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Pursuit Physiotherapy in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Medical and health

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Pursuit Physiotherapy

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 452 601 632

Address: 1821 Ipswich Road 4106 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 MUAY THAI!!!! Mitch @mitchnakmuay has been seeing me for around 2 years now on and off. Muay Thai is multifaceted and requires speed, agility, good range of motion, balance, strength and excellent cardiovascular endurance. Mitchs prep into a fight can be pretty relentless on his body, usually lots of running, sparring and pad work. Unfortunately due to the nature of the sport it can be hard to prevent injuries, so we just take the hits as they come (literally) and fix what ...we can as we go along! Mostly we spend the majority of the time talking about post fight eating . Super proud of you @mitchnakmuay, thanks for always putting up with my stupid questions about Muay Thai. #muaythaifriiiiiiddddaaaaayyyyynighhhht See more

25.01.2022 Appointments available; Monday Tuesday Thursday... Friday This week, including some limited after work hours appointment slots.

24.01.2022 UPDATE - I've been watching and waiting to put out an update, until things settled and stopped changing everyday or every 12 hours, so I could evaluate what to do with both the business and my family. The Government has deemed physiotherapy an essential service as they believe we are assisting to offload hospitals and GPs by seeing semi urgent or urgent musculoskeletal conditions. As the gym has been closed and my bookings quartered, I have decided to close the clinic. Thi...s however does not mean that I am suspending all services. I will be seeing a limited range of clients from a small clinic and home gym attached to my home. I am also offering Telehealth (aka online appointment consultations) particularly for those with lower back, shoulder or training related consultations, particularly for those who have home gym access themselves. Additionally I have a limited amount of home visit appointments available. Please feel free to drop me a DM or call to chat. Shout out to @ryan_devereuxbbr and @__j_____________ at @bodies_by_ryan for the stellar job the have done with the gym community in this time and for being a legend of a land lord. We are all in this together what a time to be alive and be in business. See more

23.01.2022 KEEPING IN THE DEADLIFT THEME - In spite of the lats importance in the deadlift, their role in the deadlift is often misunderstood. People talk about how lat tension helps keep the back tight in the deadlift (the upper back especially), preventing it from rounding excessively, with the implication that the lats themselves help keep the upper back extended. However, the lats arent actually capable of producing a (meaningful) spinal extension moment since individual lat fi...bers dont attach to multiple vertebrae (though their ability to tense the thoracolumbar fascia may play a very small role aiding in lumbar extension), and they certainly dont help with keeping the upper back extended since they literally dont have attachments on your higher thoracic vertebrae. Lat engagement does however provide great help ensuring proper bar path after the barbell passes the knees and moves towards the hips. As mentioned above, the closer the barbell is kept to the hip joint, the more efficient the movement will be. If the lats arent engaged, we will often see the barbell drift forward as it passes the knee, increasing the stress put on the hips and low back. By engaging the lats we keep the bar moving towards the hips as the athlete finishes the pull, increasing lift efficiency. To improve mechanics in this portion of the lift Ill use bands to pull the barbell away from the body and cue the athlete to resist this pull. They will immediately feel what it is like to have proper lat engagement. Want further detail? DM me. Ft. The big guy himself Shayne from the @theliftlab at the last @ifbbproleagueoz Arnold classic @arnoldsportsau, on of the best backs on stage #pursuitphysio #theliftlab #perthphysio #perthfitfam See more

23.01.2022 Sneaky snap by @aaron_gort_aesthetic of me in my element. This wasnt a staged shot, in fact I didn't know he was even taking it. This was actually taken mid treatment session. People often confuse me with a PT or an exercise physiologist. I am neither of those things. I am a physio, a movement specialist. I treat with movement. I practice Methods combined with strength training principles. There aren't many injuries (in fact I'd argue close to... 0) that can be eliminated on a treatment table. Symptoms possibly, but the underlying cause is usually a movement/strength issue. Got something that is "tight" for example it's likely that its tight because there is an opposing weakness or poor biomechanical pattern. So should we put needles in it and "loosen" it up and send you on your way? No because you haven't addressed the cause. You can untie a knotted rope over and over again but it will continue on that cycle until you address the cause behind the knotting. To be fair I'd make more money if you kept coming back with a a tight knotted rope every week that you rely on me to fix . But I'd rather teach you how to stop your rope knotting. Then you don't have to come back , problem solved. .. .. The results my clients get speak for themselves and that means more to me than all of the money in the world. See more

