Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News in Rainbow Beach | Media/news company
Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News
Locality: Rainbow Beach
Phone: +61 7 5486 3561
Address: PO Box 204 4581 Rainbow Beach, QLD, Australia
Website: http://rainbowbeachcommunitynews.com.au
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25.01.2022 The ever changing Double Island Point, Rainbow Beach. Stunning one day, sensational the next. Thanks to Jason Foale for this one Visit Rainbow Beach... Visit Cooloola Coast See more
25.01.2022 Disappointing news, especially when BJ has found volunteers to help with grant writing. Gympie Regional Council are there any options? BJ - great job on all the programs and fun the pool offered.
25.01.2022 Congratulations to Tony and Bec for stepping up to keep a gym in the town!
24.01.2022 Today is the day! 1st of the month and the paper is OUT! Enjoy xx
24.01.2022 Presents for Christmas or fun with friends - go along to the welcoming friendships at The Mens Shed - new members encouraged and open to all men AND women.
23.01.2022 FREE webcast! Supplying to government can offer your business potential growth opportunities Ms Louise Knol, Regional Director of the Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation (DSDTI) Fraser Coast and Gympie Regional Office would like to invite you to view the second Optimising Supply Chain Opportunities webcast series.... The webcast brings together six state and local government presenters to update you on regional project opportunities and what you need to do to supply to government. To help expand your local network, you will also receive a list of state and local government contacts. The pre-recording will be accessible from 8am, on the 12 November to 8am, on the 27 November 2020. You can watch presentations individually or consecutively. The total pre-recording duration is approximately 1.5 hours. Questions are encouraged and presenters will address your questions via the email address provided after the briefing closure. This is a FREE event for all Fraser Coast and Gympie businesses. To register, please use this Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/optimising-supply-chain-opp Once registered, a link to the webcast briefing will be emailed to you prior to the event.
23.01.2022 Join Terry, Stan and our other returned soldiers to honour those who fought for us at the annual Remembrance Day Service tomorrow at 10.50am at Rainbow Beach and Tin Can Bay. If you can’t make the service the library has a zoom session which you can access via eventbrite. https://www.gympie.qld.gov.au/web/library/home
23.01.2022 Blue Gum will visit: Cooloola Cove on Tuesday 19 January, from 9:30am to 4:00pm, and Wednesday 20 January from 9:00am to 4:00pm, located in the Cooloola Cove Shopping Complex car park, Queen Elizabeth Drive Rainbow Beach on Thursday 21 January and Friday 22 January, from 9:00am to 4:00pm, located near the Community Centre, Rainbow Beach Road Tin Can Bay on Monday 25 January and Wednesday 27 January, from 9:00am to 4:00pm, located near the RSL Hal...l, Tin Can Bay Road Mobile Services Centres are 20 tonne trucks operated by staff from Services Australia, providing rural Australians with friendly face-to-face service and tailored support. Staff on board this trip can help with: Centrelink claims Medicare registrations, and accessing online services. Information about Department of Veterans’ Affairs programs and support services will also be available. All services will be offered with strict COVID-19 safety precautions in place. For more information go to servicesaustralia.gov.au/mobileoffice
22.01.2022 Some big fish coming through tonight at the Fishing Classic!
22.01.2022 Get on down to the fantastic Rainbow Beach Markets today at the RB Community Hall. So many stallholders and Chrissy gifts
21.01.2022 Keep informed via QFES.
21.01.2022 Full review ordered of the handling of the Fraser Island fire by Premier.
20.01.2022 Full time position available A multitask role including Housekeeping Award wages plus super, weekend work required Apply to Heatley via email: [email protected] Queries to 0407660198
19.01.2022 A fantastic award for all the hard work by the Community Centre volunteers and Bravo to the committee!
18.01.2022 A beautiful morning coming up to high tide and just after sunrise Have a great day!
18.01.2022 Where are you today? Double Island Point, Rainbow Beach is magical. Visit Rainbow Beach Visit Queensland, Australia
18.01.2022 First published in 2008 and updated on October 9th, here at is a fun look at Gympie’s Cooloola Coast Region. Australian Traveller Visit Gympie Region Visit Rainbow Beach
