Pilates with Estelle in Adelaide, South Australia | Pilates studio
Pilates with Estelle
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Address: 101 Halifax Street 5000 Adelaide, SA, Australia
Likes: 119
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25.01.2022 Follow my Instagram if you haven't already
25.01.2022 Is your body feeling stiff from being all cooped up inside? Need to get moving again? Join me for online Mat Pilates on Saturday mornings 11am. #getmoving #movebetter #feelbetter #matpilates #pilatesathome #pilatesonline #josephpilatesquotes
25.01.2022 Stretch whilst building strength #matpilates #stretch #buildstrength #corestrength #shoulderstrength #latstretch #pilatessidebend
24.01.2022 Mat Pilates online THIS Saturday!! Interactive Zoom class. Come and give it a go! #matpilatesclass #pilatesonline #movebetter #feelbetter
24.01.2022 "As much as necessary, as little as possible." - Pilates 1.01 #pilates #mantra #matpilates #matpilatesclass #pilatesassistedrollup #corecontrol
23.01.2022 Core strength and control - you know you want it, come and get it! #corestrength #corecontrol #matpilates #pilatesathome #pilatesonline #matpilatesclass
22.01.2022 Okay, even I'd pick the gin on Friday night Happy Friday!!! #pilates #pilatesopenlegrocker
22.01.2022 "Saw" = spine rotation and flexion + hamstring lengthening. And it looks a little something like this #pilatessaw #spinerotation #spineflexion #hamstringstretch #hamstringlength #straddle #straddlesit #matpilates #matpilatesclass #pilatesathome #pilatesonline
21.01.2022 After putting our spine into flexion or extension, it's important to re-stack the vertebrae into neutral alignment. Sit or stand nice and tall and relax those shoulders! Imagine you're an ornament hanging off a Christmas tree and feel lengthening down the back of your neck - remember, the neck is an extension of the spine and its alignment is very important to hold the weight of our heads all day! #spinealignment #spinearticulation #posture
21.01.2022 Woop! Starting this Saturday 13th and Monday 15th June! Thursday evenings may resume in future, unsure when at this stage. #matpilates #matpilatesclass
21.01.2022 Feeling your core strength and control increase is so satisfying #matpilates #pilateshundred #corestrength #coreendurance #corecontrol
20.01.2022 Stretch. Lengthen. Strengthen. #matpilates #pilatesathome #pilatessinglestraightlegstretch #hamstringstretch #corestrength #movebetter
20.01.2022 Did you miss Pilates this morning? Nevermind! Its on again next Saturday 11am Comment or private message me for details #matpilates #pilatesathome #pilatesonline #stayhome #movebetter #keepmoving #pilatesneckpull #longsit #corestrength
19.01.2022 Breathing can be used to improve movement As a general rule, exhaling will help stabilise our body structures whilst inhaling promotes mobility. But when in doubt, dont stress, just keep breathing, dont hold your breath until you work it out #inhale #exhale #breathe #breathebetter #movebetter #breathingtechnique #matpilates #matpilatesclass
18.01.2022 It's late but it's not too late to sign up for online Mat Pilates tomorrow 11am over Zoom #matpilates #matpilatesclass #pilatesonline #pilatesathome #pilatesspinestretch #longsit #wakeupwithpilates #movebetter #feelbetter
18.01.2022 Online Zoom classes still available from the comfort of your own home #pilateslegpullfront #matpilates #matpilatesclass #singlelegplank #shoulderstrength #corestrength
17.01.2022 Build strength through glutes and hamstrings Did you know how important glute strength is for walking in every day life? If they are not working to support our hips as one foot lifts off the ground, all the muscles further down the legs and in the feet have to work harder to stabilise. #pilatessinglelegkick #matpilates #matpilatesclass #gluteactivation #glutestrength #hamstringstrength
17.01.2022 Got a yoga mat? Join me for online Pilates from the comfort of your living room. Times TBA tomorrow. #matpilates #matpilatesclass #matpilatesonline #kneelingsidekick #imalittleteapot #corecontrol #balance #strength #pilatesathome #stayathome
16.01.2022 So lets keep it moving! Spine articulation isnt something we generally do in our everyday lives. The spine becomes stiff and locked up, especially with lots of jobs these days that involve long hours of sitting. If your joints are locked up, it can affect the way your muscles work. It can also force your neck to over work to compensate. We have many moves in Pilates that focus on spine articulation or moving certain parts of the spine into flexion, extension or rotation to... keep the spine functioning smoothly. Of course if you have any back pathologies we can modify the moves accordingly. #spinearticulation #spinerotation #spineflexion #spineextension #spinestretch #spinemobility #josephpilatesquotes #matpilates #movebetter #feelbetter See more
