Soul Insights | Counsellor
Soul Insights
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25.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips Wow She remembered who she was and the GAME changed I saw this post today and I found myself saying YES Many of you know my story around losing the majority of our wealth, that Gary and I had created over 30 years and HOW devastating that FELT at the time.... I could have never known the gift that was uncovered in the Healing. I MET ME in all my glory, I connected with the essence of who I AM, which allowed me to access a inner power, I am calling my innernetthat holds the highest guidance in ALL situations. BUT I have to STOP and LISTEN to receive the gifts on offer. PROCESS you can all do, anytime, anywhere. - STOP take a couple of minutes for YOU. - Take a moment, breathe deeply, bring your awareness down into your womb or dantian for men. - breathe a couple more of slow deep breathes keeping your focus hear and then ask your question with a open heart, a willingness to receive. (Sometimes this is where the issue sits) - Listen to the first thing that you sense, hear or know and follow through. - Keep coming back to this space for guidance and support. - You have this! Love always
25.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips How to Manifest with EASE Morning, I woke up thinking about the power of our mind to attract or block that which we desire.... Time to learn new ways. When I Consciously choose to focus on that which I want, feels like I am inspired, in potential and possibility, exciting, compared to when I find myself focused on that which I don’t have. In other words the absence of what I desire. Needy energy and has me emotionally feeling flat. Ok we all do this automatically, so how do we change this because I know when I am trying to stop, it gets worse? Great question! Where our attention goes, energy flows. All good, set your intentions ( due to the no time factor, it already exists in the universe, now Our job is to allow it to come into physical form) then let it go, the universe has your back so allow it to bring opportunities supporting the manifestation. NOW your part in all moments of NOW begins. What is working well in your life? How does that feel? Supported, grateful, excited add to the list. In this area of your life YOU ARE IN THE FLOW of creation. Great congratulations you have got this! Now use this energy to influence other areas of your life, it is all about the feelings that help keep your vibration higher, this energy, can help pull the other areas of your life into this flow. Have fun, play with this concept and let me know how you feel.
22.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips WHO WANTS TO DO BOOK STUDY? Would you BE interested in doing a book study on either.... 1. Wayne Dyers There is a spiritual solution to every problem Or 2. Gary Zukav The Seat of the soul. Both great books. I am looking to doing a zoom meeting on a Wednesday night each week. Bring a Cuppa and let’s go chapter by chapter Send questions before or during the session. Let me know who wou.d like to join.
22.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips. The last week has taught/ reminded me that MY highest priority needs to BE ME! I cannot support others if I am not in a great space and I am back in a great space.... I have been consciously checking in numerous times a day and being willing to shift if need BE. - am I in my blah blah story - am I wanting something to BE different ? - am I making another wrong? All these things would have me draining my power to the outside world. STOP! Reassess. - How am I feeling, Relax, surrender, let go. Do a Process. - At some level I am feeling uncomfortable so what can I do to shift the energy? DO IT - Be Gentle on MYSELF, I am doing the best I know how. - Do anything that put a smile on my face or has me feeling appreciation Love always
21.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips I am just learning how to use canva, this was my first attempt. I will be back tonight LIVE @ 7.30pm EST to share how and when I realised that we all have an inner guidance support team that YOU can access NOW.... Hopefully I will trigger a memory you may have forgotten, looking forward to seeing you on the live. Love always
21.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips Bring on 2021 in the energy of excitement for new possibilities. Business, relationships, Life are all a spiritual Journey. Time to play the Game Consciously.... I know some of you have Hidden Talents! Do you want to get your personal Talent out to a larger audience and don’t know how? If YES Would you like to learn how in a safe space? YES, great! Come join me in a private group, Learn how to share what YOU do and who you serve. Preferably via Video Get clear on sharing how you help XYZ person. Intention is to attract your ideal client, Leave me a YES below
21.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips It has been a while since I posted here, I share more in my Free to BE me group, you are very welcome to join. Last week I remembered the magic of spending time totally with myself, holding an intention of writing a book.... Ended up BEING 6 days of healing ahar moments and clarity of how I DO some of the things I am good at by BEING in a state surrender loving energy. I know we have the ability to restore ourselves back into balance and harmony no matter what is happening on the outside reality. This will lead to healing physical and emotional issues with ease, bring it on! Holding an intent of BEing of service to myself an others. The book was not written by my mind, it was given to me via my soul. I was open to receive, great hint at what is required. I would love to teach the HOW you could achieve this connection with you inner guidance team. Our archetypes also hold incredible wisdom Healing cannot occur at, or in the energy of that which it was created. We need to choose to shift our energy field consciously at call. Love always
21.01.2022 Good morning everyone! Today we are focusing on the EMOTIONAL journey of debt. This is part 2 of a 3 part series.Please leave a comment below if you have any questions.
