Pilates Republic in Preston, Victoria, Australia | Pilates studio
Pilates Republic
Locality: Preston, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 478 526 000
Address: 482 Murray Rd 3072 Preston, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.pilatesrepublic.net/
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09.02.2022 SAY NO MORE COME GET IT SUPER STARS #reformerpilates #hotpilates #pilatesrepublic
01.02.2022 Gearing up for our Level Up 22 Challenge beginning Monday 7th February. Who’s keen @nadiagehrich Jump on the PR app and get on board you absolute super stars. ... #reformerpilates #hotmatpilates #pilatesrepublic
25.01.2022 Private Reformer Sessions Have you booked your private session yet?! Reformer love is REAL! How much have you missed our reformer classes? ... Private sessions are now available to book in our outdoor area at Preston. Link in bio for bookings. Clients must be within a 5km radius #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #hotpilates #matpilates #strength #flexibility #balance #fitnessmotivation #healthylifestyle #pilatesrepublic
25.01.2022 FREE 1 WEEK TRIAL Keen to get your move on with a FREE 1 week trail for our PR TV sessions? Choose from a variety of online classes via our facebook PR TV!... We offer LIVE and on demand classes. This means you can join our trainers real time or come back and complete ANY of our 100's of classes in our facebook library at your convenience. Register via our Pilates Republic app then join our Facebook group. Link in bio! #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #matpilates #hotpilates #strength #fitness #balance #firnessmotivation #healthlylifestyle #pilatesrepublic
25.01.2022 HOT MAT PILATES A picture is worth a thousand words. Especially for those who know how it feels after a hot mat class is finished Sweaty, accomplished, thankful and totally satisfied! ... We think @theminihugo.bexley sums these sessions up perfectly. #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #reformer #pilates #hotpilates #matpilates #strength #flexibility #balance #fitnessmotivation #healthylifestyle #pilatesrepublic
24.01.2022 FLEXI FRIDAY Let’s get bendy on PR TV! Every Friday with this super star @nadiagehrich... With 100’s of classes to choose from on demand and LIVE. Our awesome team will help motivate you throughout each session. And most importantly, encourage you to move freely while having some fun! Jump on our PR TV Facebook group after purchasing your $10 weekly membership via our PR app! Link in bio to join our PR TV Facebook group beautiful people! #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #hotpilates #matpilates #strength #balance #flexibility #fitnessmotivation #healthylifestyle #pilatesrepublic
23.01.2022 Challenge Completed Today marks the end of the 20 IN 5 challenge! Congratulations to all the legendary challengers who made to through the last 5 weeks. The overall winner will be announced tomorrow via our Instagram story ... Happy Sunday beautiful people #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #hotpilates #matpilates #melbournepilates #pilates #strength #flexibility #balance #fitnessmotivation #healthylifestyle #pilatesrepublic
23.01.2022 - COMPETITION TIME - Win a booty band & sliders pack from @poppinpeach.official Plus a $50 voucher from @sniffnco ... TO WIN Follow Pilates Republic Tag 2 friends on this post Like this post Add this post to your story & tag Pilates Republic Competition ends Friday 25th September. Winner will be announced on the same day! #pilatesreformer #reformerpilates #pilates #hotpilates #matpilates #strength #flexibility #balance #healthylifestyle #fitnessmotivation #pilatesrepublic
22.01.2022 HAPPY NEW YEAR KICK START 21 CHALLENGE Our first official challenge starts on ... Monday 18th January 2021! Now available to purchase from the Pilates Republic app for $299 Challenge yourself to 27 classes from Monday 18th Jan- Sunday 28th Feb 21. Weekly prizes to be won! Major prize awarded to the overall winner! Email us for more information. #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #matpilates #hotpilates #strength #balance #flexibility #healthylifestyle #fitness #pilatesmelbourne #pilatesrepublic
22.01.2022 N A D I A Catch this spicy gal throughout the week at Pilates Republic: Monday Mood Booster- PR TV ... Flexi Friday- PR TV Thursday Private Reformer- Preston Link in bio to book your private outdoor reformer sessions at our Preston studio with @nadiagehrich Head to our PR app to purchase your $10 weekly PR TV membership #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #matpilates #hotpilates #strength #flexibility #balance #fitnessmotivation #healthlylifestyle #pilatesrepublic
