Rebecca Brewster Mindset Coaching, Counselling and Hypnotherapy in New Farm, Queensland | Mental health service
Rebecca Brewster Mindset Coaching, Counselling and Hypnotherapy
Locality: New Farm, Queensland
Phone: +61 419 683 212
Address: 173 Annie Street New Farm 4005 New Farm, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 This article has some really good points - maybe the examples arent relevant to everyone, but the crux of the issue here is thinking about areas where we can be less affected by others, and more in control of our own happiness... I like it!
23.01.2022 I find myself often telling clients that it is okay to sometimes "make room" for negative thoughts so we're not constantly battling with them; trying to push them away. This piece outlining how the act of gratitude can be a life-changing tool to re-wire our anxious brains... "Its impossible to feel grateful and negative at the same time. The more space gratitude is allowed to take up, the more it will expand itself and make way for other positive emotions connection, happiness, appreciation, joy. More good feelings means less room for the toxic ones" #gratitude #stopthenegativecyclethankyou #gratitudeproject
23.01.2022 "What can we accept and what can we let go?" These are the types of questions we need to ask ourselves... Great article expanding on what this "acceptance" can mean for you
22.01.2022 Meet Rebecca Brewster #changeyourmindset #hypnotherapy #counselling #coaching #hypnotherapynewfarm #rebeccabrewstermindset #therapist
21.01.2022 Love this article...the concept that we sometimes don't choose someone who may on paper look perfect, because we "dimly intuit that they are not going to make us suffer in the ways we need to suffer in order to feel that love is real!" Don't we all torture ourselves...Read on. #emotionalskills #mateselection #emotionalpsychology #emotionalintelligence #romanticlove #counsellor #counsellornewfarm
18.01.2022 Have compassion for everyone you meet You do not know what wars are going on down there, where the spirit meets the bone. While most of us can identify with the concept of trying to practice empathy with others, what about self-compassion? This can be a harder task, yet oh so important in our busy, demanding and stressful lives. We can be our own hardest taskmasters and judge ourselves the most harshly... This article explores the importance of the "art of self-compassion".
17.01.2022 Let's face it - Work stress is an epidemic that's robbing people of happiness and impacting on relationships, families and people's relationship with alcohol. While this is an excellent article that begins to give an insight into how work-stress can lead to the crippling symptoms of anxiety - especially in high-functioning individuals, I think they're missing some information about some valuable treatments to offer very real tools for people to cope. Acupuncture and hypnotherapy in combination with a healthy diet and exercise offers people relief, clarity and freedom from the debilitating effects of stress. #nurturenewfarm #acupunctureforstress #hypnotherapy #hypnotherapynewfarm #hypnotherapyrelievesstress #rebeccabrewstermindset
17.01.2022 Some of the best answers and discussion I have read about "why our partners drive us mad", and what we can actually do about it comes not from psychologists, or relationship gurus, but from philosopher Alain de Botton. He has devoted much of his life to exploring the complex psychoemotional machinery that, despite our best intentions, inflicts the wounds of love upon us and our partners. De Botton writes in "The Course of Love" the fragilities of ...the human heart, the source of his insight into the psychological paradox of sulking in intimate relationships and what makes a good communicator... Spend a few minutes exploring this central foible of the heart in this wonderful short visual essay for his School of Life project, with lyrical animation by Kathrin Steinbacher an inquiry into how our early family dynamics shape our adult patterns of love, why our partners often drive us mad in consequence, and how to handle this inescapable fallibility of the human heart with gentleness and self-compassion. #alaindebotton #schooloflife #rebeccabrewstermindset #relationships
17.01.2022 Weve all worked with a perfectionist type, or we may even inhabit the mindset of one. Either way, the anxiety of living and working with an "all or nothing" attitude that generally means "success or failure with no grey area can be exhausting and ultimately very stressful. This article explores some different strategies for overcoming the perfectionist mindset. #rebeccabrewstermindset #newfarmcounsellor #psychology #perfectionist
16.01.2022 This piece is so very insightful... High functionng anxiety is prevalent and oppressive in it's grip on people who carefully hide it. Understanding it is the first step in supporting the people around you who may suffer, and thinking about getting some help if it's you...
