Rebecca Davies Dance Technique Conditioning Consultant | Coach
Rebecca Davies Dance Technique Conditioning Consultant
Phone: +61 404 065 171
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25.01.2022 #ALDC Virtual Convention is NEARLY HERE! Honoured to be in the faculty line up with such incredible teachers and choreographers! GRAB YOUR TICKETS NOW! Abby Lee Miller
25.01.2022 ARCHITECT SQUADRON TRAINING TWICE THIS WEEK YAHOOOOOOOO Also....... Ashleigh Ross is almost 21. Also Also, yellow pants.
22.01.2022 ZOOM TECHNIQUE and FLEXIBILITY classes for this week! DM US to order your CLASS RECORDING Flex Blast and Legs Class SUITED TO USA/ CANADA time ZONES... Saturday 3rd October 8:45am- 9:45am Australian Eastern Standard Time Friday 2nd October September 6:45pm New York, Toronto Friday 2nd October 3:45pm Las Vegas, Vancouver Friday 2nd October 5:45pm Chicago, Mexico City BOOKING LINK Turn Technique Class SUITED TO USA/ CANADA time ZONES Saturday 3rd October 9:50am- 10:50 am Australian Eastern Standard Time Friday 2nd October 7:50pm New York, Toronto Friday 2nd October 4:50pm Las Vegas, Vancouver Friday 2nd October 6:50 pm Chicago, Mexico City BOOKING LINK Flexibility and Leg Extension Class SUITED to UK/EUROPEAN time zones Friday 2nd October 6:30pm- 7:30pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) 9:30 am British Standard Time 10:30 am South African Standard Time, Central European Standard Time 8:30 pm New Zealand Standard Time 11:30 am Moscow Standard Time 4:30 pm Singapore General Time BOOKING LINK Turn Technique Class SUITED to UK/EUROPEAN time zones Friday 2nd October 7:35 pm- 8:35pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) 10:35 am British Standard Time 11:35 South African Standard Time, Central European Standard Time 12:30pm Moscow Standard Time 5:35 Singapore General Time BOOKING LINK
22.01.2022 Class Recording Links have been sent! It is AWESOME if you can join us LIVE for class but I LOVE that you guys can also take class to suit your time zone via the recordings! Check your email if you have ordered a recording link and please resend your email ASAP if you can't find yours in your inbox! See you all next week!!!!
18.01.2022 Dancers- LEARN HOW to do this! Coaches- Learn how to TEACH this! Take class with Radar Technique live online via Zoom OR order the class recording to take in a time which suits YOU! Not keen on ZOOM? Then you must BE QUICK! There are only TWO MORE WEEKS left of the Special SALE of our 8 DOWNLOADABLE CLASSES in Technique and Conditioning. ... Go to FLEX BLAST and JUMPS Class Friday 25th September 6:30pm- 7:30pm (AEST) 9:30 am British Standard Time 10:30 am South African Standard Time, Central European Standard Time 8:30 pm New Zealand Standard Time 11:30 am Moscow Standard Time 4:30 pm Singapore General Time BOOKING LINK- TURN TECHNIQUE Class Friday 25th September 7:35 pm- 8:35pm (AEST) 10:35 am British Standard Time 11:35 South African Standard Time, Central European Standard Time 12:30pm Moscow Standard Time 5:35 Singapore General Time BOOKING LINK FLEX BLAST and JUMPS Class Saturday 26th September 8:45am- 9:45am (Australian ES Time) Friday 25th September 6:45pm New York, Toronto Friday 25th September 3:45pm Las Vegas, Vancouver Friday 25th September 5:45pm Chicago, Mexico City BOOKING LINK TURN TECHNIQUE Class Saturday 26th September 9:50am- 10:50 am Australian ES Time) Friday 25th September 7:50pm New York, Toronto Friday 25th September 4:50pm Las Vegas, Vancouver Friday 25th September 6:50 pm Chicago, Mexico City BOOKING LINK
16.01.2022 Lockdown in Melbourne has seen an incredible acceleration for dancers training in Radar Technique through Zoom! We did a quick calculation and realised that there has been about 20 weeks of Zoom classes with MANY kids having Radar Technique classes FOUR TIMES A WEEK and then some having private coaching on top of that !!!! That is at a MINIMUM... 