23.01.2022 SEASON A COMP PREP SPECIALS- competition prep, particularly the pointy end, is absolutely gruelling. Your body is fatigued, your brain is fatigued, I know my soul felt fatigued , its a time where you are more injury prone and your body needs some extra TLC. ICN competitors also welcome Tag someone who might need a little TLC! #pursuitphysio #bodybuildingphysio

23.01.2022 UPDATE!!!! There has been illness, homeschooling, moving house, a new business venture and general COVID and life chaos. BUT I'M BACK IN ACTION! Not back in the clinic YET but seeing clients from my home clinic, and also travelling to do home visits. Thank you for all of my loyal clients who have continued to see me a home during this time the love is real. Get in touch to sort an appointment #pursuitphysio

23.01.2022 What a year it has been Happy World Physio Day 2020

22.01.2022 Every therapist is different. Every chiro, physio, osteo, OT, we have all been exposed to different education, different clients, different teachers. We will all practice differently. Personally I see myself as a movement specialist. I dont think there are many injuries/niggles/pains that can be fixed without movement. Does that mean I dont still use passive treatment modalities as a tool? Absolutely not. ... Whilst the answer usually lies in finding the cause of the injury, which the majority of the times is weakness/immobility, symptomatic relief can still be very important. I offer a wide range of services, I want to find the answer for my clients, I want to find the root cause and give them the tools to correct it, but I also want to assist in providing relief. Massage and dry needling arent the answer to your problem, but if they help you feel better on your journey towards creating strength and mobility, I have no issue with them being added as an adjunct, as long as you dont become an addict. Hahaha I know too many clients that focus entirely on the passive elements of treatment, and skip their exercises. Did you know this can make you reliant?? Every time you feel a slight pain or jiggle you will come running with your wallet? My moral and ethical boundaries just will not allow this to happens. Passive therapies like massage and dry needling will only get you so far, they may make you feel better for short periods, but unless you treat the underlying cause, it will either continue to niggle or it may become worse with time. Dont become reliant on your therapists, use the tools they can give you to treat yourself. MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE. #punishweakness #perthphysio See more

22.01.2022 One of my many favouriteof Dr @andrew_lock_strength quotes. If you have had an MRI with some sort of diagnosis reported this will form only a very small part of the information that leads me to a management plan, it will absolutely not dictate my treatment. If 10 different people with the same diagnosison an MRI came to me, I can definitively tell you that all 10 would have completely different symptoms.... There shouldn't be such thing as X diagnosis equal X treatment plan. Clients have different presentations, different mechanisms of injuries, different goals, different jobs with different postures and needs. Treatment plans have to be tailored to what is seen on the day and changed accordingly with progress or change. Don't let Doctors or health professionalsscare you with a diagnosis, its only one very small part of the picture. #pursuitphysio #brisbanephysio

20.01.2022 NEW SPONSORED ATHLETE Pursuit Physio and @pursuit_performance are ABSOLUTELY PUMPED to announce a new athlete to the team @tim_mckinnon91, one of Brisbanes absolute best. Tim joins, OG @j.e.newcombe on our epic team. ... Cant wait to get started, and see what improvements we can make together. #brisbanephysio #pursuitphysio #bodybuildingphysio

19.01.2022 Sitting in my own waiting room! Last year I really dropped the ball on psychological self care. I was so focused on my physical health, as I was in and out of hospital, and so busy managing the absolute chaos of of 2019, that I rarely took time to breathe. I did almost no meditation (although Ive always somewhat struggled with this) and I certainly didnt clock any gratitude entries. This year I want to really set some non negotiables in this space. Im particularly interested in breath work. Ive found in physio practice as well as personal training visualisation can be a really powerful tool, and I will use this in some rehab cases. On a personal level Im open to suggestions on resources and hearing what everyone else does, let me know in the comments or DM if its personal! #pursuitphysiotherapy

19.01.2022 PAUSED BANDED GOBLET SQUATS (watch until the end with audio. Damn lazy powerlifting clients @jw_training_) An exercise I prescribe often in my clinic for those returning to training from injury. It has many components that make it a great transition exercise and helps build the foundation for a glute dominant, stronger, safer squat. Having the weight itself in front of the body acts as a small counterweight, encourages a more upright torso, tight back, engaged core and the... ability to sit between your legs rather than over your knees. I often start athletes with a 3 second eccentric, with a 1-2 second pause from a tempo perspective, this encourages tension in the eccentric portion, good posterior chain activation and teaches clients what muscles they should be relying on to get out of the hole. The band applies and abduction external rotation resistance for glute input, stopping the knees from falling into valgus and protecting that lower back. AND it just so happens to grow the booty ! Easy to throw in a home workout #pursuitphysio #perthphysio

