ROC Incorporated | Non-profit organisation
ROC Incorporated
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25.01.2022 Be our lifeline and donate today to help find a cure for ovarian cancer. Rare Ovarian cancer Incorporated (ROC Inc) is raising money to fund vital ovarian cancer research. At what age can you be diagnosed with ovarian cancer?... The research being conducted at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne, by leading International Granulosa Cell Tumour experts Dr Simon Chu and Professor Peter Fuller. #ovariancancer #ROCInc #RockforROC
24.01.2022 Check out Maree and her family rocking their ROC Inc gear! A family that ROCs together, stays together!! Staying warm in our ROC gear in this chilly weather. Order here #RockforROC... #ROCInc #ovariancancer #ovariancancerawareness See more
24.01.2022 Today is the Australia's first ever thank a first responder day. Showing our appreciation for all the first responders who have worked tirelessly to protect, defend and care for our communities through bushfires, natural disasters and during this COVID19 pandemic. You are our rainbows! You ROC! ... #RockForROC #ROCInc #TAFRD #thankafirstresponder #thankyou #love #rockpainting #rockpaintingforapurpose #ovariancancer #ovariancancerawareness
24.01.2022 Congratulations to our CEO Tasha Armour for this nomination well done we are all very proud of our accomplishments so far. And fingers crossed you get the win. #ovariancancerawareness #ROCInc #RockforROC
23.01.2022 Maree Prentice ROC Inc founding Board member, an enthusiastic committee & fundraising member our pocket rocket. Her passion to bring more awareness for Ovarian cancer and the push for funding fairness for research to improve the 5 year survival rate of 46%. Maree diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer her journey like so many diagnosed with ovarian cancer is one hell of a roller coast ride of treatments, blood tests, scans and many hospital trips. Maree is back in hospital at... the moment and we are sharing her heartfelt message for you. "Please keep the conversation going" We send all our love and support to you, you are so inspiring Maree Maree's message. Hi all our very supportive & wonderful friends, I was as usual blown away by the beautiful words of support, love & encoragment for myself & family after our Daughter Ally kept you updated, thanks beautiful. I am improving daily thanks to the dedicted & again caring Nurses, Doctor's & staff at Wollongong Public Hospital I applaud them for all they do for us. I have been so lucky to have you all by our side during this very unpleasant journey of Ovarian Cancer, a disease No Woman or girl should have to endure although I'm never giving up the fight for myself, others in my position & my loving & Caring Family & friends. I will continue to fight alongside ROC inc for more awarness & funding for our ongoing research. Which has already commenced thanks to funding we successfully achieved due to our founder Tasha Armour & team, also the ongoing donations that you have most generously given since ROC inc was lauched. We hope to one day soon to have a SCREENING TEST for early detection, over 70% of females are diagnosed at late stage of this disease! More awareness and funded research is needed in order to save many girls to Women lives, you only have to see the success of Breast Cancer 91% survival rate over 5 years as apposed to 46% for Ovarian Cancer. Those stats should be the same! It's all about awarness & funding. Ovarian Cancer this insideous disease & its poor survival rate should be shouted from the roof tops. Please keep the conversation going. Again my heart felf thanks to you all. I am so very lucky and grateful to have your support.
23.01.2022 It’s not only women that are diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Females of any age can be diagnosed. Neve was diagnosed at 11months old with a softball size ovarian tumour. ... Ovarian cancer research is grossly underfunded and rare ovarian cancers (ROC) like the one Neve was diagnosed with often receives little to no funding for research. Please support us by donating today for answers for the future. #RockforROC #ROCInc #ovariancancer #ovariancancerawareness #rare #researchiskey #GCTresearch #teal #childhoodcancer #hope #gold
23.01.2022 Teal Ovarian cancer awareness pin Buy a Teal awareness ribbon pin to wear and start the conversation with family and friends about the symptoms for ovarian cancer. Not sure of the symptoms to be awareness of? The Teal ribbon is pinned to the card and situated between the Ovarian Cancer Awareness Wings. Within the feather of the wings are symptoms to be aware of.