21.01.2022 LAST CHANCE 5 Week Revamp Challenge starts Monday 9th November, inline with our offical reopening Classes: 25 Sessions ... Cost: $285 This challenge will also include: Nutrition Guide Weekly Prizes Grand Prize Hamper- $700! Available to purchase via the PR app. #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #hotpilates #matpilates #strength #balance #flexibility #fitnessmotivation #healthylifestyle #pilatesrepublic
21.01.2022 Keep Moving Superstars As we await our fate beautiful people, our PR team is committed to keep you moving! Yeah it’s cold, yeah things are a bit uncertain, yeah home schooling sucks! But hey, we can move our bodies for at least 30 minutes a day, and that is a blessing in itself ... So get on up and join us on PR TV #pilatesonline #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #matpilates #hotpilates #matpilates #fitnessmotivation #healthylifestyle #strength #balance #flexibility #pilatesrepublic
20.01.2022 STRETCH Yes, our reformer classes are dynamic! We love to add a cardio component to your strength and conditioning sessions. The other awesome thing about the reformer, is that it improves your flexibility. A muscle that’s well-stretched easily achieves full range of motion, resulting in better performance.... Pilates Republic is a one stop shop! #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #hotpilates #matpiltes #stregth #flexibility #balance #healthlifestyle #pilatesrepublic
20.01.2022 New PR TV schedule This weeks schedule is up and running via our PR TV Facebook page. Starting this evening with this beauty @jordan.elisee ... Happy Friday! #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #hotpilates #matpilates #melbournepilates #strength #flexibility #balance #fitnessmotivation #healthlifestyle #pilatesrepublic
19.01.2022 S U N D A Y Join the team online today via PR TV! On demand:... 10am HIIT @delliegirl_pilates 4.30pm Booty & Core @pilatyays.withmadi We will keep you moving until we are back in the studios IRL See you online superstars. #pilatesonline #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilatespreston #pilates #matpilates #hotpilates #healthlifestyle #fitnessmotivation #pilatesmelbourne #pilatesrepublic
18.01.2022 Monday Mood Booster Join @nadiagehrich & @pauldirago on PR TV tomorrow morning for our weekly Monday Mood Booster class. Pop it on your schedule for 8am! ... #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #hotpilates #matpilates #fitnessmotivation #healthylifestyle #strength #flexibility #balance #pilatesrepublic
18.01.2022 OUTDOOR REFORMER Now available to book via our website from Monday 28th September at our Preston studio! ONE ON ONE ... TWO ON ONE Website link in bio. Information under PRIVATE BOOKINGS. Limited spaces available so get on it #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #matpilates #hotpilates #healthylifestyle #fitnessmotivation #strength #flexibility #balance #pilatesrepublic
18.01.2022 Calling all Pilates Republic virgins! All new clients can take advantage of our $50 intro offer and receive 5 reformer sessions! Wanna get sweaty? Jump on our $30 intro offer for our hot mat Pilates classes at our Kingsbury studio! Enjoy 3 weeks of unlimited Pilates. ... Book via our Pilates Republic app now. #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #matpilates #pilates #hotpilates #strength #balance #flexibility #fitnessmotivation #healthlifestyle #pilatesrepublic
16.01.2022 L I T T L E M A N This little pooch is loving our private reformer sessions at Preston @theminihugo your reverse plank is impeccable ... #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #matpilates #hotpilates #strength #balance #flexibility #fitnessmotivation #healthylifestyle #pilatesrepublic
16.01.2022 LEVEL UP CHALLENGE Join us in our next 5 week challenge. STARTS: Monday 7th February... FINISHES: Sunday 13th March Option 1: unlimited hot mat pilates plus x20 reformer sessions $390 Option 2: x20 reformer sessions $285 At least x4 sessions to be completed on a weekly basis to go into the weekly prize draw. There will be a weekly winner at every studio- Preston, Ivanhoe & Kingsbury. Weekly Prizes: $100 x5 reformer pack OR $100 x5 hot pilates pack Winners choice! Over all Level Up Challenge Winner will receive $500 CASH! The PR crew will also be offering weekly online 30 minute seminars for Nutrition, Work Life Balance, Goal Setting, Recovery and Reflection Contact us for the T&Cs. Available to purchase via the PIlates Republic app NOW. #levelupchallenge #pilatesrepublic
16.01.2022 Handsome Man Checking all our clients into our PR head quarters ain’t nobody getting passed this bad boy without grippy socks! @theminihugo #pilatesreformer #reformerpilates #pilates #hotmatpilates #matpilates #strength #flexibility #balance #healthylifestyle #fitnessmotivation #pilatesrepublic