16.01.2022 This very easy to understand article offers some very clear boundaries between signs that you are suffering from anxiety and not just the effects of stress in our lives. If things become overwhelming, there is help available.... #rebeccabrewstermindset #stressfullife #anxietyandyou #hypnotherapyforanxiety
15.01.2022 A lovely Success Story I sought out hypnosis treatment with Rebecca, after many failed attempts at quitting smoking. We met weekly over a period of a month. In our sessions, Rebecca was great at listening, uncovering triggers, understanding my inner workings, and how I used cigarettes in relation to these. It was remarkable how quickly she could process our conversations, and create a hypnosis treatment accordingly. Her history in counselling was evident. I was apprehensive the beginning about hypnosis, but after making it through the first three days of quitting, I had no doubt about the power of the treatment. I now see how her treatments could be used for all other types of issues - from negative thought processes, to other forms of addiction. We concluded our treatments with a 'self help' guide to hypnosis - the tools to create my own treatment. It's now two months since I first met with Rebecca, and I'm no longer a smoker. I haven't stopped socializing, and I still can't believe the ease and strength her treatments gave me. I would highly recommend her and am constantly telling people of my experience. Thanks Rebecca!! DMAC See more
13.01.2022 This article has some really good points - maybe the examples aren't relevant to everyone, but the crux of the issue here is thinking about areas where we can be less affected by others, and more in control of our own happiness... I like it!
13.01.2022 Lets face it - Work stress is an epidemic thats robbing people of happiness and impacting on relationships, families and peoples relationship with alcohol. While this is an excellent article that begins to give an insight into how work-stress can lead to the crippling symptoms of anxiety - especially in high-functioning individuals, I think theyre missing some information about some valuable treatments to offer very real tools for people to cope. Acupuncture and hypnotherapy in combination with a healthy diet and exercise offers people relief, clarity and freedom from the debilitating effects of stress. #nurturenewfarm #acupunctureforstress #hypnotherapy #hypnotherapynewfarm #hypnotherapyrelievesstress #rebeccabrewstermindset
12.01.2022 Absolutely love this talk. Why are the goals of parenting - to raise happy children - feel so elusive sometimes?
12.01.2022 Enjoy that you have worked hard for #playhard #rebeccabrewstermindset
12.01.2022 Now this sounds a bit depressing doesnt it! If you want to be happier, stop trying all the time! And it even has a name: hedonic adaptation. Its a term psychologists use to describe the way you get used to the things that once made you happy. Even when you achieve your goals for example like getting the job of your dreams, initially you feel more satisfied with your life but after a year or so, the feeling fades. Youre about as happy as you were before you got the new job. Apparently we would do best to to view this quirk as a plus! Happiness isnt meant to last, a statement that sounds incredibly sad, but doesnt have to be. Recognizing that happiness exists and that its a delightful visitor that never overstays its welcome may help us appreciate it more when it arrives...
11.01.2022 When were feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and anxious it can sometimes be from trying endlessly to control what we cannot...Focus on what we can... #mindsetcoaching
11.01.2022 always interested in a good "life hack". I think the best take away from this article is the idea that framing your work and the rest of your in such a way as you are in control of the big picture, but more importantly flexible in the way you go about it. It makes for establishing and following your core values along the way...
10.01.2022 we all carry little kernels of "stuff" that we may have to work through, but this speaks to me so very loudly.... #parenting #motherlove #childhood #newfarmcounsellor
10.01.2022 Love this article...the concept that we sometimes dont choose someone who may on paper look perfect, because we "dimly intuit that they are not going to make us suffer in the ways we need to suffer in order to feel that love is real!" Dont we all torture ourselves...Read on. #emotionalskills #mateselection #emotionalpsychology #emotionalintelligence #romanticlove #counsellor #counsellornewfarm
09.01.2022 Hypnotherapy - You're always in Control
09.01.2022 Now this sounds a bit depressing doesn't it! If you want to be happier, stop trying all the time! And it even has a name: hedonic adaptation. Its a term psychologists use to describe the way you get used to the things that once made you happy. Even when you achieve your goals for example like getting the job of your dreams, initially you feel more satisfied with your life but after a year or so, the feeling fades. Youre about as happy as you were before you got the new job. Apparently we would do best to to view this quirk as a plus! Happiness isnt meant to last, a statement that sounds incredibly sad, but doesnt have to be. Recognizing that happiness exists and that its a delightful visitor that never overstays its welcome may help us appreciate it more when it arrives...