23.01.2022 One Day to Go: 2 spots left. Book your tickets today. Visit this link for more information.
22.01.2022 This graph showing clearly that there needs to be greater attention and focus on ovarian cancer research and awareness to be able to improve the current 5 year survival rate of 46% #fundingfairness for research to be able to save more lifes from girls to women that are diagnosed with this insidious disease! #RockforROC #ROCInc #ovariancancer #ovariancancerawareness #researchiskey #GCTresearch #ocrf #rare #hope #teal ... the graph is from Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF) State of the nation 2020 report
22.01.2022 One more day until World Ovarian Cancer Day 2020. Looking forward to seeing your painted rocks tomorrow #ovariancancerawareness ... #jGCT #aGCT See more
21.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day - a national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, Are you OK? The message for R U OK?Day 2020 is: 'THERE'S MORE TO SAY AFTER R U OK?' You don’t have to be an expert to keep the conversation going when someone says they’re not OK. By knowing what to say you can help someone feel supported and access appropriate help long before they’re in crisis, which can make a really positive difference to their life.... If they say they’re not OK make the time to ask, listen, encourage action and check in. For more tips on how to ask R U OK? visit:
21.01.2022 Changing Lives Through Research ROC Inc are aiming to raise $30,000 to help our partners, the Hudson Institute for Medical Research in Melbourne Australia, undertake enhanced DNA testing that could hold the answers for Rare Ovarian Cancer. Researchers have an opportunity to undertake this testing at a reduced cost and every dollar you can contribute counts.
20.01.2022 This year it is estimated that 1600 Australian girls to women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. There is NO national screening test and over 70% will be diagnosed with late stage ovarian cancer. We need to be aware of the symptoms so we can improve the survival rate of 46% and save lives. These 6 brave women share their stories to bring more awareness to ovarian cancer and the symptoms to be aware of. Ovarian cancer affects females of all ages from babies to menopausal... women. Please share this message so we can save more lives. #RockforROC #ovariancancer #advocate #ovariancancerawareness #teal #ROCInc #cancer #awareness #researchiskey See more
20.01.2022 Fingers and Toes are crossed today for our wonderful CEO Tasha Armour we will be watching and waiting for the winners announcements.
19.01.2022 It is with a heavy heart that I share with you all the passing of Britt Alberts. Another young life taken away by ovarian cancer too soon. Britt was diagnosed with Juvenile Granulosa Cell Tumour (jGCT) 8 years ago at the age of 22. This amazing young lady shared her knowledge and journey with so many affected by GCT. She impacted so many lives in so many ways, including ours. Britt was a great influence in the treatment for my daughter Mikayla. jGCT had no research so we nee...d to rely on each other for lived experience and support. Britt was one of the first members for the Rock for ROC group helping me when I was setting it up in January 2018. Sunday 13th September at 8pm Mikayla and I have the honour of being asked to start a candlelight vigil in memory of Britt on the GCT Survivor Sister a private group for those diagnosed with GCT. We will post at the same time on our Facebook group Rock for ROC if you would like to join us by posting a photo of your candle or a painted rock as a tribute to Britt. I have made a special angel rock for her which will have beside our candle when we light it at 8pm. We send our heartfelt condolences to her family and friends at this difficult time.
