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Port MacDonnell Landcare Group | Other

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Port MacDonnell Landcare Group

Phone: +61 427 388 070


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25.01.2022 Port Mac Landcarers, please get in touch if you have project ideas for our area

24.01.2022 Happy National Tree Day! (for yesterday) The Port Mac landcarers spent a very enjoyable day out at Bones Pond (karst spring) working on buffering revegetation up-gradient of the spring and alongside the drain - completing some of the previous revegetation nearly all the way along Hitchocoxs drain (which looks fantastic!). We even made it into the ponds themselves for a look. Water levels are low for this time of year. Here's hoping for some August rains.... Thanks everyone :)

23.01.2022 Maybe it was the sunshine... or the novelty of something to do...? But we had a fantastic turnout earlier last month, collecting tree guards from reveg sites from a couple of years ago to use in upcoming planting. Thanks everyone. Reminder that our regular monthly landcare meeting is on tomorrow night:... Bay Pub, Port MacDonnell Billiards room 7:30 meeting, or join us for tea beforehand at 6:30. Stay tuned for planting day dates.

23.01.2022 Hello landcarers A reminder for tomorrow nights meeting (and AGM), preceded by a walk in Germein Reserve. Tuesday 13th October... 5:20 (sharp) - meet at Lions Park carpark for a walk into the reserve. Wear sturdy footwear or gumboots. 6:30 - tea at Vic Hotel, Pt Mac (Billiards room) 7:30 - meeting and AGM See you all there :)

23.01.2022 Our first-Tuesday regular monthly meeting is on tomorrow night. We're going to be running the meeting via Zoom again. Members: please check your emails from 7:20pm for login details.

19.01.2022 Always wondered which nature apps were actually good and useful? How to use them... and where the data goes? and what the data is used for? See reviews for Frogspotter (my personal fav!), iNaturalist, and EchidnaCSI here (with more to come). Happy Citizen Sciencing.

19.01.2022 Check out the virtual Parks tours. There are a few local locations in this lot: Ewens, Piccanninnie, Pernambol, Telfords - thanks to Ranger Aidan wandering around with the Google Trekker last year.

17.01.2022 Some fungi love..

14.01.2022 We love it when we get feedback from the community on Germein Reserve. Just had to share this one: On Wednesday, XX and I had a walk through Germein Reserve and ate our lunch in the car park. We had a lovely stroll amongst the magnificent flowering Eucalypt Macropogias, (I hope I have the name correct) [Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. megalocarpa - close enough!], listening to the various honeyeaters, New Hollands, Yellow faced and I think maybe the White Naped Honeyeaters(?) a...nd the raucous Wattle Birds. The smaller Silvereyes and the Brown Thornbills were having their say too. We spotted several fungi as well. A family of Blue Wrens joined us for lunch, one of them very brightly coloured. We came away feeling totally refreshed. What an asset the Reserve is, a credit to all of the Landcare group. With Thanks See more

13.01.2022 What do you know about Ewens Ponds and other local karst springs? You're invited to comment on a proposal to list Karst Springs and Associated Alkaline Fens of... the Naracoorte Coastal Plain Bioregion as a threatened ecological community. These freshwater spring-fed wetlands include pools, soaks and streams and the fringing fens, Ewens Ponds and Piccaninnie Ponds included! Find out more and provide your feedback via the website, by Tuesday 26 May: : Revegetation at Ewens Ponds a few years ago.

11.01.2022 The Wimmera Biodiversity Seminars are online this year and free to join. There are 5 webinars every Thursday (starting this Thursday 3rd September), and lots of interesting speakers.

