Queen Bee Birth | Medical and health
Queen Bee Birth
Phone: +61 403 880 204
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24.01.2022 Download your own FREE copy at vbacacademy.com/shop
23.01.2022 Oh I think I need this on my studio wall!!
22.01.2022 Right in the feels
22.01.2022 Not for the faint hearted. But neither is circumcision yet babies continue to be maimed and traumatised.
22.01.2022 Baby crack. Even more ADDICTIVE
20.01.2022 My new birthy crush.... Currently reading her book The Birth Map and all my clients are provided this resource too.
19.01.2022 Proud to announce I am officially qualified as a Birth & Postpartum Doula! I absolutely loved this in depth course and am honoured to have been mentored by the trail blazing, extremely knowledgeable Vicki Hobbs founder of the Doula Training Academy. I learn so so much about woman centred care for both birth & post partum however what has really stood out to me the most was my new found deep trust in a womans body to birth her baby naturally. ... Trust Surrender Breath Affirmations Birth space Support Hormones (natures cocktail) Previously I had viewed ALL births as a medical event requiring strict management and at least SOME intervention. I now view birth as an incredible dance between mother & baby that deserves to be revered, respected and supported however she chooses to be. It is not a one size fits all approach by any means. Its simple really. Its as though we need to UN-learn the conditioning the Western culture of how birth has evolved to be. How did we get so lost?? I now KNOW we can do better. Much much better. I am so grateful to witness the great shift, an awakening, happening now deep within the bellies of us birth workers, birth keepers and mothers of this earth...and I am beyond excited to have crossed paths with divinity throughout my journey as a mother and as a student Midwife to add the potently beautiful role of a Doula to my repertoire of knowledge of all things WOMBEN BIRTH & BABIES
19.01.2022 You wouldnt run a marathon without sustenance!
18.01.2022 What to expect at my upcoming workshop!
18.01.2022 A MUST READ!! Just in.
18.01.2022 Absolute brilliance! In-Kupcakes bringing the goods with these oh so gorgeous cookies... What do you think mamas? A timely labour snack for yourself or partner perhaps Have you considered hiring a doula to support your pregnancy, labour, birth & beyond?... Pm me to chat more about how I can help you create your RELAXED, EMPOWERED & TRANSFORMATIVE birth experience See more
18.01.2022 Interesting read!
17.01.2022 Makes one wonder how birth became such a lucrative business like it is today!
17.01.2022 Hey Queens! From my family to yours I wish you all a fantastic New Years and hope your Xmas was filled with all the good things 2020 has been pretty much insane. ... May 2021 be a fresh of breath air for us all with an abundance of love, health, happiness and connection BRING IT ON
17.01.2022 Two steps forward, three back
17.01.2022 Having a baby? Are you well prepared with the tools you need to achieve a positive birth? How do you envision your dream birth? Calm, supported and empowered? The Positive Birth Program is a 12hr course run over 2 days from the comfort of my home in Dawesville, at Queen Bee Birth headquarters.... An intimate setting consisting of just 4 couples, we delve deep into fear release, the power of your hormone matrix and how to achieve your birth, your way in a system that can be extremely overwhelming! Knowledge is POWER. If you are between 28-34 weeks mid July, this course is for YOU. Call Kristy to chat or book your spot. 0403 880 204 See more
16.01.2022 Did your birth experience birth leave you with feelings of trauma??
14.01.2022 Isnt nature just WILD!!
13.01.2022 Vitamin K is offered to all newborn babies. It is up to parents to decide whether their baby has vitamin K. Vitamin K is offered as a routine preventative tre...atment because a tiny number of babies (about 1 in 11,000) develop a serious bleeding problem, and vitamin K can prevent this. As always, there's a bigger picture, and a number of things that parents might want to take into account when making their decision. If you’re looking for resources on Vitamin K, we have an information hub on this on www.sarawickham.com/vk, where you can also see details of Dr Sara Wickham's book on this topic. #midwife #midwifery #studentmidwife #midwiferystudent #doula #birthdoula #pregnant #vitamink #informedchoice #newborn #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #drsarawickham #evidence See more
