Quinns Mindarie Super Clinic in Quinns Rocks, Western Australia | Medical and health
Quinns Mindarie Super Clinic
Locality: Quinns Rocks, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9233 4800
Address: Suite 5,10 Mindarie Drive 6030 Quinns Rocks, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.quinnsmindariesuperclinic.com.au
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25.01.2022 "KNOW THY NUTS" This is one of the 5 things worth knowing about men's health! The rest of the 5 are: Make Man Time - to connect Have Open Conversations - talk about what's really going on Know The Numbers - about prostate and testicular cancer... Move More - get active During Movember let's keep taking about the health of our boys and men! #movember2020 #testicularcancer #prostatecancer #suicide
25.01.2022 WELCOME ABOARD FOR PIRATE DAY! On September 24th your QMSC team will be dressing up for #pirateday and bringing their treasure, to raise awareness of childhood cancer. Seems the captain of our pirate ship has already got the jacket out to air in the sunshine (see photo below). We also invite YOU to come in for pirate day and feel free to have a photo with some of your QMSC pirates. For every pirate that walks through our door on the 24th, we will put an extra $5 into the treasure chest, to help raise money for kids brain research. We look forward to welcoming you aboard and promise we won't make you walk the plank!!! The Kids' Cancer Project
24.01.2022 PIRATE DAY PREPS IN FULL SWING With 2 of our creative team in the outback, I am proud to say 'Pirate Day' to raise awareness for childhood cancer is full steam ahead thanks to our very own reception team member Pat!! She's been out sourcing pirate props and sending others on wild goose chases to get tropical palm fronds after the weekend storms! Thanks Pirate Pat! (Not Postman Pat!!) Remember for every 'Pirate Patient' that comes in this Thursday 24th September, we will put an additional $5 into the pirate treasure chest to raise money for research into childhood cancer. See you then!!
23.01.2022 THIS COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE! Whilst the weather has raged outside, our nursing team have been powering away inside, working towards reaching our 94% target on recorded allergy status for our patients by the end of January 2021. Making sure we know your allergies can reduce the risk of a serious reaction in the future and possibly even save your life. Thank you to all our patients who have filled out the allergy update slips over the past 2 weeks. Remember when you are next seeing your doctor, make sure we have the full details of your allergies. We need to know 3 things: WHICH medication, WHAT reaction and HOW severe? #10buildingblocksofhighperformingprimarycare #patientteampartnership #datadrivenimprovement
23.01.2022 Red meat twice a week is generally recommended as part of a healthy diet. Just make sure your red meat days don’t always look like this! #mediterraneandiet
23.01.2022 BABY SHOWER HIGH TEA Yet another excuse for high tea, as one of our young doctors gets ready to welcome the arrival of child #1. Big thanks to our clinical manager Heather and her amazing team of high tea helpers and gift givers!
22.01.2022 BABY BRAIN SERIES: This is the last video in our Baby Brain series, so you don't want to miss Dr Krischelle as she talks about the murky waters of baby tongue tie. What is it? How would I know my baby has a tongue tie? Will it affect their feeding, sleeping, reflux or speech development? Dr Krischelle answers these questions and more. From next month we will be starting our mini 'Meet Your Team' Podcasts where every week we will be asking one of our team a few questions. The idea is so that you can get to know your team just a little bit more. Which of our doctors loves skate boarding? Which of our nurses has a famous singing artist daughter called Stella? And which of our receptionists has studied sign language?Stay tuned......
21.01.2022 KNOW THY NUTS! This is one of the 5 things worth knowing about men’s health. Check out the rest at @movember #movember #menshealth #testicularcancer #prostatecancer #suicideprevention
21.01.2022 CHANGE IS IN THE AIR! In fact our new motto is 'every day is change day'! Change however is not always comfortable and continues to stretch our team. Check out this video that looks at the "change curve", to see where all your team are sitting. Some are happy with their shiny new toys but others want their fax machine back again. It seems a couple are swimming with the sharks! Keep in mind change is all about the quadruple aim - improving your patient health care experience, improving the work satisfaction of your clinical team, improving the health of vulnerable groups in our community and ensuring wise use of the Australian health budget dollar. Thanks to WA Primary Health Alliance for equipping us for change!