19.01.2022 Did I hear you say I wonder how else I can support ROC Inc, increase awareness and contribute to research. Pop onto our website via the link below or click on the Shop Now button at the top of the page and pick yourself up a t-shirt, hoodie or jacket sizes from kids through to adult. Show your support today and be part of this change and help create hope for children and women into the future.... #ovariancancerawarenessmonth #tealribbon #jGCT #aGCT #researchiskey #ROCInc #ROCKforROC
18.01.2022 We would like to wish all the amazing Mums a wonderful Mother's Day! You ROC!!! Hope your day is filled with love and laughter. #ROCKforROC #ROCInc #paintedrocks #ovariancancerawareness #Ovariancancer #MothersDay
17.01.2022 Join ROC Inc as a Community Member Become a community member and support the purpose and objectives of ROC Inc. Membership provides an opportunity to join ROC Inc. in a meaningful action to be able to help to improve the lives of everyone that is impacted by ovarian cancer. #Rocinc #OvarianCancerAwareness #RockforROC
17.01.2022 Consumers working with researchers for a rare ovarian cancer. It has been an exciting start to the second half of the year for a rare ovarian cancer called Granulosa Cell Tumour (GCT). Consumers from around the world are helping researchers at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne Australia to gain more insight into this rare disease with collected data information from the GCT Survivor Sisters and tumour tissue samples from patients. #aGTC #cancer #GCT #jGCT #ovarian #ovariancancer #research #ROCInc #RockforROC #teal
16.01.2022 Congratulations to our wonderful CEO Tasha Armour who recently won the Outstanding Commitment to the Community Award at the 2020 Illawarra Women In Business Awards. The team at ROC Inc, inspired by Tasha’s commitment and focus, have worked hard to raise awareness of JGCT. Last year this led to the initiation of the world’s first research to find a treatment and potentially a cure for JGCT. Earlier this year the Federal Government announced that, for the first time ever, it wo...uld fund research into JGCT. ROC Inc are very proud that we were able to have a significant influence on that decision. Tasha and the ROC Inc team would like to thank our families, friends, the wonderful team of researchers at the Hudson Institute, the patients/ participants from all over the world who donated their tumour samples and, of course, the community who have supported us through donations and participation in events. This award belongs to all of you, without your help we would not have had such success in creating awareness for JGCT, raising funding for and initiating research that will help save the lives of babies, children and women. #ovariancancer #rare #jGCT #ROCInc #RockforROC #awareness #IWIB #Community #awards #Cancer #teal #researchiskey
16.01.2022 We thank the men and women who serve and have served. Those whose names we may not know but whose courage and sacrifice we will honour. We will remember them.... Lest we forget. #lestweforget #RockforROC #ROCInc
16.01.2022 Veronica and Peter from Feast on Central in Oak Flats have handed over the reins to new owners. We would like to thank you both, your staff and patrons for all the support you have given ROC Inc from when we started in 2018. In that time, you have raised over $1200. We are forever grateful for your unwavering support and wish you both all the very best for the future. xx... #RockforROC #ROCInc #ovariancancer #ovariancancerawareness #researchiskey #donation #thankyou #GCTresearch
16.01.2022 A step by step rock painting project to inspire you this ANZAC Day The Poppy Flower is a symbol of remembrance and it is thought that the red of the petals represents the blood of all those who gave their lives. The black represents the mourning of those who didn’t have their loved ones return home. The green represents the grass and crops growing in the future prosperity after the war destroyed so much. #ANZACDay2020 #lestweforget #OvarianCancerSurvivor #poppyflower
14.01.2022 This week is National Volunteer Week! Rare Ovarian Cancer Inc. (ROC Inc.) is run by volunteers. We would like to give a huge thank you to our Board of Directors, the ROC Inc committee and everyone that contributes to help make a difference for ovarian cancer awareness and research. To those who make the crocheted bears and paint rocks to create more awareness in the community. You all make a world of difference! #RockForROC #ROCInc #NationalVolunteerWeek #gctresearch #ovariancancer #volunteer #thankyou #nvw #waveforvolunteers #rarecancer #Ovarian
14.01.2022 This ANZAC day, we thank the men and women who serve and haved served. Those whose names we may not know but whose courage and sacrifice we will honour. We will remember them. Lest we forget. #lestweforget #RockforROC #ROCInc #ANZACDAY #ANZACSpirit
13.01.2022 Just a reminder that today is World Ovarian cancer Day. Looking forward to seeing your painted rocks. #worldovariancancerday #ROCKforROC #ovariancancer... #researchiskey See more
13.01.2022 Congratulations to Andriana from ProAdmin Solutions for delivery her first Canva software workshop. An amazing local business supporting #ROCInc with a portion of ticket sales and the funds raised from the raffle - a very cool chocolate tree donated by Fuzzy going towards awareness and research. Everyone taking away lots from the workshop and having cool picture with the ovarian cancer awareness wings. ... Thank you to ProAdmin Solutions and Fuzzy for your support and to everyone we met today, its was a great day. #RockforROC #ovariancancer #ovariancancerawareness #paintedrocks
12.01.2022 Today May 8 is World Ovarian Cancer Day. These amazing women share their story about ovarian cancer. Please share so we can improve the survival rate of only 46%. ... #RockforROC #ROCInc #ovariancancer #ovariancancerawareness #WOCD #channel10 #10daily
11.01.2022 At what age can you be diagnosed with ovarian cancer? Females can be diagnosed at any age, from infants to menopausal women. Neve was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at just 11 months old.... Research and awareness are needed for ovarian cancer as it is grossly underfunded compared to other cancers. For ovarian cancer there has been no new therapies since 1993 and its survival rate of 46% can only be improved through awareness and research. Neve was diagnosed with a rare ovarian cancer that previously had received no research, its recurrent and needs a lifetime of monitoring. You can help make a difference donate today with a deductible tax donation.