12.01.2022 Wait for white or LONGER
12.01.2022 Queen Bee the whole way!
09.01.2022 Vaginas. Arent they just the shiz nizz!!?
07.01.2022 These are the kind of stats that make us Doulas SWOON Midwifery led care for the WIN
07.01.2022 Keep your fingers out of my vagina!
07.01.2022 Something to think about!!
07.01.2022 Could you imagine!!? Watch to the end...this is me when babies come too quick
06.01.2022 Some very bold statements however very true indeed. Hiring an obstetrician as a low risk mama is like hiring a surgeon in hope that you get a non invasive procedure. Obstetricians are usually called in when there is some sort of complication and emergency and they are amazing when that is needed but most births especially ones that are low risk to begin with in pregnancy will go as planned if we just left things alone and enabled physiology to take over. Midwifery care in thi...s instance is the gold standard of care for women wanting to achieve a physiological birth as they are trained in that and believe in the essence of physiology and womens bodies and what they are capable of. Research the model of care you are choosing for your birth as that is an essential element that will dictate how your birth will be. #Repost @thefreebirthsisters Birth is a normal biological process. Period. This isn't to say emergencies don't happen. They do - just as emergencies happen in our day to day lives. But as a society, we hyper focus on the danger of birth instead of the normality of it. You cannot see the full picture without asking: how many birth 'emergencies' are caused by the very same people we trust to 'safe guard' the process for us? When those same people intervene to prevent potential scenarios, yet in their intervention cause other scenarios, what are we gaining? How much harm is caused by those who swear to 'do no harm'? When you peel back the layers of birth after birth story, you begin to see the shocking truth. Birth, distorted and captive, a caricature of what it can and should be. Birth, enslaved by a system designed to control and subdue it all in the name of 'safety'. The cost? The mental, physical and emotional wellness of women and babies - the very core, the fabric of our society. Speak this. Know this. Claim this. *Birth is a normal biological process.* Period. . . . #normalizebirth #freebirth #autonomousbirth #familybirth #unassistedbirth #birthinpower #thisisbirth #truthtellers #motherhoodrising #motherbaby #radicalbirthkeepers
06.01.2022 What do you believe in? With so much uncertainty and divide in this crazy, beautiful world...what do you believe in? Of all the things I know for sure, without a shadow of doubt nor hesitation... I believe in the transformative power and beauty of birth.... For me, my pregnancies weren't all I had envisioned (to say the least) and hoped it would be. It felt incredibly exhausting, limiting, isolating, uncomfortable, sometimes verrrry painful, emotional, nauseous and had me feeling somewhat akin to hippo status with a large weight gain thrown in for good measure. Each pregnancy of the 3 had their individual challenges but all had the same exciting feeling of wonder and expectation of the unknown that lay ahead in birth and of course in meeting our already deeply adored baby. I certainly revered more in the magic and challenge of birth far more than the magic of pregnancy! With each birth, I can clearly see in hindsight what led me here to where I am today as a Doula. Our journeys are almost never a clear cut straight line, holding deeply personal highs, lows and break throughs that we can't possibly see or feel the true meaning of when in the midst of the experience. It comes later, slowly, mysteriously unravelling the lesson, the meaning and the purpose. I have ALWAYS aspired to work alongside birthing mamas and babies, but couldn't possibly been the support I am today without my experiences. So what I have learnt as a mother and as a birth worker? Your birth, is YOUR birth. Your support is important, but ultimately it is YOU and your baby that matters the most in this moment. Decisions lead to outcomes. Decisions that involve you, your body and your baby are ultimately yours and yours only to make. Consent is EVERYTHING. Create your birth team VERY consciously. Birth mapping is ESSENTIAL. If you don't have a birth plan, SOMEONE ELSE will make one for you (and you might not like it). Get informed. REALLY informed. Birth mapping is ESSENTIAL knowledge. Trust YOURSELF, your BODY and your BABY. Nothing is more important than that. And thats what I believe in.
05.01.2022 Did you know the toilet is one of THE best physiological birth tools? Yep! Facing backwards is such a natural comfortable position (can even add a pillow to the cistern for those in between surge naps) and allows the body to remain relaxed, open, upright and forward leaning We naturally let go on the toilet...perfect for that wonderful birthing surrender!
05.01.2022 Fantastic visual!
04.01.2022 I mean...its a great goal...one we all share the desire for, but I think we can a bit fucking higher...am I right?