17.01.2022 Good morning from Tin Can Bay, part of our amazing Cooloola Coast!
16.01.2022 **This warning is no longer current. Please check the QFES Facebook page for updated information.** TIN CAN BAY - vegetation fire as at 12:15 PM Tuesday, 13 Oct...ober 2020 Multiple Rural Fire Service crews along with Australian Defence Force and HQ Plantation personnel are currently on scene at a vegetation fire in the Wide Bay Training Area, Tin Can Bay. The fire broke out earlier today and is posing no threat to property at this time. Fire crews are working to contain the fire. The Maryborough Cooloola Road will be impacted by smoke. Nearby residents may be affected by a smoke haze throughout the day. Residents are asked to close windows and doors and if suffering from a respiratory condition, keep medications close by. Motorists should drive with caution and to conditions. If residents are concerned their property is under threat, they are advised to call Triple Zero (000) immediately
16.01.2022 Mudlo Rocks this afternoon ;)
15.01.2022 Last night’s sign in for the fishing classic! First weigh is tonight - see you there.
15.01.2022 Special place with special photos by Jess Lindemann of one of our favourite places on the Cooloola Coast! @visitcooloolacoast
15.01.2022 CALLING ALL QUEENSLANDERS Sue Clarke pictured, is the mother of Hannah Clarke and grandmother to Hannah's three children who were killed by their father earlier this year. Sue said: it is so very important to get the message out there to prevent something like what happened to my daughter and my grandchildren from ever happening again.... I will not be able to hug them again, but we, together, can make a change and break the cycle of domestic and family violence. White Ribbon Queensland is urging all Queenslanders to help raise awareness for Domestic Violence during White Ribbon Day, Friday 20th November. White Ribbon Day aims to raise awareness of domestic violence, promote respectful relationships and creating a community free of violence and abuse. Due to the uncertainty of COVID19, White Ribbon Queensland is asking everyone to decorate their letterboxes in white on Friday 20th November, to raise awareness and start conversations on Domestic Violence. The purpose of White Ribbon Day this year is to not only speak about the change that is needed, but to also get involved. Speak to your neighbours, chat to your friends at sporting clubs, work and schools, encourage them to decorate their letterboxes white using ribbons, flowers or teddy bears and raise awareness for domestic violence. he said. (Pictured is Sue Clarke, mother and grandmother of Hannah Clarke and her three children who were killed by their father in February this year with Carolyn Robinson, Founder of Beyond DV, and Tim Class-Auliff who has adopted his sister’s three children, after she was killed by her partner.)
14.01.2022 More catches, more prizes! The #rainbowbeachfamilyfishingclassic winds up tonight - who’s going to win the major prize?
13.01.2022 From 1am this morning, Covid Permits are no longer required. Sense prevails at last! Enjoy the great outdoors everyone!
13.01.2022 Love it when Creek to Coast comes visiting our creek and coast! Enjoy all the Cooloola Coast region has to offer.
13.01.2022 Have your say now Public submissions are open on the K’gari (Fraser Island) bushfire event. The Office of the Inspector-General Emergency Management is undertaking a review of the bushfire event and the community is encouraged to have their say as part of this process.... The review will examine the effectiveness of preparedness activities and the response to the K’gari bushfire by entities responsible for the management of the island and bushfire and disaster management in Queensland. Submissions from the community will help take into consideration the views and experiences of First Nations people, local residents, business and tourism operators, local community and environment groups, emergency services personnel and volunteers, and other interested parties to help inform the outcome of the review. The review will also consider the cultural and environmental significance of the island, and consolidate observations, insights, findings and recommendations from previous bushfire reviews undertaken by IGEM, in addition to the final report of the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements. Public submissions are invited until 22 January 2021. To make a submission, email [email protected] or send to: GPO Box 1425 Mail Cluster 15.7 Brisbane, Queensland 4001 Also visit: https://www.igem.qld.gov.au/kgari-fraser-island-bushfire-re
13.01.2022 While you are enjoying our Cooloola Coast, don’t forget to pop into Gympie for the wildflower women exhibition on now at the Gympie Gallery.