21.01.2022 Are you ready to BEcome confident sharing your truth, service or product that YOU know can help another person? YET Feel scared or vulnerable to do so? ALL good, I have created a safe space to learn and practice, we can all get better.... ADDED BONUS OF ENERGY CLEARING/ HEALING This will make the good different and very valuable. My way of giving back, if interested leave me a YES and I will invite you into the Free To BE ME group Love always You will also meet likeminded individuals GUYS ARE VERY WELCOME
20.01.2022 Read the tips added in the comments, creating Health with Ease. Time to Learn how to tap into our inner Power that enables us to facilitate our own Healing. In times of change this allows us to navigate life with far greater ease.... Hope you enjoy this interview as we discuss how to reactivate this INNER HEALER
19.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips Your physical symptoms are showing you that in a area of your life you maybe out of alignment with your Souls Journey. Let me share my soul insights on how my physical symptoms helped me get the support I have been asking for over the last 3 years.... Intent: By sharing my clarity it supports another to tap into their inner healer. Love always Jenny Leather
19.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips Today I would love to share a couple of tips of how to stay calm in crazy times. Things YOU can do NOW to support your electrical response system to return to a clam state.... Hope you enjoy Love always
17.01.2022 "How Your Soul Attempts To Assist Your Healing" - fantastic insights! If you're experiencing pain in your physical body... what is your soul trying to tell you?
15.01.2022 Today we are focusing on the ‘physical reality’ that we’re all experiencing - this is speaking to those that feel they are in a financial crisis. We always have two options Pay and Don’t Pay... Depending on where you’re at is how you get attracted to this don’t pay movement. Are you coming from excitement about not having to pay or fear of not being able to pay. Everything is energy. Today we go more in to depth of pay vs not pay and how that sits in the PHYSICAL body.
14.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips Excited to BE starting a new 3 month mastermind group exploring Where are YOU hiding from shining your creative genius? WE are ALL creative BEings, we all benefit from learning how to create consciously, in the flow with your authentic power leading the way.... This has been a great follow up to the Soul Quest we navigated earlier this Year. PERFECT TIMING? BE definite with the Infinite, focus on one area that you wish to shift this week or this month. What is one thing that you will do differently moving forward. Our reality today, is the manifestation from past choices, standing in this position of recognition, allows us to choose differently. BE Gentle on SELF moving forward, understand that our electrical response system gets activated, when change is implemented, so allow your self time to settle into a new way before adjusting again. Small steps towards desired outcome ensures fulfilment. love always
14.01.2022 Good morning everyone! When you understand how money is created and that we’ve all been put into a debt system (by design). It’s now time for us to learn how to take our power back and really live a life that you desire - for you and your family and moving forward to what you want to do and how you want to serve in the world. For a free discovery call click here: If this speaks to you - if you want to learn to tap into an inner po...wer an inner knowing and heal the judgement you have of yourself - keep coming back!
13.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips This is for YOU if you ready to manage stress and change with ease. Come join MY Bool Study Quest via ZOOM ... Learn how to stay calm within challenging times Understand the intuition / guidance of your Soul Help your mind/ personality inner chatter to settle with ease. Together we can Reclaim our authentic Power so you can make empowering decisions with confidence. We will meet every week on Tuesday at 7.30. Put a Yes below to join, I will PM details
12.01.2022 Book study Quest Starting 11th of August. So excited to share the wisdom of Gary Zukav’The Seat of the Soul’ Let’s use the wisdom to navigate changing times with ease. Leave a YES if you would like to join.Book study Quest Starting 11th of August. So excited to share the wisdom of Gary Zukav’The Seat of the Soul’ Let’s use the wisdom to navigate changing times with ease. Leave a YES if you would like to join.
