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Q Speech & Learning Clinic in Kogarah, New South Wales | Medical and health

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Q Speech & Learning Clinic

Locality: Kogarah, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 9587 1788

Address: Suite 2.07, Level 2, 15 Kensington Street 2217 Kogarah, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 From our family to yours, wishing you a very Merry Christmas & blessed New Year!

25.01.2022 Nothing like a bit of spring cleaning in our resource area to kick start 2021! Not only was the organising therapeutic , but also reminded us of the many functional and engaging gems that we had tucked away temporarily . Hope that everyones started the year off with an amazing month

24.01.2022 Feeding Myth: food before 12 months is for fun... Food before 12 months of age is for skill development, not just for fun. Lets get our babies chewing and exploring but please ensure they are always supervised and safe!

24.01.2022 Wishing all the Year 12 students the best of luck!

24.01.2022 Great advice! Children under 4, cut those grapes, hot dogs and other foods that are easy to lodge into their airways

23.01.2022 Pouches are for parents, because they are convenient. Find my articles on the pros and cons of pouches for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Amer...ican Speech Language Hearing Association & more by searching POUCHES at Tip: USE A SPOON For kids with special needs, pouches are a therapy tool. For all other kids, the concern is that too many pouches, too often, will hurt feeding development. And why would we want to do that to our children for the sake of convenience? Nobody wants that. When we know better, we do better as parents, and we are always learning. #babyfood #babyfoodpouch #feedingbaby #blw #purees #melaniepotock #ashaigers #feedingtherapy See more

23.01.2022 Applications closing in 1 week!

23.01.2022 Happy birthday to our practice manager, Rachel. We hope you have a wonderful time celebrating your special day. Hope your day is filled with love, happiness and cake .

23.01.2022 The need for rehab therapy will be immense. They will need therapy from SLPs for cognitive and swallowing, as well as OT and PT.

23.01.2022 We ask all our valued families to refrain from attending our clinics if they have been in mainland China or Hong Kong in the last two weeks (and for two weeks from date of return). The wellbeing of all our families, therapists and staff is of utmost importance to us and we would appreciate your help in keeping everyone safe. This also includes sessions outside of the clinic. Our clinics are increasing our already stringent hygiene practices to minimise any risks.... Please contact our wonderful team at 9587 1788 if you have any queries or concerns

22.01.2022 that tat is mall, for that cat is small, is an example of possible speech sound errors your child might use to simplify adult speech. As children learn to talk, they tend to make speech sound errors. For example, a child might say pan for fan or top for stop.These errors are typical until a certain age. If you’re worried whether your child’s speech sound errors are typical for their age, contact Q Speech & Learning Clinic. Below is a picture of one of our clinician’s targeting the phonological process (a certain type of speech sound error) ‘cluster reduction’ while keeping the activity motivating

22.01.2022 Going to mum’s work day!

21.01.2022 Just hearing two languages helps babies develop cognitive skills before they even speak.

20.01.2022 So great to hear some recognition of the value of Speech Therapists on national tv this morning. During this crazy time, my colleagues continue to amaze me ever...y day with their expertise, dedication and compassion. Our patients require a whole team of professionals to get their lives back and I feel so privileged to be a part of that team

18.01.2022 Open your eyes to oral dysfunction and elevate your clinical practice with us. Imprecise articulation is often a red flag for dysfunctional muscle use that i...mpacts eating, breathing, speech, sleep and facial growth. Email AOMCtraining@gmail to register for Melbourne and Brisbane courses in 2020. See more

18.01.2022 Happy Birthday to our wonderful clinician Marina! Hope that your special day was filled with laughter and happiness

18.01.2022 A fantastic and motivating activity for our clients during therapy sessions. This bowling game is not only fun but engaging at the same time as it provides many opportunities for our clients to practice their target words. What are some of your favourite activities to use in sessions?

17.01.2022 The Australian Orofacial Myology Collaboration is proud to present an Orofacial Myology 28hr Orofacial Myology Course. We are excited about the results we are a...chieving in our practices using these techniques and attendees will be able to leave the course and start Monday integrating this clinical approach for speech and feeding clients across the lifespan. Early Bird registration is now open. See more

16.01.2022 In response to the several requests for our HealthyStart certification course go be held online given the cancellation of our live courses, we are pleased to an...nounce we will be holding this in the last week of May, and at a heavily reduced price to help our colleagues in these difficult times Question: would 2 full days or three partial days (4hrs each) be preferred?

