Rebecca Jane Leading Intuitive and Holistic Health Coach | Other
Rebecca Jane Leading Intuitive and Holistic Health Coach
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25.01.2022 Please enjoy this photo of manatees snacking on sweet potatoes while also looking like sweet potatoes.
20.01.2022 How happy are you? Like really? You’ve got everything you ‘need’ in life. You’re doing fine. You’re safe, you’re loved, there’s food in the fridge. But something’s missing. Fulfilment. Abundance. True joy. ... We all have certain qualities and intricacies about us that make us unique and offer certain value to the people we engage with in life. Something that is drastically overlooked by the majority of the population is that those special qualities are your ticket to the life you’ve always dreamed of. You love to help others, it’s in your nature. It might even be involved in the job you already have. So why not take it to the next level? In a way that also nourishes and fulfils you without draining you of time and energy. So you can give even deeper from the fullest of cups. The things that light you up are the things that are greatly needed in this world and will help other people. You’ve known this deep down but haven’t realised the full potential here or even if it’s possible let alone how to start. You’re watching other people do exactly this whilst sitting on the sidelines. So how do you do it? I’m looking to work with 3 people who are ready to build a low maintenance, high profit, online business based on their passions and helping others. Within 30 days, you’ll have your business up and running, bringing in high paying, soul mate clients that will have you BUZZING with joy and making impact. All you need to start is commitment. Interested? Send me a DM and let’s chat.
20.01.2022 The number one mistake I see people making when it comes to building their service based business. You know what you want, you’re clear on your passion, you’re driven.. so what’s the next step? The most common assumption is finding the right strategy. But that actually comes later. ... Firstly and more importantly than any strategy comes commitment. Relentless, do-whatever-it-takes, unwavering commitment. And the key to getting that right is trust. Trusting yourself that your intuition is leading you on the right path. Trusting that your highest self knows exactly what you need and is giving you the breadcrumbs to find your way there. Trusting that feeling inside you that keeps nudging you in this direction, attracting you to the right opportunities. First comes the YES Then comes the HOW. You get that right and there’s no stopping you. From the first conversation I have with clients, I ask them to stretch themselves to commit. And for some it feels a little scary, but it’s within that first step, within that heart-led YES, that the transformation begins. Wheels start spinning. The universe listens intently and backs up that commitment with all that you need to succeed and create the life you dream of. It truly is magic. And all it takes is a simple yes
20.01.2022 Worthy of the life you desire. Worthy of all the love in the world. Worthy of vibrant health and well-being. Worthy of abundance. Worthy of joy.... Worthy of fulfilment. Worthy of wealth. Worthy of happiness. Worthy of it all. See more
19.01.2022 What’s the point of a job/business/career if it doesn’t light you up and leave you feeling fulfilled and energised? Money. Money is the point. So what happens when you make the money but in a way that drains you, makes someone else’s dreams and goals come true instead of your own and costs you your time and precious, unique energy? (Which is never ever paid at its true value by another person) A wasted life. That’s what happens. ... Because we all know that there’s so much more to life than money. We’ve all heard that money doesn’t equate to happiness. And it’s true. But what money CAN do is allow you to live your life more authentically, with freedom and no restrictions when it comes to doing the things that do make you happy. Money is just a vehicle. So why can’t you have both? Money AND a fulfilling, joyful and exciting way to make it? BREAKING NEWS you can. Your own business based on your passion, your unique message and helping others means you work for yourself. You build your own empire. You run a business exactly how you want it to be - working your own hours, as much or as little as you want. You choose who you work with meaning you’re not giving your time to energy vampires, sucking the life out of you, but with your soul mate clients who inspire and energise you, building meaningful relationships with people as you help them change their lives for the better. This creates so much joy, pure fulfilment and an excitement to start each day. Can you say that about your current working situation? There’s a lot of promises out there in the Internet - but none of them are going to leave you feeling truly aligned and fulfilled like living your dharma. (There’s a hippy word you haven’t heard in a while) You’re here on this planet for a really important reason. And let me give you the hot tip - it’s not to build someone else’s success for them.