14.01.2022 I V A N H O E ARE YOU READY TO SWEAT? IT’S YOUR TURN NOW... COMING VERY SOON #hotmatpilates #ivanhoepilates #comingsoon #pilatesrepublic
14.01.2022 IT’S TIME TO BURN At 11.59pm tonight we will be reopening our doors! Yes sir, it’s been a red hot minute but nothing lasts forever. We have flipped, reversed, pivoted, bounced, jumped, over turned, twisted and also went a little crazy... but hey, what a ride it’s been! ... So see you all tomorrow for the next freakin awesome chapter of Pilates Republic! Or at midnight if you’re doing the 12am class! #weareback #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #matpilates #hotpilates #strength #flexibility #balance #fitnessmotivation #healthlifestyle #pilatesrepublic
13.01.2022 Life is better with friends! Catch some of your favourite trainers on the schedule next week at Pilates Republic. We have some exciting session plans coming your way. Lets welcome the burn with open arms! ... #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #matpilates #hotpilates #strength #balance #agility #flexibility #fitnessmotivation #healthylifestyle #pilatesrepublic
11.01.2022 Yeah we feel you Melbourne @theminihugo.bexley We will continue to offer FREE online classes throughout our extended lockdown period. ... An email will be sent regarding our postponed Olinda Retreat on Sunday 6th June. Keep an eye out for the updated online schedule #reformerpilates #pilatesrepublic #matpilates #hotpilates #pilates #melbournepilates #onliepilates #fitnessmotivation #healthylifestyle #strength #flexibility #balance #pilatesrepublic
11.01.2022 Merry Christmas beautiful people Thanks for one hell of a ride this year! We couldn’t have done it without your love, sweat and support. And a massive shout out to Santa who posed for a photo after a big night out spreading Christmas cheer @pauldirago ... #merrychristmas #pilatesrepublic
10.01.2022 IT’S FRIDAY Video featuring these PR legends: @nadiagehrich ... @delliegirl_pilates @georgiacogan @pilatyays.withmadi @stephs_pilates @cc_pilates @pauldirago @darcierv If this doesn’t make you smile I don’t know what will The booking scheduling for our private sessions will be up and running on Monday 21st September. Private sessions will be held in or outdoor area at Preston from Monday 28th September #pilatesreformer #pilates #matpilates #hotpilates #strength #balance #flexibility #fitnessmotivation #healthlifestyle #pilatesrepublic
10.01.2022 Get ready to Level Up Launching our challenge tomorrow! Beginning Monday 7th February ... Option 1: unlimited hot mat pilates plus x20 reformer sessions $390 Option 2: x20 reformer sessions $285 More details to come! Available to purchase via the Pilates Republic app tomorrow you bloody legends. #levelupchallenge #pilatesrepublic
10.01.2022 SOLD OUT With 80 people strong, our crew will be heading down to Olinda on Sunday 6th June for an epic Day Retreat. Thanks to those who jumped on board- very exciting! ... Our next day retreat will be released very SOON so watch this space. If you missed out this time there will be more coming up in 2021 #dayretreat #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #matpilates #pilatespreston #pilatesmelbourne #strength #flexibility #balance #fitnessmotivation #healthlifestyle #pilatesrepublic
10.01.2022 Kick Start 21 Challenge Just over a week to go and we are getting super pumped in our PR studios! 6 week challenge ... 27 classes Weekly prizes Major prize winner Starts Monday 18th January. Book via our PR app NOW! #reformerpilates #pilatesrepublic #pilates #matpilates #hotpilates #strength #flexibility #balance #fitnessmotivation #healthylifestyle #pilatesrepublic
09.01.2022 COMPETITION TIME Enter here and win these crazy awesome prizes from Pilates Republic! WIN TWO private reformer classes for you and a friend at our outdoor Preston studio valued at $180 ... WIN The Titanium set from @poppinpeach.official including three resistance bands valued at $59.99 WIN Three months free membership to our PR TV page valued at $120 Follow Pilates Republic Tag 2 friends on this post Like this post Competition runs up until Friday 16th October. Winner announced live via our IG story. Get going people! #pilatesrepublic
09.01.2022 Reformer Sessions Check out our reformer sessions via PR TV online or face to face in our outdoor area at Preston. Something for all of our reformer lovers. ... Link in bio for bookings @darcierv #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #hotpilates #matpilates #strength #flexibility #balance #healthlylifestyle #fitnessmotivation #pilatesrepublic