16.01.2022 As LSVT certified providers, our therapists can provide this important, evidence based voice therapy to our clients from home using Telepractice! We are currently offering intensive therapy sessions. Contact us on (02) 9587 1788 or [email protected] to learn more #lsvtloud #lsvt #telehealth #parkinsonsdisease #parkinsonsawareness #voicetherapy #qspeech #speechtherapy #speechpathology

14.01.2022 Great opportunity to join our team!

14.01.2022 Happy Speech Pathology Week!

14.01.2022 We all have those kids on our caseload that get stuck... Orofacial Myology programs fast track these kids to get them discharged more quickly. #happyfamilies#happyspeechie#AmazingOM

14.01.2022 Unfortunately we hear this all too often! These children need and deserve our help

12.01.2022 #feedingtherapyaustralia #foodplay #howilikemyfruit

12.01.2022 Upcoming 28hr Brisbane Course 18-20th February 2021 EARLY BIRD ENDS 21st January REGISTRATION CLOSES 3rd February (unless sold out earlier) Don’t miss out there are only a few places left!

11.01.2022 Is your child non-verbal? Augmentative and Alternative Communication ( AAC) refers to various methods of communication that can help people who are unable to use verbal speech to communicate AAC methods vary and can be personalised to meet each individual’s needs. Here we have our lovely client using the LAMP More than Words program to express his wants and needs during his session

09.01.2022 Absolutely love the wonderful work Makbuilt Projects did for our practice! The clinic partitioning and flooring looks amazing and was done in a very timely and professional manner. We were super impressed with the way we were listened to in terms of what we were after and the excellent advice provided to achieve our desired result in a most cost effective way. Highly recommended

08.01.2022 Lets talk about social stories Social stories are brief, simple storiesthat can teach children about social situations and the best ways to respond. These stories are great for children and really support the development of their social communication skills ... Here’s an example of a story personalised to meet the communication needs for one of our clients, specifically targeting emotional regulation

07.01.2022 Pay attention to how your children breathe. It is very important for their development. #MyoMondays #MyofunctionalTherapyLA #TheBreatheInstitute #MyofunctionalT...herapy #MouthBreathing #NasalBreathing #CorrectOralRestPosture #FacialDevelopment #Wholehealth #Wholefamily

07.01.2022 Great advice from our colleagues in the US! Love your work Mary Billings

07.01.2022 ANXIETY IN CHILDREN I am seeing a lot of children who present with anxiety or difficulties getting to sleep. This morning I was reading a new research study on... children from Italy and Spain aged 2-16 years (average age of 7 years). It found that children with anxiety were 4 times more likely to have breathing abnormalities during sleep. These breathing abnormalities from snoring to Obstructive Sleep Apnoea are well linked to increased risks of behavioural, social-emotional and learning problems. Mouth breathing, snoring, bedwetting and teeth grinding may be other red flags for these problems. The authors of the paper concluded that paediatric dentists had a key role in screening these issues to help identify children at risk of these problems earlier. Why might these problems be linked to anxiety? In general children have intact sympathetic nervous systems that respond rapidly to increased resistance to airflow during sleep as the airway relaxes. They will tend to compensate with increased work of breathing to maintain good airflow. This means the complete or prolonged blockages of the airway that define Obstructive Sleep Apnoea are relatively uncommon in children. Compared to children with OSA, these children will not tend to have intermittent dips in oxygenation. They will have fragmented and unrestorative sleep, and their problems are related to this and their body being in a constant state of fight or flight or sympathetic nervous system activation. There is a chronic dumping of stress hormones night after night. This poor balance of the nervous system may also be linked to poorer parasympathetic rest and digest functions. What it means for some children is that anxiety may be more physiological than psychological. Rather than being a time of rest, for some children, sleep can subconsciously be a terrifying time of the day. Just as important as seeing a psychologist or offering medications, it is also important to keep an eye on how a child is sleeping. If there are symptoms of breathing difficulties during sleep it can be important to address all the contributing obstructive, structural and functional risk factors. This link highlights some of these connections in adults and suggests a need for less divisions in healthcare. I’ve been very interested in Dr Avram’s work and how it may apply to children. He has reported that treating the breathing abnormalities with CPAP or palate expansion in adults has helped reduce a range of issues including anxiety and insomnia in his patients. #AirwayMatters

07.01.2022 Where does your tongue rest? #CorrectOralRestPosture #Tonguetietuesdays #Sleepdisorderedbreathing #Pediatricsleep #Snoring #TheBreatheInstitute #Wholehealth #Wholefamily

06.01.2022 Fabulous day of learning for our team today - We cant wait to start using the LAMP Words for Life AAC treatment approach with many of our clients and their families! This effective approach helps non-verbal and minimally verbal children and adults communicate using the tried and tested principles of motor learning. Did you know that using an effective AAC system supports verbal communication too?! Contact us on (02) 9587 1788 if youd like to see one of our amazing therapists to start your communication journey with LAMP!