16.01.2022 Zoom classes will continue on alternate Saturdays #matpilates #matpilatesclass
16.01.2022 Still teaching in person at 101 Halifax St (free parking out the front!). Make the most of it while our freedom lasts! DM me for details. #matpilates #matpilatesclass #pilatessinglelegstretch #corestrength #coreendurance
15.01.2022 I am continuing using the Zoom platform for client convenience every second Saturday for online classes in the comfort of your own home. Slight time change to 10am! Come and give it a go! $15 #matpilatesclass #pilatesonline #pilatesathome
15.01.2022 Have you been wanting to try Mat Pilates? Now is the perfect time to start! I teach Wednesdays 7:50pm @thepoleboutique. A new 4 week course starts next week, which is an excellent length of time to come and try for long enough to start to see results! Contact The Pole Boutique to book! Limited spots left! #matpilates #buildstrength #improvemobility #bodyawarenss #corecontrol #corestability #corestrength #shoulderstrength #glutestrength
14.01.2022 Did you miss Pilates this morning? Nevermind! It's on again next Saturday 11am Comment or private message me for details #matpilates #pilatesathome #pilatesonline #stayhome #movebetter #keepmoving #pilatesneckpull #longsit #corestrength
14.01.2022 Roll out of bed tomorrow and onto the Pilates mat for 11am online Mat Pilates! #matpilates #matpilatesclass #pilatesathome #pilatesonline #matpilatesonline #stayhome #rolloutofbed #keepmoving
13.01.2022 A special Stretch and Pilates class location today and some spontaneous extra participants from next door #punyelroo #matpilates #pilatesbytheriver #standingbalance
11.01.2022 After putting our spine into flexion or extension, its important to re-stack the vertebrae into neutral alignment. Sit or stand nice and tall and relax those shoulders! Imagine youre an ornament hanging off a Christmas tree and feel lengthening down the back of your neck - remember, the neck is an extension of the spine and its alignment is very important to hold the weight of our heads all day! #spinealignment #spinearticulation #posture
09.01.2022 Sidebend - stretch and strengthen all in one! #pilatessidebend #matpilates #pilatesathome #stretch #latstretch #strengthen #corestrength #corestability #shoulderstrength
09.01.2022 A big Breathe Stretch Float welcome to Estelle Clare to the team Estelle joins us with her experience in Mat Pilates and her passion for teaching! A perf...ect way to build your core muscles, you will find her teaching Mat Pilates at the studio every Tuesday night at 5.45pm We were treated to her first class last night and what a great one it was! Book in for next week and experience it for yourself! #breathestretchfloat #adelaide #matpilates #yogapractice #mindbodyconnection #community #pilates
09.01.2022 Its been a big week and I haven't shared any updates, but FYI Face-to-Face class is on this Monday 8:30am this week $25 for a casual session. Optional 30 min stretch session straight after $10. 101 Halifax St, Adelaide. Please contact me to book, due to limited space. #matpilates #matpilatesclass #pilateshundred #pilatestabletop
08.01.2022 "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." its also great for building strength through back and hip extensors and shoulder flexion
08.01.2022 If youve been meaning to try Pilates, now is the time! #matpilates #pilatesonline #pilatesathome #getmoving #feelgood
07.01.2022 Quadruped does so much more than you may think.... Core stability and control, shoulder strength, balance, axial elongation. #matpilates #pilatesathome #pilatesonline #stayhome #keepmoving #feelgood #quadruped #corecontrol #shoulderstrength #balance
07.01.2022 Its late but its not too late to sign up for online Mat Pilates tomorrow 11am over Zoom #matpilates #matpilatesclass #pilatesonline #pilatesathome #pilatesspinestretch #longsit #wakeupwithpilates #movebetter #feelbetter
06.01.2022 Peek-a-boo! "The Twist" is like downward dog...with a twist! It stretches your obliques whilst improving spine mobility through rotation, not to mention working on balance and shoulder strength at the same time what a move! #pilatesathome #matpilatesclass #pilatestwist #spinerotation #obliquestretch #shoulderstrength #balance #movebetter #feelbetter