21.01.2022 E-PRESCRIBING COMING IN OCTOBER A new convenient, safe and secure way to receive your prescriptions is here. We are all ready to go and most of our local pharmacies are also e-script enabled and ready to go. Are you? We will be sending out regular posts over the next few weeks to help you get ready. We will answer some of the common questions around e-prescribing. If you have any burning questions, feel free to write in the comment section below and one of our team will respo...nd. If you have a question then it is likely that someone else needs to know the answer as well. You can start by making sure we have your current mobile and email address and check with your local regular pharmacy and see if they are ready to take your e-scripts. Check out the short video below to get you started and stay tuned for more information. Feel free to share with friends and family. https://vimeo.com/420508998 See more
19.01.2022 LET'S GET TALKING ABOUT IT Perinatal anxiety and depression is a serious and common condition in Australia and worldwide. November 8-14th is the 15th birthday of PANDA and this year they want new parents or expecting parents who are suffering with anxiety or depression to know that they are not alone and help is available. Check out their website for further information and resources. https://www.panda.org.au/
18.01.2022 One month to Christmas! Hope you are getting yourself ready like our little nurse elf and her helper!! We love our nursing team! #christmas
17.01.2022 Every day is change day at QMSC. Change isn’t always easy so we are getting feedback from our team to see where everyone is sitting on the change curve. Some are happy with their shiny new toys and others want their fax machine back! Change helps position us to improve the way we deliver health care! #quadrupleaim #changeimplementation
17.01.2022 CHECK OUT THIS BLOG Our Quinns Pregnancy & Baby Care team is passionate about supporting women in their baby feeding journey (whatever that looks like). The Australian Breastfeeding Association has great resources and support for breastfeeding mums and we are reposting their Oz Breastfeeding Insta post. Check it out and share! Remember to ask our reception team which doctors are part of our highly skilled team because getting the best care during your pregnancy and afterwards is absolutely essential. https://blog.breastfeeding.asn.au
16.01.2022 Lyn Wren, one of the Quinns Pregnancy & Baby Care Team is talking tonight on the choices available for pregnancy care and delivery in our area. From Joondalup Hospital or private Obstetric care, to One For Women and shared care with your GP or a midwife. So many choices; so listen up to get more information to help you make the best choice for you and your budget.
16.01.2022 SHIVER ME TIMBERS - OUR PIRATE SHIP HAS SAILED FOR THE YEAR! What a resounding community effort for our #pirateday Our hearty crew welcomed many pirate patients aboard and none of them had to walk the plank (well maybe one!!) Blown away as usual by the spirit of our team and our local community - generous in spirit, up for a bit of fun and always supporting a good cause. $260 of treasure was found in the chest and has been forwarded to The Kids' Cancer Project... Special thanks to our very own Patricia (Pat) who spearheaded the day! Taking the helm she recruited her daughter Shandi and partner Naomi into making the amazing treasure chest #grateful, sent others on stealth missions in the dark of night to get palm fronds and recruited our pirate patients to get on board!! She definitely gets the #pirateoftheyearaward!! See more
15.01.2022 PIRATE DAY IN FULL SWING We are blown away by the team effort and patients coming aboard to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer research. Here's some photos hot off airdrop! Yo Ho Ho QMSC community - thank you for your generosity and fun-loving spirit! #pirateday The Kids' Cancer Project
13.01.2022 INTRODUCING ViCS We are very excited to introduce our Visual Communication System or ViCS for short! ViCS will be updating you with our practice policies, team member information, health promotion activities, special events and more!! We will be looking at sharing practice videos and health promotion videos as well in the coming months! Keeping you in the loop improves the way we care for you!!