06.01.2022 Excellent advice by world renowned ENT, Dr Ghaheri. Please don’t wait to have your infant’s lip and tongue frenula checked if they are experiencing difficulties in feeding

05.01.2022 Another awesome post from feeding expert Melanie Potock!

05.01.2022 Our online HealthyStart Certification Course is now open for registrations! Dont miss out, seats are limited. Our heavily discounted price to support our colleagues during these challenging times wont be repeated! *please note: for allied health, oral therapists and previous attendees contact us for a code for the further reduced cost May 28th - 30th, 1-5pm

05.01.2022 Breastmilk is teeming with bacteria. During the first weeks to months of a child’s life a mother is delivering precious microbial messages that will direct the ... Today we are learning how incredibly powerful nature is in developing strong, immune, resilient children. The role of breastfeeding to develop the jaw and straight teeth is one aspect of how important it is. Primarily teaches a child nasal breathing. Kids who struggle to breathe through their nose often have small, underdeveloped jaws. They present with long faces, crooked teeth, and poor breathing. Secondly if proper tongue posture and feeding habits are established, the tongue creates a seal to push the nipple to the roof of the child’s mouth. This helps to develop the child’s palate, and is designed by nature to set correct growth trajectory of the jaws and upper airways. (As an aside I do see many kids who breastfeed today without proper connection between the tongue and the palate). However for the immune system the breastmilk microbiome is transferred via specialized immune cells from the mothers gut. Evidence now shows that human breastmilk can have a life long impact on a child’s health. Oral flora delivered during breastfeeding may protect a child from allergies and asthma. They also strengthen their immune system. Breastfeeding may protect against respiratory infections autoimmunity, and inflammatory bowel disease. Later in life, it may also protect against heart disease, obesity, and type-II diabetes. These conditions are now understood to be largely influenced by gut microbiota. The reason is that a newborn immune system is naïve to the outside world and depends on maternal ‘gifting’ of immune agents and probiotic bacteria. One huge factor I think we’re missing today is the maternal gut microbiome. Prenatal maternal health as well as proper pregnancy diets are incredibly powerful for shaping these microbial messages to our next generation. Which is why I’m so passionate about getting this information out, so that we can help frame this information for all the new parents out there. Many parents are struggling with breastfeeding today, how was your experience with breastfeeding? Ref:

05.01.2022 Right? That well-meaning doc, relative, teacherANYONE who is not a feeding specialistsays HE WILL GROW OUT OF IT, and the parent waitsand waits Learn why ...this is never the solution tonight on Mondays with Coach Mel Facebook Live, when my co-author of Raising a Healthy Happy Eater (YAY DR. YUM!) and I get serious about the RISK of these assumptions. 9 p.m. ET, come with questions! TONIGHT 1/27/20 #melaniepotock #arfid #feedingtoddlers #feedingkids #pickyeaters #slp #ot #rd See more

04.01.2022 Tongue ties dont just impact breastfeeding success, they can also contribute to picky eating from the time babies start solids to much later in life. I have ha...d SO MANY kids who end up on my caseload in elementary school because they never grew out of picky eating as a toddler and the culprit all along was a strand of tissue commonly called a tongue tie. We all have a frenum that helps anchor our tongue, but when that tissue is too restrictive kids tend to stick to squish and swallow foods like chicken nuggets, fries, yogurt, fish crackersfood that just SQUISH between the teeth and are easily swallowed. Here are a few FUNCTIONAL signs that your child may have a tongue tie (ankyloglossia) and would require an evaluation by an experienced speech pathologist who specializes in feeding and knows how to perform an exam for tethered oral tissues (lip ties, tongue ties, buccal ties): Spoon and Finger Feeding Retraction of tongue upon presentation of the spoon. Inadequate caloric intake due to inefficiency and fatigue. Tactile oral sensitivity secondary to limited stimulation/mobility of tongue. Over-use of lips, especially lower lip. Difficulty progressing from munching to a more lateral, mature chewing pattern. Tongue restriction may influence swallowing patterns and cause compensatory motor movements, which may lead to additional complications, such as sucking back the bolus in order to propel it to be swallowed. Possible development of picky, hesitant or selective eating because eating certain foods are challenging. Gagging and subsequent vomiting when food gets stuck on tongue. Secondary behaviors to avoid discomfort that are thus protective in nature, such as refusing to sit at the table or being able to eat only when distracted. Requiring frequent sips of liquid to wash down bolus. Did you know that celebrity chef ( Cravings by Chrissy Teigen ) recently shared that her daughter had a tongue tie? Its more common than you think, and best checked by a specialist. For more information on tongue & lip ties, please click

03.01.2022 Did you know that up to 40% of typical developing children and 80% of children with developmental delays have feeding difficulties? At Q Speech, we are continuing to upskill and learn a variety of techniques and approaches to make sure we provide the most appropriate, child specific, individualised treatment. Silver linings of the current pandemic: more opportunities to learn from world renowned therapists from overseas with online learning! We are learning from the amazing Nina Ayd Johanson from the US today

03.01.2022 Its sleep apnoea awareness day today! #dontignorethesnore

02.01.2022 Awesome first day of the Feeding Therapy Course

02.01.2022 #trust #lovefood #foodexplorer #learningtoeat #feedingtherapy

01.01.2022 Have a quick look into one of our primary school based therapy sessions! Learning irregular past tense verbs with our Year 2 group

01.01.2022 Reading is the precursor to being a great is a journey into other worlds...... it is one of the greatest past times of all time......

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