12.01.2022 Please note there is a fire ban in the Gympie Region effective today.
12.01.2022 Cleaner wanted - start immediately. Award hourly rates. Call Marianne: Rainbow Getaway 07 5486 3500
12.01.2022 Some boating safety tips from the Coastguard.
12.01.2022 An event not too far away in Kia Ora, early on Friday...
11.01.2022 Going batty at the rainbow beach sports club! They are mesmerising...
11.01.2022 Nippers are having a blast on the second week of the season at Rainbow Beach!
11.01.2022 Come on down to the Rainbow Beach Community Hall, meet the elf, grab some lights, pick a tree and decorate. Then watch them light up while you have a free sausage sizzle. Thanks to Diana Cruikshank for all your hard work.
11.01.2022 The Australian Government Mobile Service Centre will be Near the #rainbowbeachcommunitycentre on Rainbow Beach Road Thursday, 21 January 2021 9 am to 4 pm Friday, 22 January 2021 9 am to 4 pm... Visit the Mobile Service Centre to find out about Australian Government payments and services for rural families, older Australians, students, job seekers, people with disability, carers, farmers and self-employed people. Information about Department of Veterans’ Affairs programs and support services for veterans and their families will also be available. Staff can provide you with information and support. They can also help you create a myGov account. myGov is a simple and secure way to access government services online. https://youtu.be/gzOdOHIi9Ws
10.01.2022 We’ve started the discussion, let it not be in vain. Drive safely, sensibly and respectfully.
10.01.2022 Want to see something outstanding!! Luke Pettigrew from Epic took this this afternoon at Double Island Point! @australia Queensland... Visit Rainbow Beach Visit Cooloola Coast See more
10.01.2022 Disruption to water service Tin Can Bay Multiple water mains have burst in Tin Can Bay this morning and unfortunately many residents in Tin Can Bay are without water. Council crews are on site and working to have this fixed as our highest priority. You may see the teams working at Dolphin Avenue and Tuna Way. While we fix the issue, we are arranging to have a drinking water pop-up stall available for residents. We’ll let you know the location as soon as they arrive. This drin...king water will be at no charge to affected residents. We also understand that some residents may not be able to access the pop-up stall. If you are a resident without drinking water in Tin Can Bay and cannot attend or access the stall we have set up, please call Council on 1300 307 800 and we'll help you. As soon as we have repaired the system and water is once again online, we'll let residents know as soon as possible. Thank you to all Tin Can Bay residents for your patience Further update: Drinking water is now available for affected residents and can be picked up from the pop-up water station at the Dolphin Arcade in front of Century 21 and the bakery. Gympie Regional Council are working to repair water mains in Tin Can Bay. In the meantime, Council are urging all residents to: Be prepared to go without water up to at least 5.00pm this afternoon. Please conserve water as much as possible. Flush toilets only in an emergency. Pick up drinking water which is available to affected customers at the pop up stall at Dolphin Arcade. Activate your business continuity plans as water trucks are limited. Call ‘000’ if there is an emergency. Contact Council’s Customer Contact Centre on 1300 307 800 for other matters relating to this incident. Please turn on post notifications as we will be adding comments with further information as it becomes available.
10.01.2022 Enjoy your day everyone! See you soon
10.01.2022 Who wants to help with the turtles at Rainbow Beach this year? Join the TurtleCare Rainbow Beach team and learn how you can get involved.
09.01.2022 This tickle anyone’s fancy? Who remembers the bubbling springs?
09.01.2022 The latest information on Covid passes. Please note: The following permits/authorities authorising entry to the Cooloola Recreation Area are recognised as an exemption from the requirement to hold a COVID-19 Restricted Access Area Authority for the Cooloola Recreation Area only: Annual Vehicle Access Permit... Vehicle Access Permit (fee exemption) Commercial Activity Permit Commercial Activity Agreement For any further clarification go to: https://parks.des.qld.gov.au/parks/cooloola/visiting-safely
08.01.2022 Welcome to the Cooloola Coast Douglas family.
08.01.2022 Check out one of the photos from Jeep Australia’s new Gladiator campaign at Double Island Visit Rainbow Beach Visit Cooloola Coast
08.01.2022 K’gari (Fraser Island) RESTRICTED VISITOR ACCESS due to fires The Queensland Government is restricting visitor access to K’gari (Fraser Island) in the interest of public safety. The Queensland Fire and Emergency Services and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service is continuing to manage a fire response on the island. ... As a safety precaution, as at 5pm 27 November, new visitor access to K’gari (Fraser Island) will be restricted until further notice. People who have a camping or vehicle access permit booked to visit and are not able to use it due to the restricted access will be notified and receive a refund. You are able to amend or manage your booking any time via www.qld.gov.au/camping. Existing visitors on the island are being asked to remain alert to the potential for any change in conditions. Please observe all signage, barriers and directions from rangers and emergency personnel and do not enter closed areas. Smoke may impact some camping areas, and beach drivers should exercise caution if smoke is impacting visibility.
