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Power Church Melbourne in Caroline Springs, Victoria | Religious centre

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Power Church Melbourne

Locality: Caroline Springs, Victoria

Phone: +61 422 601 599

Address: 121 Calder Park Dr, Taylors Hill VIC 3037 3023 Caroline Springs, VIC, Australia


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21.01.2022 Hi everybody, just a reminder from tomorrow 07/01/2018 our service will held at 121 Calder Park Dr, Taylors Hill VIC 3037. Starting at 10:00am. Thanks Ps Geblock

15.01.2022 Reflection Fasting is a spiritual discipline that helps us center our attention on the Lord and discover His will so we may act according to it. People fast in different ways: Some abstain from food while others refrain from various activities. The period of time can vary as well. But the focus in each case is to be the same to seek God and know His will. When we deny ourselves in this way, several things happen. First, the Holy Spirit will enable us to set aside earthly matt...ers. Relationships, work, and pleasure will take a lesser place in our mind as we concentrate on God and His purposes. Second, our attention will shift from ourselves to the Lord. Thinking will become clearer, and our ability to understand His plans will sharpen because we are not distracted by other things. Third, the Lord is probably going to do some spiritual housecleaning in our life. His Spirit will convict us of sinful attitudes or behaviors. Then, upon confession of our sin, we’ll be forgiven and cleansed (1 John 1:9). When unexpected news greets us, we like Nehemiah may find our emotions in turmoil. He wisely sought God through fasting and prayer. This powerful practice can also help us to hear clearly from our heavenly Father, who knows the best way through every situation. Nehemiah’s brother arrived from Judah with some bad news: The Israelites living in Jerusalem were in great trouble. After hearing about their plight, Nehemiah fasted and prayed to the Lord for several days. During this time, he discovered God wanted him to ask the king of Persia for help (Nehemiah 11:1-11).

14.01.2022 Education is vitally important to all of us. It’s one of the few parts of our lives that should never end. We should always be learning. The Bible describes it as a key to a successful life (Proverbs 19:8). But like anything so important, we have to guard it. We have to ensure that our learning draws us closer to God and doesn’t pull us away from him. That starts with a decision.... You have to decide in advance to stand for God. The time to think through your loyalty to God isn’t when you’re learning something new. It’s before you even start. The Bible tells us, In the world you have tribulation (John 16:33b). This verse doesn’t say you might have troubles. It doesn’t say if you have troubles. It says you will have troubles. And that includes your education. Your faith will be tested by your education. No doubt about it. In 2 Timothy 3:12 we read, In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. If you’re not suffering any persecution in your life, it may indicate you’re not living an entirely godly life. It may mean you’re trying to be a chameleon where some people don’t know you’re a Christian. Count on being tested in your education. You can fail a big math test. But you can’t fail the most important test you’ll ever take, the test of your faith. It has eternal consequences. When your education tests your faith, you have three choices. You can take a dive. You withdraw and just drop your faith. You can withdraw. You simply compartmentalize your life, and you don’t let God’s Word impact what you’re learning. You can determine to thrive. You choose to run what you’re learning through the filter of God’s Word. That’s what Daniel and his friends did in the first chapter of Daniel. Before going through the king’s indoctrination program, Daniel made up his mind not to defile himself (Daniel 1:8a). Daniel and his friends didn’t let phony ideas blow up their faith. Neither should you. Decide from the start you’ll protect your mind. Decide you’ll run everything through a biblical filter. That’s how you thrive in your education and your faith. And use this filter no matter how old you are or where you are in life; God wants you to be a lifelong learner, which means you’ll face lifelong challenges to your faith. Remember that God is for you, not against you, when you’re being tested. He’s guiding you into a deeper faith and a closer relationship with him.

08.01.2022 Ça vaut le coup de regarder

07.01.2022 2 Timothy 3:1-9 Paul warned that godlessness and evil schemes would increase as the end of history approaches. People will become lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful and unholy, who make no account, either of right or honesty. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof, from such turn away. People will follow false teachers who will tell them what they want to hear. The question is the word of G...od has been taught soundly or the Church has lost the role of being the light of the world and forgot their mandate of proclaiming the uncompromising word of God. Charles Finney in 1792 - said evil is rampant due to the failures of the pulpit. He said if there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. He said if the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in the halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our governments are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it. Because we have not spoken, because we have not said, because we have been so internalised that we’ve not been any worldly good in the world. We are supposedly to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world (and I am speaking to myself as well), but we have been so busy running churches and maintaining buildings and painting walls and setting up our instruments. All those things the world uses. Today, we had one guitarist; even without a guitarist we know how to worship our God! We know how to worship our God! And we don’t need all the paraphernalia to worship our God, we spend so much money on! Which is better spent on evangelizing and on going out into the world. Jeremiah 23:1 says Woe to the shepherds, who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pastures. We are not being led by the pastors to be the salt and light of the truth. There are no choruses of Christians speaking truth and there are few pastors leading the sheep to being the salt and the light, and that is why our country is fallen in so many ways. Paul’s words warned and encouraged Timothy to teach the Scriptures soundly. Therefore I urged you dear brother and sister to run and finish well your race, remember 2 Timothy 3:12 says all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. See more

06.01.2022 Dear Brothers and Sisters You are invited to attend the water of baptism which is taking place tomorrow, Sunday December 31th at Williamstown beach,. we all meeting at 7:30am at the corners of Stewart street & esplanade See your at Williamstown. Every blessing.

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