09.01.2022 As a parent of a very spirited, determined and extroverted five-year-old, it's tempting sometimes to just "shut them down" so you can actually just establish control on occasion. I avoid it though, trying to instead talk to her about what behaviour works for her, her little friends and makes her feel "good in her heart". While this long road to learning emotional intelligence and emotional regulation might feel far to liberal for some, preferring to ...keep their children on a shorter leash, with stricter boundaries and far more consequences, I believe this road will be the better one, much like the author of this news piece. Knowing we all make mistakes and we all have the chance to do better next time teaches more about shaping the little people we want them to be - strong, aware, empathic and psychologically flexible...A good read on all counts. #rebeccabrewstermindset #emotionalregulationforchildren #naturalconsequences #noshame See more
09.01.2022 For those who have loved and lost...for everyone.... #grief #griefisapassage #counsellor #rebeccabrewstermindset
09.01.2022 Hands up who procrastinates? Whether we classify this as experiential avoidance of the presence, time wasting or just being easily distracted, when Stuart Langfield asked a neuroscientist about the neuroscience of procrastination, he got the following answer: People think that you can turn on an MRI and see where somethings happening in the brain, but the truth is thats not so. This stuff is vastly more complicated, so we have theories..... The latest theory is that the p...rimitive, pleasure-seeking, pain-avoiding limbic system acts too quickly for our more deliberative, rational prefrontal cortex to catch up, rendering us stupefied by distractions...Um, in other words, this is a design flaw in our brains that would be hopeless if it wasn't for the neuroplasticity of our brains that enable us to change... Thank goodness. This article also has some neat ideas on how to break the cycle and re-train our brains into 'doing'....including this the wholesome advice..."Remind yourself that finishing the task now helps you in the future. Putting off the task wont make it more enjoyable" Ain't that the truth.... See more
09.01.2022 This piece is so very insightful... High functionng anxiety is prevalent and oppressive in its grip on people who carefully hide it. Understanding it is the first step in supporting the people around you who may suffer, and thinking about getting some help if its you...
09.01.2022 This piece is so very insightful... High functioning anxiety is prevalent and oppressive in its grip on people who carefully hide it. Understanding it is the first step in supporting the people around you who may suffer, and thinking about getting some help if its you... #rebeccabrewstermindset #hypnotherapy #hypnotherapynewfarm #highfunctioninganxiety #counsellornewfarm
08.01.2022 Compelling article regarding addiction..."One of the most important things to understand is the fallacy that addiction is the result of bad parenting, poor moral standards or lack of self-control. Addiction is a disease"
07.01.2022 Very honest and inspiring piece. I think its worthwhile to remind ourselves occasionally what exactly we want from our lives in the context - what gives us meaning...
07.01.2022 Very honest and inspiring piece. I think it's worthwhile to remind ourselves occasionally what exactly we want from our lives in the context - what gives us meaning...
06.01.2022 Oh I wholeheartedly agree! #friendship #madness #aliceinwonderland
06.01.2022 Radical Softness...
06.01.2022 Some hauntingly beautiful - even if some are nigh impossible to pronounce... Actual words for emotions provoked by some unusual and private thoughts.
06.01.2022 Narcissists, Toxic people, and frenemies are intensely difficult to deal with and can leave you with anxiety about your role in the relationship. Having an Understanding that it is probably not your fault, and that their behaviour is not in any way reasonable or rational and neither is their biting criticisms towards you can help in the separation from toxic people. Read on for some further insight.
06.01.2022 This piece is so very insightful... High functioning anxiety is prevalent and oppressive in it's grip on people who carefully hide it. Understanding it is the first step in supporting the people around you who may suffer, and thinking about getting some help if it's you... #rebeccabrewstermindset #hypnotherapy #hypnotherapynewfarm #highfunctioninganxiety #counsellornewfarm
06.01.2022 Love this article - so much of it is what we aim to explore in therapy. Knowing that the skill of connecting to our emotions, and understanding that we can't control everything are hallmarks of overcoming life's obstacles, with the added bonus of developing essential resilience skills....
05.01.2022 The scientists say: Affairs serve as a form of mate insurance, keeping a backup mate should a switch become warranted in the future. What do we think people? Are affairs for women about survival? ... #relationships #parenting #evolution #emotionalintelligence #counsellor #counsellornewfarm #infidelity #womenandsex
04.01.2022 Taking notice of our harsh inner-voice This article penned by a fellow therapist really resonated with me as so often either consciously or unconsciously we are listening to a harsh inner voice that isn't really on out side. It's the voice of unrealistic expectations, striving to do more so we feel worthy, or spending time and energy on "people pleasing" only to feel used a depleted as a result. I was especially interested in the advice for people to... spend some time each day listening to their inner voice, and consciously changing it to more comapssionate, respectful and kind voice. These kinds of processes make up a huge part of my #hypnotherapy work. Sometimes we need to hear another person articulate our own kinder voice, before we are able to truly know and believe that it is i our control to change forever - even if that harsh inner voice as been there since childhood. #rebeccabrewstermindset #thekindinnervoice #selfesteem #hypnotherapyand egostrengthening
03.01.2022 Hypnotherapy - Youre always in Control
02.01.2022 We've all worked with a perfectionist type, or we may even inhabit the mindset of one. Either way, the anxiety of living and working with an "all or nothing" attitude that generally means "success or failure with no grey area can be exhausting and ultimately very stressful. This article explores some different strategies for overcoming the perfectionist mindset. #rebeccabrewstermindset #newfarmcounsellor #psychology #perfectionist
02.01.2022 When we're feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and anxious it can sometimes be from trying endlessly to control what we cannot...Focus on what we can... #mindsetcoaching
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