18.01.2022 Building back that stability. Love this one Bulletproof your overheads and bench. I want to see your videos of this one. How's the facials ... #pursuitphysio #perthphysio See more

17.01.2022 This is a video of my sponsored athlete James Newcombe from the Josh Lenartowicz Classic International Federation of bodybuilding Arnold Classic Qualifier over the weekend. James won the Overall Mens bodybuilding title in the State and will go on to compete for a Pro Card at the Arnold Classic later in March. I had tears during this routine. James is the first athlete I've sponsored, and the first athlete who I have treated through an off season and an competition prep. J...ames has dedication like no other. He listened and implemented all advice and recommendations. He came to me with some asymmetries and weaker points in his physique as well as some mobility issues restricting his training and posing. Over the last 10 months or so James has had 1 weekly hands on physio session which generally included mobility work, needling and deep tissue as well as, posing assessments, and technique/form critique. I also made a few program modifications and additions in order to optimize for his goals. Three major target areas were his back, glutes and core. Sundays stage routine blew me away because I could see every bit of progress James has made since we began. I am only one small part of the team of people that contribute to James prep, but I could not be prouder of him and the progress we made together on those specific goals. James you are an incredibly dedicated athlete and I feel privileged to be apart of those that you trust to contribute. Bring on Arnold's See more

17.01.2022 This applies to many aspects of life, however specifically to rehab! Its like anything in life, if you want results you have to put in the work. Manual therapy is symptomatic relief at best. You want lasting change.... MAKE THE TIME... #pursuitphysio

17.01.2022 THE END OF AN ERA It is with great sadness that I announce that Pursuit Physiotherapy will be moving on from its home within @dohertysgymperth. I have been incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by so many likeminded people that have shaped what my business has become over the last 2 years ( Yes I officially registered Pursuit Physiotherapy as a company 2 years ago to the day today). Pursuit would not have achieved what it has today without the continual support and encour...agement of the Dohertys family in Perth, its owners, the personal trainers, the staff, even including Tony Doherty himself, and last but not least the members . However for now I am taking a small break for a few weeks to recoup my health after a small surgery earlier this year and string of ongoing health issues that have arose since then (dont worry still smiling, still pushing). For all my wonderful clients, please feel free to contact me via email, phone, Instagram or facebook. I will be offering appointments from a home studio in the meantime whilst I recoup, as Id miss you all too much to completely stop. This year has been an amazing year of learning balance and learning when to take a step back, which for those of you that have only known the total workaholic Jess must be quite the shock. Im looking forward to seeing you all with the new Pursuit offering a more diversified service in a few weeks. #pursuitphysio #dohertysperth

17.01.2022 Missing you guys too much..and East Freo is far too far for you to all come down to (although many thanks for those who have travelled for treatment). .. NEW VENUE COMING SOON .. I will still only be coming back part time until I sort out my health out, but I'm excited to be starting up again. .. WATCH THIS SPACE...... .. Now back to See more

16.01.2022 When clients send photos doing their rehab protocols, whilst on holidays . Dedication at its finest. With her @pursuit_performance booty band no less . #whereIdratherbe #perthphysio #perthfitfam

16.01.2022 I want to apologise to all of my clients; Im not half the business owner I used to be. I dont reply to emails or social media messages within the hour. I dont get invoices out on time, Im behind on book keeping, Im even behind on paying some of my invoices, which fills me with anxiety. I also want to apologise to myself, for being so harsh, and holding such high expectations. I have 2 kids at home and a wonderful partner, we have a beautiful home and I have more respo...nsibility at home than ever. I have learnt so much over the last year about myself, about what I value and what is important to me. For a very long time I based my self value on what I was achieving at work and how well educated I was. Now I value how much love and happiness echoes in the walls of my home. I value how successful I am at helping clients achieve what they are in pursuit of. Life can be a tricky balance and my priorities and values have shifted over the last year and I wont apologise for that See more

14.01.2022 COVID-19 EXTRA PRECAUTIONS! As a an allied health practitioner, I have always worked with a high standard of hygeine within the clinic. Some of you may know this, others may not but prior to opening Pursuit Physiotherapy I worked in respiratory medicine and intensive care, so I am well versed in taking extreme precautions against viruses. I am taking every precaution to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and will continue to monitor and apply the advice from the Australian Gov...ernment and World Health Organisations. I will be spacing out appointments to minimise crossover between clients and allow for appropriate cleaning procedure and I have invested in throw away protective sheets for the clinic table instead of wasake material, not so environmentally friendly but a safer option for all involved. Please do not attend the clinic if you feel unwell, have any symptoms or have recently returned from overseas. Stay safe we are all in it together. @ Claremont, Western Australia See more