10.01.2022 Thank you to the amazing and very supportive ladies at Illawarra QUOTA Inc. It was such a pleasure to meet you all. Tasha was guest speaker sharing her journey of her daughter being diagnosed at 16years old with Juvenile Granulosa Cell Tumours (jGCT), a rare ovarian cancer, explaining how ROC Inc started and the work they are doing creating awareness and funding research for Ovarian cancer. Highlighting the current fundraising efforts to raise $30,000 for an enhanced DNA tes...t for tumours. You can read more about this important research and includes the donation link. The ovarian cancer awareness wings made an appearance and everyone went home with a painted rock. A shout out to Ellen Glasgow who had painted the rocks for tonight thank you they loved them. The view was so beautiful especially at sunset.
09.01.2022 Kicking goals all over the place can i hear a round of applause for the Winner in the category of Commitment to the Community Tasha Armour From Rare Ovarian Cancer roc Inc so proud of you so well deserved
09.01.2022 It is with great excitement we announce news for ovarian cancer research that includes rare ovarian cancers. To mark World Ovarian Cancer Day May 8 the Australian Governments Health Minister, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP announced 16.2 million dollars for ovarian cancer breakthrough projects. Congratulations to Professor Peter Fuller and Dr Simon Chu and their research team. Rare Ovarian Cancer Inc - ROC Inc is proud to work in partnership with the Hudson Institute of Medical - Monash University for the research project:Towards a new era in Granulosa Cell Tumours (GCT). A big congratulations also to ROC Inc founder and CEO Tasha Armour who has the rarely seen privilege to be a Consumer Chief Investigator on this research project. This is a much needed boost for ovarian cancer research and rare ovarian cancer such as GCT but also a big milestone for the subtype Juvenile Granulosa Cell Tumour (jGCT) this is the first time jGCT has received federal funding. #WOCD2020 #WOCD #ROCINC #RockforROC #OVARIANCANCER #OVARIANCANCERAWARENESS #TEAL #Researchiskey #fckcancer #doingitformygirl #research #rare #cancer
09.01.2022 All snug and warm in our ROC Inc. hoodies. Have you ordered yours? Available with or without zipper. #RockForROC #snug #ROCInc #Ovariancancerawareness #donate #cancer #rare #hoodies #musthave @ Rare Ovarian Cancer roc Inc
08.01.2022 Tasha Armour CEO of ROC Inc, chats to Glenda of IWIB about ovarian cancer research and awareness. #GCTresearch #ovariancancer #researchiskey #teal
08.01.2022 The ROC INC Glow Dance Challenge is Here Raise awareness for ROC Inc and ovarian cancer by doing the Glow Dance For ROC Challenge. Females of any age can be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. ROC Inc is helping to fund an ovarian cancer research project that includes Australia’s youngest diagnosed at 11 months old also includes the world’s youngest diagnosed at 4months to menopausal women. ... #DanceMonkey #GLOWDANCEFORROC #RockforROC
07.01.2022 May 8 2020 is World Ovarian Cancer Day, lets take our focus off the current pandemic and help ROC Inc #RockForROC out with sharing awareness for Ovarian cancer. In the lead up to this day we ask you to paint a rock and then on May 8 post a picture of your painted rock to our Rock for Roc Group along with the hashtags below. If you are venturing out and also want to place the rock out in the community to share, we also ask you to also make sure you disinfect the rocks prior placing them in the community. We can’t wait to see all your beautiful rock posts. #WorldOvarianCancerDay2020 #WOCD #RockforROC #OvarianCancerAwareness We at ROC Inc appreciate all your support during this difficult time. #StaySafe #WeAreAllInThisTogether