15.01.2022 Offer for health coaches (established or aspiring), nutritionists & yoga teachers in QLD Spend a day with me to completely transform (or build) your business to bring in an $10-20K by the end of the year. In this exclusive 1:1 VIP day, we’ll map out your unique business plan to bring in high paying, committed clients for big results and transformation that will completely change your business (and life) for the better.... We’ll be covering: PREMIUM BUSINESS MODEL - a simple yet powerful road map to big impact and big pay days, minus the burn out. MESSAGE- your unique and much needed voice needs to stand out in the sea of the health industry. ORGANIC MARKETING - no complicated funnels, websites or ads. Just natural and organic marketing which is simple and highly effective, leading to soul mate clients that can’t wait to work with you! SALES WITH ALIGNMENT AND EASE- signing up your dream clients into your life changing program should be an enjoyable and transformative process. You’ll learn to love sales and look forward to all your application calls knowing they’ll be the beginning of an empowering transformation for your clients. This is for you if you’re ready to make bigger impact without sacrificing your lifestyle, self-care or energy. If you’re ready for abundance and alignment NOW. This isn’t for those seeking information and hot tips. This is for the healers who are committed and ready to step up and do what it takes to make their goals a reality. So if you’re excited to see this year out with a bang, send me a DM telling me a little about your goals and where you’re feeling you need support and let’s see if we’re a fit. Speak soon!
13.01.2022 I don’t know who came up with this, but why is slow and steady an acceptable and normalised pace to get the results you’re after? Don’t you want it now? Unless you’re a glutton for punishment, wouldn’t you rather save yourself the time, frustration, pain and difficulties? You know you can, right? ... Want to know the fastest way to get to your goal? Invest in mentorship. 1:1 support and guidance with someone who is 100% invested and committed to your personal success and who knows exactly what to do, saving you the long and challenging journey on your own. It’s a no-brainer really. Invest in yourself. What’s it costing you not to?
13.01.2022 Your passionate about health and well-being. You’re a healer. It’s in your nature to help. You want to help EVERYONE! Because you know what it’s like to be in their position. You want to work with people but you also want to deliver your services on multiple tiers so that it’s accessible for everyone no matter their financial situation. You’re a saint. But by helping everyone, you’re not really helping anyone. You’re draining yourself and unable to show up powerfully for th...ose who truly need you. The truth is, those who aren’t willing to commit to working with you, aren’t ready for change. They’re the information seekers. Constantly searching for the answer and (unknowingly)draining you and anyone else who’s able to help of their time and energy but it’s not going to get them the results they truly need. Money might be the reason they can’t commit, but deep down it’s more than that. Because when you want something bad enough, you MAKE it happen. Look at your life and how that’s been true for you. So how do you help everyone? You can’t. But you can LEAD. You ask people to step up and commit to their health and say yes to putting themselves first. That in itself is deeply healing and will empower them to invite in the transform needed. Because we as healers know that at the core of healing is the inner work. And making that leap into commitment is the most powerful first step. By showing up on your platform, sharing your message, showing up powerfully as the result of your work- that is helping people. Empowering them to step out of victimhood and to step into your business and working closely together, that’s where the transformation lies. And that can only happen if they are 100% committed. Charging them what you are worth is more for them than it is for you. If you’re ready to start earning what you’re worth and make some TRUE impact with your clients, send me a DM, I’d love to help.
12.01.2022 30 DAYS TIL YOUR OWN ONLINE PURPOSE LED BUSINESS Want to know something that has completely transformed my and my family's life beyond our dreams? Starting my own freedom based, purpose led business. ... The day I turned 15 I threw myself into the workforce. I believed the story that you had to slog your guts out every day to make it. So I slogged. For many years. But I didn't make it. I compromised my physical and mental health to please others and to get the job done. But what was I left with? Poor health, a dismal bank account and a passionate hatred toward my alarm clock. Unfulfilled, depleted and unhappy. Sound familiar? What's the point of living a life that doesn't light you up? So I followed my intuition down a crazy, loopy, windy road and found myself investing into mentors and building my own business. Something I never thought I'd be capable of.. but here's a secret that you're not going to hear anywhere else... it's not hard. Why my own business? Because I wanted my own life. By my rules. I wanted to build MY dreams, not someone else's. I wanted FREEDOM, I wanted abundance, I wanted to put my family and fun first, before work. I wanted limitless opportunities and most importantly, I wanted to share my message and spread the truth. I wanted to help people. I didn't want to join someone else's vision, enter some tiered marketing scheme or sell products, I wanted to create change in the world and I wanted to be me. And I've done it. And it's changed my life. And I'm pinching myself every single day. My business model allows me to be living a life of ease and freedom, spending time with my boys every day, living on the beach, choosing happiness every day, whatever I want that to look like whilst helping others to live a better life. What a dream. And now I want to offer that fulfilment, joy, freedom and abundance to you too. Because at the end of the day, the one thing I'm MOST passionate about, above all else is that we all deserve to live a luscious, aligned and passionate and HAPPY life. I'm offering 3 spaces to committed, driven individuals who are ready for more from life. Over the next 30 days, we'll build your own freedom based, aligned, soul driven and purpose led business to bring in abundance, freedom, deep fulfilment and passion into your life with EASE. No fancy degrees or business experience necessary, just a deep desire for a better life and to make positive change in the world. If you'd like to apply, send a DM telling me a little about yourself and what's calling you in and let's see if we're a good fit
