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Kind & Friendly to Chickens | Businesses

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Kind & Friendly to Chickens

Phone: +61 409 500 651


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25.01.2022 MORE PIGLETS!!!!!

24.01.2022 Some of today’s action

23.01.2022 Super exciting Oreo had more 1/2 mini piggy babies this week. And choc chip has built her own island

22.01.2022 This little animal rescue, screams at the top of our lungs. Thanks a million to Andrew from the lettuce patch at bargara for the donation of over 2000head of lettuce for the animals dinner. Also they have half a ton of strawberries for dessert from the legends at sss. Thanks again to Angela Cadeddu at dinner at the elliott, Start Fresh Fruit Market, SSS Strawberries The Lettuce Patch, Innes Park Bakery, Rebecca Lang of the earth juice bar, coral cove general store, Sharon Jackson of elliottheads realty, Donponcho beach resort, Woolworths bargara, global care church on elliottheads Rd, Paisley Park

22.01.2022 Cruisin around with some ducks

21.01.2022 Good morning everyone

20.01.2022 We have been running the bore for 24 hours a day for the last fortnight. Trying to get some green stuff for the animals. We’re not looking forward to the power bill but it’s finally coming back. some rain would be very handy soon.

14.01.2022 Look at these two. They have been sharing the nest for awhile. Not sure how they will co parent if they manage to hatch something

14.01.2022 Hey guys. Just thought I’d share. (Sorry about the blurry pic). But I’ve found it really interesting to watch the pigs and how they work as a family unit to take care of the babies . We have two females and the one male. Often I see the dad or the other female baby sitting the babies whilst Mum has a break. Also, as in the photo, they create barriers around the babies so that they can sleep safely. The blurry pic is what I just saw when I checked up on them tonight. It really is awesome to see

11.01.2022 Clean out the animals pond : 15 mins Clean the tractor afterwards : 45 mins. While filling the pond witnessing T-bone walk into freaking cleaned pond to do his business : aaaahhhhhh

11.01.2022 Quackers all lined up for brekky

11.01.2022 The geese are off crabbing. I feel soo close to them in this moment!

10.01.2022 Welcome back daisy, who is one of Oreos babies from her first birth

08.01.2022 A couple of weeks ago, poor old Moses started rapidly losing weight, it happened almost over night. His hair went grey and we could clearly see his ribs. Being 18 years of age we feared the worst. We sort professional advice, they advised tick & worming treatment. We already treat for them regularly. By accident I discovered they love chicken pellets (I left a bucket of chicken pellets unattended and Moses dug in!) So I decided to make up a meal for him everyday that consists of 3 parts; chicken pellets, millrun and molasses. He absolutely loves it! Along With his usual fruits, veggies and hay. He is looking a little better. Fingers crossed he hangs in there. Down side to this plan, tbone (younger animal) is looking a little too healthy, like me!

07.01.2022 Some of the action over the weekend

06.01.2022 Anna is currently having her babies!! it’s going to be a long night but what’s better than this?

06.01.2022 Just hanging out . But don’t you just hate group photos...someone always blinks

05.01.2022 Naw Oreo, are you making yourself pretty? You’re already gorgeous!!!

04.01.2022 He’s such a dag of an animal

03.01.2022 We’re heart broken to share that annabell didn’t survive her first pregnancy. Two of her three boys are going well, very strong. Arney the runt is still very weak. He’s feeding well and we’re hopeful that he will come good. Ileene (Moses mum) has the time and experience and is fostering him for a couple of weeks to give him the best chance of recovering. She would have been a great mum.

03.01.2022 Kylie found this poor little guy stuck in a water bowl he was shaking with the cold and very tired. We’re happy to say he is doing very well now. He has been watching chicken shows on YouTube all morning

03.01.2022 I think I may have lost my chair

03.01.2022 How’s this guys, The barbera family have generously offered regular support today. Today they unbelievably donated 12 bulk bins full of beautiful sweet corn, beans and zucchini. They wanted us to take more! The all the animals thought it was Christmas! I’m sure t-bone (the young steer) had to loosen his belt before he went and laid down under a tree to sleep it off. They Thank you from the bottom of their bellies. I’d like to take another moment to thank everyone else that ar...e continually contributing to provide for these beautiful animals. The Saunders family, Innes Park Bakery Start Fresh Fruit Market Paisley Park (Bundaberg, Queensland) WOOLWORTHS Of The Earth Juice Bar & Health Shop donponcho beach resort The Lettuce Patch Coral Cove Convenience Store Elliott Heads Beach Realty Dinner at the Elliott Dinner at the Burnett SSS Strawberries all these people take time out of their day to help the animals. What an awesome community we live in. See more

02.01.2022 Nice cuddles, with a few kisses across the forehead

01.01.2022 We’d like to welcome sunny and Scrooge mc duck to family everyone’s very excited to have new family members

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