07.01.2022 Happy Fri-yay. Early (really early) zoom meeting for Ovarian cancer GCT research working through Real World Data (RWD). This team is world wide along with the data we are working with thanks to the GCT Survivor Sisters group. ... ROC Inc is so proud to work in collaborate on this research with the Hudson Institute of Medical Research and the GCT Survivor Sisters #RockforROC #ROCInc #ovariancancer #ovariancancerawareness #researchiskey #GCTresearch #teal #childhoodcancer
06.01.2022 Do you have a mother like mine and has everything she needs. Stuck for something to give her. Well as a mum for me research into Ovarian cancer is vitally important not only for my future however for young women and ladies that could be affected by this in the future. Imagine if your donation could save another women's life. So this year we at ROC Inc ask that you donate and give the gift of research into rare ovarian cancer. ... No previous research into this disease means no answers to move forward for treatments or clinical trials. Granulosa cell cancers have a recurrent nature which for those affected means that it can return after a long length of time and requires a lifetime of monitoring. That is why this research is so vital. So please give the gift of research this year by visiting today. #ROCInc #ROCKForROC #jGCT #aGCT #ResearchIsKey
06.01.2022 At what age can you be diagnosed with ovarian cancer? Females can be diagnosed at any age. Neve was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at just 11 months old. ... Research and awareness are needed for ovarian cancer as it is grossly underfunded compared to other cancers. For ovarian cancer there has been no new therapies since 1993 and its survival rate of 46% can only be improved through awareness and research. Neve was diagnosed with a rare ovarian cancer that previously had received no research, its recurrent and needs a lifetime of monitoring. You can help make a difference donate today with a deductible tax donation. You can help make a difference donate today with a deductible tax donation.
06.01.2022 This National Volunteers Week we celebrate and thank the selfless commitment of our volunteers who donate their time and talents to helping Rare Ovarian cancer -ROC Inc to be the best we can. You are Changing Communities. Changing Lives everyday. #RockForROC #ROCInc #Volunteers #NVW2020 #thankful #waveforvolunteers... #ovariancancer #ovariancancerawareness #rare Have you ever thought of volunteering, being part of a charity that is raising money for ovarian cancer research to find treatment options that leads to a cure? We also spread awareness for the symptoms of Ovarian cancer working towards saving lives and improving the survival rate of 43%. Everyone is welcome into the ROC Inc family. Give us a call on 0411 152 937 or email [email protected]
02.01.2022 More than $2.2 million has been awarded to research into Granulosa Cell Tumours (GCT) a rare ovarian cancer by the Australian Government's Medical Research Future Funds (MRFF). It is part of the $16.2 million that the Federal Health Minister announced for eight ovarian cancer research projects. ROC Inc is delighted to be working in collaboration with Dr Simon Chu, Professor Peter Fuller and their team at the Hudson Institute of Medical research and Monash Health.... This has been a major milestone for ovarian cancer, rare ovarian cancers and rare cancers to be included in the fundamental research with federal funding. Also it is the first ever that Juvenile Granulosa Cell Tumour (jGCT) a rare ovarian cancer that impacts all females and known to be diagnosed as young as four months old will recieve federal funding for research. We are excited and cant wait to see the future out comes this team world leading team will deliver.