100 extra hours focusing on Pirouettes, Kick Turns, Conditioning and Flexibility. ... Many dancers from overseas who have never had a face to face lesson in Radar Technique have now become brilliant at Pirouettes and Kick Turns after training on zoom for 2 hours every week in the WORLD workshop classes. Congrats to Radar Technique Assistant @sophie.dancerr who sent us this amazing video which shows her improvement from the beginning of isolation. We are so excited for Radar Technique WORLD WORKSHOP, ARCHITECT SQUADRON, PRIVATE COACHING and STUDIO CLASSES this week. 2 Special discount codes on offer if you are a part of our mailing list! Email [email protected] Classes to suit UK, European, Asian Pacific, South Africa and Asian Pacific Time Zones FLEX AND JUMPS Friday 4th September 6:30pm- 7:30pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) 9:30 am British Standard Time 10:30 am South African Standard Time, Central European Standard Time 8:30 pm New Zealand Standard Time 11:30 am Moscow Standard Time 4:30 pm Singapore General Time BOOKING LINK TURN TECHNIQUE CLASS Friday 4th September 7:35 pm- 8:35pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) 10:35 am British Standard Time 11:35 South African Standard Time, Central European Standard Time 12:30pm Moscow Standard Time 5:35 Singapore General Time BOOKING LINK Classes to suit Canada, USA, South America and Asian Pacific Time Zones FLEX AND JUMPS Saturday 5th September 8:45am- 9:45am Australian Eastern Standard Time Friday 4th September 6:45pm New York, Toronto Friday 4th September3:45pm Las Vegas, Vancouver Friday 4th September 5:45pm Chicago, Mexico City BOOKING LINK TURN TECHNIQUE CLASS Saturday 5th September 9:50am- 10:50 am Australian Eastern Standard Time Friday 4th September 7:50pm New York, Toronto Friday 4th September 4:50pm Las Vegas, Vancouver Friday 4th September 6:50 pm Chicago, Mexico City BOOKING LINK ONLINE CLASSES
16.01.2022 Radar Technique home training is all about SAFELY increasing the height, artistry and flexibility in jumps and leaps. Our Zoom classes are a LIVE extension of this. We MUST be careful of those growing legs and joints by not having our young dancers jump and jump and jump with lots of impact on non sprung dance floors BUT we also MUST inspire dancers and gymnasts to increase their strength and cardio vascular fitness! HOW? Watch below!!!!!! Radar Technique dancers are taugh...t to take ONLY a few jumps at a time focusing on MINDFULNESS through games and analysis resulting in the kids feeling proud of themselves and most importantly leaving class free of short or long term injury! Want more?
16.01.2022 Radar Technique- Creating Athletic Artists. Rebecca Davies- Pioneer in Dance Technique. This System of Teaching which REVOLUTIONISED Technique and Conditioning training in the Australian Dance Industry is now available to DOWNLOAD worldwide. Around 14 years ago, Rebecca Davies noticed Australia was far behind America and Canada in Jazz Technique. Rebecca desperately tried to find someone to teach and show her HOW to teach Pirouettes, Leg Hold Turns and Dance Tricks. ... With NO ONE teaching this in Australia, international travel not an option and internet as slow as a snail, she was forced to design and create her own UNIQUE and first of its kind program with drills and exercises, tips and tricks and analysis and goal setting. Frustration + passion+ hard work = SUCCESS and the pioneering of Radar Technique. Australian studios began seeking out the Radar Technique program and this quickly escalated to Australia being recognised as a leader in turns and safe, powerful jumps! Her students gained such incredible results in Sydney that Rebecca Davies was requested to started touring with this UNIQUE program in workshop form by 2010. Radar Technique has now presented its INNOVATIVE and constantaly EVOLVING training system in over 31 countries but the demand to create a training system which could be instantly accesable to dancers and teachers around the world was desperately apparent. This is how the Radar Technique ONLINE TRAINING MODULES were born! Do you want to be healthier, FITTER, flexible and have more dance skills?! Do you want your dance friends to be in AWE and shock at your improvement with home training? Teachers- do you want to teach the system which gets INSTANT and incredibly addictive results? The Radar Technique Online Training Modules are just for YOU! They have been downloaded worldwide helping dancers achieve more Pirouettes, Kick turns and higher, stronger leaps in the comfort of their own home and own time. The Online Module SALE is due to END October 3rd. 8 classes running approx 2 hours each. Visit or email [email protected] HAPPY IMPROVEMENT and TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE! See more