13.01.2022 It's been a while since I pushed my body to the limits, and whilst I have no plans to get back on stage anytime soon, I have some physique goals and some strength goals. Reflecting on the last 5 year's of training and dieting I now know my strengths and weaknesses and what works for my mind set and my body, now it's time to put in the work. I big focus for me will be regaining my core stability and working on my UL stabilisers before I start hitting big numbers again, no more ego lifting for me. Anyone else have health, fitness and rehab goals set?? #pursuitphysio #perthphysio

13.01.2022 Sinead Brewer in her Pro Card winning routine at the IFBB Pro League Arnold Sports Festival in Melbourne on the weekend. Wearing Pursuit Performance wrist wraps

12.01.2022 WALL FACING SQUATS - Toes to the wall to prevent lumbar spine flexion and encourage hip hinge, while using the par thoracis group(spinal erectors) to keep a neautral spine. . This can often be a good starting point for lower back pain rehab when returning to the gym, dependant on hip socket range and aggravating movement patterns. ..... I also sometimes use this as a quick test when taking people through back squat technique. I find often people unable to maintain upright in this movement have poor erector strength, poor glute activation particularly in abduction external rotation and poor hinge patterns. Glute activations and renegade rows are often the accessories given at this point as well as taking it back to hinting basics. #perthphysio #perthphysio #physioclaremont

11.01.2022 KNEES - ANKLES - FEET . BAND PLACEMENT DURING SIDE STEPPING Banded "crab walks" or banded side stepping are exercises I often give as a muscle activation prior to larger more complex movements in the gym and often form part of a lower back rehab program. Clients often ask me why I prescribe it around the feet rather than the knees or ankles. ... I've only ever been able to give the answer "you feel it more" and of course biochemically it makes more sense . Until I came across a 2018 study the actually compared activation levels of hip musculature with different placements. THE CONCLUSION; compared with placing the band around the ankles, placing the band around the feet for resisted side stepping elicited more activity in the gluteal muscles without increasing TFL activity. This band placement is most appropriate when the therapeutic goal is to activate the muscles that resist hip adduction and internal rotation. Haha so thankfully I've been right all the time

11.01.2022 I'M BACK BABY!!!! NEW CLAREMONT LOCATION After a year of illness, injury and accident I'm so glad to be reopening the clinic. Can't wait to see you all again soon #perthphysio #pursuitphysio #perthfitfam @ Claremont, Western Australia

11.01.2022 Working through some of my own rehab. I had close to six months off of training last year when I was unwell, Ive lost a lot of muscle, a lot of strength and surprisingly a lot of the movement patterns that were so normal to me, now feel foreign. So I have started back at basics, building up my core stability, building up my hip/pelvic stabilisers and my back erectors and glutes. I started with some basic hinging patterns, ended up here. Note the neck extension - assists the... lumbar erectors, helps prevent lumbar flexion and associated forces on the discs by helping prevent posterior pelvic tilt. A bit overzealous on both the range and the bottom and the neck flexion at the top of the rep, I was really getting into it . .. Filming yourself is good way to feedback on your movement patterns. #pursuitphysio See more

10.01.2022 The results that my clients with lower back pain produce speak for themselves, it's an area I treat regularly and have clinical pride in, but that doesn't mean I will ever stop learning, changing and adapting. The more you know the more you realise you don't know. Looking forward to cruising through this and seeing what improvements can be made to my practice. #pursuitphysio #pursuitperformance #punishweakness #perthphysio

09.01.2022 BOX SQUATS AND LOWER BACK INJURY I repeatedly hear box squats being subbed into peoples programs when they have a lower back injury, niggle or irritation . In a box squat correct technique involves the athlete sitting back on the box (not sitting down), relaxing and then exploding up. During the seated relaxed phase the spine can be placed in danger as the muscles are needed for control to ensure stability. No spine motion can be permitted while seated. Additionally m...any are unable to perform the sit action without some spinal flexion. .. If the athlete has good isometric torso muscle cocontraction and is able to stabilize the spine in a neutral posture, the exercise can be a great tool for enhancing explosive power and upward drive of the load in a squat. The lack of ability to stabilise and maintain neutral spine, in my experience with such injured athletes, is usually the reason the athlete has a lower back injury in the first place, so this exercise can in many cases be more harmful than helpful in such cases! See more

08.01.2022 As part of Tradies National Health Month, the Australian Physiotherapy association has released a few videos to assist in preventing injuries in this population. GET AROUND SOME OCCUPATIONAL WARM UPS! Tag a tradie mate that needs this!

