Nan & Hugh Nicholson | Author
Nan & Hugh Nicholson
Phone: +61 2 6688 6204
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22.01.2022 I am not keen on all this self-promotion but this dam at The Channon-Dunoon must not go ahead. We can not afford to lose even another square metre of habitat, especially of Lowland Rainforest Endangered Ecological Community. If that sounds extreme what is extinction?
20.01.2022 Oooh, this is going to be exciting. Something to look forward to - a bright spot in our covid-19 future. Thanks for all the work you have done, Geoff.
19.01.2022 It looks like the Water Gums in The Channon Gorge are amongst the largest ever recorded! Nan Nicholson and Hugh Nicholson took a lot of girth measurements yeste...rday. Here’s Nan’s wrap on these splendid trees: Tristaniopsis laurina We can’t destroy this ecosystem for a costly and unnecessary dam See more
19.01.2022 I doubt that the beetle larvae survived this encounter with a Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo and I wonder if the Tree Heath, Trochocarpa laurina will survive the next storm winds. Photographed in Nightcap National Park on the edge of the burned forest.
16.01.2022 Yesterday Nan and I walked into the rainforest gorge which will disappear under 40m of water if The Channon/Dunoon dam, being contemplated by Rous County Council, is built. At the foot of this Yellow Carabeen (with Rocky Creek beyond) we found the small shrub Acalypha species 'Big Scrub'. This shrub is so recently discovered and so limited in distribution that it has yet to be formally named. Because it has no botanical name, it has not been listed as threatened - which it should be.
16.01.2022 Usually small and slender, this native vine, Calystegia marginata is living up to its common name of Forest Bindweed in this fire-affected forest in the Border Ranges. The fire appears to have wiped out any competition and Calystegia is now rampant and completely dominates this site. It is hard to see how the forest will recover from such a smothering.
14.01.2022 Koala corridors will be severed if The Channon-Dunoon Dam goes ahead, according to the Terrestrial Ecology Impact Assessment commissioned by the proponent, Rous County Council. With koalas on the slide to possible extinction, no destruction of their habitat is acceptable.
10.01.2022 There are many threatened plants in the forests which will be destroyed if The Channon - Dunoon dam goes ahead. State and Federal governments have a schedule listing plants and animals under threat of extinction. These flora and fauna are listed as Vulnerable, Endangered or Critically Endangered depending on how close they are to extinction. Most are at risk due to loss of habitat although this tree is Critically Endangered because of its vulnerability to the exotic Myrtle Rust. Botanists everywhere are watching and hoping to find a Scrub Turpentine (Rhodamnia rubescens) which is immune to the Rust.
09.01.2022 How big and old and majestic does a tree have to grow to be considered worth saving?
06.01.2022 The Channon-Dunoon Dam would destroy an Endangered Ecological Community of Lowland Rainforest and sever critical wildlife corridors, especially for koalas. This dam is not about securing future water supplies - it is about driving growth on the coastal strip.
04.01.2022 Despite the buttress being burned through, this Black Booyong (Argyrodendron actinophyllum) in Tootoom NP, is still alive - though the canopy is sparsely leaved. It is still able to support a mistletoe clump in its upper branches. Beyond is a Red Cedar (Toona ciliata) which is shedding its scorched bark. Remarkably, it is sprouting from the bottom and I shall show you more in another post.
02.01.2022 People ask whether the rainforest is recovering from last summer's bushfires. Hmmm ..... how to answer this?? Sure, some trees are recovering - like this Guoia - but it is going to be a long time before these sprouts replace the 12 m tall parent which is 'dead' with its bark falling off.
01.01.2022 The Channon-Dunoon Dam would blast and submerge this place. It is warm temperate rainforest on sandstone, very unusual in this region.