16.01.2022 Come Fly with us in the Radar Technique Flex Blast and Jumps Class ONLINE via Zoom this Friday and Saturday FIND OUT.... What TO do to achieve higher, lighter and stronger jumps ... (analysis, conditioning and goal setting) How to listen to your body when you stretch (learn how to unlock your own personal limitations so you can continue to increase your length and functionality) Ways to make your jumps and leaps look delicious for stage, photo shoots and class. We also talk about..... What NOT to do when training at home.....such as Pushing your jumps repeatedly on hard floors. Holding stretches too long. Ignoring signs your need more conditioning (knees not tracking correctly on landings and take off) Make sure you brings your phones and parents are ALWAYS welcome to join the classes (I do mean assisting with stretches but...... jump in if you wish! ) Class Recordings are available! Flex Blast and Jumps (UK and European time zones) Flex Blast and Jumps (USA, Canadian Time Zones) Turn Technique (UK and European time zones) Turn Technique (USA, Canadian Time Zones) All classes suit countries in the Asian Pacific Time Zones. DOWNLOAD 4 HOURS OF JUMPS and FLEX classes ON SALE Izzy Bitsikas and Roman Pesino. Radar Technique Tour to Elite Dance Convention Toronto.
12.01.2022 The Queen of Radar Technique Ashi Ross is floating around Victoria with this awesome announcement for dance!
09.01.2022 OUT NOW! Can’t wait to listen after I teach my workshops today!!!! SUBSCRIBE !!
08.01.2022 The RADAR TECHNIQUE ONLINE SALE is finishing in 5 DAYS! This is your chance to watch how Australia's Leading Technique and Conditioning Program has evolved and is now WORLD FAMOUS for producing incredible instant results!
08.01.2022 Radar Technique Pirouette Class via Zoom.... Comment below if you would like us to post moments from our Flex class, Jumps Class or MORE TURNS! Keen to join our Zoom Class series or order a DOWNLOAD of this class???? (with camera point of view on assistants and coach) HEAD TO EVENTS or email [email protected]
08.01.2022 OPINIONS NEEDED This irritated me as a little girl and I wonder how you all feel about it? I always wanted to turn and jump and do dance tricks like the boys did, but wasn’t allowed. The girls had to sit and watch the boys have so much fun! Also, if a girl turns or jumps in a routine it’s considered too tricky yet boys are congratulated and rewarded for choreography which is full of it? (which they should because it’s awesome.. but girls shouldn’t be penalised!) Do YO...U think dance needs some #equality too? Learn how to achieve this turn (as well as illusions, surprise jetés, rhythmic turns and more) with
06.01.2022 Australia's leading program for Dance Technique and Conditioning is ONLINE and available to DOWNLOAD. SALE ENDS 3rd OCTOBER Train at home and become a master turner, increase the height and flexibility in your jumps and learn advanced new tricks with Rebecca Davies and the Australian Architect Squadron. Suited for all levels and ages * Pirouettes * Leg Hold Turns * Flexibility * Strength and Conditioning Circuit you can do at home daily * Exercises for greater height and power in your jumps and leaps * Illusions * Surprise Leaps * Twisted Russians * Pirouette Perfection class * Baby conditioning circuit Entire downloadable 90min- 2 hour classes with coach Rebecca Davies and Cappuccino Sausage Dog. @rebeccadavies_official @radartechnique
05.01.2022 Do you want to take the Radar Technique Flexibility and Turn Technique Classes for FREE?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?! Email [email protected] TO FIND OUT HOW... Flex Blast and Legs Class SUITED to USA, CANADIAN Time Zones Saturday 3rd October 8:45am- 9:45am Australian Eastern Standard Time Friday 2nd October 6:45pm New York, Toronto Friday 2nd October 3:45pm Las Vegas, Vancouver Friday 2nd October 5:45pm Chicago, Mexico City BOOKING LINK Turn Technique Class SUITED to USA, CANADIAN Time Zones Saturday 3rd October 9:50am- 10:50 am Australian Eastern Standard Time Friday 2nd October 7:50pm New York, Toronto Friday 2nd October 4:50pm Las Vegas, Vancouver Friday 2nd October 6:50 pm Chicago, Mexico City BOOKING LINK Flexibility and Leg Extension Class SUITED TO UK/EUROPE time zones Friday 2nd October 6:30pm- 7:30pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) 9:30 am British Standard Time 10:30 am South African Standard Time, Central European Standard Time 8:30 pm New Zealand Standard Time 11:30 am Moscow Standard Time 4:30 pm Singapore General Time BOOKING LINK Turn Technique Class SUITED TO UK/EUROPE time zones Friday 2nd October 7:35 pm- 8:35pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) 10:35 am British Standard Time 11:35 South African Standard Time, Central European Standard Time 12:30pm Moscow Standard Time 5:35 Singapore General Time BOOKING LINK ONLINE MODULE SALE FINISHES in 4 DAYS!!!!