11.01.2022 Loved listening to this today, bring a level of relaxation and clarity with Ease. Enjoy
09.01.2022 What a perfect time to be going on a Quest through this book. Gain clarity about the role of the mind/ personality compared to the guidance of your soul, Your authentic self some may know as there intuition. Learn how to stay calm within the so called external chaos. See the virus experience from a deeper awareness.... Leave me a YES below if this speaks to you. We are starting next Tuesday 11 th August at 7.30 aest via a free Zoom call so it doesn’t matter where you are living. Only 2 places left, the. We will create a waiting list. Love always
08.01.2022 Loved this, benefit all, take a moment to install on your innernet Love always
08.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips LET GO OF WHAT is HAPPENING OUTSIDE OF YOU, NOW YES: It’s all about YOU and what you choose to DO.... I understand that you need the skill to be able to choose between unconsciously reacting compared to consciously responding. A SKILL that can be LEARNED. LET GO of the Stress that Diminishes YOUR LIFE FORCE. These skills make it easier to recognise that LIFE is a Spiritual practise supporting YOU to grow so that you can manage ALL CHANGE with EASE. YOU can access and inner power, when you awaken to the truth, that the area of your life that you are experiencing challenge, holds the gift of Healing and Growth. I love teaching the HOW! The reality that life is always supporting your Souls Evolution through your physical journey. YOU are in a PARTNERSHIP That external power is transitory yet Internal authentic power is always present, when you work as a partnership you are unbeatable. YOU take back the CONTROL of your life and in doing so can actually let go of the need to control. ARE YOU ready to LEARN HOW? We will be starting our next SOUL QUEST SOON. Leave me a YES! Love always
07.01.2022 #everydayspiritualtips. LIFE is always teaching HOW to grow and evolve. Over the last 9 weeks I have been exploring Gary Zukav’s book The Seat of the Soul.... We have been on a quest of self discovery and this weeks topic is Psychology which many would think is the study of the mind, how we think, feel react etc. The issue is, that only treats one aspect of self and many are becoming aware they are so much more, we need Spiritual Psychology to stand beside and bring the awareness of the Soul into the healing process. MIND BODY and SPIRIT and I finally realise I have been creating templates to understand this conscious awareness with Ease. Creating the HOW to Pathways to understand and connect with your authentic Power that awaits YOU! I love making something that may seem difficult, easy. I love visual support materials, that helps make a positive impact from the verbal teaching. I love seeing the Ahar on a persons face, when they REALLY realise life is showing them how to grow and heal with ease. How to use energy techniques to support this transformation from a dense material world into a lighter energetic reality in the physical world. We are shifting whether we like it or not, now the question is do you want to do it EASY or HARD. What’s your choice write it below, set your intention, tell the universe. Love always
06.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips. How are you feeling? Share Below Where are you feeling xyz? Just Be with the feeling like it’s a friend, it will soon settle.#everydayspiritualitytips. How are you feeling? Share Below Where are you feeling xyz? Just Be with the feeling like it’s a friend, it will soon settle.
05.01.2022 If you are ready to learn more about playing this Game of Life from a space of Empowerment Come join by leaving me a YES.
04.01.2022 #everydayspirituality I am in awe the power of understanding our personal archetypal wheel. The understanding that comes from seeing how they are helping me to heal so that I can remember the ability to reconnect with the wisdom of my Soul. Working with an amazing group to uncover this magic so they can understand their changing world. Ultimately Reclaim their authentic Power to create the life they desire.... You all have this inner guidance team when you are ready to meet. Leave me a yes if you are ready to learn. I will start this soul Quest again in April. Get your book written by Caroline Myss, Sacred contracts starts to support you to reconnect with your support team.
03.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips Where we give our focus Energy Flows. How many things do you have on your too DO list? A client recently said she has pages, which equals overload snd felt as Overwhelm. If this is you, Please get rid of the list, get a fresh pieces of paper and write no more than 3 items that will ensure you move forward in the direction that you desire.... Celebrate Wins, feel the relief. Tomorrow add items that has you back at no more than 3. Then go and enjoy Life. Love always
02.01.2022 Welcome 2021 May you allow me to show the best version of myself. I am choosing to BE the change I desire to see for all and in DOing so help others who are ready to BE the same.... Loving in ALL situations Compassionate to others who yet do not know another way of responding to change, so may lash out. Are you ready to do the same? If so leave a YES below. Bring o 2021, challenges and all because in times of challenge we get to see how strong and capable we truely are, MESSAGE YOU have got this. Love always, let’s play and support each other to SHINE
01.01.2022 #everydayspiritualitytips #soulquest Morning, have you been feeling a bit out of sorts over the last few days? I have felt disappointment, sadness and toss in a bit of anger.... All good better out than in. Hope this short teaching brings some clarity about what is happening for all. If you are interested to learn more, leave me a yes or a and I will let you know when the next Soul Quest will be starting. Love always, enjoy your day
01.01.2022 EXCITING RESPONSE So far we have 36 people registered so we have decided to put this program on at 6.30 am AEST and 1.30 pm AEST starting Friday 12 th of February, if you would like to join leave me a YES. Time to KNOW YOURSELF.... Over the last few days I have helped 3 ladies do their archetype wheel, amazing insights into the journey of their lives. How they hold up their success in business and relationships. Time to Reclaim Your Authentic Power and fully step into BEing the creator energy. We are discussing doing a 3-6 month review study of the Sacred contracts book relating it to our personal wheel. I did this work back in 2007 and am still amazed at how I can see all aspects of my life through this wheel. I studied my personal wheel for 3 years and they have supported many to understand the game of life from Caroline’s teachings along with many others. Who would be interested in JOINING leave a YES below. I will personally message you. Love always Jenny
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