12.01.2022 WORLD PHARMACIST DAY 2020 With all the excitement about #pirateday we didn't want to let world pharmacist day slip by unnoticed. Our community pharmacists support doctors and patients in managing the medication aspects of their health care. Then ADD to that, we have our very own non-dispensing pharmacist supporting our patients on site. Here's an example of the benefit of having our pharmacist on site. After a consultation with one of our patients she detected 2 essential medications that the patient had inadvertently stopped and another where the wrong dose was being taken. This amazing pick up, enabled the pharmacist, doctor and patient to work together to resolve the medication mix up and get back on the best health care track for this patient! What a value add for #teambasedcare WA Primary Health Alliance
12.01.2022 PREVENT A LIFE WITH #nofilter As a practice with a special interest in chronic disease management, we help support many patients living with chronic kidney disease. We are passionate about detecting kidney disease early because the earlier we can detect it, the greater chance we can stop progression to kidney failure. We want you to know the risk factors and get a kidney health check because kidney disease is a silent killer!... Take the test below to see if you are at risk. https://kidney.org.au/kidneyrisktest/
12.01.2022 E-prescribing Starts This Monday 5th October - What You Need To Know. It is free of charge for us to send your prescriptions to an email of your choice - your own email or one of a family, carer or friend as well. Once it is received, you don't have to print it but just take your mobile device (eg mobile phone, i pad etc) to your pharmacy and show them your prescriptions. They will simply scan the code on your scripts and you will be on your way. It is safe, secure and reduce...s the risk of errors in your prescriptions. We have a list of chemists in our catchment area that are ready to go with e-scripts but check with your preferred pharmacy as well. Make sure we have your preferred email address and when your doctor asks do you want a paper script or e-script, just let them know. You can still have a paper script if you prefer. Any questions just ask one of our helpful team members. See more
11.01.2022 YO HO HO ME HEARTIES- IT'S PIRATE DAY AT QMSC As we raise awareness for childhood cancer and funds for further research, we invite all patient pirates aboard today 24th September #pirateday The Kids' Cancer Project Some of our seadogs were hard at work last night getting things shipshape. No-one was squiffy on the rum or taking a caulk! They've swabbed the deck, weighed the anchor and hoisted the mizzen. We won't be pillaging anyone for booty but a gold coin donation in the coffer will be much appreciated. Remember the captain will throw in an extra $5 for every patient that comes in today dressed as a pirate and feel free to have a photo with some of our scallywags! Hail ho, batten down the hatches as we set sail for pirate day!
10.01.2022 HOW TO INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY New research shows that, on average, our brains work best in the middle of the day if asked to perform abstract, logical or problem-solving tasks. Knowing this could help you be more productive in meetings, preparing projects or helping your kids with school. Have a look at the original article published in Monash Lens. More study is underway to understand all the individual differences that also affect what time of the day our brains are most efficient. #fluidintelligence #productivitiy
09.01.2022 CHILDHOOD CANCER AWARENESS MONTH We are shining a spot light on this devastating disease during September kids cancer awareness month. Stay tuned as we get ready to welcome you aboard on September 24th PIRATE DAY. Stay tuned for more details. In the meantime check out the link below, to see some inspiring stories and learn more about the type of cancer our little ones are battling. https://www.thekidscancerproject.org.au//childhood-cancer-
09.01.2022 DO CLOTH MASKS FOR COVID-19 ACTUALLY WORK? Not all cloth masks are effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19. To ensure adequate protection you must make sure your cloth mask has at least 3 layers of fabric as follows: 1. The outer layer should be water resistant polyester or polypropylene fabric 2. The middle layer should be high-grade cotton or polycotton 3. The inner layer should be high grade cotton or polycotton as well.... You will need more than one reusable mask as cloth masks are less effective when damp, so they need to be changed and washed after each use or at least daily. This link to the NSW Health Dept discusses how to make a cloth face mask that is in line with advice from the Australian Government's Infection Control Expert Group. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au//covi/Pages/cloth-masks.aspx Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash
09.01.2022 What pregnancy vitamins and minerals do you absolutely need and what others might be recommended? Join Lyn Wren one of the team from the Quinns Pregnancy & Baby Care Team as she gives you the facts! Our other big announcement this week is...... Dr Amy Powels is back from maternity leave!! We are so excited to have her back on the team and able to care for you during your pregnancy and post pregnancy journey.