11.01.2022 We think we know best. We don't. We've been listening to generations and generations of misinformation around healing the body, coupled with food addictions, un...healthy emotional attachments and sacrifices in the name of convenience and it's keeping us sick and shortening our life span. There's so much conflicting information out there when it comes to health but the bottom line is, you can't argue with or outsmart nature. Your body is an incredible and highly underestimated machine. It's so advanced that science hasn't even figured it all out yet. It's performing miracles on the daily, keeping you alive and functioning, despite alllll the bullshit in the way. So why do you think you know better than it does? Why can't you trust it to do it's job? Healing means trusting. It means getting out of the way and letting your body do it's thing. When you decide to take charge and fill yourself to the brim with all the latest and greatest remedies, what you're really doing is confusing things, creating more work for the body and subtracting energy from healing. You're slowing things down, complicating the process and sabotaging your healing. Learn to trust. Learn to lean into the process and enjoy the journey. You'll get more than you bargained for, in the best possible way.
08.01.2022 Are you in the health and wellness industry or would love to be and dream of making solid 5K months? Yes it’s absolutely possible! All you need is the right business model and some support and guidance. ... Ready for it right now? If you’re 100% committed and ready to take fast action to get there, get in my DM’s now
07.01.2022 F A S T I N G Fasting is a powerful tool to bring you back to health, back to alignment and back on track. It’s a beautiful gift to give yourself at the change... of seasons, through a time of emotional turbulence, stress or trauma or if unwell. Over the decades of my health journey I learnt (the long and hard way) the importance of listening to the body. It is ALWAYS communicating with you. By staying connected and tuned into its messages you can stay well, strong and resilient to all that life throws you. We have been encouraged from a young age to power through and carry on like its some sign of strength when really, it’s going against the laws of nature which ultimately does not end well. You can’t outsmart your body. You can’t outrun illness. You can’t hide from an unhealthy lifestyle. Listen to your body now, or pay the price later. The choice is yours. The seasons are changing. I’ve been feeling into some strong emotions recently. (Hello Mars in retrograde) My digestion is feeling a little slow and heavy and my energy levels have dipped. So I’m taking these cues from my oh-so-wise body to step back and rest. Today I stay in bed and let my body fast. (Dry fasting and water fasting ~ these might not be the best options for you, please seek some support if you’re new to fasting) By doing this, you give the digestive system complete rest, allowing energy to go toward healing. The mind becomes clearer, the body becomes lighter and balance is restored. Trusting the body is incredibly liberating. Lose the fear and ride the waves. It knows what to do
06.01.2022 If you’re passionate about health and wellbeing and are called to help others, there is an enormous need in the world for you. Which means there is an enormous opportunity to transform your life with purpose, alignment, wealth and freedom. And the exciting thing is you really don’t need much at all to start. What you don’t need... a large online presence a website or blog certifications or degrees what you do need passion a phone rock solid commitment personalised support and guidance your message That’s it. That’s what you need to start changing lives (including yours) today. Like right now. You ready? I am. I’m ready to get you started right now, so you’re bringing in high paying clients ASAP and finishing this wild year off with a BANG. Send me a message and let’s go
06.01.2022 You are so needed right now. Your unique approach to health and well-being is greatly needed in the world. Especially right now. And here’s why,... Your personal experiences, traumas, breakthroughs, and one of a kind life has shaped you to be the perfect mentor for your future clients. Everything you’ve accomplished is someone else’s dream. Every challenge you’ve overcome, is someone else’s current hurdle. Every thing that makes you special, is what your future client is inspired by. You’ve got a strong desire to help others. So stop daydreaming and start doing it. And change your life in the process. More ease, more alignment, more abundance, more pure joy and fulfilment. Make your own rules. Live the life you truly desire. This is your invitation to stop hiding. I still have some spots available in my 30 day program to create a highly profitable and fulfilling online businesses helping others and making an impact in the world, doing what lights YOU up. If you’re serious about making a new reality for yourself, message me now. I’m only working with the dream chasers. The up-levellers. The ones 100% committed. Let’s go... your new life is waiting.
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