04.01.2022 Over the years, I have shared a number of studies showing that induction increases the chance of caesarean. A 2021 study has again reinforced our knowledge in t...his area. I shared this study a week or so ago, when it first came out. Today, I have published a blog post in which I’m looking at the findings in more depth. And explaining why they’re important. Because what this study shows is contrary to what many women and families are being told. Many people are told that induction of labour reduces the chance a having a caesarean. That’s not what midwives, birth supporters and others who work in the real world see, though. In the real world, and in research carried out in real world settings - and I explain what that means in the blog post we see something different. We see that healthy women are more likely to end up having a caesarean if they have induction of labour. That's compared to going into labour on their own. It's really important that we don't take evidence at face value. We need to dig a bit deeper and explore what's going on. We need to understand that just because there's evidence to support an idea, that doesn't mean it's right. It doesn't mean that there aren't other perspectives. Most importantly of all, it's important to know that there are pros and cons to everything. Induction of labour is absolutely the right decision for some woman and families, regardless of an increased chance of caesarean. And it's absolutely not right for others. The key is in getting informed, and figuring out what's right for you. My blog post today explains this in much more depth, and I spell out the numbers for those who are interested. You can read it at https://www.sarawickham.com/r/induction-increases-caesarean I hope you’ll find it useful. P.S. If you’re a midwife or birth worker and you’d like to better understand the issues and develop your confidence with research, we’re looking at a number of aspects of induction of labour in Gathering in the Knowledge 2021. More on that at www.sarawickham.com/workshops See more
04.01.2022 A reminder that, earlier this year, expert researchers at Oxford Brookes University brought together research on childbirth, birth setting and the use of water ...immersion in labour and shared key points which highlighted the safety and benefits of the use of water for labour and birth, during and beyond the coronavirus pandemic. Their points included that: Water immersion for healthy women is associated with a number of beneficial maternal outcomes with no known adverse risks to the neonate. COVID-19 is not a waterborne virus, therefore, the water environment dilutes respiratory droplet and faecal contamination potential. In the Coronavirus context, water immersion presents a lower risk of contamination risk for midwives compared with bed birth because it promotes the use of social distancing without interrupting normal midwifery care. Burns et al (2020) The authors also noted that: "The birthing pool environment presents a natural barrier between the woman and her midwife. Supporting women in the water reduces droplet, aerosol and faecal contamination, presenting a low-risk transmission activity for the Coronavirus. Water immersion for healthy women is associated with a number of beneficial maternal outcomes with no known adverse risks to the neonate. For primiparous women, birthing in midwifery-led settings (AMU/FMU or home) water immersion reduces transfer rate with the greatest benefit seen at FMU. Water immersion for labour and/or birth should be supported and encouraged as an effective method of analgesia." Burns E, Feeley C, Venderlaan J et al (2020). Coronavirus COVID-19: Supporting healthy pregnant women to safely give birth. Oxford: Oxford Brookes University. Loads more birth information at www.sarawickham.com #midwife #midwifery #doula #birthdoula #pregnant #birth #childbirth #duein2020 #drsarawickham #positivebirth #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #whatsrightforme #covid19 #covid19pregnancy #water #waterbirth #waterbirths See more
03.01.2022 Oh media, how do you get it so wrong
03.01.2022 What a journey to meet their crazy gorgeous little boy! I want to shout from the roof tops just how proud I am of these two rockstars!! We made an incredible team together during their marathon 32 hours in hospital (39 in labour) that I am so honoured to have been invited to share.... A whole pregnancy of planning and self educating with a mountain of different resources including completing a Hypnobirthing with Hypnoporod - Dreambirth, Active Birth & breastfeeding classes and Doula catch ups/lessons empowered this gorgeous couple to tackle the hurdles thrown at them, own their birth and be confident with their decisions! It was intense but such a huge confirmation to me that being a Doula is my souls purpose Thank you Jaity & Diego!!!
02.01.2022 As a Mother, Doula and student Midwife I have NEVER agreed with stepping into a mothers space like this and never will. I believe in a hands off approach to helping women learn to breastfeed and most certainly believe in gentle, kind and respectful handling of both mums and babies if asked or consent provided to physically touch either. Ive witnessed some super rough care providers and every cell in my body is against this perplexing behaviour
02.01.2022 As a mama who experienced terrible mastitis requiring hospitalisation, I would have loved to have learned this!
01.01.2022 Movement is so powerful in labour and birth!
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