06.01.2022 Aint that how exercise should be A mantra from Brent Anderson, Polestar Pilates founder. Also a good motto for a Sunday #pilates #asmuchasnecessary #aslittleaspossible
06.01.2022 Training balance can help with so many things in life, including strengthening ankles and intrinsic foot muscles, proprioception and body awareness. All these things can reduce falls risk, risk of ankle injury or overuse injury of certain foot structures so that you can keep moving through your busy life As a practicing Podiatrist I like to incorporate such exercises in my Mat Pilates classes #matpilates #matpilatesclass #pilatesstandingbalance #balance #corecontrol #proprioception #anklestrength #intrinsicfootmuscles
06.01.2022 Ain't that how exercise should be A mantra from Brent Anderson, Polestar Pilates founder. Also a good motto for a Sunday #pilates #asmuchasnecessary #aslittleaspossible
06.01.2022 Want to enjoy Pilates in the comfort of your own home? Join me this Saturday for Mat Pilates online, 11am Adelaide time #matpilates #pilatesathome #pilatesonline #pilatesbicycle #strength #control #movement #homebasedexercise #movebetter
06.01.2022 If you've been meaning to try Pilates, now is the time! #matpilates #pilatesonline #pilatesathome #getmoving #feelgood
04.01.2022 So let's keep it moving! Spine articulation isn't something we generally do in our everyday lives. The spine becomes stiff and locked up, especially with lots of jobs these days that involve long hours of sitting. If your joints are locked up, it can affect the way your muscles work. It can also force your neck to over work to compensate. We have many moves in Pilates that focus on spine articulation or moving certain parts of the spine into flexion, extension or rotation to... keep the spine functioning smoothly. Of course if you have any back pathologies we can modify the moves accordingly. #spinearticulation #spinerotation #spineflexion #spineextension #spinestretch #spinemobility #josephpilatesquotes #matpilates #movebetter #feelbetter See more
04.01.2022 A fun little move called "Scissors" that we did during online Zoom class this weekend #pilatesscissors #matpilates #matpilatesclass #pilatesonline #pilatesathome #zoompilates
03.01.2022 Online Zoom classes starting soon! Private message me your interest! #matpilates #pilatesathome #pilatesinisolation #pilatesinquarantine #pilatesonline #matpilatesclass Thanks to Paul, Christine and Will who helped me test out the technology this morning!
03.01.2022 I was happy about not actually having to pulse my arms one hundred times whilst holding the "Hundred" position for a photo, however the real version of the move does build endurance #matpilates #matpilatesclass #pilateshundred #corestrength #coreendurance #corecontrol #breathingtechnique
03.01.2022 Follow my Instagram if you havent already
02.01.2022 Checking out the studio @breathestretchfloat what a lovely space it is #matpilatesclass #matpilates #pilatesmermaid #zsit
02.01.2022 Online Mat Pilates classes start this Saturday 11th April and Monday 13th April. Email me your interest so I have your email and can reply with Zoom meeting I.D. and password. Classes will be based around the level of the participants. ... #matpilates #matpilatesclass #pilatesathome #pilatesonline
02.01.2022 Its been a big week and I havent shared any updates, but FYI Face-to-Face class is on this Monday 8:30am this week $25 for a casual session. Optional 30 min stretch session straight after $10. 101 Halifax St, Adelaide. Please contact me to book, due to limited space. #matpilates #matpilatesclass #pilateshundred #pilatestabletop
01.01.2022 "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." it's also great for building strength through back and hip extensors and shoulder flexion
01.01.2022 Working oblique core strength #obliquestrength #corestrength #corestability #spinerotation #matpilates #matpilatesclass #pilatesathome #pilatesonline #chiball
01.01.2022 Mondays. Am I right? #forwardbend #pilatesstandingrolldown #mondayitis #hamstringstretch #spinearticulation
01.01.2022 Wise words. Make your next move to try Mat Pilates online it could be the beginning of great things for life in lock down. Movement, fitness and routine helps both our physical and mental health. #matpilates #pilatesonline #josephpilates #josephpilatesquotes #takethestep #beginningofgreatthings #movement #physicalfitness #mentalwellbeing
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