08.01.2022 Watch out for scams this Christmas!
07.01.2022 If you would like to advertise in the Christmas issue of the Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News, then please book your space by emailing [email protected] by November 18. Our Christmas Gift Guide which includes ads for Christmas gifts or Christmas Trading Hours are only $50 each which includes gst and design. This issue will hit the streets on December 1st! ... Don’t miss it
06.01.2022 In case you’ll be in Gympie for Australia Day....
06.01.2022 ***Limited Tickets going out fast*** We can only allow half of the people that usually attend the Small Halls Tour. Please buy your tickets online ASAP (link i...n comments) 5.30pm BBQ by RB Boomerang Bags 6.30pm Concert Opening by local talent Joel Makauskas From 5.30pm ongoing Bar by the RB Community Centre & Sweet Patisserie by Village Food & Events aka Martine Adult Entry ONLY $20 - Concession $17.50 Kids 13 and under FREE
06.01.2022 See what’s on at the Gympie Regional Gallery including a day with Nai Nai Bird.
05.01.2022 An update from Rainbow Beach Fishing Charters - thanks Mat!
05.01.2022 Merry Christmas - the beach was so good this morning! A big thank you to our volunteer surf lifesavers for your service to our community and their families today #visitrainbowbeach #visitgympieregion
05.01.2022 Whether you like it or not, flying foxes are loving the Gympie region right now. We are reminding all residents to stay safe and not touch injured or deceased... flying foxes. Flying foxes are potential carriers of the Australian Bat Lyssavirus (ABLV) and if they scratch or bite a person, they could infect them with the virus. While actual human cases are low there have only been three cases in Australia in the last 24 years it’s important to be cautious as it can be deadly. Queensland Health advises that if you (or your child) come across a bat: Do not touch the bat , even if it seems to be dead. If the bat seems sick, injured or stuck, contact a wildlife rescue organisation such as ANARRA, which has vaccinated, trained bat carers or the RSPCA on 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625). If you or someone you know has been bitten or scratched by a bat, or bat saliva has entered your eye, nose or mouth: Wash the affected area gently and thoroughly with soap and water for at least five minutes Apply an antiseptic (alcohol-based or iodine-based) to the area of the scratch or bite Immediately contact medical services. A vaccine is available and while it is rare to become infected, it can be fatal. You can contact: Your GP 13HEALTH information line on 13 43 25 84 Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service public health unit on 1300 017 190.
04.01.2022 REMINDER: Rainbow Beach Commerce and Tourism members meet tonight 5.30pm at Rainbow Beach Sports Club. If you are a business owner/manager/representative consider joining this friendly and dynamic group - it doesn't cost much to be involved and they only meet once a month.
02.01.2022 K’gari (Fraser Island) update New campers and visitors will be unable to access K’gari (Fraser Island) from 5pm today (27/11), as fire conditions are expect...ed to worsen over the weekend. People already on K’gari (Fraser Island) do not need to evacuate at this stage however they should keep up-to-date by following QFES on social media, visiting the QFES Newsroom website and tuning into local radio. For further information, visit https://newsroom.psba.qld.gov.au//Access-restr/-2/-2/15740
02.01.2022 A peek at how the Main Street is looking...,
02.01.2022 Bus on freshwater track broken down. Caution
01.01.2022 Great crowds last night! Joel Mak entertained all of us at the Rainbow Beach Family Fishing Classic- weigh-ins on again tonight from 4pm
01.01.2022 Singers take note: Come along to a Coolabay Choir meeting today, 10am Wednesday January 13, at the Tin Can Bay Yacht Club Inc. to decide where we go from here. All present, past and new members will be welcome to share in the decision making, so please come and let us have your valuable input. Further info: phone Pam: 0427 180 649 or e-mail: [email protected]
01.01.2022 So who is joining us for this awesome night of excellence??
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