04.01.2022 Flex Blast class focus this week! SAFE BACK WORK I say to my kids constantly, if we are going to take moves from gymnastics and have them in our routines we need to understand the BIOMECHANICS of the movement with such respect that we can perform it with absolute artistry and control. ... To fail to do so makes a dancer look robotic and athletic without the artistry (which is exactly what dance judges are waiting to pounce on, right?) Instead of approaching back work starting with the back, we start with the bottom knee, the support system, the structure and the KEY to brilliant movement. If you can not lay back and keep your bottom leg parallel, you should not lay back. We then focus on the hip and shoulders. Black Flexibility comes last. Keen to know more? Join us in class tomorrow (for UK, European time zones) or Saturday morning (Friday for Canada, USA) ORDER A CLASS RECORDING BY DM'ing US.
04.01.2022 I loved sharing my story as part of the Dance Matters Podcast. 13 years ago I was desperate for someone to TEACH ME the secret recipe to teaching Pirouettes, Kick Turns and Tricks..... It ended up all being inside my head! My goal now is to help as many teachers as possible learn how to teach Radar Technique to conserve their precious time and energy!!!! Tune in this Saturday!
03.01.2022 Come Train with us over Zoom. Get results FAST and become inspired FASTER! Pirouettes, Leg Hold Turns, Fun Flexibility and Safe Jumping For a taste of how Radar Technique can turn you into a dance superhero VISIT @rebeccadavies_official... @radartechnique Class times to suit UK, European, South African time zones (all classes suit Asian Pacific Time Zones) FLEXIBILITY AND BLAST CLASS Friday 18th September 6:30pm- 7:30pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) 9:30 am British Standard Time 10:30 am South African Standard Time, Central European Standard Time 8:30 pm New Zealand Standard Time 11:30 am Moscow Standard Time 4:30 pm Singapore General Time TICKET LINK- TURN TECHNIQUE CLASS Friday 18th September 7:35 pm- 8:35pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) 10:35 am British Standard Time 11:35 South African Standard Time, Central European Standard Time 12:30pm Moscow Standard Time 5:35 Singapore General Time TICKET LINK Class times to suit CANADA, USA, South American time zones (all classes suit Asian Pacific Time Zones) FLEXIBILITY AND BLAST CLASS Saturday 19th September 8:45am- 9:45am Australian Eastern Standard Time Friday 18th September 6:45pm New York, Toronto Friday 18th September 3:45pm Las Vegas, Vancouver Friday 18th September 5:45pm Chicago, Mexico City TICKET LINK- TURN TECHNIQUE CLASS Saturday 19th September 9:50am- 10:50 am Australian Eastern Standard Time Friday 18th September 7:50pm New York, Toronto Friday 18th September 4:50pm Las Vegas, Vancouver Friday 18th September 6:50 pm Chicago, Mexico City TICKET LINK In the meantime grab the Super Pack Technique and Conditioning Classes from to start training......... GUARANTEED TO BECOME ADDICTIVE CLASS RECORDINGS ARE AVAILABLE (I LOVE THIS VIDEO... see who can you spot in this, you will honestly not be able to recognise some dancers as their growth has been INCREDIBLE since first attending this workshop!)
01.01.2022 If you have ordered a class recording of the Back Flex Blast and Jumps class or Turn Technique class the links have now been sent out. Inbox us if you haven't received yours and we will hunt it on down for you!
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