08.01.2022 QMSC Instagram Launched!! We are so excited to finally get our Instagram account off and running, so let's get social! Follow us on Instagram by searching for qmsclinic
07.01.2022 TRIAGE UPDATE - IMPORTANT CHANGES Due to no community transmission of COVID- 19 in WA, when you attend the clinic you will NO longer have your temperature taken. Our team will still ask our screening questions - do you have a fever or respiratory symptoms and if you answer "yes"; have you been COVID tested? Should the situation change we will let you know on our Facebook, website or when you contact the surgery. Remember to keep up your social distancing, healthy coughing tec...hniques and regular hand washing. It is up to each of us, to protect all of us!! guidelines for Gestational Diabetes . See page 23 outlining the screening for GDM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_EyemMGVW0
06.01.2022 WORLD CHILDREN’S DAY was 20th Movember. Missed the day but can’t miss reflecting on the UN theme of investing in our future means investing in our children!! #worldchildrensday
06.01.2022 DON'T WAIT TO SEEK HEALTH CARE Did you know 52% of Australians are avoiding their health care during COVID-19? Continuity of care for your physical and mental health must go on. So see your doctor by telehealth or in person if needed. Check out the video in the link below. https://continuityofcare.org/
06.01.2022 FIGHTING CANCER N THE FACE OF COVID-19 World Cancer Day is celebrated on the 4th February aiming to raise awareness and work towards a future free of the disease. The number of people diagnosed with cancer continues to increase world-wide. In Australia, COVID-19 has meant the number of people attending for medical assessments, check ups and screening tests for cancer has fallen off. It is highly concerning that many people with cancer may be unaware. PLEASE DON'T DELAY your screening tests such as mammograms, bowel cancer tests, colonoscopies and cervical screening tests. We have everything in place at QMSC to keep you safe whilst you have your check up with your doctor.
05.01.2022 Ready for our chronic disease management workshop number 2! #changeimplementation #workshop2 #brainfoodforideas #cdcnurses #qmsclinic # 10buildingblocks #highperformingprimarycare
03.01.2022 It’s Thanksgiving holidays in other countries and in Australia we have SO much to be thankful for!! Take a moment to think about at least 3 things you have to be grateful for today! #grateful #thanksgiving #straya
03.01.2022 Getting ready for the next wave health care change in Australia. Exceptional workshop today with some of our team. Morning tea courtesy of Chu Bakery was awesome too. WA Primary Health Alliance #comprehensiveprimarycare #diffusionofinnovation
03.01.2022 DON'T WAIT TO SEEK HEALTH CARE COVID-19 has caused many people to put their health on hold and this is risky. Continuity of care for your physical and mental health must go on. So #DontWaitMate Check out the video in the link below and see your doctor by telehealth or in person if needed. https://continuityofcare.org/
03.01.2022 TURNING OUR CHALLENGES INTO AN OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE Today we had our reception team engaged in a change implementation workshop around reception workflow. Forget the challenges; they were already geared up to share the team's great solutions! Our favourite solution of the day was a lower desk to accomodate "wee munchkins"! So excited to see the teamwork involved in identifying challenges and brainstorming solutions. We have come away with some tangible solutions that we will be looking to roll out in the coming months. Big thanks to Lydia Moussa at The Change Hub for equipping us in how to do change implementation workshops!! Game changer - interactive, engaging, productive (and fun)!! Check out some of our photos below
