 #livingstory #keepgoing #humanity #purpose #hope
06.01.2022 I am a big believer that the quality of one's life is based upon the quality of the questions one ask's and the thoughts one entertains. #cbt #counsellingpsychology #question #thoughts #mindfull
06.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/541987779298060/posts/1362538790576284/
05.01.2022 Worthy now, not if, not when, right now we have worth!! #love #selflove #selfworth #courage #vulnerabilityisstrength
05.01.2022 Great talk on identity!!!
05.01.2022 Suicide is the leading cause of death among young Australians. About 350 young people aged 1524 take their own lives every year more than die on the roads. For every youth suicide, there are 100 to 200 more attempts. People of all ages, races, genders, incomes and family backgrounds commit suicide. But young people are especially at risk. Having depression or another mental health condition is one of the most common risk factors for suicide. DONATE NOW and I will burpee my arse off!! https://www.burpeebounceback.org.au/fundraisers/letsdothis #suicideprevention #mentalhealth #burpeechallenge
04.01.2022 We enter the wilderness to learn, to grow, to fall, to search; ultimately to grow a spine! We journey through many valleys aquiring hurts, losses and failures along the way. We come out of that wilderness yes with scars but those scars we wear proudly. We now have courage to put aside the shame of these scars and stand in our vulberability and be strong in who we are. We meet the wilderness and the wilderness is us #iamthewilderness #strongbacksoftfrontwildheart #hope #courage #vulnerability
04.01.2022 #suicideprevention #keepfighting #speakup #hope #icare
04.01.2022 Counselling can help you start to become more aware of the social, cultural, religious and political norms that may be positioning your thinking and shaping your identity. #therabbithole #freedom #nomorelabels #selflove #breakfree #breakingthenorm #breakingsocialexpectations #breakingthrough #counselling #hope #nomorefear #compassion #counsellingpsychology #empower #wellness #thinklearnsuceed #love #mindfullness
03.01.2022 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2323909384311063&id=150333455002011
03.01.2022 A letter from school principal and teacher ...... Dear parents with school aged children,... You might be inclined to create a minute by minute schedule for your kids. You have high hopes of hours of learning, including online activities, science experiments, and book reports. You’ll limit technology until everything is done! But here’s the thing... Our kids are just as scared as we are right now. Our kids not only can hear everything that is going on around them, but they feel our constant tension and anxiety. They have never experienced anything like this before. Although the idea of being off of school for weeks sounds awesome, they are probably picturing a fun time like summer break, not the reality of being trapped at home and not seeing their friends. Over the coming weeks, you will see an increase in behavior issues with your kids. Whether it’s anxiety, or anger, or protest that they can’t do things normally - it will happen. You’ll see more meltdowns, tantrums, and oppositional behavior in the coming weeks. This is normal and expected under these circumstances. What kids need right now is to feel comforted and loved. To feel like it’s all going to be ok. And that might mean that you tear up your perfect schedule and love on your kids a bit more. Play outside and go on walks. Bake cookies and paint pictures. Play board games and watch movies. Do a science experiment together or find virtual field trips of the zoo. Start a book and read together as a family. Snuggle under warm blankets and do nothing. Don’t worry about them regressing in school. Every single kid is in this boat and they all will be ok. When we are back in the classroom, we will all course correct and meet them where they are. Teachers are experts at this! Don’t pick fights with your kids because they don’t want to do math. Don’t scream at your kids for not following the schedule. Don’t mandate 2 hours of learning time if they are resisting it. If I can leave you with one thing, it’s this: at the end of all of this, your kids’ mental health will be more important than their academic skills. And how they felt during this time will stay with them long after the memory of what they did during those weeks is long gone. So keep that in mind, every single day...
03.01.2022 Only in the darkness do we see the stars and only at the top of the mountain do we see the view. Courage can become contagious but hope, hope can take on a life of its own. Hope in its smallest whisper, its finest thread can change history, save lives and connect humanity. Hope can see the invisible and achieve the impossible! #hope #connect #love #counsellingpsychology #humanity #stars
02.01.2022 #share #stories #hope #narrative #compassion #psychology #humanity
02.01.2022 "Strong women wear their pain like they do stilettos. No matter how much it hurts, all you see is the beauty of it." #strongwomen #beauty #strength #vulnerabilityisstrength #womenempowerment #courage
01.01.2022 Conformity is the thief of joy; it tells us if we can just "fit in" we will belong. Belonging is not about fitting into what "they" want us to be; rather it is about showing up, really showing up as our authentic, vulnerable and imperfect selves. This is not easy actually it is scary as hell but its where you find joy, connection, self acceptance and true belonging. What self are you presenting to the world? #belonging #conformity #showingup #imperfection #authenticself #counselling #hope #humanity
01.01.2022 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=589511391859142&id=404637380346545
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