08.01.2022 MANUAL HANDLING- OHS First Presentation of the year given to staff at Iluka. Part of a service I offer is teaching manual handling training. After working for a significant portion of my career in hospitals, particularly in intensive care, correct and safe manual handling became very important for both the wellbeing of patients, but also for myself. Those years of experience combined with my knowledge and training in biomechanics and lifting has given me the tools to know the ins and outs and the breadth of manual handling safety and procedures. From on site manual lifting etc to work desk setting ergonomics. If you know someone or a company/workplace that may benefit from some education on this topic contact me

07.01.2022 STOP COLLAPSING KNEES DURING LUNGING and CREATE HIP STABLE HIPS Absolutely loved playing around with this little leg day primer. Personally I tend to get a little pinchy in the anterior hip during heavier lunging so this is a great one for me. The band is pulling the hip into adduction internal rotation, so by resisting that by activating hip stabilisers into external rotation abduction. ... Love adding this one into an activation routine or even weighted either unilaterally or bilaterally as an accessory. #pursuitphysio #brisbanephysio

07.01.2022 At Pursuit Physiotherapy, we believe in sharing and applying the latest scientific research in training methods to empower athletes. . Located at the legendary Bodies By Ryan in the Claremont Showgrounds,sporting the latest and greatest in strength and conditioning facilities, if youre serious about taking your fitness to the next level, reaching your goals just got easier. .... We deliver personalised and thorough assessments to provide accurate diagnoses and tailored programs to assist you in achieving your goals. Our assessments are systematic and take into account your unique lifestyle, home, work and gym environments. You dont have to be an elite athlete to receive remarkable treatment. . At Pursuit Physiotherapy, we believe in offering treatments with the same passion, care and commitment that you stand by for your health and wellbeing. Whether your goal is to have a pain free day at the office or to deadlift 200kg, we are here, and were committed to helping you do just that. . Take advantage of physiotherapy services that are evidence-based and dedicated to your progress. No gimmicks to get you back in the clinic more times than you need, just open, honest and transparent plans, focused on reaching your goals. . Contact us via email, facebook or at

07.01.2022 IM BACK IN THE CLINIC. My biceps however failed to show up...Online booking system is back in action. See you all soon #perthphysio #pursuitphysio @ Bodies By Ryan

05.01.2022 Out of office for a few days with this view. .. Pursuit 2.0 coming soon ..

05.01.2022 GRIT is sticking with your future day in, day out and not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years. .. .. Fitness, rehab, work, it's easy to lose motivation, sometimes all it takes is good old fashion mundane consistency #grit #pursuitphysio

03.01.2022 SIDEPLANK WITH HIP ABDUCTION - this exercise is a killer progression to a sideplank, great for core/pelvic stability challenge and burns the glutes out. I clearly start to struggle A 2011 study analysed the electromyography of the glute medius and glute maximus during a number of exercises and ranked them according to the expressed percentage of maximum volitional contraction (%MVIC). Results for glute medius activation; Side plank with dominant leg on bottom 103%MVIC , plank with dominant leg on top 89%MVIC followed by other exercises such as single limb squat 82%MVIC , a clameshell progression 77%MVIC and finally a front plank with hip extension 75%MVIC. So the side plank abductions showed the highest %MVIC values achieved for the glute med. Higher %MVIC values achieved during performance of exercises have been demonstrated to correlate to muscle hypertrophy. GET YOUR SIDEPLANK ABDUCTIONS on, grow your and improve your compound lifts while you're at it . Study reference posted in comments. #perthphysio #Practicewhatyoupreach

02.01.2022 Check that thoracic and lumbar rotation . My absolutely stunning client @montana_dupuy, coached by @aliround into her last set of ICN shows. Montana is a student so spends a lot of time studying, bent over at a desk. Montana is tall and has a long torso, she suffers from limitations in flexion and rotation through her lumber and thoracic spine. Montana came to me throughout her competition prep to work on these issues, so they did not effect her posing and on stage presence. She looked unbelievable on stage, well done @team_round #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #perthphysio #perthfitfam @ Claremont, Western Australia

02.01.2022 Be a team player, masks are required for consults as per government regulations

01.01.2022 Extension internal rotation mobilisation with a belt, a modification of the McKenzie technique for a deranged shoulder, I find this technique very effective for immediate relief with various anterior shoulder pains. This is a passive technique and this client went on to be prescribed the @andrew_lock_strength Big 3 shoulder exercises as well as a bunch of Lat exercises too. We had a pretty significant improvement in pain almost immediately Also I saved my arms and my bac...k #pursuitphysio #brisbanephysio

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