11.01.2022 We’re excited to announce the new program! Primary producers and conservation landholders will be able to a...ccess expertise and resources for practical on-ground conservation work, which will improve the quality of their native vegetation and the financial sustainability of their properties. Good for farming, good for conservation! Nature Foundation is thrilled to deliver this important initiative in partnership with Conservation SA, Livestock SA, Trees For Life (SA) and Nature Conservation Society of South Australia. Minister for Environment and Water Hon David Speirs MP visited a farm at Macclesfield this week to launch the $3 million program, which is funded by the Government of South Australia and includes a revamped Heritage Agreement grants program. Find out more at Josh Teague - Member for Heysen, Environment SA News, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Primary Producers SA, Australian Land Conservation Alliance, Landcare Association of SA, Bush Heritage Australia, Nature Glenelg Trust, Greening Australia, National Trust of South Australia, Alinytjara Wilurara Landscape Board, Northern and Yorke Landscape Board, Limestone Coast Landscape Board, Green Adelaide, Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board, Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board, SA Arid Lands Landscape Board, Kangaroo Island Landscape Board, Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board

11.01.2022 Hello Landcarers Our regular monthly meeting is on tomorrow night (Tuesday 11th August) 7:30 Vic Hotel Pt MacDonnell, or meet us for tea at 6:30.... See you there.

09.01.2022 Next tree planting working bee (as promised!) Meet at Jones Rd, Port MacDonnell, 9:30am If we get this site done in good time, we'll also head down to Bones Pond (Galpins Rd) for some more planting.... BYO gloves, hammer, wet weather gear. BYO BBQ lunch in a nearby shed. Please contact us if you need directions, or more information. See you all there.

09.01.2022 Unfortunately, this one is now fully booked... but keep an eye out, as another online workshop is coming soon.

08.01.2022 The Port MacDonnell Landcare Group received a $15,000 contribution from the Federal Government's Communities Environment Program for their Coastal Bio Link proj...ect. It was fantastic to visit recently and hear from the group about the project which involves linking existing vegetation together with new plantings across the landscape and the establishment of several wildlife corridors to allow migration and genetic exchange of birds, animals and reptiles. See more

08.01.2022 The last of the Wimmera Biodiversity Seminar webinars is coming up on Thursday. I've managed to sit in on 3 sessions, and they've all been amazing. Very much looking forward to the final installment on orchids and fungi.

07.01.2022 Hello Landcarers Our regular monthly meeting is on tonight (Tuesday 8th September) 7:30 Vic Hotel Pt MacDonnell, or meet us for tea at 6:30. See you there.... Picture: Pterostylis pedunculata (Maroonhood - native orchid) Photo taken by one of our members in Germein Reserve.

07.01.2022 Hello landcarers, As restrictions are easing, we're able to start up some working bees again (social distancing and hygiene practices apply). Join us this Sunday (21st June) on Tilleys Rd, Port MacDonnell, 10am for tree guard removal fun (how many can you carry!!?).... These guards will be used again on our next revegetation areas. Stay tuned for upcoming planting days. Lunch will be BYO picnic lunch (no bbq). Bring some gloves. Please RSVP so we can ensure that numbers will be below outdoor gatherings limits.

05.01.2022 Paddock trees are an integral feature of the South East landscape. It was really special to be able to talk to local landholders about their connection with ic...onic trees in the area, and to capture their stories on video as part of our Power of Paddock Trees project and exhibition. We’re excited to share this with you, and over the coming weeks we’ll be sharing more photos and stories from the exhibition! : Kinship Productions

05.01.2022 Hello Landcarers Our next working bee is this coming Saturday (24th October) at Bones Pond. Those pesky wallabies have been busy! We'll be putting up some kangaroo guards, and planting a few more trees.... Meet 9am at Bones Pond site (Galpins Rd, Eight Mile Creek) Bring gloves, hammer, trowel, as well as post knocker and wire clip applicators if you have them. Wear long pants and sturdy boots. BYO BBQ lunch afterwards. See you all there!

03.01.2022 What a fabulous day out at Germein Reserve today with the landcare group! Trees were planted, kangaroo guards were installed, bbq lunch was eaten, and a big long walk through the reserve was had in search of orchids, and all sorts of other amazing things. It was hard to choose photos!

02.01.2022 Hello landcarers Our next working bee is to do a small amount of planting on Grundys Lane, and some kangaroo tree guard maintenance at Germein Reserve wetland area. Followed by a fantastic landcare-style bbq lunch, and a ramble through the reserve with one of our knowledgeable members, looking for native orchids. Sounds great yeah?! Sunday 20th September, 9:30am... Meet on Grundys Lane (message for directions if required) BYO gloves, hammer, trowel. Gumboots recommended. BYO BBQ lunch.

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