02.01.2022 11-month-old baby Neve's ovarian tumour was bigger than a softball. Imagine being diagnosed with ovarian cancer as a baby. Unfortunately, this was the confronting reality Neve and her parents Jo and Zoe found themselves in on August 1, 2014. #baby #cancer #female #femalehealth #GCT #GCTresearch #health #jGCT #ovarian #ovariancancer #ovariantumor #ovariantumour #rarecancer #research #researchiskey #ROCInc #teal #WOCD #women'shealth #worldovariancancerday
01.01.2022 Hope is in the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without words and never stops at all. Emily Dickinson ROC Inc and the Ovarian Cancer Awareness Wings is our hope, the thing with feathers. Hope to improve the survival rate of 46%... Hope for more understanding of this brutal disease Hope for more funding for ovarian cancer research. Hope for treatment options and a cure for the 1800 girls to women who are diagnosed each year Hope you read this and know the symptoms, not to be one of the 70% that is diagnosed at late stages Create more hope and share this message. Let’s HOPE together #RockforROC #ROCInc #ovariancancer #ovariancancerawareness #ovariancancerawarenesswings #hope #fundingfairness #reseachiskey #teal #emilydickinson #createmorehope
01.01.2022 A great article by Nicki featuring her daughter Kyra and talking to Tasha Armour founder and CEO of Rare Ovarian Cancer Incorporated (ROC Inc) and our rock painting group Rock for ROC. Our local papers the Illawarra Mercury, Kiama Independent and Advertiser/Lake Times each published the story, in fact the article was taking up by over 60 newspapers around the country. A big thank you to Nicki, Kyra and their family for raising awareness for ovarian cancer and to the following... newspapers. If you would like to try a new hobby, give rock painting a go and raise awareness for an important cause while you're at it! Join our Rock for ROC group on Facebook. The Ararat Advertiser Armidale Express Bay Post / Moruya Examiner Beaudesert Times Bega District News Bellingen Shire Courier-Sun The Bendigo Advertiser Bombala Times Boorowa News Braidwood Times Camden Haven Courier The Canberra Times The Advertiser, Cessnock Cowra Guardian Crookwell Gazette The Daily Advertiser Dungog Chronicle The Eden Magazine Forbes Advocate Glen Innes Examiner Goondiwindi Argus Guyra Argus Hunter Valley News Inverell Times Jimboomba Times Katherine Times Macleay Argus The Times-Mail Mandurah Mail Manning River Times Merimbula News Weekly Moree Champion Naracoorte Herald The Star (Newcastle and Lake Macquarie) Hudson Institute of Medical Research Centre for Endocrinology & Metabolism The Crown Princess Mary Cancer Centre Westmead #ROC #RockforROC #Rare #cancer #GCT #rockpainting #researchsaveslives
01.01.2022 A big shout out to everyone that has participated in the Glow Dance for ROC Challenge. From all the video's we have seen and as this video shows, it looks and sounds like everyone is having so much fun doing the Glow Dance for ROC challenge while raising much needed awareness for ovarian cancer. Thank you to everyone that has donated, the support has been amazing! Let's keep it going!... Still time to do your video. We challenge you to break out the glow sticks with family and friends for the Glow Dance For ROC challenge and shine some light on ovarian cancer research and awareness. Example post Hi. I’m raising awareness for ROC Inc and ovarian cancer by doing the Glow Dance For ROC Challenge. I've been nominated by ...... Females of any age can be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. ROC Inc is helping to fund an ovarian cancer research project that includes Australia’s youngest diagnosed at 11 months old and also includes the world’s youngest diagnosed at 4 months to menopausal women. Ovarian cancer is grossly underfunded, help us find a cure and shine some light on ovarian cancer awareness and research with the Glow Dance for ROC Challenge. I challenge you to break out the glow sticks and your best moves to Dance Monkey by Tones and I post it to your social media with the hashtags #GlowDanceForROC, #RockforROC and #TonesandI You have 72 hours to take up the challenge and/or donate to ROC Inc. A big shout out to Tones and I for allowing us to use her song Dance Monkey for the challenge, you ROC! We had such a great time creating this video #thankyou #DanceMonkey #ovariancancerawareness #ovariancancer #research #GCT #rare #cancer #dancechallenge #dance #GlowDanceForROC #RockforROC
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