02.01.2022 DOES MENOPAUSAL HORMONE THERAPY (MHT) CAUSE BREAST CANCER? Recently a Current Affair ran a segment featuring Blanche D’Alpuget (the late Bob Hawke’s wife) and Dr Kerryn Phelps was also interviewed. This may raise some concerns about breast cancer which we want to talk about. There are many things to consider when deciding on treatment for menopause and breast cancer is just one of many. As your health care providers we stay on top of the best available evidence given by our p...rofessional bodies such as the International Menopause Society and the Australasian Menopause Society. Menopause is an individual journey for each woman and your menopause support and treatment has to be individualised uniquely for YOU! If you hear something on the media about health care, we encourage you to discuss it with your doctor who can explore the facts behind the media hype with you. Check out this link from Australasian Menopause Society with accurate and up to date facts about the safety of MHT. https://www.menopause.org.au//What_is_MHT_and_is_it_safe_V https://www.menopause.org.au//What-is-MHT-and-is-it-safe-2
02.01.2022 Love this post from the Royal Melbourne Hospital for 'R U OK' Day!! https://www.facebook.com/watch/
02.01.2022 Friday tips on how NOT to handle or wear your face masks. As we struggle to get used to wearing face masks at all times when leaving home, we have realised just how difficult it is!! Not handled or worn correctly can increase the risk of COVID-19 infection to you and others. We have done more training this week with our team to ensure correct use and today has been a great improvement! Our little Friddday montage from some of our team shows you how NOT to do it!! PS: They washed their hands straight after touching their masks inappropriately! Compulsory masks and travel restrictions continue but with the official lockdown over in WA, ENJOY your weekend!
02.01.2022 WORLD HEART DAY 2020 Here at QMSC we have a special interest in helping people manage their chronic health conditions, so on 29th September every year, we join the rest of the world in taking a moment; a moment to realize what a huge problem heart illness is and a moment to look at the ways we can reduce our own risk of getting heart disease. If you haven’t had your heart, blood pressure or cholesterol checked recently, then now is the time. Make an appointment with your doct...or for a healthy heart check up. TODAY’S HEALTHY TIP: Next time you are parking, park further away and walk just a little bit longer and faster to get where you are going!
02.01.2022 SUNDAY COVID-19 UPDATE: PROOF OF VACCINATION FOR TRAVEL? With the Australian COVID-19 vaccine planned to start rolling out in just a few weeks, there are many things still to finalise. This includes having a fast and easy way to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination. With more and more people vaccinated, when virus outbreaks happen in the future, it is hoped we won't have to keep locking down cities. The Australian government is working on enabling all Australians access to the...ir COVID-19 vaccination certificates on their phones or there will be the option to carry hard copies with them as well. Crossing borders and in the future, international travel will likely need proof of vaccination but there is no confirmation of this at present. Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash
02.01.2022 Our new motto: Every day is change day!!Our chronic disease management nurses are working on changes to our patient care templates again to improve the way we care for you. #chronicdiseasemanagement #chronicdiseasenurses #team-basedcare #caringforyourneeds #qmsc #highperformingprimarycare #buildingblocks
01.01.2022 Medicinal cannabis is used to treat several medical conditions including chronic pain. You may be interested in being involved in this study being run in Perth, looking at a new cannabidiol wafer which is dissolved under the tongue.
01.01.2022 CHANGES TO HEALTH CARE OVER THE NEXT 10 YEARS Thanks to WA Primary Health Alliance our management team was able to participate in an outstanding leadership workshop today with Dr Walid Jammal and Dr Paresh Dawda. At the end we were asked to share 5 words to capture how we felt about the workshop - inspired, motivated, nervous, encouraged and radical! We are looking forward to further sessions in the next 6 months, as we position QMSC for changes to health care over the next 10 years. This version of Everett Rogers "diffusion of innovation curve" as described by @donberwick at #quality2018 and drawn by Virpi Oinonen really resonated. We love the shark's fin in the chasm! But having crossed a lot of chasms in the past 3 years, we are ready to leap across again and again!
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