08.01.2022 FREE PR TV It’s back! Head to the Facebook link in our bio to get down with our LIVE & ON DEMAND classes daily in lockdown 4.0 We are running FREE sessions to support our community. ... Join us legends #prtv #lockdownmelbourne #pilatesrepublic
07.01.2022 Reformer Fix Have you got your reformer fix yet?! Or even smashed out a hot Pilates class at Kingsbury? It’s been pretty awesome to see all our clients back in the studio so far. Those muscles haven’t been worked for a while, but OH HOW good dose it feel! ... Catch this rockstar across all 3 of our studios @pilatyays.withmadi @madixbeck #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #hotpilates #matpilates #strength #flexibility #balance #fitnessmotivation #healthlylifestyle #pilatesrepublic
07.01.2022 Melbourne you’re not so bad Thanks for turning it on today Melbs! Loved taking PR TV outdoors while soaking up the sunshine. ... Better days are coming our way! And if all goes to plan, the studios can reopen in 6 weeks #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #hotpilates #matpilates #strength #flexibility #balance #healthylifestyle #fitnessmotivation #pilatesrepublic
07.01.2022 Hey Hot Pilates Lovers From next Monday 23rd November we have increased our hot room numbers to 20! Thanks to the governments easing of restrictions. In celebration of this awesome news, we have added some NEW sessions to our schedule! ... HOT PILATES- STRENGTH YOGA- VINYASA FLOW Feel free to book your classes NOW as they are in high demand. There will be even more STRENGTH classes added to the schedule very soon! #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #hotmatpilates #matpilates #strength #cardio #balance #healthylifestyle #fitnessmotivation #pilatesrepublic
07.01.2022 P I L A T E SR E P U B L I C Sometimes we forget we are actually closed as there is always so much going on PR TV 2 week challenge- not to late to jump on board! Started Monday 12th Oct... Private outdoor reformer sessions at our Preston studio- bookings via our website. Link in bio Competition Time- enter and win private reformer sessions and a set of booty bands from @poppinpeach.official details in post below Outdoor group Pilates & HIIT sessions coming soon. Details to follow! Dedicated to keeping you active in lockdown. #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #matpilates #hotpilates #strength #balance #flexibility #healthlylifestyle #fitnessmotivation #pilatesrepublic
06.01.2022 F R I D A Y Yes Melbourne! The weekend is upon us and our numbers are LOW. Come on Danny boy, show us some love. Don’t forget to register for our competition finishing today. Grab yourself x2 private reformer classes for you and a mate & a booty band set from @poppinpeach.official. Details in previous competition post. ... Let’s do this people! #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #matpilates #hotpilates #strength #balance #flexibily #fitnessmotivation #healthlylifestyle #pilatesrepublic
06.01.2022 Olinda Retreat Our leadership team have been working hard in preparation for our Olinda Day Retreat on Sunday 6th June! We have plenty of activities planned in conjunction with a delicious buffet lunch and nature walk around the stunning Olinda area. ... We have only a few spots left! Make sure you jump on the PR app to lock in your position. #pilatesretreat #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilatespreston #pilates #matpilates #hotpilates #strength #flexibility #balance #healthylifestyle #fitnessmotivation #pilatesrepublic
04.01.2022 Monday Funday Missing our HOT mat studios and the sweat that it brings Counting down the days until we can turn up that heat again! Until then superstars, see you online.... @nadiagehrich love your work. #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #pilates #hotpilates #matpilates #pilatesmelbourne #strength #flexibility #balance #healthylifestyle #fitnessmotivation #pilatesrepublic
02.01.2022 FINAL WEEK Today marks the final week of our 20 IN 5 challenge. To all of our super challengers- you are awesome! Stay tuned for our week 4 challenge winner via our IG story. ... Let’s get it team #refomerpilates #pilatesrepublic #hotpilates #pilates #pilatesmelbourne #healthylifestyle #fitnessmotivation #strength #flexibility #balance #pilatesrepublic
01.01.2022 Gearing up for the New Year The count down is on! We can’t wait to ring in the New Year with the KICK START 21 challenge beginning on Monday 18th January! More details to follow... ... Thanks to our official mascot @theminihugo for seeing us through 2020 #bringon2021 #pilates #reformerpilates #pilatesrepublic
22.12.2021 Coming in hot like the fajita Craving the burn, loving the sweat. #hotpilates #pilatesrepublic ... @bronekkozka
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